28 Results for : ayaan

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    Nach ihrem Bestseller »Ich klage an« erzählt Ayaan Hirsi Ali ihre persönliche Geschichte: Sie schreibt von ihrer Kindheit und Jugend in Somalia, Saudi-Arabien, Äthiopien und Kenia und ihrer Flucht vor der Zwangsheirat nach Europa. Sie berichtet von ihrer politischen Karriere in den Niederlanden, ihrer Abkehr vom Islam und ihrer Übersiedelung in die USA. Der Weg einer jungen Frau zur weltweit geachteten Freiheitskämpferin - und die Antwort darauf, warum sie immer weitermacht, trotz aller Gefahren.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 12.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    The past is always mysterious. It neither leaves completely nor stays fully. Who would know it better than Ayaan? He was its victim. And so was Avani. When these two crumbled souls met, they realized in their togetherness that only a broken piece can complete another. Together, they start fighting the pain of their past, feeling the bliss of the present and appreciating their lives.  But just when they thought things were perfect, life played its cards. Ayaan, who was trying to put life’s pieces together, broke down when he was held responsible for a close one's murder. And Avani...well, her life was going to take such sharp turns that she would crave death. Alas, this was just the beginning of what destiny had planned for them! Will Avani wait for the scars to heal, or will she fight with her bruised soul? Why does the truth keep going deeper as she chases it? Deeply sensitive and brutally thrilling, Till the End of Forever is a romantic thriller that takes a dig in the dark sides of God, the nature of human pain and the power of selfless care and proves how true love can make you live till the end of forever. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Pallavi Bharti. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/050703/bk_adbl_050703_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Wen soll der Westen unterstützen: gemäßigte Islamisten wie Tariq Ramadan oder islamische Dissidenten wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Der französische Philosoph Pascal Bruckner sorgte Anfang 2007 für Aufsehen, als er in einer polemischen Streitschrift den vermeintlichen liberalen Konsens im Umgang mit dem Islam attackierte. Beweglicher und schneller, als das in den traditionellen Medien möglich gewesen wäre, entwickelte sich auf den Seiten der Internetplattformen perlentaucher.de und signandsight.com eine kontroverse Debatte, die den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion um Multikulturalismus in Europa markiert - und darüber hinausweist.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 10.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    In this edition: Brink Lindsey and David Boaz on the Age of Abundance; Timothy Lynch on hate crime laws and the war against thoughts; Tony Leon on how capitalism saved South Africa; Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the attack of the individual in the Muslim world; Kathleen M. Sullivan on how "the little guy" loses with campaign finance reform; and Johnny Munkhammar on what's right and what's wrong with the Nordic model. Language: English. Narrator: Bill McGregor. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/sp/cato/070601/sp_cato_070601_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Infidel meets The Handmaid's Tale.Since September 11, 2001, the Western world has been preoccupied with Islam and its role in terrorism. Yet, public debate about the faith is polarized. One camp praises "the religion of peace", while the other claims all Muslims are terrorists. Canadian human rights activist Yasmine Mohammed believes both sides are dangerously wrong.In Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam, Yasmine speaks her truth as a woman born in the Western world yet raised in a fundamentalist Islamic home. Despite being a first-generation Canadian, she never felt at home in the West. And even though she attended Islamic schools and wore the hijab since age nine, Yasmine never fit in with her Muslim family, either. With one foot in each world, Yasmine is far enough removed from both to see them objectively, yet close enough to see them honestly.Part Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Infidel, part The Handmaid's Tale, Yasmine's memoir takes listeners into a world few Westerners are privy to. As a college educator for over 15 years, Yasmine's goal is to unveil the truth. Is FGM Islamic or cultural? Is the hijab forced or a choice? Is ISIS a representation of "true" Islam or a radical corruption? And why is there so much conflicting information? Like most insular communities, the Islamic world has both an "outside voice" and an "inside voice". It's all but impossible for bystanders to get a straight answer.Without telling anyone what to believe, Unveiled navigates the rhetoric and guides truth-seekers through media narratives, political correctness, and outright lies while encouraging listeners to come to their own conclusions. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Yasmine Mohammed. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/181340/bk_acx0_181340_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    What happened to Islamic reform? Why have al Qaeda and Boko Haram become the faces of contemporary Islam? Why has the Arab Spring devolved into a battle over sharia law? Continuing her personal journey from a deeply religious Islamic upbringing to a post at Harvard and American citizenship, the New York Times best-selling author of Infidel and Nomad crafts a powerful call for an Islamic reformation as the only way to end the current wave of global violence and repression of women. Today, millions of Muslims are wrapped in a rigid orthodoxy whereby women are denied education, girls as young as nine can be forced into legal marriages, and men are told that their futures lie not in building better, more just societies but in jihad against the infidel. Hopes for a wave of liberalization after the Arab Spring have been replaced by new authoritarianism and efforts to impose sharia law. Twitter, YouTube, and other social media have become aggressive platforms to promote a harsh brand of Islamic fundamentalism, making the clash between secular and Islamic society one of the most important challenges of our time. And yet, contrary to conventional wisdom in the West, Ayaan Hirsi Ali believes that ordinary Muslims throughout the world want wholesale change. Courageously engaging fundamentalists on their own turf - religion itself - she boldly calls for a Muslim reformation, identifying five key amendments to Islamic doctrine that must be made in order to break from seventh-century traditions and fully engage with the 21st century. Interweaving her personal journey, historical parallels, and powerful examples from contemporary Islamic societies and cultures, Heretic will forever change the debate over Islam and its future. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/harp/004349/bk_harp_004349_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ohne Mut und Inspiration werden die Träume sterben, die Träume von Freiheit und Frieden." Rosa Parks Mutig sind sie: die Menschen, die sich einsetzen für Frieden, Freiheit und Menschenrechte. Sie riskieren viel, bringen sich dadurch in Gefahr. Und ob sich der Einsatz lohnen wird, wissen sie im Voraus nicht. Aber sie wollen etwas verändern! Die Söhne Mannheims erzählen von Frauen und Männern, die Mut zeigen: Mut, die Dinge anders zu sehen, Mut, etwas Neues zu wagen, Mut, mit der bisherigen Tradition zu brechen oder einer Übermacht die Stirn zu bieten. In diesem Hörbuch werden vorgestellt: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Peter Benenson, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks und Anna Politkowskaja. Die Söhne Mannheims verleihen durch ihre Stimmen und ihre unverwechselbare Musik jedem dieser mutigen Menschen seine ganz persönliche Note. deutsch. Söhne Mannheims. https://samples.audible.de/bk/lueb/000564/bk_lueb_000564_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Summary: The Caged Virgin ab 4.99 € als epub eBook: Review and Analysis of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Book. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Wir dürfen uns unsere Freiheit nicht nehmen lassen!Nicht alle muslimischen Männer verachten Frauen, manche allerdings schon. Ayaan Hirsi Ali benennt in ihrem neuen Buch eine unbequeme Wahrheit, der wir ins Auge blicken müssen: Viele muslimische Männer haben ein radikal anderes Frauenbild, als es bei uns üblich ist. Mit der verstärkten Zuwanderung aus muslimischen Ländern nimmt die Gewalt gegen Frauen nachweislich zu, und Frauen werden dadurch in ihrer Bewegungsfreiheit immer stärker eingeschränkt. Nicht nur muslimische Frauen, sondern alle Frauen in westlichen Demokratien. Falsche Toleranz, so Hirsi Ali, hilft hier nicht weiter. Denn wir laufen Gefahr, unsere hart erkämpften Freiheitsrechte zu verlieren. Nur indem wir die Probleme klar benennen und die Bedrohung emanzipatorischer Errungenschaften durch Einwanderer aus muslimisch-arabischen Kulturkreisen anerkennen, nehmen wir Populisten den Wind aus den Segeln. Und nur dann kann Integration erfolgreich sein.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 22.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    From the number-one New York Times best-selling author of God Is Not Great, a provocative and entertaining guided tour of atheist and agnostic thought through the ages with never-before-published pieces by Salman Rushdie, Ian McEwan, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Christopher Hitchens continues to make the case for a splendidly godless universe in this first-ever gathering of the influential voices past and present that have shaped his side of the current (and raging) God/no-god debate. With Hitchens as your erudite and witty guide, you'll be led through a wealth of philosophy, literature, and scientific inquiry, including generous portions of the words of Lucretius, Benedict de Spinoza, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Mark Twain, George Eliot, Bertrand Russell, Emma Goldman, H. L. Mencken, Albert Einstein, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and many others well-known and lesser known. And they're all set in context and commented upon as only Christopher Hitchens, "political and literary journalist extraordinaire" (Los Angeles Times), can. Atheist? Believer? Uncertain? No matter: The Portable Atheist will speak to you and engage you every step of the way. Language: English. Narrator: Nicholas Ball. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pnix/000065/bk_pnix_000065_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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