194 Results for : handouts
MedSurg NCLEX® Essentials: Critical Information for Nursing Students NCLEX® Review , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 168min
Demolish the NCLEX® and MedSurg Nursing. MedSurg makes up the largest portion of the NCLEX® exam as well as nursing school courses. Stop struggling through nursing school - here's your lifeline. This audiobook outlines the must know and most critical information needed to comprehend, demolish, learn and understand at a faster rate without all the fluff of traditional review books. With tons of images and outlined content this is a shortcut to MedSurg success. Body systems covered: Cardiac Respiratory Neuro Renal and Genitourinary Metabolic and Endocrine Musculoskeletal Immunological Integumentary Hematologic/Oncology Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Literally hundreds of disease processes covered. With each section, the nursing care, basic A&P, and medical management is also covered so that you can answer any NCLEX® review question with confidence and prepare to provide holistic nursing care. We have literally broken down the most complex portion of nursing school and the area where more students struggle than any other, and handed it to you on a silver platter. Toss out the boring PowerPoint slides and useless handouts from your professors. Stop trying to read 5,357 pages each night in your NCLEX® prep books - it's all right here! With this audiobook you will not need to sift through countless books to try to find the information you need for your exams. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Merritt Chandler. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/093788/bk_acx0_093788_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 771min
Who is killing America? Is it really Donald Trump and a GOP filled with white supremacists? In a major new work of historical revisionism, Dinesh D’Souza makes the provocative case that Democrats are the ones killing America by turning it into a massive nanny state modeled on the Southern plantation system. This sweeping alternative history of the Democratic Party goes back to its foundations in the antebellum South. The slaveholding elite devised the plantation as a means of organizing labor and political support. It was a mini-welfare state, a cradle-to-grave system that bred dependency and punished any urge to independence. This model impressed Northern Democrats, inspiring the political machines that traded government handouts for votes from ethnic immigrant blocs. Today's Democrats have expanded to a multiracial plantation of ghettos for blacks, barrios for Latinos, and reservations for Native Americans. Whites are the only holdouts resisting full dependency, and so they are blamed for the bigotry and racial exploitation that is actually perpetrated by the left. Death of a Nation's bracing alternative vision of American history explains the Democratic Party's dark past, reinterprets the roles of figures like Van Buren, FDR, and LBJ, and exposes the hidden truth that racism comes not from Trump or the conservative right but rather from Democrats and progressives on the left. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dinesh D'Souza. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/aren/003576/bk_aren_003576_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Mentales Training im Leistungssport - Teil 2
Mentale Stärke bedeutet, seine Leistung auf den Punkt genau abzurufen. Das vorliegende Buch unterstützt SportlerInnen aller Altersbereiche, diese Fähigkeit zu entwickeln. Dabei lernen sie Techniken und Strategien, um mit sich selbst, ihren Gedanken und Emotionen sowie den Anforderungen des Wettkampfsports optimal umzugehen. Neben klassischen Themen des Mentalen Trainings, wie dem Aufbau von Selbstvertrauen, dem Vorstellungstraining und dem Wettkampfmanagement, werden auch neue Ideen der modernen Sportpsychologie, wie etwa die Arbeit an Achtsamkeit und Gelassenheit sowie die Begleitung verletzter SportlerInnen, integriert. In einem weiteren Kapitel für TrainerInnen finden sich Übungen und Impulse zu Themen wie Führungsstil, Kommunikation und Körpersprache. Auf der Basis des bewährten Konzepts aus Band 1 haben die Autoren hier ihr Praxiswissen aus dem Mannschafts- und Einzelsport für SportlerInnen, Eltern, (Mental-)TrainerInnen und SportpsychologInnen konkret und praxisnah zusammengefasst. Um eine Methodenvielfalt zu erhalten wurden sie durch Gastbeiträge namhafter ExpertInnen der Sportpsychologie, der Ernährungs- und Sportwissenschaften sowie der Medizin unterstützt. In zehn Kapiteln werden über 150 konkrete Übungen, Ideen und Methoden beschrieben, die mit zahlreichen Anleitungen, Arbeitsblättern und Handouts als Druckvorlagen ergänzt werden.Buch mit 268 Seiten plus 98 Übungsblätter als Download zum Ausdrucken.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 30.80 EUR excl. shipping
Offenbarung des Himmels
Das Fürstentum Kosch ist bekannt für seine atemberaubend schönen, urtümlichen Landschaften und die ausgesprochene Gastfreundschaft seiner Bewohner. Doch eure Helden haben in ffenbarung des Himmel nur wenig Zeit, die ländliche Idylle zu genießen, denn schnell müssen sie feststellen, dass es im kleinen Dörfchen Altenbrück nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Offenbar halten nicht alle Bewohner die Gesetze der Götter gleichermaßen in Ehren, und nur einer kann Licht ins Dunkel bringen und ein ungeheuerliches Verbrechen aufklären - eure Helden!Dieses Abenteuer nach den Regeln der 5. Edition ist besonders geeignet für Einsteigerhelden und bietet ausführliche Beschreibungen zum Abenteuerverlauf, Örtlichkeiten, Meisterpersonen und Herausforderungen für eure Helden. Zum Spielen benötigt ihr lediglich das Das Schwarze Auge Regelwerk, alle weiteren Informationen zum Erleben des Abenteuers wie Wertekästen, Karten und Pläne sowie Handouts sind im Band enthalten. Ein DSA-Gruppenabenteuer für 3-5 hilfsbereite Helden.Genre: Detektivgeschichte, HeimatgeschichteVoraussetzungen: keineOrt: ein kleines Dorf in den Koschbergen, ansonsten beliebig zu verortenZeit: Rahja Rahja 1038 BF, davor auch beliebig früher zeitlich verortbarKomplexität (Spieler/Meister): gering / geringErfahrung der Helden: unerfahren bis kompetentAnforderungen:Gesellschaftstalente 3/4Kampf 2/4Naturtalente 1/4Lebendige Geschichte: 1/4- Shop: buecher
- Price: 15.40 EUR excl. shipping
How to Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 332min
Want to optimize your brain function? This book teaches you about specific brain-supporting nutrients, how these nutrients affect us, and what we can eat to support our brain function. The author is a survivor of a severe traumatic brain injury that left him comatose, with less than a 10 percent chance of regaining consciousness beyond a vegetative state. In this book, he shares real-life stories of how he used nutrition in his own brain recovery, along with scientific studies and research explaining why and how nutrition makes such a difference in our brain function. After sustaining his severe injury, the author devoted years to researching and connecting with doctors, nutritionists, practitioners, neuroscientists, and many others to learn how to optimize brain recovery and function. How to Feed a Brain is the culmination of the nutritional tools that he has learned through this journey and used in his own recovery. The book provides links to download printable charts, lists, and user-friendly handouts to take to the grocery store or put on the refrigerator so that you can easily apply what you learn to optimally feed their brains. There are special sections that provide instructions for supplementation and tube feeding.This book is not only for someone with a brain injury or disease but also for anyone seeking to improve their brain. Ready to get started? How to Feed a Brain will give you the nutritional tools to optimize your brain function. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Cavin Balaster. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/163219/bk_acx0_163219_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Talk Up Your Book: How to Sell Your Book Through Public Speaking, Interviews, Signings, Festivals, Conferences, and More , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 508min
A unique and significant guide to selling more books through personal appearances and online interviews, brimming with information and resources as well as tips and ideas from nearly two dozen author-speaker professionals.The most powerful tool in your book promotion toolkit is your personality. The fact is that personality sells books. Readers want a relationship with authors of the books they read. If you aren’t a celebrity or a world-known author, it is up to you to create that relationship. Finally, here’s a book that tells you how to develop a greater rapport with your readers, and thus SELL MORE BOOKS through more effective live presentations, well-attended book signings, successful book festival experiences, and more personalized social media techniques. Learn how to get speaking gigs at conferences and how to land and more expertly handle radio, TV, and Internet interviews.This book will teach you how to:,liHandle yourself skillfully in front of an audienceEliminate your noodle kneesImprove your speaking skillsImprove and protect your speaking voiceCome up with speech topics for fiction and nonfiction books Organize workshops and present them on your ownGet publicity for your presentationsLand speaking gigs at conferencesForm a bond with audience members Write a pitch letter and press releaseCreate better handouts and use them more effectivelyDevelop better communication skillsAttract more people to your book signingsSell more books at book festivalsIf you’re ready to take your book promotion to the next level, this thorough guide is for you! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Carol Kilgore. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/008438/bk_adbl_008438_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Sozialpsychologie (eBook, PDF)
Mit Hilfe eines erzählenden Ansatzes vermitteln die Autoren die Grundlagen der Sozialpsychologie ebenso verständlichwie begeisternd und stets mit Bezug zu unserer alltäglichen Erfahrungswelt. Dank dieser wissenschaftlichen Herangehensweise,die den Leser zugleich interessiert und in ihren Bann zieht, hat sich »der Aronson« so zu dem internationalführenden Lehrbuch der Sozialpsychologie entwickelt. Es besticht durch seinen hohen Praxis- und Anwendungsbezug:Fallstudien, historische und aktuelle Beispiele sowie detaillierte Schilderungen sowohl klassischer als auch modernerStudien helfen beim Lernen und Begreifen. Selbsttest-Übungen, Testfragen am Ende jedes Kapitels, Exkurse zur»Sozialpsychologie im Alltag«, ein umfassendes Glossar, Zusammenfassungen am Ende jedes Kapitels etc. ermöglichenein tiefes Verständnis des Lehrstoffs.Für die Neuauflage wurde das Buch mit zahlreichen neuen Studien aktualisiert und auf den neuesten Stand der Forschunggebracht. Wichtige Änderungen sind u.a. neue Abschnitte über die Bedeutung des Bewusstseins und der Wahrnehmungdes freien Willens, zur Auswirkung der Medien auf prosoziales Verhalten, zur Rolle des Gruppendenkenswährend der Finanzkrise oder zum Thema Selbstwertgefühl, in dem die Autoren auch die Forschung zur Theorie desTerrormanagements und zum Narzissmus erörtern.EXTRAS ONLINE AUF WWW.PEARSON-STUDIUM.DE:Für Dozenten:Foliensatz zum Einsatz in der Lehre,Vorlagen für Handouts (englisch)Für Studenten und Dozenten:Aufgabensammlung,weiterführende Links auf relevantesozialpsychologische Websites, Videos,Study Guide zum Wiederholen und Lernen(englisch)- Shop: buecher
- Price: 49.40 EUR excl. shipping
Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts: Second Edition: Books for Writers, Book 6 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 236min
Are you an author or creative preparing for success? Do you want to learn to speak effectively in front of an audience? All successful creatives have to speak and present in public, whether that's at a festival, on a podcast or radio show, or as part of earning multiple streams of income. But you don’t have to be like Tony Robbins, bouncing around on stage with a booming voice and larger than life personality. You just have to be you and tell your story in your own way. In this book, I'll share everything I know as a professional speaker, author, and introvert. It includes the practicalities of speaking, as well as mindset issues like anxiety, plus the business side if you want to make speaking an income stream. You will discover: Part 1: Practicalities of SpeakingTypes of speaking, deciding on your topic, preparation, managing your energy, tips for slide packs, handouts, workbooks and more, personal presentation, giving the talk, managing people, panels, feedback and testimonials, performance tips, improving your speaking over time Part 2: Mindset Tackling anxiety, growing your confidence and authenticity Part 3: The Speaking Business How to get speaking events, running your own events, marketing, generosity and networking with others, your speaker brand, website and speaker's page, professional photos, email marketing, content marketing, social media, video, audio, how much to charge, increasing your revenue streams, financial considerations.Conclusion and Next StepsIf you want to learn how to speak effectively in front of an audience, sample or buy now. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joanna Penn. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/163876/bk_acx0_163876_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide To Control Your Emotions, Mindfulness, Develop Strategies, Skills & Tools For Emotion Regulation and Break Free From Panic, PTSD, Anxiety, BPD , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 162min
Developed for the treatment of borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) has been shown to be effective as a treatment for a variety of other mental health problems, particularly those marked by overwhelming emotions. Research shows that DBT can improve the ability to manage depression without losing control and behaving destructively. To order to make use of these techniques, you need to develop skills to four key areas: Pain management, meditation, emotional control, and communication effectiveness.The first chapter of this book briefly explores the theory and research underlying DBT, explaining how DBT differs from traditional cognitive behavioral therapy. The second part reflects on the strategies that therapists can use at individual client sessions, while the third part discusses the four training modules that form the backbone of DBT: Essential tolerance, pain management, emotional regulation, and intimacy performance. The book includes handouts, case studies, and an example of a therapist-client dialog - all counselors need to inspire their patients with these powerful and life-changing skills.Start by working on the introductory activities and transfer to the advanced skills chapters after making progress. Whether you are a trained reader or a general reader, whether you use this book to promote your practice in counseling or as a framework of self-help, you will benefit from this easy, practical guide to better manage your emotions.What You Will Learn:Introduction History of dialectical behavioral therapy What is dialectical behavior therapy? DBT Vs. CBT: How do they differ? 4 essential DBT skills and techniques to master Core mindfulness skills Distress tolerance skills Emotion regulation Increasing self-awarenessAnd many more.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Richard Fannin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/189864/bk_acx0_189864_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
American-Made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA: When FDR Put the Nation to Work , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1213min
When President Roosevelt took the oath of office in March 1933, he was facing a devastated nation. Four years into the Great Depression, a staggering 13 million American workers were jobless, and many millions more of their family members were equally in need. Desperation ruled the land.What people wanted were jobs, not handouts - the pride of earning a paycheck. And in 1935, after a variety of temporary relief measures, a permanent nationwide jobs program was created. This was the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and it would forever change the physical landscape and the social policies of the United States.The WPA lasted for eight years, spent $11 billion, employed 8.5 million men and women, and gave the country not only a renewed spirit but a fresh face. Under its colorful head, Harry Hopkins, the agency's remarkable accomplishment was to combine the urgency of putting people back to work with its vision of physically rebuilding America. Its workers laid roads and erected dams, bridges, tunnels, and airports. They stocked rivers, made toys, sewed clothes, and served millions of hot school lunches. When disasters struck, they were there by the thousands to rescue the stranded. And all across the country the WPA's arts programs performed concerts, staged plays, painted murals, delighted children with circuses, and created invaluable guidebooks. Even today, more than 60 years after the WPA ceased to exist, there is almost no area in America that does not bear some visible mark of its presence.Politically controversial, the WPA was staffed by passionate believers and hated by conservatives; its critics called its projects make-work, and wags said WPA stood for "We Piddle Around". The contrary was true. We have only to look about us today to discover its lasting presence. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: James Boles. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tant/000616/bk_tant_000616_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping