31 Results for : 001562

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    As one of the world's top salespeople for the Mary Kay Corporation, Gloria Mayfield Banks passionately inspires other independent consultants not just about sales, but also about leadership and how to achieve a balanced life that works for them. But life for Gloria didn't start out with success. Quantum Leaps shares how she overcame both personal and professional obstacles to achieve her dream one day at a time. By listening to Gloria's inspirational message and following her advice, you can learn to soar! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gloria Mayfield Banks. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/gdan/001562/bk_gdan_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Eine Liebe gegen das Vergessen: Anna ist erst 38, als sie die erschütternde Diagnose Alzheimer erhält. Sie weiß, dass ihr Bruder Jack nur ihr Bestes will, und dennoch tut es weh, als er ihr vorschlägt, in ein betreutes Wohnheim zu ziehen. In der Einrichtung lebt nur eine weitere Person in ihrem Alter - Luke. Sie verlieben sich ineinander, doch nach einem tragischen Vorfall setzen ihre Familien alles daran, die beiden zu trennen. Nur eine Person kann dem Liebespaar helfen: die Köchin Eve, die selbst einen schweren Schicksalsschlag verkraften musste. Doch ist sie bereit, alles aufs Spiel zu setzen? deutsch. Elisabeth Günther. https://samples.audible.de/bk/aume/001562/bk_aume_001562_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hadrian und Royce - die jüngste Mission im Dienst der Krone. Das Diebespaar Hadrian und Royce, bekannt unter dem Namen Riyria, wollte sich eigentlich längst aus den gefährlichen Geschäften zurückziehen. Da erreicht die beiden ein Auftrag des Königs: Sie sollen des Agenten Merrick Marius habhaft werden, der allem Anschein nach im Kampf um das Königreich Melengar die Fäden in Händen hält. Als sie dafür auf dem mächtigen Segler Smaragdsturm anheuern, können sie noch nicht wissen, dass ihre Feinde längst an Bord sind. Ganz abgesehen von Piraten, die dem Schiff folgen, und Ausgesetzten und wilden Kriegern, die sie am Gestade einsamer Inseln erwarten. deutsch. David Nathan. https://samples.audible.de/bk/hoer/001562/bk_hoer_001562_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Although she's just four feet, 11 inches tall, Gabby Douglas made a larger-than-life impact on the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Gabby dominated the gymnastics all-around competition with her flawless execution and amazingly high flips, winning gold by a landslide. In early 2012, this pint-sized powerhouse was ready to quit gymnastics for good, but she kept going. Competing at the Olympics at just 16 years old, she became the best female gymnast in the world. Hear about this incredible athlete's journey from Virginia Beach to London gold.Please note: The original source audio for this production includes noise/volume issues. This is the best available audio from the publisher. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Intuitive. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/lrnr/001562/bk_lrnr_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In the seventh book of the popular Butch Karp legal thriller series, a diplomat's murder reveals a world of genocide and retribution. A Turkish diplomat in New York City is gunned down in broad daylight, and all signs point to an ancient blood feud. The suspected gunman is Armenian. His alleged motive is to avenge the slaughter of Armenians by Turks generations before. But prosecutor Butch Karp has never accepted the easy answer, and he soon realizes the facts of this murder are more complicated than they seem. To close the case, Karp and his investigator wife, Marlene, must infiltrate a cross-section of New York society, while fending off crooks and madmen from every corner of the Big Apple and the world beyond. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Traber Burns. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bbca/001562/bk_bbca_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Award-winning author Duncan Tonatiuh reimagines one of Mexico's cherished legends. Princess Izta had many wealthy suitors but dismissed them all. When a mere warrior, Popoca, promised to be true to her and stay always by her side, Izta fell in love. The emperor promised Popoca if he could defeat their enemy Jaguar Claw, then Popoca and Izta could wed. When Popoca was near to defeating Jaguar Claw, his opponent sent a messenger to Izta saying Popoca was dead. Izta fell into a deep sleep and, upon his return, even Popoca could not wake her. As promised, Popoca stayed by her side. So two volcanoes were formed: Iztaccihuatl, who continues to sleep, and Popocatepetl, who spews ash and smoke, trying to wake his love. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tim Andres Pabon. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/drms/001562/bk_drms_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Everyone worships. But Jesus tells us that God is seeking a particular kind of worshiper. In True Worshipers, a seasoned pastor and musician guides listeners toward a more engaging, transformative, and biblically faithful understanding of the worship God is seeking. True worship is an activity rooted in the grace of the Gospel that affects every area of our lives. And while worship is more than just singing, God's people gathering in his presence to lift their voices in song is an activity that is biblically based, historically rooted, and potentially life changing. Thoroughly based in scripture and filled with practical guidance, this audiobook connects Sunday worship to the rest of our lives - helping us live as true worshipers each and every day. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bob Kauflin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/001562/bk_hove_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Giants of Political Thought series is an easy and entertaining way to broaden your mind and your awareness of great ideas. Reflections on the Revolution in France is a slashing attack on the French Revolution by one of Britain’s most famous statesmen. Liberty and social order, Burke argues, are maintained by the traditional rights and duties embedded in custom and law. And when these traditions are overthrown in revolutions, society is threatened with chaos, bloodshed and despotism. In Rights of Man, Thomas Paine argues that the French Revolution was based on the same principles as the American Revolution: natural rights, an implied “social contract,” and the right of revolution against oppressive governments. Paine, unlike Burke, sees government as the primary threat to social order. He has little regard for traditional institutions, if those institutions are oppressive and unjust. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Deitschman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/001562/bk_blak_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Welterfolg Wunder erzählt die Geschichte von Auggie, dem Jungen mit dem entstellten Gesicht, aus sechs Perspektiven. Nun kommen auch Julian, Christopher und Charlotte zu Wort und berichten, wie sich ihr Leben durch Auggie verändert hat. Julian, der Mobber: Eigentlich hat er keinen Grund, so gemein zu sein. Doch durch Auggies Ankunft kehren seine überwunden geglaubten Albträume zurück. Reden kann er mit niemandem darüber, und so lässt er seiner Wut freien Lauf. Christopher, der beste Freund: Nach seinem Umzug vermisst er Auggie, ist insgeheim aber auch froh, Abstand zu haben. Charlotte, die empathische Willkommensfreundin: Weil sie sich für Gerechtigkeit und Mitgefühl einsetzt, soll sie sich um Auggie kümmern - und beginnt zum ersten Mal an sich zu zweifeln. Die Begegnung mit Auggie verändert jeden. Jeder muss lernen, sich mit seinen innersten Ängsten und Hoffnungen auseinanderzusetzen, und daran wachsen. Bewegende neue Einblicke - mehrstimmig gelesen von Sebastian Rudolph, Gesa Geue und Julian Greis. deutsch. Julian Greis, Gesa Geue, Sebastian Rudolph. https://samples.audible.de/bk/hamb/001562/bk_hamb_001562_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    When an infected bolt of cloth carries plague from London to an isolated village, a housemaid named Anna Frith emerges as an unlikely heroine and healer. Through Anna's eyes we follow the story of the fateful year of 1666, as she and her fellow villagers confront the spread of disease and superstition. As death reaches into every household and villagers turn from prayers to murderous witch-hunting, Anna must find the strength to confront the disintegration of her community and the lure of illicit love. As she struggles to survive and grow, a year of catastrophe becomes instead annus mirabilis, a "year of wonders." Inspired by the true story of Eyam, a village in the rugged hill country of England, Year of Wonders is a richly detailed evocation of a singular moment in history. Written with stunning emotional intelligence and introducing "an inspiring heroine" (The Wall Street Journal), Brooks blends love and learning, loss and renewal into a spellbinding and unforgettable read. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Geraldine Brooks. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/peng/001562/bk_peng_001562_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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