129 Results for : leandra

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    Lubanzi lost it all. A beautiful wife, a rambunctious son, and a beautiful infant daughter, because he could not control his power. The pain became the focus of his existence, and the shifters he was forced to defend them against, became the focus of his bitterness and hate. For centuries he navigated the world and his work with Team Alpha without allowing himself to feel more than obligation, shame, and guilt, until a small, sassy Shifter ignited a spark that would make him question everything. Leandra could not be more alluring. Confident and sexy, skilled and intelligent, she coaxed the Impundulu from his shell without doing anything more than being herself. She demanded nothing, because she expected nothing. He was nothing more than a fun moment, a spicy connection…and then, he was more. Things in their world, in their work, were developing quickly, with old and new allies beginning to feather into the fold to aid the team in discovering what they needed to know to defend man and immortal kinds from the apocalypse of The Revelation of Jesus. For his part, because of his blood, the Impundulu must atone for his past to unlock the future. He can only hope that the Shifter will accept him for who he is, be understanding of what he has done, and forgive the journey that brought him to her.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Leading historians provide perspective on Trump's four turbulent years in the White HouseThe Presidency of Donald J. Trump presents a first draft of history by offering needed perspective on one of the nation's most divisive presidencies. Acclaimed political historian Julian Zelizer brings together many of today's top scholars to provide balanced and strikingly original assessments of the major issues that shaped the Trump presidency.When Trump took office in 2017, he quickly carved out a loyal base within an increasingly radicalized Republican Party, dominated the news cycle with an endless stream of controversies, and presided over one of the most contentious one-term presidencies in American history. These essays cover the crucial aspects of Trump's time in office, including his administration's close relationship with conservative media, his war on feminism, the solidification of a conservative women's movement, his response to COVID-19, the border wall, growing tensions with China and NATO allies, white nationalism in an era of Black Lives Matter, and how the high-tech sector flourished.The Presidency of Donald J. Trump reveals how Trump was not the cause of the political divisions that defined his term in office but rather was a product of long-term trends in Republican politics and American polarization more broadly.With contributions by Kathleen Belew, Angus Burgin, Geraldo Cadava, Merlin Chowkwanyun, Bathsheba Demuth, Gregory Downs, Jeffrey Engel, Beverly Gage, Nicole Hemmer, Michael Kazin, Daniel C. Kurtzer, James Mann, Mae Ngai, Margaret O'Mara, Jason Scott Smith, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Leandra Zarnow.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 19.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A remarkable novel by one of the most exciting new voices in Latin America todayThis is the story of who Feliciana is, and of who Paloma was.I had wanted to get to know them, but I realised right away that the people I needed to know better were my sister Leandra and my mother. Myself. I came to understand that you can't really know another woman until you know yourself... Weaving together two parallel narratives, Witches tells the story of Feliciana, an indigenous curandera or healer, and Zoe, a journalist: two women who meet through the murder of Feliciana's cousin Paloma.In the tiny village of San Felipe in Jalisco province, where traditional ways and traditional beliefs are a present reality, Feliciana tells the story of her life, her community's acceptance of her as a genuine curandera and the difficult choices faced by her joyful and spirited cousin Paloma who is both a healer and a Muxe - a trans woman.Growing up in Mexico City, Zoe attempts to find her way in a society straitjacketed by its hostile macho culture. But it is Feliciana's and Paloma's stories that draw her own story out of her, taking her on a journey to understanding her place in the world and the power of her voice.This captivating novel of two Mexicos envisions the writer as a healer and offers a generous and distinctly female way of understanding the complex world we all inhabit.Translated from the Spanish by Heather Cleary
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 7.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    "Personal style really originated with Iris Apfel; she has always espoused the virtues of not just dressing for yourself, but being who you are and doing it unapologetically, which is perhaps why she and her messaging and aesthetic have resonated so comprehensively. She's a transcendent icon!"- Leandra Medine, manrepeller.comA unique and lavishly illustrated collection of musings, anecdotes, and observations on all matters of life and style, infused with the singular candor, wit, and exuberance of the globally revered ninety-six-year-old fashion icon whose work has been celebrated at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute and by countless fans worldwide.A woman who transcends time and trends, Iris Apfel is a true original, one of the most dynamic personalities in the worlds of fashion, textiles, and interior design. As the cofounder with her husband, Carl Apfel, of Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company that specialized in reproducing antique fabrics, her prestigious clientele has included Greta Garbo, Estee Lauder, Montgomery Clift, and Joan Rivers. She also acted as a restoration consultant and replicated fabric for the White House over nine presidential administrations. Iris's travels worldwide and a passion for flea markets of all sorts inspired her work and fueled her passion for collecting fashion and accessories.In 2005, she was the first living person who was not a designer to have her clothing and accessories exhibited at the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a blockbuster show that catapulted her to fame and a career as a supermodel, muse, and collaborator for renowned brands, from Citroen to Tag Heuer, and global gigs at Bon Marché in Paris and the Landmark Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong. In 2015, acclaimed director Albert Maysles released Iris, his last film-now an Emmy Award nominee-to a global audience.Now, this self-dubbed geriatric starlet, whose irrepressible authenticity, wit, candor, and infectious energy have earned her nearly a million followers on social media, has created an entertaining, thought-provoking, visually arresting, and inspiring volume-her first book-that captures her unique joie de vivre. Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon, contains an eclectic mix of musings and 180 full-color and black-and-white photos and illustrations-presented in the same improvisational, multifaceted style that have made Iris a contemporary fashion icon. Astute maxims, witty anecdotes from childhood to the present, essays on style and various subjects, from the decline of manners to the importance of taking risks, fill the book as do lists, both proclamatory, revelatory, and advisory.All are paired with a bold, color-filled, exciting design that varies from page to page. Here, too, is a treasure trove of never-before-published personal photographs and mementos, mixed with images from top international fashion photographers and illustrators with enchanting, surprising novelties such as Disney cartoons, vintage postcards, the Iris Apfel Halloween costume for children, and more.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 22.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Schwester Leandra: ab 1.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Häkelanleitung Fee Leandra: ab 2.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Leandra- Sternenbraut: ab 6.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 6.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    "Jahresringe" knüpft da an, wo "Tränenreich" 2014 aufgehört hat - mit emotionalen und persönlichen Songs. Dark-Pop angereichert mit Elementen aus den Genres Electro und Dubstep, während die markante Stimme von Frontmann Mart (u.a. Stahlmann) dem ganzen Charakter und Wiedererkennungswert verleiht. Als Gastmusiker am Cello ist Benni Cellini von der Band Letzte Instanz auf dem Album zu hören und bei dem Song "Du bist mein Licht" gibt sich außerdem Leandra Ophelia Dax (früher Apoptygma Berzerk, Santiano, Leandra ) als Duettpartnerin die Ehre.Tracklist: 1. Schnitt Um Schnitt 2. Staub 3. Schwarze Götter 4. Wenn alles brennt 5. Von Träne zu Regen 6. Du bist mein Licht (feat. Leandra) 7. Antiheld 8. 1000 Stimmen 9. Auf den Weg 10. Vergeben und vergessen
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der in der Zeit gestrandete Krieger Garlan mag im Kampf gegen die Finsternis in seiner Seele einen ersten Sieg errungen haben, doch die wahre Herausforderung steht ihm noch bevor: die Suche nach einem Artefakt, dessen Macht ausreicht, um ganz Ancaria zu vernichten. An ein Versprechen gebunden, das er einem sterbenden Freund gegeben hat, macht sich der Schattenkrieger gemeinsam mit der Halbelfe Leandra auf die Suche nach der Großen Maschine. Wer immer sie kontrolliert, kontrolliert zugleich die Geschicke der Welt. Kaum hat die Suche begonnen, droht jedoch bereits ihr Ende: Leandra erleidet im Kampf gegen eine Bestie, die im Licht des Vollmonds ihr Unwesen treibt, grauenhafte Wunden. Wird Garlan auch seine letzte Gefährtin verlieren? Kann er hinter die Masken blicken, die die scheinbar so hilfsbereiten Bewohner eines abgelegenen Dorfes tragen? Wem lohnt es sich Vertrauen zu schenken, und wer will Garlan für seine eigenen, finsteren Zwecke einspannen? Schlimmer noch: Wie lange wird es dauern, bis ein alter, längst bezwungen geglaubter Feind Garlan aufspürt, um schreckliche Rache an ihm zu üben?
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 12.82 EUR excl. shipping

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