152 Results for : pips

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    Diese Schule ist wahrlich wirbelig-wundervoll!Tilly und die anderen Wunderschüler stehen vor einer großen Aufgabe: Sie sollen ihr erstes, eigenes Wunderding erschaffen! Doch kaum, dass sie damit anfangen wollen, taucht plötzlich ein Wunderdieb in Blasslingen auf. Und der hat es auf Pips Unsichtbarkeitsmantel abgesehen! Zusammen mit ihren Freunden müssen Tilly und ihr magischer Kerzenständer Lux in die Nachbarstadt gelangen, um dort den Wunderdieb zu stellen. Nur leider sind sie dabei ausgerechnet auf die Hilfe einer ganz und gar wunderlichen Flugmaschine angewiesen...Band 2 der magischen Kinderbuchreihe von Bestseller-Autorin Kira Gembri (Ruby Fairygale). Humorvoll, liebenswert und wahrlich wunderbar! Für Fans von Die Schule der magischen Tiere und Der zauberhafte Wunschbuchladen und alle Hörer*innen ab 8 Jahren.In der Reihe Die Schule der Wunderdinge sind erschienen:Band 1: Hokus Pokus KerzenständerBand 2: Simsala-SchirmBand 3 erscheint im Herbst 2022. Diese ungekürzte Hörbuch-Fassung genießt du digital exklusiv nur bei Audible.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 4.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Große Aufregung in Knolles Leben. Opa Knolle kennt eine Geschichte, in der zwei Jungs auch für viel Aufregung gesorgt haben. Nach zwanzig Ehejahren endlich Kindersegen für Isaak und Rebekka - und dann gleich zwei Stammhalter! Doch nur einer hat Anspruch auf das väterliche Erbe, und zwar der Erstgeborene! Aber es kommt alles ganz anders... Diese Hörspielserie erzählt Geschichten direkt aus dem Leben des zwölfjährigen Knolle. Mit einer Menge Geduld und Humor verknüpft Knolles Opa dabei die Ereignisse im Leben seines Enkels immer mit einer biblischen Geschichte, in der Knolle sich mit seinen Problemen wiederfindet. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Knolle: Tobias Unverzagt, Opa: Reinhard Conrads, Timo und Pips: Gino und Patrick Riccitelli, Klein-Jakob: Nils Holthaus, Klein-Esau: Christian Schmalenbach, Jakob: Tilmann Schillinger, Esau: Holger Möller, Isaak: Rainer Domke, Rebecca: Hannelore Quandt, Hogla: Ruth Wagner, In weiteren Rollen: Helmut Jost, Uli Pleßmann, Gertrud Schmalenbach, Marko Schmalenbach, Miriam Schöbel-Schmalenbach, Silke Unverzagt.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 5.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sherlock HolmesThe Complete Novels and StoriesVolume ISince his first appearance in Beeton s Christmas Annual in 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle s Sherlock Holmes has been one of the most beloved fictional characters ever created. Now, in two paperback volumes, Bantam presents all fifty-six short stories and four novels featuring Conan Doyle s classic hero--a truly complete collection of Sherlock Holmes s adventures in crime!Volume I includes the early novel A Study in Scarlet, which introduced the eccentric genius of Sherlock Holmes to the world. This baffling murder mystery, with the cryptic word Rache written in blood, first brought Holmes together with Dr. John Watson. Next, The Sign of Four presents Holmes s famous seven percent solution and the strange puzzle of Mary Morstan in the quintessential locked-room mystery. Also included are Holmes s feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the chilling The Adventure of the Speckled Band, the baffling riddle of The Musgrave Ritual, and the ingeniously plotted The Five Orange Pips, tales that bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where Sherlock Holmes earned his undisputed reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Spannende Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen ab 8! Da will Fantasio einfach nur nett sein und sieht auf dem leerstehenden Anwesen eines verstorbenen Onkels nach dem rechten. Womit er nicht rechnen konnte: Er platzt mitten hinein in ein Familientreffen der besonderen Art. Sein Onkel scheint der Nachwelt ein geradezu fantastisches Geheimnis hinterlassen zu haben, von dem nun alle der hier Anwesenden profitieren wollen, koste es, was es wolle! Ehe Fantasio sich versieht, sind Spirou, Pips und er in eine rasante Verfolgungsjagd quer über den Erdball verwickelt, die im Dschungel von Guaracha ein Ende findet. Hier kommt es zum dramatischen Showdown...Abenteuer rund um den Globus Spirou und Fantasio zählen zu den bekanntesten Helden der europäischen Comics. Gemeinsam erleben sie spannende Abenteuer, die sie rund um die ganze Welt führen. Fast immer mit dabei: das Wundertier Marsupilami mit seinem schwarz-gelben Fell und dem langen Schwanz. Fürs Lesen begeistern Die Comics von Spirou und Fantasio sind echte Klassiker. Sie bieten gerade für junge Leserinnen und Leser einen tollen Einstieg, indem sie Spannung, Abenteuer und Spaß verbinden. Andre Franquin, der Erfinder von Spirou und Fantasio, hat es immer verstanden, tolle Geschichten zu erzählen, die Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen ansprechen. Diesen Band haben Morvan und Munuera geschaffen.Das Abenteuer kann beginnen!
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 10.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    In this hour, Patricia O'Conner is a former editor at The New York Times Book Review and the author of Woe is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English. She tells Jim Fleming that what Americans think of as a British accent is a fairly recent development. Next, Roy Blount Jr. is a humorist, word maven and the author of Alphabet Juice: The Energies, Gists, and Spirits of Letters, Words and Combinations Thereof; Their Roots, Bones, Innards, Piths, Pips and Secret Parts, Tinctures, Tonics and Essences; With Examples of Their Usage Foul and Savory. He tells Anne Strainchamps about the title of this program.Then, Dan Everett went to the Amazon as a young Christian missionary and became captivated by the Indian people he'd come to convert and their totally unknown language. He describes his time with them in a book called Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes, and talks with Steve Paulson about the Piraha culture. After that, Arika Okrent is a linguist and the author of In the Land of Invented Languages: Esperanto Rock Stars, Klingon Poets, Logian Lovers, and the Mad Dreamers Who Tried to Build A Perfect Language. She tries her Klingon out on Jim Fleming and explains why people make up languages. And finally, Irene Pepperberg teaches animal cognition at Harvard and is an associate research professor at Brandeis. For thirty years, she worked with a remarkable grey parrot named Alex. She's chronicled their relationship in a book: Alex & Me: How A Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence – and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process. Pepperberg talks about her work with Alex with Steve Paulson, and we hear recordings of them at work. [Broadcast Date: August 6, 2010] Language: English. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/rt/tbon/100806/rt_tbon_100806_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A mysterious and entrancing story, The Other Mrs Walker is the compelling debut from Mary Paulson-Ellis. Somehow she'd always known that she would end like this. In a small square room, in a small square flat. In a small square box, perhaps. Cardboard, with a sticker on the outside. And a name.... In a freezing, desolate Edinburgh flat, an old woman takes her last breath surrounded by the few objects she has accrued over a lifetime: an emerald dress, a brazil nut engraved with the Ten Commandments - and six orange pips sucked dry. Meanwhile, guided by the flip of a coin, Margaret Penny arrives back at her old family home, escaping a life in London recently turned to ash. Faced with relying on a resentful mother she has never really known, Margaret soon finds herself employed by the Office for Lost People, tasked with finding the families of the dead: the neglected, the abandoned, the lost. Her instructions are to uncover paperwork, yet the only thing Mrs Walker, the old woman in her current case, left behind is a series of peculiar objects. But in the end it is these objects that will unravel Mrs Walker's real story: a story rooted in London grime and moving from the 1930s to the present day, a story of children abandoned and lost, of beguiling sisters and misplaced mothers, of deception and thievery, family secrets and the very deepest of betrayals; in which the extraordinary circular nature of life will glitter from the page. For in uncovering the astonishing tale of an old woman who died alone, Margaret will finally discover her own story, too.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Siobhan Redmond. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/macm/000891/bk_macm_000891_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A Scandal In Bohemia: Holmes is hired by the King of Bohemia to recover blackmail evidence, held by the woman whom the king once promised to marry, but who was abandoned for a woman of noble birth. "The Red-Headed League": Holmes (and Doyle) pull out all the stops in this classic story. Of all the many excellent tales of Sherlock Holmes, this must rate amongst the most perplexing of them all. Why would a pawnbroker have to copy out in long-hand the complete Encyclopaedia Britannica, word for word, and what bearing can the knees of a man's trousers have on the case? "A Case of Identity": Miss Mary Sutherland, angry and beside herself with feelings of loss, asks Sherlock Holmes to solve the sudden, mysterious disappearance of a shy and attentive man she has grown to love, upon the very day they were to be married. "The Boscombe Valley Mystery": Holmes is brought into the investigation of what appears to be a simple, obvious case of a son murdering his father, shortly after the son was seen by witnesses near, and at, the scene of the man's death. "The Five Orange Pips": A young man comes to Holmes for help, fearing that the unknown forces that have brought about the deaths of his uncle and father will soon visit him as well. "The Man with the Twisted Lip": Holmes' search for Neville St. Clair has led him to the opium dens of Upper Swandam Lane, where the "disappearance" of many souls in this vile alley is a sobering fact of life. St. Clair's distraught wife has seen him there in one of the dens, but he has vanished just as suddenly. With no body, seemingly deprived of sufficient evidence, and bereft of insight, Holmes appears unable to solve the case. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Ian Davies. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/onvo/000028/bk_onvo_000028_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The complete collection of Sherlock Holmes s adventures in crime, including all four novels and fifty-six short stories featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle s classic heroVolume I includes the early novel A Study in Scarlet, which introduced the eccentric genius of Sherlock Holmes to the world. This baffling murder mystery, with the cryptic word Rache written in blood, first brought Holmes together with Dr. John Watson. Next, The Sign of Four presents Holmes s famous seven percent solution and the strange puzzle of Mary Morstan in the quintessential locked-room mystery. Also included are Holmes s feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Musgrave Ritual, and The Five Orange Pips. Volume II begins with The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. In addition, the loyal Dr. Watson has faithfully recorded Holmes s exploits from The Adventure of the Red Circle to the twelve baffling enigmas from The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes.Conan Doyle s incomparable tales bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where for more than forty years Sherlock Holmes earned his undisputed reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    It was just a boring trading Monday; 12 orders,  466 pips realized 'Look inside".Do you have a busy schedule? Do you need an extra source of income, or are you just in between jobs?If you replied yes to any of these questions, then Swing Trading Strategies for Beginners is the audiobook for you. In this audiobook we will tackle the hard topics that most of us shy away from, the topics majority of us have questions to but lack answers, we handle the questions that you had no idea you needed answers to but most importantly we handle the best way for you to make money in trading by engaging in the simple act of Swing trading. By the end of this audiobook, you will have insiders’ information about how the trading markets work and how the human mind works when it comes to trading psychology. You will no longer have an issue with the type of markets you should get into or the type of financial instrument you should trade with. In this audiobook, you will learn:How to start Swing TradingWhat to do upon startingHow to earn money with Sloth 2.0 trading strategy8 commandments of Swing Trading How to Increase your probability of successOnce you have your way into the door, there is no telling how far you can go with the right guidance and enough motivation. You can go from a complete beginner to the ultimate pro matters trading. A lot of people become such good traders that they develop their own firms of financial advice and get to lead other upcoming traders. There are no limits to the levels you can achieve once you begin learning about financial market.The first thing you need to get accustomed is the basics. We shall discuss some of the keywords you need to know before becoming a trader. It is important for you to learn what a lot size is and how to manipulate it so that you do not make huge losses that take all your money out. The basics will also leave you knowing ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joe Wosik. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/180532/bk_acx0_180532_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A fine exclusive edition of one of literature's most beloved stories. Featuring a laser-cut jacket on a textured book with foil stamping, all titles in this series will be first editions. No more than 10,000 copies will be printed, and each will be individually numbered from 1 to 10,000. It was a perfect day, with a bright sun and a few fleecy clouds in the heavens. The trees and wayside hedges were just throwing out their first green shoots, and the air was full of the pleasant smell of the moist earth. To me at least there was a strange contrast between the sweet promise of the spring and this sinister quest upon which we were engaged. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his iconic detective. Venture back in time to Victorian London to join literature's greatest detective team - the brilliant Sherlock Holmes and his devoted assistant, Dr. Watson - as they investigate a dozen of their best-known cases. Originally published in 1892, featured tales include several of the author's personal favorites: "A Scandal in Bohemia" - in which a king is blackmailed by a former lover and Holmes matches wits with the only woman to attract his open admiration - plus "The Speckled Band," "The Red-Headed League," and "The Five Orange Pips." Additional mysteries include "The Blue Carbuncle," "The Engineer's Thumb," "The Beryl Coronet," "The Copper Beeches," and others.The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Seasons Edition--Spring) is one of four titles available in March 2021. The spring season also will include Emma, The Secret Garden, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 21.99 EUR excl. shipping

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