159 Results for : paysages
Avis de gros temps pour Mary Lester (eBook, ePUB)
Plongée dans une sombre affaire de trafic de drogue pour Mary Lester... Le commandant Lester doit voler au secours d'un OPJ accusé d'avoir détourné une importante quantité de drogue au siège de la brigade parisienne des stups. Les charges contre ce lieutenant sont lourdes et sa culpabilité ne fait pas de doute pour la presse puisqu'il aurait été nuitamment filmé par des caméras de surveillance sortant du 36 porteur de deux gros paquets. Son seul allié, l'un de ses amis, commandant de la crim', est intimement convaincu de son innocence. Mary n'est pas enthousiasmée par l'idée de s'impliquer dans une telle affaire mais finit par accepter lorsqu'elle apprend qu'une vieille connaissance, le commissaire Mercadier, va y fourrer son nez. Dès que cet officier arriviste et manipulateur apparaît dans le paysage avec son âme damnée, la commissaire Cécile Darle, elle comprend que les coups fourrés vont pleuvoir et que la partie sera délicate. Il n'en faut pas plus pour qu'elle prenne la piste... Une enquête particulièrement trouble pour notre enquêtrice bretonne ! EXTRAIT La salle de réunion sise au dernier étage du commissariat de Quimper n'avait jamais été aussi pleine. Bien qu'on eût repoussé les chaises contre les murs et déplacé la grande table centrale, on se marchait un peu sur les pieds. « On », c'était le personnel du commissariat central, du gardien stagiaire au patron, le commissaire divisionnaire Fabien qui, pour la circonstance, avait revêtu un complet gris clair impeccable au revers duquel la rosette de sa Légion d'honneur brillait comme une larme de sang. Le brouhaha des conversations se tut soudainement. Le patron faisait tinter une petite cuiller contre l'une des bouteilles qui se trouvaient sur la grande table bien garnie. - Votre attention, s'il vous plaît ! Tous les regards se braquèrent sur le commissaire Fabien et sur les six policiers qui se tenaient près de lui, deux femmes et quatre hommes : le capitaine Lester, le lieutenant Fortin, le brigadier-chef Gertrude Le Quintrec, visiblement très émue, et trois gardiens en tenue. CE QU'EN PENSE LA CRITIQUE Habile, têtue, fine mouche, irrévérencieuse, animée d'un profond sens de la justice, d'un égal mépris des intrigues politiciennes, ce personnage attachant permet aussi une belle immersion, enquête après enquête, dans divers recoins de notre chère Bretagne. - Charbyde2, Babelio Que j'aime Mary Lester, enquêtrice qui ne manie pas la langue de bois et qui ne l'a pas non plus dans sa poche. - Veurey, Babelio À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Cet ancien mareyeur breton devenu auteur de romans policiers a connu un parcours atypique ! Passionné de littérature, c'est à 20 ans qu'il donne naissance à ses premiers écrits, alors qu'il occupe un poste de poissonnier à Quimper. En 30 ans d'exercice des métiers de la Mer, il va nous livrer pièces de théâtre, romans historiques, nouvelles, puis une collection de romans d'aventures pour la jeunesse, et une série de romans policiers, Mary Lester. À travers Les Enquêtes de Mary Lester, aujourd'hui au nombre de quarante-sept, Jean Failler montre son attachement à la Bretagne, et nous donne l'occasion de découvrir non seulement les divers paysages et villes du pays, mais aussi ses réalités économiques. La plupart du temps basées sur des faits réels, ces fictions se confrontent au contexte social et culturel actuel. Pas de folklore ni de violence dans ces livres destinés à tous publics, loin des clichés touristiques, mais des enquêtes dans un vrai style policier.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
Rien qu'une histoire d'amour (eBook, ePUB)
Enquête sur une passion des années 50... Je vous le jure, il n'y a qu'à moi que ces choses-là arrivent ! Pour avoir secouru une vieille dame qui se trouvait mal au cimetière de Douarnenez, me voici soupçonnée de meurtre ! Et, qui plus est, le meurtre en question a été commis sur la ria d'Étel, dans le Morbihan, un endroit où je n'ai pas mis les pieds depuis ma première communion. D'ailleurs, est-ce un meurtre, est-ce un accident ? L'affaire n'est pas claire, les gendarmes hésitent à se prononcer mais l'adjudant Oliveira, faisant sienne la maxime « cherche à qui le crime profite » et de surcroît pas fâché d'épingler un flic, m'a placée en pôle position sur la liste des suspects. Je profite de quoi, au fait ? Vous allez voir, c'est un peu gratiné ! Pour me dépêtrer de cette inconfortable situation, il me faudra enquêter sur une histoire d'amour qui a mal tourné, une histoire vieille d'un demi-siècle. Cinquante ans, s'exclamerait Fortin, ce n'est plus de la police, c'est de l'archéologie. Georges Brassens l'a dit, « Le temps ne fait rien à l'affaire » et Henri Salvador l'a renchéri : « Quand faut y aller, faut y aller ! ». Alors j'y vais, et s'il vous plaît de m'accompagner, vous êtes les très bienvenus. Un cold-case riche en rebondissements pour Mary Lester et son comparse, l'adjuvant Oliveira ! CE QU'EN PENSE LA CRITIQUE Habile, têtue, fine mouche, irrévérencieuse, animée d'un profond sens de la justice, d'un égal mépris des intrigues politiciennes, ce personnage attachant permet aussi une belle immersion, enquête après enquête, dans divers recoins de notre chère Bretagne. - Charbyde2, Babelio Bon tome, je l'ai vraiment bien apprécié. Il est bien écrit et on plonge facilement dans la lecture du livre. - Marinou-Morgounou, Babelio EXTRAIT Je m'appelle Mary Lester, je vais bientôt avoir trente ans et je suis capitaine dans la police nationale, attachée au commissariat de Quimper (Finistère). Un certain nombre d'enquêtes que j'ai menées ont été rapportées par monsieur Jean Failler de manière assez objective et globalement satisfaisante. Puis, à la suite d'une déplaisante affaire judiciaire, Jean Failler a décidé de se retirer, me laissant le soin de raconter mes enquêtes moi-même, ce que j'ai fait pour la première fois pour l'affaire de Brière. Dans le passé, Jean Failler avait toujours pris le parti de rapporter les affaires les plus spectaculaires, ou qui frappaient le plus son imagination; cependant, il en est d'autres, plus secrètes, sur lesquelles il a fait l'impasse. Est-ce parce qu'elles étaient plus ou moins officieuses ? Est-ce parce qu'elles n'ont pas été conduites dans le cadre de la police nationale ? Ou, j'ose à peine poser la question, est-ce parce que monsieur Failler se fait vieux et qu'il a du mal à suivre mon rythme de vie qui est parfois trépidant ? À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Cet ancien mareyeur breton devenu auteur de romans policiers a connu un parcours atypique ! Passionné de littérature, c'est à 20 ans qu'il donne naissance à ses premiers écrits, alors qu'il occupe un poste de poissonnier à Quimper. En 30 ans d'exercice des métiers de la Mer, il va nous livrer pièces de théâtre, romans historiques, nouvelles, puis une collection de romans d'aventures pour la jeunesse, et une série de romans policiers, Mary Lester. À travers Les Enquêtes de Mary Lester, aujourd'hui au nombre de quarante-sept, Jean Failler montre son attachement à la Bretagne, et nous donne l'occasion de découvrir non seulement les divers paysages et villes du pays, mais aussi ses réalités économiques. La plupart du temps basées sur des faits réels, ces fictions se confrontent au contexte social et culturel actuel. Pas de folklore ni de violence dans ces livres destinés à tous publics, loin des clichés touristiques, mais des enquêtes dans un vrai style policier.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
Villa des quatre vents - Tome 2 (eBook, ePUB)
Mary Lester joue gros pour faire éclater la vérité... L'enquête menée par Mary Lester sur le double meurtre de la Villa des Quatre Vents l'a conduite dans la région parisienne où vivaient les victimes. À peine a-t-elle gagné la capitale que les deux flics des Renseignements généraux rencontrés en Bretagne resurgissent, nettement moins cordiaux cette fois. Ils n'apprécient pas qu'une fliquette de province vienne empiéter sur leurs plates-bandes et sont décidés à employer la manière forte pour la dissuader de poursuivre son enquête. Mary doit donc faire profil bas et ruser pour démasquer le meurtrier de Louis Sayzé et de son amie à la Villa des Quatre Vents. Un faisceau de présomptions l'amène bientôt à soupçonner un proche de la femme de Louis Sayzé, mais la réaction est brutale. Elle essuie deux coups de revolver destinés à l'intimider. Il lui faudra l'aide du lieutenant Fortin, mais aussi du lieutenant Albert Passepoil, petit génie de l'informatique, et surtout l'appui indéfectible du commissaire divisionnaire Fabien, son patron, pour se sortir de ce mauvais pas et arriver à ses fins : trouver le meurtrier. Pour autant, les flics des Renseignements généraux ne désarment pas. Cette fois, Mary joue sa peau, jusque sur son territoire, venelle du Pain-Cuit... Découvrez le tome 38 d'une saga de polars bretons qui suit les aventures de Mary Lester, une enquêtrice originale et attachante ! EXTRAIT Le taxi déposa Mary Lester non loin du siège de la SA GEEK, société de feu Louis Sayze. C'était un petit immeuble de quatre étages que la société occupait dans son entier. Elle n'y entra pas tout de suite mais resta sur le trottoir d'en face en guettant l'arrivée de Fortin. Lorsqu'elle aperçut sa voiture qui approchait, elle se trouvait devant un bistrot et elle fit un signe discret à son lieutenant préféré, lui indiquant qu'il devait la retrouver là. Il se passa bien dix minutes avant que le grand lieutenant n'arrive. Il s'en excusa?: - Pas moyen de trouver une place de stationnement. J'ai dû aller au diable... - Ce n'est pas plus mal, dit-elle, moins on nous verra ensemble, mieux ça vaudra. Comment ont-ils réagi?? - Il y a un petit tondu qui s'est mis dans ton sillage et qui t'a suivie jusqu'à ce que tu montes dans le taxi. - Un tondu plutôt costaud, bien sapé?? demanda-t-elle. CE QU'EN PENSE LA CRITIQUE Habile, têtue, fine mouche, irrévérencieuse, animée d'un profond sens de la justice, d'un égal mépris des intrigues politiciennes, ce personnage attachant permet aussi une belle immersion, enquête après enquête, dans divers recoins de notre chère Bretagne. - Charbyde2, Babelio C'est toujours un régal de lire une enquête de Mary Lester. - Domdu84, Babelio À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Cet ancien mareyeur breton devenu auteur de romans policiers a connu un parcours atypique ! Passionné de littérature, c'est à 20 ans qu'il donne naissance à ses premiers écrits, alors qu'il occupe un poste de poissonnier à Quimper. En 30 ans d'exercice des métiers de la Mer, il va nous livrer pièces de théâtre, romans historiques, nouvelles, puis une collection de romans d'aventures pour la jeunesse, et une série de romans policiers, Mary Lester. À travers Les Enquêtes de Mary Lester, aujourd'hui au nombre de quarante-sept, Jean Failler montre son attachement à la Bretagne, et nous donne l'occasion de découvrir non seulement les divers paysages et villes du pays, mais aussi ses réalités économiques. La plupart du temps basées sur des faits réels, ces fictions se confrontent au contexte social et culturel actuel. Pas de folklore ni de violence dans ces livres destinés à tous publics, loin des clichés touristiques, mais des enquêtes dans un vrai style policier.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Byzantine Empire and the Plague: The History and Legacy of the Pandemic That Ravaged the Byzantines in the Early Middle Ages , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 90min
[Theodore] made very large pits, inside each of which 70,000 corpses were laid down. He thus appointed men there, who brought down corpses, sorted them and piled them up. They pressed them in rows on top of each other, in the same way as someone presses hay in a loft. Men and women were trodden down, and in the little space between them, the young and infants were pressed down, trodden with the feet and trampled down like spoilt grapes.” (John of Ephesus)The bubonic plague was the worst affliction ever visited upon Europe and the Mediterranean world. Within a few short years, a quarter of the population was taken after a short but torturous illness. Those who escaped faced famine and economic hardship. Crops were left unsown; the harvests spoiled for lack of harvesters; villages, towns, and great cities were depopulated. Markets were destroyed; and trade ground to a halt. It must have seemed like the end of the world to the terrified populace. The horror abated, only to return years later, often with less virulence, but no less misery.Many who read a description of that plague might immediately think of the Black Death, the great epidemic that ravaged Europe and the Middle East from 1347-1351, but it actually refers to the lesser-known but arguably worse Plague of Justinian that descended upon the Mediterranean world in 541 and continued to decimate it over the next 200 years.The effects of the pestilence on history was every bit as dramatic as the one in the Late Middle Ages. In fact, the case could be made that the Plague of Justinian was a major factor in the molding of Europe and, consequently, the rest of the world as it is known today, marking a monumental crossroad between the ancient and medieval worlds.It might also be asked why so little is known about the Plague of Justinian and the epidemics following it, which stands in stark contrast with the Black Death, which has been the subject of numerous books and papers. The exp UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Charles River Editors;(P)2020 Charles River Editors http://www.audible.de/pd/B087WW96FG?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B087WW96FG?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Audible Sleep Weekly 3.95 AVAILABLE Audible Sleep Weekly Audible Sleep Weekly Audible Sleep Discover your next favorite bedtime listen with tracks created specifically to help invite relaxation and sleep. Think: bedtime stories, sound baths, ASMR, meditations, and more.... " Audible Studios 2020-05-08 20:49:05 19 B088D1RGG5 English - Self-Development English 1.00 3.46 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/ms/a001/000034de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/ms/a001/000034/ms_a001_000034_sample.mp3 + Discover your next favorite bedtime listen with tracks created specifically to help invite relaxation and sleep. Think: bedtime stories, sound baths, ASMR, meditations, and more.When you add Audible Sleep Weekly to your library, you'll receive all previous tracks and will continue to receive new tracks as they're released each Tuesday. UNKNOWN N Y ©2020 Audible Sleep;(P)2020 Audible Sleep http://www.audible.de/pd/B088D1RGG5?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B088D1RGG5?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) 24.95 AVAILABLE La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity]: L’Alliance, Book 6 [The Alliance, Book 6] (Unabridged) La Folie d’Edge [Edge of Insanity] (Unabridged) S. E. Smith Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance sur.... Hope Newhouse Susan E. Smith 2020-05-19 07:00:00 494 1799918270 English - Romance French 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/015425de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/015425/bk_blak_015425_sample.mp3 Un bestseller de la liste USA Today !Dagger a été secouru, mais Edge était tenu pour mort …Lina Daniels a l’habitude de combattre le feu par le feu. Elle n’a pas peur de mourir mais être capturée la terrifie. En tant que membre combattante de la résistance surTerre, elle connaissait les dangers. Ces menaces semblent minuscules comparées à celles sur le monde extraterrestre où elle se trouve à présent.Edge ne se souvient pas vraiment de sa capture et rien de ce qu’il s’est passé depuis. Il sent son esprit se briser, mais une voix douce dans les ténèbres le pousse à résister...et à se battre.Le plan de Lina est simple: libérer le guerrier trivator drogué qui a été torturé jusqu’à en perdre la raison, et le forcer à les ramener sur Terre, les autres femmes et elle. Tant de choses pourraient mal tourner, mais c’est la seule chance qu’il leur reste.Auteur de renommée internationale, S.E. Smith propose une nouvelle histoire d’action pleine d’aventure et de romance. Débordant de l’humour qui la caractérise, de paysages éclatants et de personnages attachants, il est certain que ce livre deviendra un nouveau favori des fans!Please note: This audiobook is in French. 9781799918271 N N ©2020 S. E. Smith;(P)2020 Blackstone Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1799918270?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Dino Jokes for Kids (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE Dino Jokes for Kids (Unabridged) Dino Jokes for Kids (Unabridged) Rich Linville If you love dinosaurs, then you'll enjoy this book. You don’t have to understand every joke. Just laugh and pretend that you get the joke. You will figure it out later.... Jeremiah Johnson Richard Vaughn Linville 2020-05-05 15:06:03 5 B0883DX5J2 English - Kids & Young Adults English 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/194807de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/194807/bk_acx0_194807_sample.mp3 If you love dinosaurs, then you'll enjoy this book. You don’t have to understand every joke. Just laugh and pretend that you get the joke. You will figure it out later. What did the dinosaur say when the volcano exploded? Listen to find the answer. UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Richard Vaughn Linville;(P)2020 Richard Vaughn Linville http://www.audible.de/pd/B0883DX5J2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0883DX5J2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Surviving the Elements: Survivalist Reality Show, Book 3 (Unabridged) 20.95 AVAILABLE Surviving the Elements: Survivalist Reality Show, Book 3 (Unabridged) Surviving the Elements (Unabridged) Grace Hamilton Wolf has watched his entire world go up in flames. Now, Regan must help him pick up the pieces if they hope to survive.... Connie Shabshab Relay Publishing 2020-04-27 20:26:26 512 B087QS1WZT English - Science Fiction & Fantasy English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/193961de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/193961/bk_acx0_193961_sample.mp3 Wolf has watched his entire world go up in flames. Now, Regan must help him pick up the pieces if they hope to survive....After the total disintegration of the island, Regan, Wolf, and the rest of the group decide to return to the one place they’ve called home — the swamp. However, returning isn’t as easy as it seems. The journey across Florida presents a whole new range of horrors as society breaks down, made all the worse when one of their own gets seriously injured. Plus, the team must face the trek with two new members whom some believe don’t belong with them at all.With danger and supply shortages at every step, questions are raised whether or not they’re making the best choice in returning. And while Regan believes she’s learned her lesson — groups are the way to go — it’s terrifying to make the final leap and fight not just survive... but to live. This novel contains violence and referenced sexual violence. UNKNOWN N N ©2019 Relay Publishing;(P)2020 Relay Publishing http://www.audible.de/pd/B087QS1WZT?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B087QS1WZT?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn (Unabridged) Grasp (Unabridged) Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world.... Neil Shah Hachette Audio UK 2020-08-20 07:00:00 704 1472145305 English - Science & Technology British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/twuk/002712de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/twuk/002712/bk_twuk_002712_sample.mp3 As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: how exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are? Grasp takes listeners across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal. New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read. Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class. Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles', while equipping listeners with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve. Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain listeners but to open their minds. 9781472145307 N N ©2020 Sanjay Sarma, Luke Yoquinto;(P)2020 Hachette Audio UK http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1472145305?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Vikings: Prologue: Viking Surrender, Book 1 (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Vikings: Prologue: Viking Surrender, Book 1 (Unabridged) Vikings (Unabridged) Ashe Barker Delivered into Viking hands, claimed and conquered, each bride must accept that she belongs to her new master. But, as wedding nights bring surrender to duty, will fierce lovers also surrender their hearts.... Emma Parry Ashe Barker Books 2020-04-29 15:44:00 75 B087V75T5S English - Romance English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/193836de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/193836/bk_acx0_193836_sample.mp3 A horde of battle-hardened, ferocious Nordic warriors. A Pictish village at the mercy of its enemies. A harrowing bargain struck for nine fearful and reluctant brides. Delivered into Viking hands, claimed and conquered, each bride must accept that she belongs to her new master. But, as wedding nights bring surrender to duty, will fierce lovers also surrender their hearts?The Highland wilderness is savage, life is perilous, and the future uncertain, but each Viking has sworn protection, and there are no lengths to which a man will not go to safeguard the woman he loves. Begin the journey here....Enter a world of suspense, seduction, and adventure, told against the forbidding backdrop of medieval Scotland. Journey together with indomitable heroes and intrepid heroines, as they discover that the raging storms of fear and passion can transform into enduring devotion. UNKNOWN N N http://www.audible.de/pd/B087V75T5S?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B087V75T5S?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) 17.95 AVAILABLE Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Unabridged) Everyday Faithfulness (Unabridged) Glenna Marshall What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism.... Nan McNamara eChristian 2020-06-02 07:00:00 279 1545914133 English - Religion & Spirituality English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hove/004147de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/004147/bk_hove_004147_sample.mp3 Christian women, Christian living, spiritual growth What does the Christian life look like when life is unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary? We live in an instant-gratification world, where results are quickly measured and words like discipline and perseverance evoke thoughts of legalism or asceticism. But Everyday Faithfulness explores what daily perseverance in Christ looks like during various seasons when spiritual growth seems especially difficult. Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime. Each chapter closes with a real-life example of a woman whose life of regular, everyday faithfulness will encourage listeners to remain steadfast in theirs. 9781545914137 N N ©2020 Glenna Marshall;(P)2020 eChristian http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1545914133?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) 23.95 AVAILABLE How to Feel Good in Difficult Times: Simple Strategies to Help You Survive and Thrive (Unabridged) How to Feel Good in Difficult Times (Unabridged) Gael Lindenfield There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.... Amy Noble Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd 2020-07-01 07:00:00 210 0655679650 English - Self-Development British English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004998de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004998/bk_boli_004998_sample.mp3 There is no doubt that we are all living in difficult times. With uncertainty around politics, the economy, our environment and now public health, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless.In today’s uncertain world we are all susceptible to crises of confidence. In these difficult times, it is easy to retreat into ourselves in an effort to hide from the negativity and block out the world around us. Renowned psychologist Gael Lindenfield offers simple strategies that will allow you to step back and refuel so that you can regain a sense of balance and control. Filled with practical and easy-to-follow advice, you will learn how to come to terms with and move past obstacles, equip yourself with the tools to conquer the feeling of being overwhelmed and dust yourself off and reclaim your positivity.With simple strategies to help you survive and thrive, How to Feel Good in Difficult Times is your go-to companion. 9780655679653 N N ©2020 Gael Lindenfield;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing;(P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd http://www.audible.de/pd/0655679650?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedir- Shop: Audible
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