35 Results for : mashable

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    Learn about Energy Security with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Since the industrial revolution the consumption of relatively inexpensive energy has become vital to the functioning of the world economy and modern society. Energy production that is heavily reliant on fossils fuels sourced from an increasingly concentrated number of countries leaves economies highly vulnerable to energy security threats. Energy security can be defined as the availability of energy at all times in various forms, in sufficient quantities, and at reasonable and/or affordable prices. More recently the acceptability of available energy sources with regard to environmental sustainability has also emerged as a factor in energy security. This security can be threatened in the short term through the political instability of the several major energy producing countries, the manipulation of energy supplies, competition over energy sources, attacks on supply infrastructure and accidents and natural disasters. Concerns have also been raised over the long term ability of fossil fuels to supply the world’s increasing demand for energy. In response to their increasing vulnerability governments around the world have formulated policy to improve the security of energy supplies. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000204/bk_imnd_000204_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about trade embargoes with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Trade embargoes are a form of economic sanction that can be used against another nation. A trade embargo restricts trade with a nation. This may involve banning the import and export of only a few goods, such as armaments, or may encompass a wider range of goods. Embargoes are usually employed to apply pressure to a nation that has or will engage in actions undesirable to the body applying the sanction. Simply put, they are an economic means of applying political pressure. They are a common method for forwarding foreign policy and for enforcing international law. When applied as such, they are often the first sanction applied against an offending nation where subsequent sanctions may lead towards physical conflict. Embargoes and other economic sanctions have been used throughout history to varying degrees. During the Napoleonic Wars of the early 19th century, France embargoed most European trade with Britain. During this time, America also embargoed trade with both England and France after these nations attempted to prevent America's trade with the other. The American Embargo Act of 1807, however, was more damaging to America's own economy. It was lifted and eventually replaced with a trade embargo on England alone. This precipitated the War of 1812 between America and England. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others... the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000227/bk_imnd_000227_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about Food Security with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation defines Food Security as a state when “all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. Economic, political and environmental factors affect food security from the national level to the individual. Food security is not only an issue for poverty stricken nations, but also for urbanised, developed nations. In 1996, world leaders met at the Rome World Food Summit to affirm a commitment to eradicating hunger and halving the amount of undernourished people by the year 2015. At that time there were roughly 800 million undernourished people worldwide. The current estimate from 2009 is 1.09 billion, though this amount is partly due to dramatic increases over the last 3 years because of rises in food prices and the Global Financial Crisis.iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000207/bk_imnd_000207_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about Price Cartels with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. A price cartel is a group of companies that have a formal agreement to fix prices. Companies that form cartels operate within the same industry and, in theory, should be in competition with each other. By forming a cartel, the companies create monopoly power that can be used to increase profits. Where there is an informal rather than formal agreement to fix prices, it is called collusion. Both cases are anticompetitive and breach Antitrust and Competition law in most countries, though there are exceptions.Cartels often form when there is an oligopoly present in a market. A market with theoretically perfect competition is one that contains many small competing companies. The opposite of this ideal is a monopoly, where one large company controls the entire market. An oligopoly exists between these two extremes, though it is closer to a situation where a monopoly exists. It is where there are only a few large companies operating within a market.iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others... the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000218/bk_imnd_000218_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about inflation with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Inflation is the increase in the general price of goods and services brought about through either an increase in the amount of money in circulation or by an increase in costs. Historically, inflation often occurred due to the acquisition of new gold deposits. For example, inflation occurred in Europe when Europeans brought back gold from their new American colonies in the Early Modern period. In more recent times, wars have proven to be a major cause of inflation. This is because war leads to government borrowing, increased money supply and fewer consumer goods. This causes a rise in the prices of the goods that are still available. However, aside from discovery and conflict, inflation is a natural economic progression and has been occurring globally since the end of World War Two. In the United States, yearly inflation of 2% to 3% is considered average. When inflation is greater than zero, money loses some of its purchasing power. This is a fundamental point to understand for anyone wanting to make money on the stock market. If you invest in shares that do not increase in value at an equal or faster pace than inflation, then you will lose money, even if your price increases. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance... whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others... the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000231/bk_imnd_000231_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about commodities with iMinds Money's insightful fast-knowledge series. A commodity is a tradable item, which can usually be processed further and sold. This includes industrial goods such as metals; agricultural goods like wheat, wool or sugar; and bulk goods such as iron ore or coal. In their original and simplified sense commodities are uniform in value, meaning it is irrelevant who produces the commodity, as its value will remain the same. For example oil mined by Shell or BP will be worth the same even though it was produced by different companies. Commodities account for the bulk of exports for many nations throughout the world. They are most commonly substances which come from the earth. Hard commodities are extracted from the earth via mining, while soft commodities are grown in the earth. The price of commodities is generally universal and their value remains consistent irrespective of who produces them. During the 2000s there was a commodities boom as the demand for raw materials grew throughout the world. Developing nations, especially China and India, led this rise in demand. This pushed up the prices for commodities, such as iron ore. During this period many commodities reached an all-time high in terms of cost. Commodity prices have always risen and fallen due to changing conditions, with regards to supply and demand. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000201/bk_imnd_000201_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about the Eurozone with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. The Eurozone, known officially as the Euro-area and sometimes as Euroland, is a collection of countries that have adopted the Euro as their national currency. As of 2010, 16 countries replaced their national currency with the Euro. As members of the European Union and the European Monetary Union, they have ceded control of their monetary systems to Central European Bank. The Eurozone comprises of a population of 330 million and has a 15.2% share of global gross domestic product as of 2009. This makes it the second largest economy worldwide after the United States. There are still several members of the European Union who have not adopted the euro as their national currency. This is due to these countries not having met the strict requirements for economic integration. In the case of Denmark and the United Kingdom, opt-out agreements allow the continued use of a national currency despite EU membership. There are also non-EU states that have adopted the euro as both official and unofficial national currencies, though they are not considered a part of the Eurozone. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others... the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000205/bk_imnd_000205_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about Leveraged Buyouts with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Leveraged buyouts originated in the early 1960’s. It is also known as a hostile takeover, a highly-leveraged transaction, or a bootstrap transaction. In effect, it is a tactic through which control of a corporation is acquired by buying up a majority of their stock using borrowed money. Typically, an investor or financial sponsor acquires a controlling interest in a company's equity. A significant percentage of the purchase price here is financed through borrowing, which is termed leverage. The assets of the acquired company are used as collateral for the borrowed capital and sometimes the acquiring company’s assets are used as well. Once control is acquired, the company is often made private, so that the new owners have more leeway to do what they want with it. This may involve splitting up the corporation and selling pieces of it for a high profit. In some cases, it may even liquidate its assets and dissolve the corporation itself.iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000214/bk_imnd_000214_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about sovereign debt with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Sovereign debt is the debt of a country or government. This debt is usually comprised of bonds issued by the government. Sovereign debt can be contrasted with government debt. Government debt is when bonds are issued in a nation’s own currency. Therefore, this debt is mostly created within a country’s own economic boundaries. Sovereign debt, however, is created from bonds issued in foreign currencies or through loans from international financial institutions. The total of debts owed to both domestic and foreign lenders is known as national debt. National debt issued to both domestic and foreign parties is typically issued via bonds. A bond is basically an IOU. The investor will lend money to the government and the government will, at some point, repay the investor. The bond states the specific date that it will mature, that is, when it will be repaid, and the rate of interest the bond will accrue. Bonds, while different in many ways, are similar to stocks in that they are able to be traded. Bonds tend to be issued only by large corporate bodies or governments, due to the risk of the issuer not being able to repay the bond once it matures. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000224/bk_imnd_000224_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about Monopoly Power with iMinds Money's insightful fast knowledge series. Monopoly power is the ability of the dominant participant in a market to control prices. It is a sign of market failure and a major factor in antitrust investigations. Capitalist economic markets rely on competition to operate efficiently and to protect consumer welfare. When a single company controls the prices within a market, the economic welfare of the consumer is often at stake. An ideal market in economics occurs when there is perfect competition. In this scenario, there are no or few barriers to market entry and the goods being sold are largely the same. There are also many buyers and sellers who share knowledge of the price, quality and availability of these goods. Under these conditions, all market participants would act in ways beneficial to the other. The market would function efficiently, promoting economic growth and ensuring consumer welfare.iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds will hone your financial knowledge with its insightful series looking at topics related to Money, Investment and Finance.. whether an amateur or specialist in the field, iMinds targeted fast knowledge series will whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds unique fast-learning modules as seen in the Financial Times, Wired, Vogue, Robb Report, Sky News, LA Times, Mashable and many others.. the future of general knowledge acquisition. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emily Sophie Knapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000219/bk_imnd_000219_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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