22 Results for : tars

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    Laura Shemzak. Irreverent, rebellious, beautiful. A woman with an impossible mission: to rescue her beloved brother, the most brilliant physicist of the Galactic Federation, from the clutches of alien invaders, the Jaxdron. To succeed, Laura must gain control of a top-secret Mak XT "blip-ship". And to do that, she is forced into an uneasy alliance with the notorious space pirate, the bitter, cynical Captain Tars Northern. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bryan Reid. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/021324/bk_acx0_021324_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Soldier and adventurer John Carter tells the story of how he returns to the planet Mars to be reunited with his love, the Martian princess Dejah Thoris. With his great friend Tars Tarkas, mighty Jeddak of Thark, Carter sets out in search of his princess. But Dejah Thoris has vanished. And Carter becomes trapped in the legendary Eden of Mars, from which none has ever escaped alive. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Scott Brick. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tant/002614/bk_tant_002614_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Robert Michael Ballantyne was one of the most popular adventure story writers during Victoria's reign. He strongly believed that boys should grow up taking risks, and his hero, Martin Rattler, certainly has a thrilling time in this tale. Aunt Dorothy Grumbit thinks him a very bad boy, but Martin possesses all the manly virtues that one expects from a Ballantyne hero, and the story has all the traditional elements of a rollicking yarn: jolly jack tars, pirates, shipwreck, travel up the Amazon, diamond mines and capture by savage tribes. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Peter Newcombe Joyce. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/assm/000116/bk_assm_000116_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A Princess of Mars is the first novel in Edgar Rice Burroughs's famous "Barsoom" science fiction series. John Carter, a Confederate American Civil War veteran is mysteriously transported to Mars, called "Barsoom" by its inhabitants. Carter finds that he has great strength on this planet, due to its lesser gravity. Carter soon falls in among the Tharks, a nomadic tribe of the planet's warlike, four-armed, green inhabitants. Thanks to his strength and combat abilities he rises in position in the tribe and earns the respect and eventually the friendship of Tars Tarkas, one of the Thark chiefs. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Peter Delloro. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/alph/000046/bk_alph_000046_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    John Carter and the Giant of Mars is part of the famous Barsoom science fiction series, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Co-written with his son, John Coleman Burroughs, it follows the story of the adventurous Carter and the princess he loves, Dejah Thoris. As the book opens, the two of them are attacked, and Dejah is carried away, leaving Carter to wonder whether he will ever see her again. He calls on his friend Tars Tarkas to help, but their journey to recover the princess is an eventful and sometimes dangerous one. Among other encounters, they have to face a city populated entirely by rats - not to mention, of course, the giant of Mars - who is no less than 130 feet tall! This tale is full of incident and variety, as well as a range of fantastic and memorable characters, making it a book that readers of all ages will take to their hearts. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Eric Martin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/003165/bk_acx0_003165_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Beatty Jellicoe Sims And Rodman ab 25.49 € als Taschenbuch: Yankee Gobs And British Tars As Seen By An Anglomanic. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 25.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) glaubt, alles schon erlebt, alles schon gesehen zu haben. Doch dann gerät der ehemalige Offizier, der nicht mehr kämpfen will, in einen Konflikt, der alle Vorstellungskraft sprengt. Auf unerklärliche Weise findet er sich auf einem geheimnisvollen Planeten wieder, den man auf der Erde als Mars kennt, den die Bewohner aber Barsoom nennen. Exotische Geschöpfe bevölkern diese Welt, aber auch fremdartige Stämme und Kulturen, die sich bekriegen und damit ihren eigenen Untergang heraufbeschwören. Auf seiner abenteuerlichen Odyssee durch eine fremde Welt, die am Abgrund steht, begegnet John Carter dem charismatischen Anführer Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) und verliebt sich in die bezaubernde, selbstbewusste Prinzessin Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins). Von unbekannten Gefahren bedroht und unglaublichen Eindrücken überwältigt, entdeckt Carter wieder, was er als ehemaliger Soldat verloren zu haben glaubte: seine Menschlichkeit. Und schließlich erkennt er, dass die Zukunft des Planeten und das Überleben seiner Bewohner in seinen Händen liegen...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    I hate to think of the day when nobody remembers me as an actor, and I can’t get good tables in restaurants.” (Paul Henreid) Although he had a long career as an actor and director, Paul Henreid is certainly best remembered for two films he made in the early 1940s: Now, Voyager with Bette Davis and Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.Born in Trieste and raised in Vienna, Henreid began his acting career under the direction of legendary director Max Reinhardt, but left the European continent when the Nazis came to power. In England, he found work on both stage (Victoria Regina) and in films (Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Night Train to Munich). However, after Hitler invaded Austria, his status in the UK became tenuous. He took his first opportunity to move to the United States where his film career flourished...until he and other Hollywood folks opposed the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Michael B. Druxman’s Paul Henreid is set in 1968 and finds the actor in Nice, France, about to co-star in a film with Katharine Hepburn. He has just learned that his friend, the movie’s original director, has quit the production and must decide whether he will do the same. UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Michael B. Druxman;(P)2020 Michael B. Druxman http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SVZKC6S?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SVZKC6S?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Retrograde: The Darkness (Unabridged) 20.95 AVAILABLE Retrograde: The Darkness (Unabridged) Retrograde (Unabridged) A.O. Godmasch Isis Pnina Mahmoud, daughter of the president of Cairo, leads a privileged life, but she longs for purpose. Purpose finds her when the mighty Retrograde threatens to annihilate her planet. The trio must rely on each other to survive a near-impossible mission.... Elisabeth Lagelee AO Godmasch 2021-01-13 16:24:35 570 B08SWMSVMQ English - Science Fiction & Fantasy English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/232220de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/232220/bk_acx0_232220_sample.mp3 Life on Damara stands on the brink of destruction. Isis Pnina Mahmoud, daughter of the president of Cairo, leads a privileged life, but it’s not what she wants. She longs for purpose. Purpose finds her when the mighty Retrograde threatens to annihilate her planet. To fend off a devastating attack, Isis defies her mother’s wishes and enlists in Cairo’s elite military unit. Joined in battle by the mysterious and enigmatic Khalfani Abaza, Isis finds herself drawn to him in inexplicable ways. As the Retrograde barrels down on them, the force uniting them grows stronger. Once they connect with Aurora, a fearless army brigade leader, the mystery behind their magnetic connection slowly unfolds - but only at Aurora’s will and on her terms. The trio must rely on each other to survive a near-impossible mission. If they fail, Damara’s very existence will be no more. UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Alicia Godmasch;(P)2020 Alicia Godmasch http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SWMSVMQ?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SWMSVMQ?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Study Guide: The Odyssey by Homer (Unabridged) 15.95 AVAILABLE Study Guide: The Odyssey by Homer (Unabridged) Study Guide: The Odyssey by Homer (Unabridged) SuperSummary This audio guide for The Odyssey includes detailed summary and analysis of each chapter and in-depth exploration of the book’s multiple symbols, motifs, and themes. It also includes commentary on major characters, important quotes, essay questions, and discussion topics....  Nicole Anders SuperSummary 2021-01-13 13:48:36 219 B08SWFM7ZX English - Classics English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/230629de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/230629/bk_acx0_230629_sample.mp3 SuperSummary, a modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, offers high-quality instructional study guides for challenging works of literature. This audio study guide for The Odyssey, an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer, includes detailed summary and analysis of each chapter and an in-depth exploration of the book’s multiple symbols, motifs, and themes. Featured content also includes commentary on major characters, 25 important quotes, essay questions, and discussion topics.Often regarded as the foundation of Western literature, the timeless tale of The Odyssey draws on conceits and concepts from Near Eastern epics, most notably the homecoming husband. The narrative revolves around the restoration of a family after a prolonged separation, exploring themes of home and family as identity, the virtue of reciprocity, and the intersection of fate, gods, and human choices in determining outcomes. This audio study guide presents the same expert content - written by experienced teachers, professors, and literary scholars - in an easy-to-access audio format. SuperSummary study guides demonstrate an authoritative voice, present expert analysis, offer big picture ideas, and help listeners understand a work’s underlying meanings and conclusions. UNKNOWN N N ©2020 SuperSummary;(P)2020 SuperSummary http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SWFM7ZX?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08SWFM7ZX?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Атланты. Книга 2. Завоеватель [The Conqueror: Atlanta, Book 2] (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Атланты. Книга 2. Завоеватель [The Conqueror: Atlanta, Book 2] (Unabridged) Атланты. Книга 2. Завоеватель [The Conqueror: Atlanta, Book 2] (Unabridged) Olga Gerr Он – Завоеватель, а я всего лишь девчонка, которая встала у него на пути и не желает подчиняться. Но мне нечего бояться, ведь я особенная.... Olga Dianova IDDK 2021-01-13 16:28:06 408 B08SWKQQTM English - Romance Russian 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/agen/002655de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/agen/002655/bk_agen_002655_sample.mp3 Аудиокниг, Аудиокнига, Аудиокниги, Книги на русском языке, Аудиокниг на русском языке, Аудиокнига на русском языке Завоеватель - фантастический роман Ольги Герр, вторая книга цикла Атланты", жанр любовное фэнтези, эротическое фэнтези.Он – Завоеватель, а я всего лишь девчонка, которая встала у него на пути и не желает подчиняться. Но мне нечего бояться, ведь я особенная. На меня не действует магия таких, как он. Мне казалось, этого достаточно, и я неуязвима, но встреча с ним все меняет. Наша схватка обещает быть жестокой… и страстной.Содержание цикла "Атланты":Книга 1. ЗахватчикКнига 2. ЗавоевательКнига 3. ЗаклинательКнига 4. Бартер на любовьАудиокнига. Любовное фэнтези. Эротическое фэнтези.Музыка: audionautix.comJason Shaw / "Namaste"youtube.com/audiolibrary/music?nv=1JVNA / S"tars"Unicorn Heads / "Whirlwind Love"© Герр Ольга© ИДДКPlease note: This audiobook is in Russian. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Donald Shenenberger. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/230470/bk_acx0_230470_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Female Tars - Women Aboard Ship in the Age of Sail. Digital Only: ab 21.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 21.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Während sich der US-Soldat John Carter in Arizona aufhält, findet er sich unerklärlicherweise plötzlich auf dem Mars wieder. Schon bald bemerkt Carter, dass er hier über übermenschliche Kräfte verfügt. Kurz nach seiner Ankunft fällt er den Tharks in die Hände. Diese grünen Wesen sind die kriegerischen Einwohner des Planeten Mars. Dank seiner aussergewöhnlichen Kraft und geistigen Überlegenheit verdient sich Carter rasch den Respekt dieses Volkes und sichert sich eine gute Position im Stamm. Tars
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 11.59 EUR excl. shipping

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