280 Results for : cashflow
#dkinfografik. Geld und Finanzen
Die Grundlagen zum Thema Geld und Finanzen - grafisch einzigartig erklärt! Von den Basics der Geldwirtschaft bis zum eigenen Investieren - dieses Finanzbuch macht mithilfe von übersichtlichen Illustrationen umfassendes Finanz-Know-how für Sie verständlich. Ob Finanzmarkt, staatliche Verwaltung oder Bitcoins: Durch moderne Infografiken wird selbst komplexes Wissen für jeden nachvollziehbar. Finanztipps gewünscht? Der visuelle Leitfaden zur Sprache des Geldes! - Finanzwissen kompetent aufbereitet: Anhand innovativer Grafiken und unterhaltsamer Fakten wird Ihnen in diesem Finanzbuch die ganze Finanzwelt auf eine besonders eingängige und anschauliche Art und Weise erklärt. - Wichtiges auf einen Blick verstehen: Cashflow, Anleihen, Rendite oder Inflation - so durchblicken Sie, was sich hinter diesen Finanzbegriffen verbirgt. - Mit brandneuen Infos aus der digitalen Finanzwelt: Wie wird sich der Umgang mit Geld durch digitales Zahlen und Finanzieren mit Bitcoin und Crowdfunding verändern? Wagen Sie mit diesem Finanzbuch einen Blick in die Zukunft. - Ideale Anleitung zur Maximierung des eigenen Einkommens: Die zahlreichen Tipps und Tricks geben Ihnen einen hilfreichen Leitfaden zur Geldanlage und zum nachhaltigen Investieren an die Hand. Finanzen verstehen: Lernen Sie, die Sprache des Geldes zu verstehen und sie selbst zu sprechen!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping
Day Trading: The Best Techniques to Multiply Your Cashflow in Only One Day of Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 71min
The world of day trading can be an intimidating one, full of make-or-break deals and rollercoaster emotions. It is easy to think of the day trading business as one that's closed to most people, but that is just not the case. With the right knowledge and tools, anyone can make money as a day trader. The days of instinct and gut feelings are over. Instead, successful careers are built on careful analysis and well-honed strategy. This book will teach you the techniques that you'll need to calculate risk, manage a portfolio, and choose trades that make sense for you. Most importantly you'll learn how to make money on the stock market trading as little as an hour a day. Inside are smart strategies, not just tips and tricks. You'll learn the concrete steps that every successful day trader uses to make money on the stock market and prepare yourself to join their ranks. If you're ready to jump in to the exciting, fast-paced, and lucrative world of day trading, this book will be your guide along that path. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ralph L. Rati. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/074113/bk_acx0_074113_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Pay Off Your Mortgage: Pay Down Your Biggest Debt Fast: The Key to Financial Freedom , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 60min
Do you dream of paying off your mortgage? Why spend 30 years of your life paying interest to the banks and mortgage companies. This book will teach you how to pay down your biggest debt fast. By using this proven strategy, you will save thousands of dollars in interest that you can use for other things. If your goal is to become debt free and have peace of mind around your finances, this book will teach you how. This is a secret strategy used in other countries all over the world, and most home owners in the United States aren’t aware of it because banks don’t want you to know this information. Here is some of what you will discover in this book: How to pay off your home without increasing your incomeHow to set up a more efficient savingsHow to create more liquidity while paying off your mortgage Why paying off your mortgage in a low interest rate environment is still incredibly wise How bankers, loan officers, and financial advisors have trained us to think, and why we need a changeHow to look at cashflow differentlyAnd much more! This is a book for people who are serious about paying off all of their debt, and are looking for a way to really gain momentum without having to get a second job to create more income.If you are ready to make your dream a reality and learn how to own your home debt-free, and you’re open to learning about a method that isn’t taught by the financial community, then let's dive in and secure your financial future today! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jack Ares. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/223566/bk_acx0_223566_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
IMMOBILIEN - Die Turbo Strategie: : Warum schlaue Millionäre immer in Ferienimmobilien investieren (Finanzielle Freiheit durch passives Einkommen) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 276min
Werde Immobilieninvestor und erreiche finanzielle Freiheit mit der Turbo Strategie. Lerne, Immobilien als Kapitalanlage zu kaufen und gewinnbringend an Gäste zu vermieten. Nutze die Trends des digitalen Zeitalters und generiere ein passives Einkommen. Es spielt keine Rolle, woher Du kommst. Alles was zählt ist, wohin Du gehst. Mache jetzt den nächsten Schritt: Hole Dir ein System mit dem Du mit der cleveren Anschaffung von Immobilien Renditen von weit mehr als 20% erwirtschaften kannst. Dieses Buch zeigt Dir, wie Du mit nur geringem Startkapital ein Immobilienvermögen aufbaust. Innovative Vermarktungskonzepte helfen Dir dabei überdurchschnittliche Gewinne mit Ferienimmobilien zu erzielen. Und zwar so, dass von Anfang an, ein monatlicher freier Cashflow übrig bleibt - selbst nach Tilgung des Kredits. Mit dieser Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung erhältst Du das notwendige Knowhow um in der Immobilien Königsklasse mitzuspielen. Ferienimmobilien werfen nämlich nicht nur höhere Renditen ab als herkömmliche Wohnimmobilien, sie lassen sich auch hervorragend für den Eigengebrauch nutzen. Ich habe durch den Kauf von mehreren Apartments und Wohnungen innerhalb der letzten Jahre meine eigene Rente erschaffen. Und ich mache nebenbei regelmäßig Urlaub - in meinen eigenen Immobilien - erziele also eine doppelte Rente. Einmal in Form von Cash und einmal in Form von Urlaub. Das ist einfach toll. Mit den im Buch beschriebenen Tipps & Tricks, sowie modernster Online-Marketing Strategien, ist es auch Dir möglich mit Immobilien finanziell frei zu werden. Für wen ist dieses Buch geeignet? Es richtet sich an Einsteiger und trendbewusste Menschen, die sich mit nur wenig Eigenkapital ein Immobilienvermögen aufbauen wollen. Es setzt kein Vorwissen voraus und eignet sich bestens als persönlicher Ratgeber, gerade zum Beginn Deiner Karriere als Investor. Hole Dir jetzt das Buch und dazu noch eine GRATIS Businessplanvorla ungekürzt. deutsch. Alex Fischer. https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/127646/bk_acx0_127646_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Options Trading: The Bible: 5 Books in 1: The Beginners Guide + The Crash Course + The Best Techniques + Tips and Tricks + The Advanced Guide to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Options Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 371min
Five hard-hitting audiobooks conveniently packed in one powerful bundle! This bible on options trading for profit contains five manuscripts conveniently rolled up in one. This is an incredible value for money offer! Lots of useful information and tips for beginners about the universe of options trading in one consolidated book! Are you looking to make money fast? Do you have what it takes to trade options quickly, in a fast-paced environment and with limited resources? Does the idea of trading excite you, yet you don't think you'd have the time or wherewithal to spend long periods of time waiting for your shares to grow? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to download this audiobook as soon as you can! These manuscripts will give you the potential to take a small sum of money and turn it into a larger sum of money within the same day! What more could you possibly want? It doesn't get much better than that. After listening to them, it's safe to say that you'll never want to work a normal 40-hour-per-week job ever again. Some people become so consumed by options trading that they end up doing it full-time. Here are the books you'll discover inside: Options Trading: A Beginner Guide to Start Making Immediate Cash with Options Trading Options Trading: A Crash Course to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Options Trading Options Trading: The Best Techniques to Multiply Your Cashflow with Options Trading Options Trading: Tips and Tricks to Start Right, Avoid Mistakes and Win with Options Trading Options Trading: The Advanced Guide That Will Make You the King of Options Trading ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ralph L. Rati. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/099275/bk_acx0_099275_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Think Like Robert Kiyosaki: Top 30 Life and Business Lessons from Robert Kiyosaki , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 68min
Feel overwhelmed by your thoughts? Struggling with finding your true purpose in life? Or do you want to stop feeling lost in life?The truth is...we all experience the occasional down moments. But if you always feel unproductive, then you need to closely examine how these thoughts are negatively impacting your life....The solution is to find a mentor, a true mentor who has achieved what we’ve wanted. This way, we can cut short our learning curve by 15 to 20 years or more, depending on how effectively we absorb the valuable knowledge and wisdom by this mentor. That’s what you’ll discover in Think Like Robert Kiyosaki.The goal of this audiobook is simple: We have done the research and the hard work and put in the hours to get the best life and business lessons from Robert Kiyosaki....Robert Kiyosaki:Is the founder of the Rich Dad companyIs also creator of the Cashflow board and software gameIs the author of more than 26 books, including the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books, which has been translated into 51 languages and has sold more than 27 million copies worldwideOwns more than 1,400 units of apartment housesWoah! Right?Think Like Robert Kiyosaki is full of valuable life and business lessons that will potentially have an immediate, positive impact on your life and wealth. Instead of just reading a random book telling you what you should do, isn’t it a better idea to learn from the life experiences of the number-one internationally best-selling finance author?Would you like to know more?Download now to challenge your beliefs, grow your knowledge, and start living life on your own terms.Scroll to the top of the page and select the "Buy Now" button. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Randy Royal Beisner. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/133127/bk_acx0_133127_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Bilanzanalyse kompakt dargestellt - inklusive Online-Training.Mit diesem Lern- und Arbeitsbuch erarbeiten Sie sich selbständig die Techniken und Methoden der Bilanzanalyse. Anhand zahlreicher Kontrollfragen und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen vertiefen Sie Ihr Wissen, trainieren die praktische Anwendung und kontrollieren Ihren Lernfortschritt.Den Schwerpunkt des Buches bilden die finanz- und erfolgswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlen zur Analyse von Jahresabschlüssen. Beim Einzeljahresabschluss auf Grundlage des HGB geht es dabei vorrangig um "Klassiker" wie z. B. Rentabilität, operative und außerordentliche Ergebnisse, Eigenkapitalquoten, Verschuldungsgrade und Cashflows.Beim Thema kapitalmarktorientierte Konzernjahresabschlüsse lernen Sie international gebräuchliche Ansätze wie Pro-Forma-Kennzahlen (EBIT, EBITDA), Cashflow Return on Investment (CFRoI), Return on Capital Employed (RoCe) und Economic Value Added (EVA) kennen. Ausführlich erläutern die Autoren zudem die Erkenntnismöglichkeiten, welche die Kapitalflussrechnung und Segmentberichterstattung bieten.Neu: Inklusive Online-Training.Für die 14. Auflage wurde das Buch vollständig überarbeitet und um ein Online-Training mit rund 100 Aufgaben ergänzt. Mithilfe von Lückentexten, Zuordnungen, Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben und vielem mehr können Sie hier Ihr Wissen zur Bilanzanalyse kontinuierlich testen und sind damit optimal auf Ihre Prüfung vorbereitet.Aus dem Inhalt:Allgemeine Grundlagen, Methoden, Instrumente und Techniken der Analyse von Jahresabschlüssen.Traditionelle Kennzahlenanalyse des Einzeljahresabschlusses.Kapitalmarktorientierte Analyse von Konzernjahresabschlüssen.Statistische Verfahren zur Früherkennung von Insolvenzen: Die Diskriminanzanalyse.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 33.80 EUR excl. shipping
Financial Freedom Now: Learn How to Escape Middle Class Poverty and Make Money Work for You! , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 528min
Financial Freedom Now will help you to...Learn how to escape the 9-5!Learn how to change a poverty mindset into a wealth mindset!Learn how to to take advantage of the next stock or real estate market crash!Learn how to get 500 of the biggest US companies working for you!Learn how to create cashflow!The information in this book has turned the financial knowledge that I've gained over the last 25 years into millions of dollars in wealth.Some of the concepts inside have been able to turn a poor person into a rich person, by simply discarding what you've been taught in school.This is an incredibly effective book that you can listen to in one sitting. If this book gives you even one tip that helps you achieve financial freedom then this will be a fantastic investment in yourself.The information is laid out in the same way that I went from broke to financially free.Financial Freedom Now will show you how I....Escaped the 9-5Changed my poverty mindset into a wealth mindsetAchieved financial freedomLearned to work smarter, not harderWhy the real estate market has changed dramatically since the 2008 credit crisis and how you can profit from it!Unlock your financial super power (maybe for the first time ever) and become unbeatable!Uncover the new rules of wealth and fortune and join the ranks of the financially free!Leverage your current knowledge to reach high levels of financial success!I invite you to spend some time with me listening to this book.Step 1. Grab a drink of your choice. I prefer steeped tea when listening.Step 2. Grab a notepad and pen before starting (for notes).Step 3. Find a very comfortable place to sit and listen to this book.Step 4. Begin absorbing the revolutionary concepts laid out in the book and apply them to your life.Enjoy the book!/ ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Graham Mack. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/220797/bk_acx0_220797_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Forex Trading: The Bible: 5 Books in 1: The Beginners Guide + The Crash Course + The Best Techniques + Tips & Tricks + The Advanced Guide to Quickly Start and Make Immediate Cash with Forex Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 386min
Forex Trading: The Bible 5 Books in 1: The Beginners Guide + The Crash Course + The Best Techniques + Tips and Tricks + The Advanced Guide to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Forex Trading Five Hard-Hitting Books Conveniently Packed in One Powerful Bundle! This bible on Forex Trading for profit contains five manuscripts conveniently rolled up in one: This is an incredible value for your money! Lots of useful information and tips for beginners about the universe of Forex trading in one consolidated book! Are you looking to make money fast? Do you have what it takes to trade Forex quickly, in a fast-paced environment and with limited resources? Does the idea of trading excite you, yet you don't think you'd have the time or wherewithal to spend long periods of time waiting for your shares to grow? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to download these audiobooks as soon as you can! These audiobooks will give you the potential to take a small sum of money and turn it into a larger sum of money within the same day! What more could you possibly want? It doesn't get much better than that. After listening to them, it's safe to say that you'll never want to work a normal 40-hour-per-week job ever again. Some people become so consumed by Forex trading that they end up doing it full time. Here are the books you'll discover inside: Forex Trading: A Beginner Guide to Start Making Immediate Cash with Forex Trading Forex Trading: A Crash Course to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Forex Trading Forex Trading: The Best Techniques to Multiply Your Cashflow with Forex Trading Forex Trading: Tips and Tricks to Start Right, Avoid Mistakes and Win with Forex Trading Forex Trading: The Advanced Guide That Will Make You the King of Forex Traders ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ralph L. Rati. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/099398/bk_acx0_099398_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Stock Trading: The Bible: 5 Books in 1: The Beginners Guide + The Crash Course + The Best Techniques + Tips & Tricks + The Advanced Guide to Quickly Start and Make Immediate Cash with Stock Trading , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 364min
Stock Trading: The Bible 5 Books in 1: The Beginners Guide + The Crash Course + The Best Techniques + Tips and Tricks + The Advanced Guide to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Stock Trading Five Hard-Hitting Books Conveniently Packed in One Powerful Bundle! This bible on stock trading for profit contains five manuscripts conveniently rolled up in one. This is an incredible value for your money! Lots of useful information and tips for beginners about the universe of stock trading in one consolidated book! Are you looking to make money fast? Do you have what it takes to trade stocks quickly, in a fast-paced environment and with limited resources? Does the idea of trading excite you, yet you don't think you'd have the time or wherewithal to spend long periods of time waiting for your shares to grow? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to download these audiobooks as soon as you can! These audiobooks will give you the potential to take a small sum of money and turn it into a larger sum of money within the same day! What more could you possibly want? It doesn't get much better than that. After listening to them, it's safe to say that you'll never want to work a normal 40-hour-per-week job ever again. Some people become so consumed by stock trading that they end up doing it full time. Here are the books you'll discover inside: Stock Trading: A Beginner Guide to Start Making Immediate Cash with Stock Trading Stock Trading: A Crash Course to Get Quickly Started and Make Immediate Cash with Stock Trading Stock Trading: The Best Techniques to Multiply Your Cashflow with Stock Trading Stock Trading: Tips and Tricks to Start Right, Avoid Mistakes and Win with Stock Trading Stock Trading: The Advanced Guide That Will Make You the King of Stock Traders ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ralph L. Rati. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/099402/bk_acx0_099402_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping