192 Results for : chinua
The elements of Post Modern Literature in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
The elements of Post Modern Literature in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe: ab 2.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
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Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse in the Novels of Yom Sang-Sop Chinua Achebe and Salman Rushdie
Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse in the Novels of Yom Sang-Sop Chinua Achebe and Salman Rushdie: ab 69.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 69.49 EUR excl. shipping
A Short History of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
A Short History of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: ab 15.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 15.99 EUR excl. shipping
Gute Regierungsführung und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Herausforderung für postkoloniale afrikanische Gesellschaften
Gute Regierungsführung und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Herausforderung für postkoloniale afrikanische Gesellschaften - Eine Analyse von Chinua Achebes Le Démagogue. 1. Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Problematic of the Kaleidoscopic Postcolonial Discourse
The Problematic of the Kaleidoscopic Postcolonial Discourse - In Margaret Atwood's Surfacing Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Translinguale Praxis in der afrikanischen englischsprachigen Literatur
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. Translinguale Praxis in der afrikanischen englischsprachigen Literatur: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Forward Across Graves. Chinua Achebe's Dead Men's Path as an Example for a Cultural Clash
Forward Across Graves. Chinua Achebe's Dead Men's Path as an Example for a Cultural Clash - 1. Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Obi Okonkwo as a 'postcolonial subject' in Chinua Achebe's 'No Longer At Ease'
Obi Okonkwo as a 'postcolonial subject' in Chinua Achebe's 'No Longer At Ease': ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart - Bridging Cultural Differences
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart - Bridging Cultural Differences: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Africa's Transition from Colonisation to Independence and Decolonisation: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Moses Isegawa's Abyssinian Chronicles
Africa's Transition from Colonisation to Independence and Decolonisation: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Moses Isegawa's Abyssinian Chronicles - 1 Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping