120 Results for : noobs

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    Are you thinking of organizing a fundraiser for a noble cause but don't know where to begin?You've come to the right place.This book will teach you a lot of things you may have overlooked when you thought of the idea. It will provide you tips and tricks that have worked for others. In a nutshell, you'll get more information about the following things:The different approaches to both internet fundraising and offline eventsWays to move donors up the pyramid and have them open up their pockets even more.Putting together a naturally motivated team that can help you build up your fundraising endeavors.Methods to market your stuff.Investing tips for noobs and the ins and outs of finances in the fundraising industry.Steps to come up with the right sob story so that people will see how important your cause or charity is.These and many other factors will be discussed in detail, so you can be equipped with new ideas and insights to help you have more success down the road. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Milroy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/165908/bk_acx0_165908_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Junger Dorfbewohner, die Zeit ist gekommen, da du dich beweisen musst!Du hast genug davon, ein einfacher Dorfbewohner zu sein? Du willst nun aller Welt beweisen, dass du mehr bist als ein Noob? Dann stürze dich Seite an Seite mit Minus auf die Rätsel in diesem Heft!Viel Spaß mit den Spielen, Knobeleien und jeder Menge Stickern aus der Welt von Minecraftia!
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 6.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Minus, der junge Dorfbewohner, hat die Nase voll davon, ein Noob zu sein. Statt Bauer oder Händler zu werden, wie es in der Schule gelehrt wird, will er lieber mit einem Schwert auf Abenteuer ausziehen wie sein Vorbild Steve. Auf seinen Streifzügen macht er eine unerwartete Bekanntschaft: Blurp, den jungen Zombie, der Menschen lieber kennenlernen will als sie hirnlos anzugreifen. Aus den ungleichen Seelenverwandten wird ein spannungsreiches Duo ...Das Autorenteam erzählt Minus' Geschichte noch einmal neu: anders, doch genau so unterhaltsam wie die Romanreihe, gagreich und vor allem: mit mehr Illustrationen in einem frischen, neuen Stil.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Minus, der Dorfbewohner, der ein Krieger sein will und sein Freund Blurp, der Zombie, der kein Monster mehr sein will, wollen ihren Wolf Monsterzahn wiederfinden. Ihre Suche führt sie in Blurps Zombiedorf, wo Minus seine Tarnfähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen muss, verschafft ihnen unerwartete Bekanntschaften und neue Ausrüstung, die die beiden gleich im Nether ausprobieren wollen. Wenn sie sich dabei mal nicht zu viel vorgenommen haben ...Das Autorenteam erzählt Minus' Geschichte noch einmal neu: anders, doch ebenso unterhaltsam wie die Romanreihe, reich an Gags und vor allem mit mehr Illustrationen in einem frischen, neuen Stil.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Please note: This audiobook is not an official Amazon product. This audiobook is not endorsed by or associated with Amazon or Fire Stick in any way. Experiencing the fantastic audiovisual entertainment package in your Fire Stick device goes a step further than just scrolling through and clicking on shows or music tabs. It is a lifestyle that separates you from just about everyone else. This guide is the first step you take after getting the device to give you the basics about getting your Fire Stick set up and essential tips on how to maximize the potential of your device.Since it first graced our homes, the Fire Stick has been a must-have for techies and noobs alike. There are no more cable clutters all around your multimedia setup, and with more recent advancements, Alexa has been incorporated into this superb piece of technology, thereby making it simply awesome! The Fire Stick, with its dynamic range of functions, is also quite easy to use, and you can be streaming great shows and games within a few minutes of unboxing your device. Getting this book will bring your powers of controlling your Fire Stick to levels you never knew existed.You will learn the following and much more by getting this book:Setting up your Fire Stick like a pro.Set up and connect Alexa and make use of audio activated command.sHow to navigate the user interfaceConnecting the device to the internet.How to set up the connection of the device to your Amazon account.Set up Kodi and other video streaming apps.Troubleshooting, and so much more!What are you waiting for? Click the "Buy" button immediately, and get started with the world of the Fire Stick! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Trevor Clinger. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/154772/bk_acx0_154772_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Two audiobooks that will teach you everything you need to know about cooking with cannabis and cannabis oil! This bundle of audiobooks will give you complete information about:  Why thousands of people around the world swear by cannabis oil treatments Debunking common myths while learning a series of astonishing facts about this truly magical plant Recipes with cannabis as a central ingredient Understanding what cannabis is The short- and long-term effects of cannabis  What happens while you smoke or eat cannabis  Health benefits of cannabis Remedies for a cannabis overdose  And much more! In this bundle, we will teach you to create great-tasting food with an extra element: the effect of the ingredient marijuana.  Cannabis is an edible foodstuff that is popular around the world. This herb is not eaten in a regular sort of way; it is eaten recreationally. The herb has some potential effects on the human body when taken in measured quantity.  The most common recipes that use cannabis are those of cookies and brownies. But this audiobook takes it beyond that; you will find not only recipes for drinks and milkshakes, but also for complete meals like steak, pasta, and others. And what do you think about Nutella biscuits or mouthwatering cannabis dark-chocolate-covered blueberry clusters? Find these and many more easy-to-make recipes for every day in this cookbook. If you’ve never tried cooking with cannabis, then you’ve probably missed out on some amazing recipes that take advantage of cannabis’ incredible benefits in order to offer you an unparalleled culinary experience!  This is a must-have cookbook for both cannabis enthusiasts and cannabis noobs with little-known facts about marijuana, easy and simple recipes, as well as useful information about cannabis consumption! In this all-inclusive cannabis bundle, you’ll find ever ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Eddie Leonard Jr.. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/117851/bk_acx0_117851_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mit dem Smash Dojo scheint eine neue kompetitive Show am Rocket Beans-Firmament. Viet und Kiara werden für sechs Wochen eingeschult und vom Smash-Profi und Sensei Robin Gronau zu hoffentlich überdurchschnittlichen Spielern trainiert. Wer Robin Gronau genau ist, was er in Smash schon alles erreicht hat und was genau das großes Ziel am Ende der Ausbildung ist, besprechen die Drei in diesem MoinMoin.
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Have you ever wanted to win more Victory Royale like the pros but simply find it difficult? Ever wanted to become a Fortnite god? If yes, I've got the solution for you! Have you been making little to no progress in the game? I have been there, so I know how it feels! This audiobook is going to help you get over that frustration! You can take full control of your Fortnite skills and become an impeccable player! Here’s what you’ll learn:Fortnite Season 6 Guide is an audiobook that will take you from a beginner to expert player. This essential four books in one bundle includes Fortnite Battle Royal Guide: Top 300 Tricks to Become a Fortnite Pro, Fortnite: Battle Royale for Kids: Top Hidden Secrets That Will Help Your Kids Win All the Time, Fortnite Unlocked: Battle Royale Tips and Tricks to Be the Last One Standing, and Fortnite for Teen Noobs: Diary of a Teen Noob."Darkness Rises" has arrived in Fortnite season six. Find out more about the Battle Pass, pets, and more. With a new season, there is a lot of new Battle Star objectives to be completed, some new places to be explored, and much more. You will find everything you need to know in this Fortnite Season 6 Guide. We detail the new Fortnite settings, the pets, and everything in between!This audiobook explains everything that you need to know about the latest weapons, new map, skins, Battle pass, etc. It also unlocks where you can find sweet weapons and shares some pro tips and tricks to help you score lots of kills to be the last one standing!Unlock all the Fortnite tips and tricks to be the last one standing! If you are ready to play Fortnite and want to knock out some opponents (an experience that is not only comical but also entertaining), then this bundle is for you. Order today! Take control of your game! You are guaranteed to never lose a battle! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chris Clyne. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/133349/bk_acx0_133349_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ein spannendes Hör-Abenteuer für alle Fans von Minecraft - das Tagebuch des jungen Minecraft-Dorfbewohners Minus, der davon träumt, ein Krieger zu werden!Held der Abenteuergeschichte ist der 12-jährige Dorfbewohner Minus, der davon träumt, ein Krieger zu werden und Monstern den Garaus zu machen. Ob er den langen und beschwerlichen Weg zum Krieger meistern wird?Minus ist zwölf Jahre alt und geht noch zur Schule. In diesem Alter sind Dorfbewohner keine Kinder mehr und müssen sich für einen Beruf entscheiden. Er ist dazu bestimmt, Bauer, Schmied, Priester oder Fleischer zu werden, so wie die anderen Dorfbewohner ... Minus aber träumt davon, Abenteurer zu werden und sein Dorf gegen die ständigen Angriffe von Monstern zu verteidigen. Als er erfährt, dass die fünf besten Schüler seiner Schule eine Ausbildung zum Krieger machen dürfen, will Minus unbedingt dabei sein. Der Wettbewerb ist hart, aber Minus ist zu allem bereit: Von nun an wird er sich von niemandem mehr als Noob behandeln lassen!Ungekürzte Lesung des gleichnamigen Buchs von Bestseller-Autor Cube Kid.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 6.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Practical Affirmation for Noobs: ab 2.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping

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