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Religiosität221 Results for : religiosity
30 Days to Mindfulness: 30 Days to Greatness , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 58min
Since the beginning of the 21st century, mindfulness meditation has attained such popularity in the Occident that some now call it the "secular religion of the West." Albeit mindfulness has its spiritual roots and many modern orientations appropriate it in their rituals, the way it is practiced in Western countries does not presume religiosity in any way. Thanks in principal to the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, the former Buddhist meditation technique has been decontextualized of its religious connotations, while its effectiveness has been demonstrated in scientific studies. Today, mindfulness is used in order to improve and maintain mental health, to treat psychological issues such as depression or substance abuse, but also to enhance concentration and mental clarity, to better one's ability to relate to others and to the self with compassion and kindness and to fight off the noxious effects on stress on the body. Most importantly, mindfulness can help you reconnect with both your mind and your body, observe how they affect you and diminish that effect when it impacts your life in a negative fashion. Still, if mindfulness is so popular, how is this book any different? This book presents you with a mindfulness challenge that spans over 30 days and that requires you to perform one or several mindfulness activities each day. Overall, you won't need more than 30 spare minutes every day, while the benefits will make themselves felt in only two weeks. Every day's new exercise described in this mindfulness book will be accompanied by a description of how you should perform it correctly. You will begin with basic meditation techniques that require your focus for very brief amounts of time, and you will transition to more complex activities as you complete more of the programme. In addition, when designing this 30-day mindfulness challenge, we bore in mind the fact that a great number of people either do not have enough time to inco ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Matyas Job Gombos. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/083454/bk_acx0_083454_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Blow Ye the Trumpet in Zion: Religion in the Civil War Era (Traditional American History Series, Book 12) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 728min
Sincere religious reflection was a hallmark of soldiers in both armies in the Civil War, and it was generally an authentic religiosity rather than a battlefield conversion to spirituality. This is not surprising, as these characteristics had been common in the general population since the founding of the United States. Americans, despite their politics and prejudices, had always been and continued to be a strongly religious and highly moral people throughout the Antebellum Period (c. 1820-1860). Although there may have been a large number of battlefield conversions, in the average community, a person's attitude toward devotion was strongly shaped by the dominant religious beliefs of his neighbors or the local population as a whole. This book has been written for those persons interested in not only the Civil War but also in the religious culture of the Antebellum Era that affected it. For a variety of reasons, historians seem to have studied the morale of Southerners more closely than that of their Northern foe in the Civil War Era. Because Confederate troops had more success in keeping Federal (Union) troops at bay, morale stayed reasonably high into mid-1864. The role of religion has not been so thoroughly debated among historians. It has rather been ignored. Of the thousands of titles dealing with the Civil War, surprisingly few address the significant role that religion played in framing the issues of the conflict or in driving the sacrifices of those who fought and died in it. It is the purpose of this selection to investigate and document this facet of the 19th century. There is a great need today for Americans to further their understanding of the role religion has played in the rebirth of the government of a reunited United States. It is a national embarrassment that adults, in particular, are virtually uneducated in the foundations of American history. An attempt has been made herein to compartmentalize this history so that the interconnect ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gloria Mason Martin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/065760/bk_acx0_065760_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Effect of Relgiosity Gender and Gender Role on Attitudes Toward Rape
Effect of Relgiosity Gender and Gender Role on Attitudes Toward Rape ab 48.99 € als Taschenbuch: The Effects of Religiosity Gender Differences and Traditional Gender Role Endorsement on Attitudes Toward victims of Rape and Rape Myth Acceptance. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Psychologie,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 48.99 EUR excl. shipping
#religionsundkultursensibel (eBook, PDF)
Kinder und Jugendliche wachsen - unabhängig davon, ob sie eine unbeschwerte Kindheit genießen konnten, ob sie unbegleitet einen schweren Fluchtweg oder einen anderen massiven Bruch in ihrem Leben hinter sich haben - in vorfindlichen Kulturen auf oder sind Grenzgänger zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen. Religion kann tief in die Alltagskultur hineinreichen und Verhalten strukturieren, Sinn vermitteln, Werthaltungen und habituelle Ausprägungen beeinflussen. Umgekehrt prägt Kultur die Gestalt von Religion. Bezogen auf die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in evangelischen Kontexten erfordert dies eine hohe Sensibilität im Umgang mit Religiosität. Einerseits ist ein wachsendes (auch extremes) Interesse von Jugendlichen an Religion zu beobachten, andererseits nimmt die Abwendung von Religion zu und die Kenntnisse der eigenen religiösen Wurzeln nehmen ab. Darum soll in diesem umfänglichen, für den Fachdiskurs unerlässlichen Werk neben aktuellen Entwicklungen generell nach fachlich relevanten Bezügen von Religion und Kultur in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gefragt werden. Im Zentrum stehen Sinnfragen, Bedürfnisse und Problemlagen von Kindern ab zehn Jahren bis ins Jugendalter. [#religiouslyandculturallysensitive. Perspectives for Work with Children and Young People in Protestant Contexts] Religion can deeply reach out into everyday culture, structure behaviour, provide meaning, influence attitudes, and habitus. But culture in turn also shapes the form of religion. Therefore, work with children and young people in Protestant contexts requires a high sensitivity when dealing with religiosity. On the one hand an increasing interest in religion among young people can be observed, but on the other hand also a turning away from religion and a loss of knowledge of the own religious roots. Therefore, this comprehensive and indispensable volume not only takes into view current developments but also explores significant relationships between religion and culture in the context of child and youth welfare.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 30.30 EUR excl. shipping
Empty Planet
A radical, provocative argument that the global population will soon begin to decline, dramatically reshaping the social, political and economic landscape.For half a century, statisticians, pundits and politicians have warned that a burgeoning planetary population will soon overwhelm the earth's resources. But a growing number of experts are sounding a different kind of alarm. Rather than growing exponentially, they argue, the global population is headed for a steep decline. Throughout history, depopulation was the product of catastrophe: ice ages, plagues, the collapse of civilizations. This time, however, we're thinning ourselves deliberately, by choosing to have fewer babies than we need to replace ourselves. In much of the developed and developing world, that decline is already underway, as urbanisation, women's empowerment, and waning religiosity lead to smaller and smaller families. In Empty Planet, Ibbitson and Bricker travel from South Florida to Sao Paulo, Seoul to Nairobi, Brussels to Delhi to Beijing, drawing on a wealth of research and firsthand reporting to illustrate the dramatic consequences of this population decline - and to show us why the rest of the developing world will soon join in. They find that a smaller global population will bring with it a number of benefits: fewer workers will command higher wages; good jobs will prompt innovation; the environment will improve; the risk of famine will wane; and falling birthrates in the developing world will bring greater affluence and autonomy for women. But enormous disruption lies ahead, too. We can already see the effects in Europe and parts of Asia, as aging populations and worker shortages weaken the economy and impose crippling demands on healthcare and vital social services. There may be earth-shaking implications on a geopolitical scale as well. Empty Planet is a hugely important book for our times. Captivating and persuasive, it is a story about urbanisation, access to education and the empowerment of women to choose their own destinies. It is about the secularisation of societies and the vital role that immigration has to play in our futures.Rigorously researched and deeply compelling, Empty Planet offers a vision of a future that we can no longer prevent - but one that we can shape, if we choose to.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Empty Planet
**A SUNDAY TIMES MUST-READ**'Riveting and vitally important' - Steven Pinker'A gripping narrative of a world on the cusp of profound change' - Anjana Ahuja, New StatesmanEmpty Planet offers a radical, provocative argument that the global population will soon begin to decline, dramatically reshaping the social, political and economic landscape.For half a century, statisticians, pundits and politicians have warned that a burgeoning planetary population will soon overwhelm the earth's resources. But a growing number of experts are sounding a different kind of alarm. Rather than growing exponentially, they argue, the global population is headed for a steep decline. Throughout history, depopulation was the product of catastrophe: ice ages, plagues, the collapse of civilizations. This time, however, we're thinning ourselves deliberately, by choosing to have fewer babies than we need to replace ourselves. In much of the developed and developing world, that decline is already underway, as urbanisation, women's empowerment, and waning religiosity lead to smaller and smaller families. In Empty Planet, Ibbitson and Bricker travel from South Florida to Sao Paulo, Seoul to Nairobi, Brussels to Delhi to Beijing, drawing on a wealth of research and firsthand reporting to illustrate the dramatic consequences of this population decline - and to show us why the rest of the developing world will soon join in. They find that a smaller global population will bring with it a number of benefits: fewer workers will command higher wages; good jobs will prompt innovation; the environment will improve; the risk of famine will wane; and falling birthrates in the developing world will bring greater affluence and autonomy for women. But enormous disruption lies ahead, too. We can already see the effects in Europe and parts of Asia, as aging populations and worker shortages weaken the economy and impose crippling demands on healthcare and vital social services. There may be earth-shaking implications on a geopolitical scale as well. Empty Planet is a hugely important book for our times. Captivating and persuasive, it is a story about urbanisation, access to education and the empowerment of women to choose their own destinies. It is about the secularisation of societies and the vital role that immigration has to play in our futures.Rigorously researched and deeply compelling, Empty Planet offers a vision of a future that we can no longer prevent - but that we can shape, if we choose to.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 10.49 EUR excl. shipping
Special Theory of Religiosity: Integrating Reality Hope and Dream
Special Theory of Religiosity: Integrating Reality Hope and Dream: ab 2.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping
A Detailed Survey On Religiosity And Paranormal Experiences
A Detailed Survey On Religiosity And Paranormal Experiences: ab 1.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
Dialogical Thought and Identity
Dialogical Thought and Identity - Trans-Different Religiosity in Present Day Societies: ab 102.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 102.99 EUR excl. shipping
Transformations of Religiosity
Transformations of Religiosity - Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989 - 2010. Auflage 2012: ab 63.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 63.99 EUR excl. shipping