123 Results for : 000131
The History of Rome, Volume 2: Books 6 - 10 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 841min
Livy continues his magnificent epic, with Rome in complete ruin after the Gallic invasion and sack of the city in 310 B.C. Led by Camillus, one of Rome's great heroic patricians, the city regains her self-confidence and once more becomes the leader of the Latin people. Painstakingly rebuilding alliances, forging friendships, cementing relations among her own people, and fighting endless wars, Rome soon becomes the dominant power among the fractious Italic tribes on the Latin plain. For 50 years, the Romans maintain political and economic stability while pursuing an aggressive stance toward the other, more distant, warlike Italic peoples. Rome is under constant threat of invasion from many quarters and her disciplined soldiers are kept in perfect training. And they need to be. After many decades, the Romans finally manage to conquer the Etruscans and the mighty Samnites, at last bringing most of the Italian peninsula under their control. Livy's The History of Rome continues in an additional four volumes. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Charlton Griffin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acon/000131/bk_acon_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Simson: Abenteuer zwischen Himmel und Erde 8, Hörbuch, Digital, 37min
Simson ist der stärkste Mann Israels und von Gott besonders gesegnet. Vor allem Israels Erzfeinde, die Philister, fürchten Simsons Muskelkraft und Klugheit. Deshalb schmieden sie einen finsteren Plan: Mit Hilfe von Simsons hübscher Freundin Delila kommen sie hinter das Geheimnis seiner Stärke. Und sie locken den ahnungslosen Simson in eine lebensgefährliche Falle... Dramatik, Spannung, Gefahr - und Gottvertrauen: Die Geschichten des Alten Testaments sind heute noch genauso brisant wie zur Zeit ihrer Entstehung. In der meisterhaften Hörspielserie von Günter Schmitz erwachen diese biblischen Geschichten zum Leben. Spannende Abenteuer mit packenden Dialogen und einer authentischen Geräuschkulisse! Hörspiel nach dem Buch Richter. Die Rollen und Ihre Sprecher: Simson: Franz-Michael Schwarzmann / Delila: Julia Amme / Simsons Vater: Henning Kohne / Simsons Mutter: Marianne Sczeponek. In weiteren Rollen: Rainer Domke, Gerhard Fehn, Bernd Geiling, Dirk Greis, Cécile Kott, Beatrice Kümin, Katrin Landau, Gerhard Palder, Sabine Podlaha, Günter Schmitz, Baldur Seifert, Eberhard Wolf, Benjamin Zelouf. Regie: Günter Schmitz, Musik: Jochen Rieger. deutsch. Günter Schmitz, Katrin Landau, Baldur Seifert, Franz-Michael Schwarzmann. https://samples.audible.de/bk/gert/000131/bk_gert_000131_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Der Krisen-Führerschein: Kompakt-Wissen Basics, Hörbuch, Digital, 22min
Hier bekommen Sie einen maßgeschneiderten Führerschein für Ihre Situation, Ihr Anliegen, Ihr gezieltes Thema etc. Das ganze Leben lang sind wir am Lernen und wenn wir ein Fach, eine Schule oder eine Ausbildung abgeschlossen haben, erhalten wir sogar einen Nachweis dafür. Wieso also gibt es keine Prüfung, die wir für das Leben ablegen müssen? Versteht es sich von selbst, dass wie die leichten, sowie die schweren Lebensprüfungen alle mit Bravour bestehen, wo wir doch nie darauf vorbereitet wurden? Hier können Sie sich hineinfühlen, sich vorbereiten, etwas genauer hinsehen und sich wirklich auf das einlassen, was im Leben oft so schwierig erscheint, leichter und bewusster zu erfüllen. Wappnen Sie sich, ja, bereiten Sie sich vor, wer sich damit auseinandersetzt, bevor es schwierig wird, hat schon halb gewonnen. Hier erhalten Sie Ihren persönlichen Führerschein, der viel mehr ist als eine Anleitung - er eröffnet Ihnen eine weitere Sicht, mehr Verständnis und schenkt Ihnen Einsichten, die Sie sinnvoll und gezielt einsetzen können. Leben ist jetzt. Leben Sie es vollkommen, leben Sie es richtig! deutsch. Kurt Tepperwein. https://samples.audible.de/bk/iank/000131/bk_iank_000131_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Rupert of Hentzau , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 620min
Anthony Hope was constrained to return to the fictional land of Ruritania by an appreciative public who wanted more swashbuckling and derring-do from the hero Rudolph and more Machiavellian moustache twirling from the suave villain Rupert. The author came up with a literary construction which ensured he would never again have to visit fictional Ruritania - but nothing he subsequently wrote appealed as much as the two Zenda stories. In the sequel it is the loyal courtier Fritz von Tarlenheim who recounts this story of a dastardly plot made upon Queen Flavia's honour, and again the Royal Elphberg line is threatened. Colonel Sapt and all the stalwarts are there, apart from the thuggish Black Michael, and good riddance to him! It's a great love story with lots of action and devious deception by both the good and the bad. Listen and enjoy a marvellous tale full of intrigue, romance and incomparable adventure. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Peter Newcombe Joyce. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/assm/000131/bk_assm_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Santa's Gift , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 27min, (USK 18)
It is a long year between Christmases, and things at the North Pole can get pretty boring, making Santa ornery. Not to worry. Essemoh has come up with a plan, and with the aid of some friendly elves, soon Santo with be as jolly as ever! Give Santa a special gift this year in this extraordinary Impossible Gay Lovers experience. Not an audiobook, so much more! Impossible Gay Lovers uses the Sensual Hypnosis technique of Directed Erotic Visualisation to let you have stunningly erotic gay sex experiences. Have you ever had a really arousing fantasy and wondered what it would be like for real? To have your bi curiosity satisfied and have wild sex in an alley? Directed Erotic Visualisation is designed to achieve just that in most cases. For adults only: sexually explicit language and audio imagery combined with guided suggestion. Warning: do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this program and for at least half an hour afterwards. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Essemoh Teepee. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/smot/000131/bk_smot_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 515min
Written as a "report into the circumstances surrounding the decision to introduce salmon into the Yemen", this is a novel that is made up of e-mails, letters, diary extracts, records of the prime minister's Question Time, interviews, and chapters from the memoirs of a fantastically weasely Peter Mandelson-type figure.The "Yes Minister" comparisons are justified (and there is some brilliant, hilarious political and bureaucratic satire here), but at its heart, this is the story of a hen-pecked, slightly pompous, middle-aged scientist who finds himself caught up in what seems like an impossible project, and of how this project changes his life. In the process, he becomes an unlikely and rather loveable hero, discovers true love for himself, finds himself both a pawn and then a victim of political spin, leaves his brilliantly horrible wife, and learns to believe in the impossible. And he takes the listener with him in the process. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: John Sessions, Samantha Bond, Fenella Woolgar. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/orio/000131/bk_orio_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Trent's Last Case, Hörbuch, Digital, 179min
Trent's Last Case, published when Conan Doyle and Chesterton were both at the pinnacle of their respective literary careers, was the first detective story to use finger-printing as a means of detecting the criminal. Sigsbee Manderson was an unpopular millionaire - so when his body was discovered in the grounds of his mansion, not many people were heart-broken by his death. His widow, butler, business assistant and personal assistant become immediate suspects. Trent, who wrote for The Record, was summoned by his editor, with an eye for a good story, to investigate. Through many twists and red-herrings, and one of the most amazing literary double twists in the final minutes, the listener is kept enthralled and guessing to the end. Dedicated to his friend G K Chesterton, E C Bentley, a journalist first with the Daily News and then with The Daily Telegraph, intended the book to be a gentle parody of the detective genre, only for it to be quickly hailed as a classic. Language: English. Narrator: Martin Jarvis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/csaw/000131/bk_csaw_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships, Hörbuch, Digital, 347min
Leading relationship expert and best selling author Dr. John Gottman presents a revolutionary five-step program for repairing troubled relationships - with spouses, children, friends, and even colleagues. Drawing on a host of powerful new studies Gottman provides the tools you need to make your relationships thrive. Introducing the empowering concept of the "emotional bid," Gottman shows that all good relationships are built through a process of making and receiving successful bids. His simple yet life-transforming program shows listeners how to become master bidders by effectively turning toward others. He draws on the latest research to show listeners how the brain's unique emotional command systems, as well as each person's emotional heritage - their upbringing, life experiences, and enduring vulnerabilities - affect how they make and receive bids, and how to make adjustments. He then introduces a set of enjoyable and remarkably effective ways to deepen connections by finding shared meaning and honoring one another's dreams. The final chapter offers specially tailored programs for life's most important relationships: with lovers or spouses, children, adult siblings, friends, and co-workers. Language: English. Narrator: John M. Gottman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/000131/bk_rand_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 509min
Richard Nixon said he wanted administration to be "the best chronicled in history". But when Alexander Butterfield disclosed the existence of a voice-activated tapind system to a Senate committee in July 1973, Nixon's White House and its recordings quickly became the most infamous in American history. Only 60 hours were actually made public in the 1970s. Many thousands of hours remained secret and Nixon's hands, and he fought fiercely to keep them that way right up to his death. Finally, thanks to a lawsuit brought by historian Stanley I. Kutler with advocacy group Public Citizen, a landmark 1996 settlement with the Nixon estate and the National Archives is bringing over 3,000 hours of tapes to light. Packed with revelations, Abuse of Power offers a spellbinding portrait of raw power and a Shakespearean depiction of a King and his court. Now, in this dramatic reconstruction of the tapes, the personalities of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Colson, Haig, Kissinger, and Dean are vividly captured in their own words. Finally, the full story of Nixon's downfall can be told. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Ackroyd, David Dukes, William Window. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pnix/000131/bk_pnix_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Spoon River Anthology , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 218min
Spoon River has 244 accounts of the lives of people in the town that explain its goings on over a couple of centuries. Each free form verse is presented as an epitaph of one of the citizens delivered themselves, often criticizing the words said about them on their tombstone or the monument or stone left above them. The stories build on one another as well as reference various family members and others mentioned in other stories. Sherwood Anderson does a similar thing in Winesburg, Ohio where major characters in their own right become bit players in other people's narratives. It reminds one of Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead where Hamlet is only a bit player in their lives. The interplay between successful and unsuccessful, those who think they are high born, as one successful man thought, but was actually the illegitimate child of an old woman who never got to nurture her own successful child. These interplays move the story forward as well as our hearts in reading them. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Deaver Brown. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/smag/000131/bk_smag_000131_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping