1 Results for : orchestronic
Orchestronic Mayhem
Hello everyone, my name is Christopher Zukowski. First of all, thanks for taking a listen to Orchestronic Mayhem and giving it your time. I have put a ton of work into this album and hope that something good comes of it. Basically what O.M. has is a variety of different styles of music combined fluently with each other. I took some hip hop beat styles and combined it with techno. Orchestral instruments and mixed it with dance. Trance and mixed it with Pop. Pretty much any type of combination you can think of that would sound really neat. Along with the flawless combination of many genre's, I spent most of my work on developing a subtle and epic melodic quality to each song. Everywhere from chord progressions to overall song change and progression. One thing I can't stand is listening to something that just repeats over and over for 5 minutes without any type of progression at all. All in all, I would have to say that O.M. is worth every minute of your time. Please feel free to review and rate Orchestronic Mayhem. Background information: Music always moved me in some sort of way. No matter what I do, I can't go a day without listening to some sort of song that I have before along with new stuff that I haven't heard before. When I was little, my mom and I would do chores around the house listening to Yanni. Yanni is big into melodies, progression, styles, and much more. I think most of my melodic work spawns from my inner creativity and inspiration from Yanni. Then I started school and naturally around middle school I joined band (Trombone). In my early years of band I really didn't learn much, but I did however learn about different notes and what notes sounded good with other notes. Somewhere around there I must have picked up the idea of sound and how things work / don't work. My skills evolved and eventually I started to teach myself piano. The piano gave me more of a feel for chords and how they work. I practiced and practiced, listened and listened all the way to high school. Here is where the magic started. Fl-Studio, a program that most people see and drool when they first open it up. I can use FL-Studio along with my keyboard to make some music. Then from there I created Destiny's Last Breath. D. L. B. was basically my tester album that I used to see if some people would like the idea of some of the genres I had mixed together. I was lucky enough to please most peoples ears with the album (Even if the album is poor quality compared to professional quality.) and started to work on the second one. In D.L.B. I learned that most people like to hear sounds that fluently passed across their ear drums rather than harsh sounds being produced into melodies. There spawned my creativity for Orchestronic Mayhem. Now a year and a half later, Orchestronic Mayhem is finally complete and fits it's title to the fullest. Orchestronic (Mix between Electronic and Orchestra) Electronic (Techno, Dance, Hip-Hop, Pop, Trance, etc...) Orchestra (Strings, Piano, Brass, Guitar, Percussion) Mayhem (Mixing things together into a chaos that ends up being nice.) If you aren't keen to this type of music then go on to listen to whatever you want. Everyone has different ears and no song can please everyone. Thanks again for your time and have a wonderful day, Chris Zukowski.- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.56 EUR excl. shipping