88 Results for : fermenting

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    Erscheinungsdatum: 27.01.2020, Einband: Gebunden, Titelzusatz: Für einen gesunden Darm - Über 60 Rezepte für Gemüse, Milchprodukte und Getränke, Originaltitel: Fermenting - The Bible, Autor: Green, Fern/Rooney, Deirdre, Übersetzer: Wiebke Krabbe, Verlag: Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH, Sprache: Deutsch, Schlagworte: Darmflora // Darmgesundheit // DK // Dorling Kindersley // einlegen // einmachen // Enzyme // Fermentation // Fermentieren // Fermentieren Buch // Fermentieren Gemüse // Fermentieren leicht gemacht // Fermentieren Milch // Fermentieren Obst // Fermentieren Rezepte // Fermentieren Zubehör // Gemüse einlegen // Gemüse haltbar machen // Gemüse konservieren // Gemüse Rezepte // gesunde Darmflora // gesunde Ernäh-rung // gesunde Ernährung // gesunde Rezepte // gesundes Kochbuch // glutenfreie Rezepte // Grüne Reihe // Haltbarmachen // Hefe // Heilkraft // Kefir // Kefir-Kulturen // Kimchi // Kohlenhydrate // Kombucha // Konservieren // Mikroben // Mikroorganismen // Milchkefir // Milchsäurebakterien // Milchsäuregärung // Nährstoffaufnahme // natürliche Konservierung // nützliche Bakterien // Obst konservieren // Paleo // probiotische Bakterien // Salzlake // selber machen // Selbstversorgung, Produktform: Gebunden/Hardback, Umfang: 160 S., Über 120 farbige Fotos, Seiten: 160, Format: 2.2 x 22.2 x 15.7 cm, Gewicht: 543 gr, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 12.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Art Of Brewing And Fermenting In The Summer ab 20.99 € als Taschenbuch: And All Other Seasons Tot He Greatest Advantage And The Making Of Malt (1836). Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Fermenting Everything: How to Make Your Own Cultured Butter Fermented Fish Perfect Kimchi and Beyond ab 21.49 € als epub eBook: . Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Haus & Heim, Essen & Trinken,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 21.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Canning And Preserving Vegetables Simple Homemade CookbookA Complete Guide To Preserving Canned Tomatoes In Jars, Pickling, Pressure Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting And Freezing
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Let's Pickle Up: Simple and Quick Preserving Fermenting and Canning Recipes All in One (Stockpile Pantry Recipes) ab 4.69 € als epub eBook: . Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Haus & Heim, Essen & Trinken,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 4.69 EUR excl. shipping
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    Tartine 3 presents a revolutionary approach to baking whole grain, ancient grain and sprouted bread and pastry using customised methods of blending grains and fermenting the dough, resulting in delicious loaves of whole grain bread and toothsome pastries with complex flavours and aromas.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 22.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    We all know how delicious and aromatic fermented foods are. Fermentation saves the natural taste, aromas, and color of veggies while preserving their nutrients. The boost it gives to the good bacteria present in the veggies can give you healthier-looking skin, clear up a leaky gut, and help with weight loss. One of the most important ingredients in fermented vegetables are probiotics. These probiotics plant beneficial bacteria into the digestive system and keep everything internally balanced. This book will make it easy for you to make and enjoy fermented foods at home. By listening to this book you'll learn: The benefits of eating fermented vegetables A step-by-step guide to fermenting vegetables How to make sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented pickles and salsa at home Delicious recipes made with fermented vegetables Fermenting your veggies can seem so simple and fun with this guide that you may want to add your own little twist to the recipes. Download this book now! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Doug Greene. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/080291/bk_acx0_080291_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Blockbuster! Mehrmals verkostet und jedes Mal begeistert. Bereits in der Nase unglaublich ausdrucksstark, klassisch, expressive  Noten von Blaubeere, Pflaume, Lakritz und schwarzer Schokolade. Am Gaumen an einen traumhaften Burgunder erinnernd mit einem Potpourri roter Früchte, Kräutern und Tabak. Chapeau Daniel und Florence Cathiard, euer Wein ist jeden Pfennig wert! James Suckling: 98-99/100 Punkte »This is incredibly complex with hazelnut, currant, berry and dried-flower character. The impression of a vat of fermenting cabernet. Full body, round and juicy tannins and a long, soft and silky finish. Shows the essence of the fruit here. Fascinating. Layered and complex.« Decanter: 98/100 Punkte »There is a luxurious, languorous feel right from the very first nose here, which continues step for step all the way through the palate. It's a highly impressive wine with an amazing texture - something that is starting to mark Smith Haut Lafitte out every year. Notes of dark chocolate, black cherry and liquorice stretch out through the rich palate, displaying tension and texture.  2% Petit Verdot completes the blend. Harvested 18 September to 10 October. 60% new oak. Drinking Window 2027 - 2042« Robert Parker's Wine Advocate: 97-99+/100 Punkte »Composed of 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 34% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc and 2% Petit Verdot aging in 60% new barriques, the very deep purple-black colored 2018 Smith Haut Lafitte is a little shy to begin. With coaxing, it very slowly unfurls to reveal a heart-stopping perfume of violets, red roses, kirsch, black cherries and redcurrant jelly, before giving way to a profound core of warm blackcurrants, blackberry preserves, molten licorice and cinnamon stick with nuances of dried mint, orange blossoms (yes!) and cloves. Full-bodied, the fruit does veritable pirouettes on your palate, both elegant and powerful in its expression, coating the mouth with densely packed red and black fruits while revealing tons of mineral, floral and savory sparks, framed by exquisitely fine-grained tannins and bold freshness, finishing very long.« Falstaff: 96/100 Punkte »Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, dezente Randaufhellung. Feine Holzwürze, dunkles Waldbeerkonfit, zart nach Brombeeren und Kirschen, Nougat, tabakige Nuancen. Saftig, elegant, schokoladige Textur, eingebundene Tannine, süßer Nachhall, sehr gut anhaftend, sicheres Reifepotenzial.«  Wine Spectator: 95-98/100 Punkte  »Ripe and lush, with delicious waves of plum, blackberry and black currant preserve flavors laced with subtle charcoal, tobacco and licorice notes. There's a long flow through the finish. Beautifully rendered, capturing the ripeness of the vintage in spades without being heady at all.« Wine Enthusiast: 95-97/100 Punkte »Barrel Sample. This is a finely structured, impressive wine that displays bold tannins and a streak of freshness. This shows great balance between its bold structure and rich fruit. Its tannins are the sign of its aging potential.« Weinwisser: 19/20 »60 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 34 % Merlot, 4 % Cabernet Franc, 2 % Petit Verdot, 60 % neue Barriques, 21 hl/ha. Dichtes Granat mit aufhellendem Rand. Komplexes, leicht introvertiertes Bouquet mit Wildkirsche und frischen Küchenkräutern, dahinter Wacholder und Himbeeren. Am kräftigen Gaumen mit stützendem, engmaschigem Tanningerüst, salziger Textur, zeigt viel Souplesse und Kraft. Im gebündelten Finale mit schwarzen Oliven, tasmanischem Bergpfeffer und Cassis. Ein grosser SHL mit grossem Alterungspotenzial! Trinken 2028 bis 2048« Vinum: 17,5/20 Punkte »Wuchtig und vollmundig, doch auch knackig und mit grosser Frische, erstklassiges Tannin; überschwänglich, saftig, lang. 2022 bis 2030«  Bitte beachten Sie die Sonderbedingungen der Subskription in unseren AGB.   
    • Shop: Ludwig von Kapff
    • Price: 164.90 EUR excl. shipping
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    True to Our Roots ab 17.99 € als epub eBook: Fermenting a Business Revolution. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Wirtschaft,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Discover all the secrets and countless benefits of fermentation today! This audiobook is intended to introduce anyone to the art of fermenting food at home. It is specifically geared toward true beginners. Commercial production of prepared foods causes much more harm than good and greatly reduces any nutritional content in food. Not only do the processes themselves destroy nutritional content, but most food manufacturers add a cocktail of harmful chemicals that certainly are not healthy for our bodies. Yes, food fermentation at home is an art, and some of it is trial and error, but we always live and learn. We can correct many issues on the fly or make notes of what to try next time. When we can decide what goes into our bodies and make conscious decisions to put the best stuff in us, our bodies will improve in overall health. This audiobook is designed to be a springboard to bigger and better fermentations. It will give you a place to start and to hone your skills. After all, isn't that what any good book is for? To enlighten and enrich our lives in some way? With all that being said, listen to the book and try the recipes. You will see what I mean about flexibility and health benefits. Happy fermenting, friends! Inside you'll find: What fermented foods are and why they are so good for you! How fermentation was used in different cultures throughout history. How to make base recipes such as kefir, whey, brine, sauerkraut, etc. Information about fermentation and digestion. Step-by-step instructions for safe and effective fermentation. The top health reasons to eat probiotic foods. Countless delicious recipes! And so much more! So what are you waiting for? Download today! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kristi Burns. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/036237/bk_acx0_036237_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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