261 Results for : dietetics
Advanced Tips to Lose Weight and Burn Fat: Naturally - Easily - Sustainably , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 99min
To lose 10 kilos, you need three to five months of food rebalancing and effort depending on the person. The stabilization phase is carried out at the same time. It is crucial. It is essential not to lose weight too quickly as this poses health risks.If you look small and have a face pulled as you lose weight, you're not eating well. You lose weight beautifully by eating a certain way. Indeed, our food is a reflection of who we are. In this book, you will have advanced tips to help you take control of your lifestyle and especially your diet. This will help you to lose weight in a sustainable and natural way.Inside, you will find:Explanation of weight lossImportant notions in dietetics- Nutritional adviceFoods to choose from Foods to avoidAdvice on your lifestyleBONUS, simple recipes for a one-week plan.Learn and apply, Coach KS ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: John Griffith. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/171716/bk_acx0_171716_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Gesunde Menschen Band 2
Prof. Arnold Ehret gehört zu den revolutionärsten Denkern und Gesundheitspraktikern der Menschheit. Einige seiner Gedanken sind so genial formuliert, dass sie noch in 500 Jahren modern sein werden. Sie sind zeitlos, denn sie zeigen dem Menschen den Weg aus der Sackgasse der Krankheiten. Ehret heilte sich selbst von einer zur damaligen Zeit (1900) unheilbar, tödlich verlaufenden Krankheit durch Fasten und Ernährungsumstellung. Heute würde die moderne Medizin in diesem Krankheitsfall die Dialyse und Nierentransplantation durchführen. Nach seiner vollständigen Heilung betreute er Tausende Menschen bei ihrer Gesundwerdung und hielt viele Vorträge, auch in den USA. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, alle seine Artikel und Bücher wieder zu veröffentlichen, denn sie gehören zu den wertvollsten Texten der Menschheit.Der hiermit vorliegende Band 2 enthält alle englischsprachigen Texte in deutscher Übersetzung.1. Rationales Fasten (Rational Fasting)2. Das Heilsystem der schleimfreien Diät (Mucusless Diet Healing System)3. Körperliche Ertüchtigung durch überlegene Diät, Fasten und Ernährungslehre sowie Ein religiöses Konzept der körperlichen, spirituellen und geistigen Diätetik (Physical Fitness thru a Superior Diet, Fasting and Dietetics" sowie "A religious concept of physical, spiritual and mental dietetics)- Shop: buecher
- Price: 18.50 EUR excl. shipping
Chinese Nutrition Therapy
"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food" Hippocrates, c. 460-370 BC. For millennia, the Chinese have taught that a balanced and nutritious diet is an integral part of maintaining good health while healing a wide range of disorders. Here, in a new and third edition of the acclaimed Chinese Nutrition Therapy, the author further demystifies Chinese dietetics, one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Joerg Kastner's introduction to the principles of TCM and the "energetics" of foods emphasizes a holistic approach throughout, providing readers with tools for integrating the principles of Chinese dietetics into their daily lives. Included are a comprehensive classification of more than 300 readily available foods such as vegetables, grains, herbs and spices, fruits, meat and poultry, seafoods, dairy products, oils and fats, and nuts and seeds. Many clinical examples and treatment suggestions artfully combine Western medical conditions with Chinese diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The explanation of causes of diseases, the different symptoms, and lists of recommended foods and foods to avoid are supplemented by advice on appropriate acupuncture treatments. The third edition has been expanded with chapters covering allergies, food sensitivities, dietary support in oncologic cases, fasting, "superfoods," and smoothies. Where appropriate, bridges have been constructed between the paradigms of TCM and those of contemporary scientific medicine. The section "Food Classification" has been developed further to include more detail and many more foods. Highlights - Descriptions of Chinese dietetics in practice and discussions of dietary factors, such as seasonal adaptations and differing requirements for children and seniors - Practical tips on how to adapt Chinese nutrition therapy to Western products and cooking methods - Clinical examples covering the major organ systems - A handy "A to Z" list of common foods and their healing characteristics User-friendly Chinese Nutrition Therapy is an essential reference for students and practitioners of TCM, likewise to be valued by nutritionists, dieticians, physicians, and anyone interested in living a long and healthy life.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 54.99 EUR excl. shipping
Diet, Inflammation, and Health
Diet, Inflammation, and Health introduces concepts of inflammation, the role of acute inflammatory responses in good health, and the association of chronic systemic inflammation with mental distress, cognitive decline, and chronic diseases, ranging from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and cancer. The book also describes the pathophysiology of inflammation and its effects on insulin insensitivity and blunted immune response to carcinogenesis. Researchers and allied health care professionals working in dietetics and medicine, as well as students studying related fields will benefit from this reference and its recommendations on areas where future research is needed.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 139.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vegan in anderen Umständen
Eine gut durchdachte vegane Ernährung bietet zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile. Und das für alle Lebensabschnitte - auch die Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. So die weltweit großte Ernahrungsorganisation Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dass immer mehr Wissenschaftler und Ärzte eine vollwertige Ernährung ohne tierliche Zutaten unterstützen, zeigt ihre wachsende Bedeutung.Vegan in anderen Umständen gibt vegan lebenden (werdenden) Müttern und ihren Familien wertvolle Tipps für die gelungene Schwangerschaft und die Zeit danach. Es klärt wissenschaftlich fundiert über gesundes Essen und Leben sowie Nährstoffe auf und bietet 133 leckere Rezepte für den Alltag. Mit einer Einleitung und Statements renommierter Ernährungsmediziner, Gynäkologen, Hebammen und Kinderärzte.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 36.00 EUR excl. shipping
Pigments in Fruits and Vegetables
Pigments in Fruits and Vegetables ab 192.49 € als gebundene Ausgabe: Genomics and Dietetics. Auflage 2015. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Biologie,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 192.49 EUR excl. shipping
Chinese Nutrition Therapy
Chinese Nutrition Therapy ab 74.99 € als Taschenbuch: Dietetics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). 3. Auflage. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Medizin,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 74.99 EUR excl. shipping
Diseases of the stomach; their special pathology diagnosis and treatment with sections on Anatomy Physiology Chemical and Microscopical examination of stomach contents dietetics Surgery of the stomach etc. (In Three Parts)
Diseases of the stomach; their special pathology diagnosis and treatment with sections on Anatomy Physiology Chemical and Microscopical examination of stomach contents dietetics Surgery of the stomach etc. (In Three Parts) ab 41.49 € als Taschenbuch: . Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 41.49 EUR excl. shipping
Health And Suggestion
Health And Suggestion ab 21.99 € als Taschenbuch: The Dietetics Of The Mind. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 21.99 EUR excl. shipping
Principles Of Human Nutrition
Principles Of Human Nutrition ab 35.49 € als Taschenbuch: A Study In Practical Dietetics. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Naturwissenschaft,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 35.49 EUR excl. shipping