20 Results for : unwholesome
A Higher Form of Cannibalism?: Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 311min
We used to canonize our heroes, Oscar Wilde wrote. "The modern method is to vulgarize them. Cheap editions of great books may be delightful, but cheap editions of great men are absolutely detestable." Since Wilde's condemnation of modern biography, the genre would appear to have accelerated its descent into bad taste. As Carl Rollyson points out, writers as various as Rebecca West, Ted Hughes, and Joyce Carol Oates have deplored biographers' tendency to cut up lives and render the bloody data so as to make their subjects seem unhealthy, unwholesome, and unsound. Janet Malcolm has compared biographers to burglars; modern novels feature the biographer as grave robber and victimizer. Exactly when did biography take this turn for the worse? Inquiring into the history of the art, and examining his own practices as well as those of biographers from Samuel Johnson to Richard Ellmann, Jeffrey Meyers, and many others, Mr. Rollyson casts considerable doubt on the indictments handed down by Oates, Malcolm, and Co. By its very nature, Mr. Rollyson argues, biography is a problematic and controversial genre. That contemporary critics believe it has gone astray only reveals their ignorance of history and their hostility to the biographical enterprise itself - an animosity born of a misguided modernism and a rejection of Enlightenment values. A Higher Form of Cannibalism? explores the nexus between scholarship and biography and demonstrates how the similarities of method between Leon Edel and Kitty Kelley outweigh the differences. Viewed through the prism of biography, the scholarly and the popular may not be as clearly separated as people suppose. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chris Abell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/032631/bk_acx0_032631_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Hypnosis and Meditation for Weight Loss: Increase Your Self-Esteem and Motivation. Avoid Overthinking and Learn How to Manage Your Anger Through Meditation. Release Stress, and Overcome Anxiety , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 631min
Rapid weight loss hypnosis and deep sleep meditation.Do you wish to learn how to lose weight quickly, burn fat, begin sleeping better, and free yourself from stress? If yes, keep listening!In this audiobook Hypnosis and Deep Sleep Meditation, you will be guided from beginning to end. Start with your state of displeasure with your current lifestyle and go to a tranquil state of peaceful mindfulness. Let yourself push all your unwholesome longings into the distance and discover harmony within the positive affirmations for losing weight. This audiobook is specifically created for people who like to rapidly lose weight healthily while boosting their motivation for achieving their ideal body. Fall asleep immediately and sleep with meditation and hypnosis. Remember that a lack of sleep could obstruct your alertness and overall quality of life while awake. Suffering through sleepless nights doesn’t have to be your reality. As an alternative, you could fall asleep quickly and receive quality sleep tonight and every night. Here’s a preview of what you will learn in this audiobook:What is hypnosis for weight lossHow to increase your motivationHow hypnosis helps improve self-esteem and confidenceMeditation for a mindfulness diet Stopping emotional eatingThe benefit of a healthy bodyTips for a deeper sleepHow does sleep meditation help with sleep?Hypnosis technique for meditationAnd so much more! Allow this audiobook to help you lessen tension-related emotional and bodily discomfort, calm your body and mind, and regain focus so you can focus more on your life.So, scroll up and click "buy now" to get started! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Amanda Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/219800/bk_acx0_219800_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Crashed: A Junior Bender Mystery, Book 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 635min
Introducing Junior Bender, the favorite burglar turned private investigator of Hollywood crooks. Junior Bender is a Los Angeles burglar with a magic touch. Since he first started breaking into houses at age fourteen, he's never once been caught. But now, after twenty-two years building an exemplary career, Junior has been blackmailed by Trey Annunziato, one of the most powerful crime bosses in LA, into acting as a private investigator on the set of Trey's porn venture, which someone keeps sabotaging. The star Trey has lined up to do all that's unwholesome on camera is Thistle Downing, America's beloved child star, who now lives alone in a drug-induced stupor, destitute and uninsurable. Her starring role will be the scandalous fall-from-grace gossip of rubberneckers across the country. No wonder Trey needs help keeping the production on track. Junior knows what he should do - but doing the right thing will land him on the wrong side of LA's scariest mob boss. With the help of his precocious twelve-year-old daughter, Rina, and his criminal sidekick, ex-getaway driver Louie the Lost, Junior will have to pull off a miracle to get out of this mess. Timothy Hallinan is the Edgar - and Macavity Award - nominated author of over a dozen widely praised books, including the Poke Rafferty Bangkok thrillers and the Junior Bender series. In 2010 he conceived and edited an e-book of original short stories by twenty mystery writers, Shaken: Stories for Japan, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to Japanese disaster relief. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Peter Berkrot. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/005370/bk_blak_005370_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Buddhism Guide for Beginners: Buddha's Teachings for Living a Life of Happiness, Peace, and Enlightenment , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 160min
Discover the secrets of Buddhism in this amazing audiobook.Buddhism is made up of a variety of beliefs, traditions, and spiritual practices based primarily on the teachings of Buddha. It's practiced by more than 300 million people worldwide. Buddhism explains inequality and injustice. It gives us the purpose of life while providing a moral code and way to lead a life filled with Zen and happiness. Buddhism represents the end of suffering for anyone able to attain enlightenment because the person no longer dwells on what they lack, but learns to live with the reality of what is, without needs, wants, or desires.Let us dig deeper into this and find out more about Buddhism. If you want to improve your understanding of Buddhism, you have landed at the right place. Listen to this audiobook to find out how Buddhism can be of help to you. Inside, you'll find:Chapter one: "The First Buddha and His Teachings"Chapter two: "Intelligence Beyond the Self"Chapter three: "Mahayana - The Great Vehicle"Chapter four: "How to Find Enlightenment"Chapter five: "How to Practice Buddhism"Chapter six: "Guidelines for Practicing Buddhism"Chapter seven: "The Roots of Evil"Chapter eight: "The Four Stages of Enlightenment"Chapter nine: "Zen"Chapter 10: "The Three Jewels - Wholesome Roots"Chapter 11: "The Three Poisons - Unwholesome Roots"Chapter 12: "Fighting Stress, Anxiety and Depression with Buddhism"Chapter 13: "Mudras for Fighting Stress"Chapter 14: "Early Your Day with Positive Motivation and Thoughts"Chapter 15: "How Do I Begin Practicing Buddhism?"Chapter 16: "The Five Hindrances"Chapter 17: "Symbols of Buddhism"Chapter 18: "Buddhists and Alcohol"Chapter 19: "Why Buddhism Is True?"Chapter 20: "Why Is Buddhism so Popular?" ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Nzinga Foluke-Henderson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/125914/bk_acx0_125914_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Keto Diet: Ketogenic Diet, Recipes for Every Taste to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight Fast , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 62min
Use these easy guidelines of super healthy food consumption and start treating your body how it deserves it today!This book contains everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet and why it’s so effective for weight loss. More importantly, you’ll find 50 mouthwatering recipes that will enable you to obtain your ultimate fitness goal.The key to a successful weight loss plan is simple: commitment. The primary reason why so many weight watchers find it difficult to commit to their routine is because the weight loss plan is unsustainable. The inessential deprivation, which is an inevitable part of most weight loss diets, only tempts you to cheat. Thus, instigating your downward spiral towards unwholesome eating habits. Moreover, with unattainable ingredients and inconvenient preparation techniques, most weight loss plans are doomed to fail right from the start. What you need is a diet plan that you can easily fit into your daily lifestyle. No weird ingredients. No need to slave away in the kitchen for hours and hours. And absolutely no need to slink away from your friends, family, and colleagues during mealtimes. You are the product of what you feed yourself on a regular basis. In this book, you’ll find great recipes that will take you through breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even those moments in between. These meals are delicious, satiating, healthy, natural and easy to prepare. They are the fruits of meticulous research, epicurean experimentation, and a real passion for achieving wellness.Here is a sneak peek of what you will find on this book: Help in the Beginning Of Your JourneyHealthy Morning RecipesGuide to Lunch RecipesAwesome Dinner RecipesSexy Snack RecipesAnd much more valuable information.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Trevor Clinger. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/099815/bk_acx0_099815_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Weight Loss Hypnosis for Women: Extreme and Rapid Weight Loss with Self Hypnosis, Motivation, Meditation and Psychology (15-Day Program) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 365min
If you desire to lose weight, you would certainly have a considerable amount of knowledge about how to go about it. You tell yourself repeatedly not to eat certain foods, eat smaller portions, stop consumption of food when you are full, not eat after a certain period, exercise progressively with more intensity, and so on. Unfortunately, you do not receive the expert advice needed. Something seems to keep you from doing what you know will help you reach your weight-loss goals.Your attitude toward yourself, food, and exercise may be what is impeding losing weight. Your brain has become accustomed to giving in to wrong perceptions about yourself, cravings for certain foods, indulging in overeating, seeing exercise as insignificant, and so on. Using pills, supplements, specific diets, and inconsistent exercise are not how to change your attitude toward food and your consumption behaviors. You have to become motivated and responsible for gaining control over your weight.Hypnosis is a technique that can help you change that. The idea is to replace faulty thoughts with thoughts and images that are healthier. When you change your way of thinking, you create physical changes in your brain, and you learn to overcome the impulsive responses to those unwholesome attitudes and behaviors. Hypnosis can rewire your brain to enable you to lose weight and develop a lifestyle in which you can keep the weight off. This book aims at helping women rewire their brains to reach their ideal weight and also maintain that weight. We will discuss how the conscious and the subconscious brain works, what hypnotherapy is, its benefits, how it works, and how it can achieve your weight-loss goals, using cognitive behavior hypnosis and self-hypnosis for weight loss, the guiding principles of its use, and a fifteen-day hypnosis session plan. You may have tried various techniques in the past that have failed you, and you have lost all hope. No, instead of that, here is a must-u ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kaden Kroll. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/224379/bk_acx0_224379_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Ganz oben Ganz unten
Am 17. Februar 2012 trat Christian Wulff nach 598 Tagen von seinem Amt als Bundespräsident zurück. Obwohl sich vor Gericht auch der letzte gegen ihn erhobene Vorwurf als haltlos erwies, reichte die öffentliche Demütigung noch über den Tag des Freispruchs hinaus. Niemals zuvor haben die Medien unseres Landes einen Politiker in solcher Weise verfolgt. Auch das Verhalten der Staatsanwaltschaften in Celle und Hannover wirft Fragen auf. Ging alles mit rechten Dingen zu?Nachdem sich bisher Andere mit der Causa Wulff auseinandergesetzt haben, schildert nun Christian Wulff aus seiner Sicht, wie die Affäre inszeniert wurde, was sich hinter den Kulissen abspielte und wie es sich anfühlt, derlei massiven Angriffen ausgesetzt zu sein. Auch seine eigenen Fehler benennt er. "Ganz oben Ganz unten" ist ein Lehrstück über Politik, Presse und Justiz, das nachdenklich macht. "Ein Lehrstück darüber, dass im Verhältnis zwischen Politik, Medien und auch Justiz etwas mächtig aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist." Peer Steinbrück, Zeit, 12. Juni 2014 "Für mich ist das Buch, (...) ein ganz wichtiges Dokument zur Zeitgeschichte, weil es den Verlauf eines konstruierten Skandals nachzeichnet, den erst das Gericht mit seinem kristallklaren Freispruch wieder aufgelöst hat." Peter Hintze, Deutschlandfunk, Juni 2014 "like a thriller, (...) a microscopic look at the unwholesome nexus between Germany's media, politics and judiciary" The Economist, 21. Juni 2014 "Im Fall Wulff war die Berichterstattung 2011/2012 nicht nur von Vorurteil, sondern auch von Vorverachtung geprägt. An deren Stelle sollte nun nicht Nachverachtung treten." Herbert Prantl, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Juni 2014 "Wulff ist jetzt ein freier, ein befreiter Mann. Und er hat sich die Freiheit genommen, seine Sicht der Dinge als Buchautor öffentlich zu machen. Das ist nicht nur verständlich, es ist geradezu eine Notwendigkeit. Denn die medialen Mechanismen, welche schließlich zu Wulffs Demission geführt haben, sind dazu geeignet, die politische Kultur in der Bundesrepublik zu ruinieren. Christians Wulffs Buch ist eine Richtigstellung: in eigener Sache, zur richtigen Zeit und zum Nutzen vieler." Alexander Marguier, Cicero, Juli 2014- Shop: buecher
- Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping
Beyond Distraction (eBook, ePUB)
Learn how to overcome distraction in meditation practice and develop clarity in your relationships, work, and activities with this new guide from a beloved meditation teacher. The mind can be a potent tool, used to guide extraordinary achievements, inspire good works, and incline your spiritual path toward peace and awakening. But the mind can also produce thoughts that lead to suffering. For many people, thoughts run rampant and seem to oppress or control their lives. Even the Buddha tells us that before his enlightenment, he sometimes found his mind preoccupied by thoughts connected with sensual desire, ill will, and harm. But he figured out how to respond to thoughts skillfully and developed a step-by-step approach to calm the restless mind. Now, Insight Meditation teacher Shaila Catherine offers an accessible approach to training the mind that is guided by the Buddha's pragmatic instructions on removing distracting thoughts. Drawing on two scriptures in the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Shaila shows you how to overcome habitual modes of thinking, develop deeper concentration, and discover the insights into emptiness that are vital for a liberating spiritual path. Following the Buddha's pragmatic approach, Shaila guides you through five steps for overcoming distraction and focusing the mind: 1. Replace unwholesome thoughts with wholesome thoughts. For example, if you find yourself thinking thoughts of ill will toward a person, try thinking instead of their good qualities as an antidote. 2. Examine the dangers of distracting thoughts. Weigh the costs of allowing thoughts of ill will, lust, greed, and so forth to obsess your mind. The costs of dwelling on distracting thoughts nearly always outweigh any supposed benefits. 3. Avoid it, ignore it, forget it. Develop the skill to turn your attention away from habitual distractions. Remove the fuel and let the fires of distraction die out. 4. Investigate the causes of distraction. By understanding the conditions that perpetuate habitual thoughts, you can learn to free yourself from those patterns. 5. Apply determination and resolve. Supported by wisdom, you can make a firm decision to stop dwelling on patterns of thought that are not supporting your deepest values and goals in life. Each chapter includes exercises and reflections to help you cultivate the five steps to deeper concentration. You'll learn about your mind and develop your ability to direct your attention more skillfully in meditation and daily activities.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 13.48 EUR excl. shipping
Beyond Distraction: Five Practical Ways to Focus the Mind
Learn how to overcome distraction in meditation practice and develop clarity in your relationships, work, and activities with this new guide from a beloved meditation teacher. The mind can be a potent tool, used to guide extraordinary achievements, inspire good works, and incline your spiritual path toward peace and awakening. But the mind can also produce thoughts that lead to suffering. For many people, thoughts run rampant and seem to oppress or control their lives. Even the Buddha tells us that before his enlightenment, he sometimes found his mind preoccupied by thoughts connected with sensual desire, ill will, and harm. But he figured out how to respond to thoughts skillfully and developed a step-by-step approach to calm the restless mind. Now, Insight Meditation teacher Shaila Catherine offers an accessible approach to training the mind that is guided by the Buddha's pragmatic instructions on removing distracting thoughts. Drawing on two scriptures in the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Shaila shows you how to overcome habitual modes of thinking, develop deeper concentration, and discover the insights into emptiness that are vital for a liberating spiritual path. Following the Buddha's pragmatic approach, Shaila guides you through five steps for overcoming distraction and focusing the mind: 1. Replace unwholesome thoughts with wholesome thoughts. For example, if you find yourself thinking thoughts of ill will toward a person, try thinking instead of their good qualities as an antidote. 2. Examine the dangers of distracting thoughts. Weigh the costs of allowing thoughts of ill will, lust, greed, and so forth to obsess your mind. The costs of dwelling on distracting thoughts nearly always outweigh any supposed benefits. 3. Avoid it, ignore it, forget it. Develop the skill to turn your attention away from habitual distractions. Remove the fuel and let the fires of distraction die out. 4. Investigate the causes of distraction. By understanding the conditions that perpetuate habitual thoughts, you can learn to free yourself from those patterns. 5. Apply determination and resolve. Supported by wisdom, you can make a firm decision to stop dwelling on patterns of thought that are not supporting your deepest values and goals in life. Each chapter includes exercises and reflections to help you cultivate the five steps to deeper concentration. You'll learn about your mind and develop your ability to direct your attention more skillfully in meditation and daily activities. And ultimately, you'll discover for yourself how these five steps boil down to one key realization: In the moment you recognize that a thought is just a thought, you will find yourself on the path to a life of remarkable freedom.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping