55 Results for : brians
Mastering French Conversation: Unit 4 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 221min
Dear French language student, Mastering French Conversation by Dr. Brians Languages is based on the highly acclaimed language learning program developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) for US Government personnel in the 1940s. The training enabled professionals to live and work in a foreign country. The FSI approach is straightforward: You learn how to speak French by speaking French. The FSI-inspired Guided Imitation drills allow you to practice conversation. As the drills progress, you become able to formulate your own sentences. You are preparing for live conversations on the streets of Paris. This program is mentally demanding: leaning any skill at an excellent level is like that. If you really want to master French conversation, this course is for you. In this course, we will cover: 1) Possessive Adjectives 2) Indefinite Articles: du, de la, de l', des 3) French Numbers up to 100 4) Prepositions: chez, à 5) The verb 'aller' For course details, please see our website. We wish you the very best, Scott & Dr. Annette Brians ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/058185/bk_acx0_058185_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Monty Python - Die Ritter Der Kokosnuss / Monty Python - Das Leben Des Brian Collector's Edition
Monty Python - Die Ritter der Kokosnuss: Im frühen Mittelalter durchwandert König Artus das noch relativ unbewohnte England mit seinen edlen Recken, um das Reich von den einfallenden Franzosen zu befreien und den sagenhaften Heiligen Gral zu erobern. Leider handelt es sich bei seiner Truppe um eine Ansammlung irrer Trottel und sein Unternehmen erleidet schnell zahlreiche Rückschläge ... "Halt! Wer da?" "Ich bin es, Artus, Sohn des Uther Pendragon, von der Burg Camelot, König aller Briten, Bezwinger der Sachsen, Herrscher über ganz England." "Verschwindet!"Monty Python - Das Leben des Brian: Brian wird im Jahre des Herren geboren, allerdings im Kuhstall nebenan. Und die Heiligen Drei Könige, die sich versehentlich zuerst in Brians Stall begeben, bemerken ihren Irrtum schnell, als sie von Brians Mutter angekeift werden: "Der echte Jesus liegt nebenan". Auch sonst scheint Brians Lebensweg vorbestimmt: Widerstandskämpfer der Judäischen Volksfront, äh ... Volksfront von Judäa, neuer Messias und zum Schluss - Kreuzigung. Aber alles halb so schlimm, am Kreuz stimmen schließlich alle mit ein: "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" ..- Shop: buecher
- Price: 10.49 EUR excl. shipping
Glück kann man nicht kaufen (eBook, ePUB)
Brian Paulson und Cade McAllister kommen aus völlig unterschiedlichen Welten: Für Brian ist Geld das Wichtigste und dank einer wohlhabenden Familie hatte er auch schon immer genug davon; Cade musste zwei Jobs annehmen, um sich, seine Mutter und seinen geistig beeinträchtigten Bruder über Wasser zu halten. Als Cade im Park überfallen wird, schreitet Brian ein, um ihm zu helfen. Doch Cade kann sich revanchieren, als Brians Großvater stirbt, seine Konten eingefroren werden und er plötzlich keine Bleibe mehr hat. In ihrer ungewöhnlichen WG kommen sich die beiden Männer trotz ihrer Unterschiede langsam näher, aber eine Klausel im Testament von Brians Großvater droht, alles zu zerstören...- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering French Conversation, Unit 3 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 208min
Dear French language student, Our approach to teaching French is straightforward: one learns how to speak French by speaking French. To this end, we have developed oral drills that allow you to practice French conversation. While the drills are demanding, they are also effective in improving your hearing, understanding and speaking skills. In this third course, we will cover: 1) Demonstrative Adjectives: ce, cet, cette and ces 2) Preposition 'à' 3) Question Forms 4) Verbs with the Infinitive Ending '-er' For course details, please see our website. We wish you the very best, Scott & Dr. Annette Brians ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049315/bk_acx0_049315_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering French Conversation Unit 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 189min
Dear French language student, Mastering French Conversation by Dr. Brians Languages is based on the highly acclaimed language learning program developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) for US Government personnel in the 1940s. The training enabled professionals to live and work in a foreign country. The FSI approach is straightforward: You learn how to speak French by speaking French. Mastering French Conversation allows the complete beginner to do exactly that. The FSI-inspired Guided Imitation drills provide staged conversations. These staged conversations are performed exclusively in French. You hear statements and questions in French, understand them, and then formulate a response in French. In this way, you learn to think in French. You are preparing for live conversations on the streets of Paris. Mastering French Conversation is an updated version of the original FSI course. The drills have been completely modernized, rewritten, and re-recorded. This program is likely the most intensive and demanding audio self-help program available. If you really want to master French conversation, this course is for you. In this course, we will cover: 1) Definite Articles: le, la, l' 2) Subject Pronouns: je, tu, elle, il, on, nous, vous, elles, ils 3) Question Forms: est-ce que, intonation and inversion 4) The verb 'être' For course details, see our website. We wish you the very best, Scott & Dr. Annette Brians ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/047337/bk_acx0_047337_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering French Conversation, Unit 2 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 215min
With the second installment of Mastering French Conversation, we expand our ability to converse in French. As before, the drills allow you to practice hearing, understanding and formulating sentences in French. In this way you learn to think in French. You are preparing for live conversations on the streets of Paris. This program is likely the most intensive and demanding audio self-help French program available. If you really want to master French conversation, this course is for you. In this course, we will cover: 1) Indefinite Articles: un, une, des 2) Cardinal Numbers 3) Negative Adverb: ne ... pas 4) The verb 'avoir' For course details, please see our website. We wish you the very best, Scott & Dr. Annette Brians ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/048471/bk_acx0_048471_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering French Conversation, Unit 6 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 162min
Dear French language student, Have you ever purchased a travel phrase book, but were not sure of the pronunciation? Were you less sure of your ability to understand the speaking partner who might use one of the phrases? This unit is a spoken phrase book allowing you to practice speaking and understanding travel related phrases. In units one through five, we have introduced travel-related vocabulary and verbal exchanges you will encounter often; this unit builds on that foundation. After working through units one through six, you should be able to communicate your way through very basic travel situations without having to resort to "Parlez-vous anglais?" We also review material covered in the previous five units. We wish you the very best, Scott and Dr. Annette Brians ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/083829/bk_acx0_083829_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering French Literature: "La Pétition" by Frédéric Bastiat , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 177min
Dear French language student, Train your French with this Mastering French Literature audiobook by Dr. Brians Languages. This audiobook is based on the classic La Pétition by Frédéric Bastiat, who wrote numerous articles concerning political economics in the mid-1800s. This audiobook is intended for intermediate to advanced French students. In this satire, Frédéric Bastiat presents himself as a lobbyist vying for laws benefiting the "illumination industry". The proposed laws are to create a monopoly by excluding foreign competition. The suggested goal is to increase the profits for domestic producers. Once the producers increase their profits, the whole economy of France shall benefit. It turns out, however, that the foreign competition to the domestic "illumination industry" is none other than the sun. In working with our audiobook, you will expand your vocabulary, enhance your listening comprehension, and strengthen your speaking skills. Our Mastering French Literature program consists of three main parts: An audio dictionary of words and phrases from the text. With this audio dictionary, you should not have to consult a second dictionary to understand the spoken text An audio of the text for training your listening. The text is spoken at normal speed Conversation drills to train your speaking abilities Listen to the three-minute demo to see how the first two work. Visit our website for a demonstration of the third part. This audiobook contains: 300 La Pétition terms, with translation 300 La Pétition phrases, with translation La Pétition, narrated by Dr. Annette Brians 100 conversation drill terms, with translation 200 conversation drills To obtain more details on our program, listen to demo audio, or download the manuscript, please visit our website. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/119061/bk_acx0_119061_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering German Conversation Modal Verbs, Unit 2 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 109min
Dear German language student, Like unit one, this module focuses on modal verbs. We also briefly introduce the perfect (past), future, and subjunctive tenses. We expand vocabulary associated with the house, and practice gender and adjective endings in real-time speech. Please see our website for the accompanying manuscript of this course, and demos of the Guided Imitation drills. We wish you fluency in German, The Mastering German Conversation Team ungekürzt. deutsch. Annette Brians. https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/063219/bk_acx0_063219_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mastering German Conversation Set 1: Units 3 & 4 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 123min
Dear German language student, Mastering German Conversation by Dr. Brians Languages is based on the highly acclaimed language learning program developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) for US government personnel in the 1940s. The training enabled the students to live and work in foreign countries. The FSI approach is straightforward: You learn how to converse in German by speaking in German. Mastering German Conversation allows the complete beginner to do exactly that. The FSI-inspired guided imitation drills provide staged conversations. These staged conversations are performed exclusively in German. You hear statements and questions, understand them, and formulate responses in German. In this way you learn to think in German. You are now prepared for live conversations on the streets of Berlin. Our Mastering German Conversation course is an updated version of the original FSI course. The drills have been completely modernized, rewritten, and rerecorded by a native speaker. Set 1: Units 3 & 4 covers: 1. Masculine, feminine, and neuter genders (der, die, das) 2. Dative and genitive cases 3. Adjective endings in the dative and genitive cases At the end of this unit, you will be able to accurately apply all the above grammar rules in real-time conversation. You will also learn useful vocabulary for navigating typical travel encounters associated with the airport, the train station, hotels, restaurants, etc. This program is likely the most intensive and demanding self-teaching program available. If you really want to master German conversation, this course is for you. Note: This audiobook is included in the Mastering German Conversation Set 1 course. If you already own that, there is no need to purchase this audiobook. We wish you the best, The Mastering German Conversation Team ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Annette Brians. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/055234/bk_acx0_055234_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping