29 Results for : imprimatur
La Sainte Bible en francais courant
Ausgabe mit Deuterokanonischen Schriften/Apokryphen.Übersetzung in ein einfaches, zeitgemäßes Französisch, vergleichbar der Gute Nachricht Bibel, mit einem Wortschatz von ca. 25.000 Begriffen. Die 1982 vollendete Übersetzung wurde 1997 noch einmal durchgesehen. Durchgehend interkonfessionelle Übersetzung mit Imprimatur der französischen Bischofskonferenz. Mit Einleitung zu jedem biblischen Buch, Anmerkungen zum Text, VerweisstellenIm Anhang: Zeittafel, Worterklärungen, drei s/w und vier farbige Landkarten.Informationen zur Sprache: Französisch ist Amtssprache in Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, der Schweiz, Monaco, Kanada, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Benin, Burkina Faso, Elfenbeinküste, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Äquatorialguinea, Gabun, Kamerun, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Republik Kongo,Tschad, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Burundi, Komoren, Dschibuti, Madagaskar, Mayotte, Réunion, Ruanda, Seychellen, Französisch-Guayana, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Sankt Pierre und Miquelon, Libanon, Indien, Französisch-Polynesien, Neukaledonien, Vanuatu, Wallis und Futuna, Jersey (Jèrriais), und Guernsey. Außerdem hat die franzöische Sprache einen offizieller Status in Algerien, Marokko, Mauretanien, Tunesien, Mauritius, Kambodscha, Laos und Vietnam. In Ägypten ist Französisch eine anerkannte Minderheitensprache. Anzahl der Sprecher: ca. 80 Millionen Muttersprachler, 150 Millionen Zweitsprachler.Bitte beachten Sie:Fremdsprachige Ausgaben werden überwiegend im Ausland hergestellt und erreichen vielfach nicht die Qualität unserer Produktion. Durch weite Transportwege sind leichte Beschädigungen nicht auszuschließen.Einbandänderungen und Lieferfähigkeit vorbehalten.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 22.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Mystical City of God: Popular Abridgement , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1412min
The Mystical City of God was composed in the 17th century by Mary of Jesus of Ágreda, a Franciscan nun.The book recounts the life of the Virgin Mary and the divine plan both for creation and the salvation of souls. According to María de Ágreda, the book was mostly dictated to her by the Virgin Mary herself. The book moves between describing the Trinity, the Virgin Mary's life, and providing spiritual guidance to the author, which also spiritually benefits the listener. The book describes the virtues and how the listener ought to conduct his or her life using the Virgin Mary as a model for holiness.This work bears the Imprimatur of many popes and bishops. However, misinterpretations of her writings led to it being temporarily placed on the Church's Banned Book List in August 1681. But with the order of Blessed Innocent XI, the condemnation was removed three months later, after it was shown that a flawed French translation was at the basis for the banning. The book was criticized by Jansenists and Gallicans in the 18th century, but the Church continued to defend its orthodoxy.María de Ágreda was declared venerable in 1673, soon after her death. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Becky Brabham. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/208748/bk_acx0_208748_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Constantine and the Conversion of Europe , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 487min
The turmoil, both physical and mental, which the Roman Empire underwent during the chaotic third century, resulted in a Greco-Roman culture which was essentially exhausted. For a thousand years this culture had spread itself over the Mediterranean world in roughly the same recognizable architecture, law, art and religion. By the end of Diocletian's reign in the opening years of the fourth century, the pagan world had collapsed into the arms of a multicultural religious movement which had spread from the eastern Mediterranean. These were the "mystery religions" which had been in competition with one another for a century. By the time of Constantine, they had spread everywhere within the empire. But one of these religions, Christianity, was chosen by the young emperor. His decision changed the course of history. By putting the bureaucratic weight of the empire behind the Christian church, Constantine brought the new religion into prominence. He gave it the breathing spell it needed to vanquish its rivals and establish its political dominance. But hardly had Constantine's proclamation been made before the new religion began to tear itself apart in a series of recriminations and heresies. Listen and learn how Constantine guided this new force and placed his personal imprimatur on Christianity for all time. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Charlton Griffin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acon/000119/bk_acon_000119_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Psalms of David: The Cambridge Liturgical Psalter , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 337min
First published in 1976, The Cambridge Liturgical Psalter is a modern English-language version of "The Book of Psalms", prepared for public and private worship by a panel of eight Hebrew specialists drawn from various Christian traditions, working over a period of six years and in collaboration with a single literary scholar who was conversant with the long tradition of translations into English of this ancient Biblical text. It is here read by the maker of the English version, Professor David Frost. Excerpted in a Penguin classic, "The Psalms in English" (1996), as one of only two versions chosen to represent the best of the twentieth century, it went into six national prayer books, was bound up as The Liturgical Psalter in "An Alternative Service Book 1980", and was authorized for use in various Churches world-wide. It remains a version licensed for use in the Church of England. The Cambridge Liturgical Psalter (so re-named to distinguish it from an American Roman Catholic version of the same name which had its imprimatur withdrawn) represents the best modern understanding of what is on occasions a very difficult Hebrew text. It is recognized by Jews and Christians alike as an honest and reliable translation. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David L. Frost. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/020604/bk_acx0_020604_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Demonology the Devil and the Spirits of Darkness Expanded!: Evil Spirits, a Catholic View: The Demonology Series, Book 5 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 900min
From a nationally-published best-selling author! One of the largest scholarly works on demons and demonology in decades. A classic! The author has appeared on numerous national television shows for his works: The History Channel, The Phil Donahue Show, The Leeza Show, and the EWTN Network (Mother Angelica Live!). Best-selling author of They Bore the Wounds of Christ: The Mystery of the Sacred Stigmata, which received top-notch reviews. Michael Freze, S.F.O., has previously written seven nationally-published traditional-print books on Bible topics and supernatural phenomena. Reviewed and given the Imprimatur by former Bishop Elden F. Curtiss of the Diocese of Helena, Montana. Includes the history of demonology, the spiritual warfare, possession and exorcism, the Roman Ritual, a massive demonology dictionary, and more! Other topics covered in this work: Biblical references throughout on all aspects of demonology; teachings of the Church Fathers; the teaching of the mystics and saints; the Inquisition; characteristics of evil spirits; involvement of evil spirits in the human arena; the occult; witchcraft; satanism; poltergeist phenomena; the Ouija board; diabolical oppression; diabolical voices and apparitions; partial and complete possession; deliverance ministry; medical and psychological evaluations of those reported to be possessed; private and solemn exorcisms, etc. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Barnard. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/061420/bk_acx0_061420_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
IMPRIMATUR - Die Toten von Rom
IMPRIMATUR - Die Toten von Rom - Roman: ab 5.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping
Shadow People (LP+CD)
Die französische Psych-Rock Band arbeitet seit 2009 in der Tradition von Serge Gainsbourg und Velvet Underground. Feat. Peter Hook (New Order), Anton Newcombe (Brian Jonestown Massacre), Bertrand BelinFeaturing Peter Hook, Anton Newcombe, Bertrand Belin! Die französische Band arbeitet seit 2009 in der swingenden Tradition von Serge Gainsbourg, Velvet Underground und dem yé-yé sound der 60er Jahre. Die Limiñanas verbinden sonnige Psychedelia mit Vintage-Pop. Die Band aus Perpignan, France, besteht aus der Drummerin und manchmal-Sägerin Marie Limiñana und dem Bassisten, Organist und Hans-Dampf-in-allen Gassen Lionel Limiñana. Gastsängerinnen sind Stars wie Peter Hook (New Order), Anton Newcombe (Brian Jonestown Massacre), Bertrand Belin und dem Model Emmanuelle Seigner. Mit ihrer Kombi aus angezerrten Gitarren, Orgeln, halb gesprochenen, halb gesungenen Vocals und der coolen Retro-Produktion zelebriert die Band die Sexyness des 60ies-French-Sounds. Als spielten Lou Reed und Serge Gainsbourg in einer Band. What was old is new again The old adage is so tired that nobody takes its proper measure: all people hear is the word old , when the important one is new . Making new things out of old things is an act of alchemy. The proof is in this fifth album no rest for the wicked of Perpignan which is blown right open here and there by a few very contemporary guests. After the opener, Ouverture , with its almost surf-like guitars, comes Le Premier Jour , where Lionel Limiñana talks about his rock baptism with the punks, the mods, the skinheads and the Lambrettas of his youth in the South of France. What comes just after is the seismic shock of Istanbul is Sleepy : the Imprimatur of Anton Newcombe of The Brian Jonestown Massacre is simply enormous. Then comes Emmanuelles Seigner s super sexy tornado on the title track, and Dimanche follows, with Bertrand Belin. Lionel sees him as a French Nick Cave who writes songs that resemble films. . The Gift features Peter Hook who scrapes his bass guitar again here, obviously a song reminiscent of an early period New Order. Finally, the Limiñanas on their own send out an instrumental cavalcade with a furious beat, like a Kraut Morricone, Motorizzati Marie followed by Pink Flamingos , introduced with psych rock pads played backwards forming a vaporous song bathed in acoustic arpeggios. A respite in the album before the fuzz and the abyssal bass of Trois Bancs violently shakes the ghost of Gainsbourg: an electroshock in talk over. And to close the scene, a love message: De La Part Des Copains , its organ, its tambourine, its quaver and its brass place it in the classic soundtrack category revered by the band. An ideal conclusion for this incredible faultless record. The rock n roll epiphany thus continues. It belongs to those who will listen full blast to Shadow People and will doubtless feel the urge to plug a guitar into an amp. A valve amp, of course. TRACKS: A1. Ouverture. / A2. Le Premier Jour / A3. Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) / A4. Shadow People (feat. Emmanuelle Seigner) / A5. Dimanche (feat. Bertrand Belin) B1. The Gift (feat. Peter Hook) / B2. Motorizatti Marie / B3. Pink Flamingos / B4. Trois Bancs / B5. De la Part des Copains- Shop: odax
- Price: 28.56 EUR excl. shipping
Shadow People
Die französische Psych-Rock Band arbeitet seit 2009 in der Tradition von Serge Gainsbourg und Velvet Underground. Feat. Peter Hook (New Order), Anton Newcombe (Brian Jonestown Massacre), Bertrand BelinFeaturing Peter Hook, Anton Newcombe, Bertrand Belin! Die französische Band arbeitet seit 2009 in der swingenden Tradition von Serge Gainsbourg, Velvet Underground und dem yé-yé sound der 60er Jahre. Die Limiñanas verbinden sonnige Psychedelia mit Vintage-Pop. Die Band aus Perpignan, France, besteht aus der Drummerin und manchmal-Sägerin Marie Limiñana und dem Bassisten, Organist und Hans-Dampf-in-allen Gassen Lionel Limiñana. Gastsängerinnen sind Stars wie Peter Hook (New Order), Anton Newcombe (Brian Jonestown Massacre), Bertrand Belin und dem Model Emmanuelle Seigner. Mit ihrer Kombi aus angezerrten Gitarren, Orgeln, halb gesprochenen, halb gesungenen Vocals und der coolen Retro-Produktion zelebriert die Band die Sexyness des 60ies-French-Sounds. Als spielten Lou Reed und Serge Gainsbourg in einer Band. What was old is new again The old adage is so tired that nobody takes its proper measure: all people hear is the word old , when the important one is new . Making new things out of old things is an act of alchemy. The proof is in this fifth album no rest for the wicked of Perpignan which is blown right open here and there by a few very contemporary guests. After the opener, Ouverture , with its almost surf-like guitars, comes Le Premier Jour , where Lionel Limiñana talks about his rock baptism with the punks, the mods, the skinheads and the Lambrettas of his youth in the South of France. What comes just after is the seismic shock of Istanbul is Sleepy : the Imprimatur of Anton Newcombe of The Brian Jonestown Massacre is simply enormous. Then comes Emmanuelles Seigner s super sexy tornado on the title track, and Dimanche follows, with Bertrand Belin. Lionel sees him as a French Nick Cave who writes songs that resemble films. . The Gift features Peter Hook who scrapes his bass guitar again here, obviously a song reminiscent of an early period New Order. Finally, the Limiñanas on their own send out an instrumental cavalcade with a furious beat, like a Kraut Morricone, Motorizzati Marie followed by Pink Flamingos , introduced with psych rock pads played backwards forming a vaporous song bathed in acoustic arpeggios. A respite in the album before the fuzz and the abyssal bass of Trois Bancs violently shakes the ghost of Gainsbourg: an electroshock in talk over. And to close the scene, a love message: De La Part Des Copains , its organ, its tambourine, its quaver and its brass place it in the classic soundtrack category revered by the band. An ideal conclusion for this incredible faultless record. The rock n roll epiphany thus continues. It belongs to those who will listen full blast to Shadow People and will doubtless feel the urge to plug a guitar into an amp. A valve amp, of course. TRACKS: A1. Ouverture. / A2. Le Premier Jour / A3. Istanbul Is Sleepy (feat. Anton Newcombe) / A4. Shadow People (feat. Emmanuelle Seigner) / A5. Dimanche (feat. Bertrand Belin) B1. The Gift (feat. Peter Hook) / B2. Motorizatti Marie / B3. Pink Flamingos / B4. Trois Bancs / B5. De la Part des Copains- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.39 EUR excl. shipping