26 Results for : koms

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    From racing to be the first to the singletrack, hitting the front in a cyclocross race or chasing KOMs on XC trails, the XC7 Carbon MTB SPD Shoes (XC702) ensure it's all done with optimal efficiency and superb comfort. Technology from Shimano's S-PHYRE XC902 trickles downwards, giving the weekend racer and XC rider impressive performance at a keen price point.  Foot-wrapping Upper Providing you with a stable and secure pedalling platform is the foot-wrapping technology taken from their top-tier XC race shoes. The upper surrounds the foot snugly but at the same time reduces overlap, removing hot spots and stabilizing the foot throughout each pedal revolution.  The synthetic material used for the upper is also impressively supple, giving a glove-like fit that's comfortable for off-road rides, both long and short. It's lightweight and breathable too, optimising comfort on those hot and hilly days of mountain biking.  The Power of Carbon When it comes to driving you forward rapidly across rough trails it's hard to beat the carbon-reinforced outsole of the XC7s. Rated 9 out of 12 on the Shimano stiffness scale, your watts are transferred to the pedals with minimal power loss. However, a small degree of flex does help to alleviate the buzz from rough terrain too. The stack height is also reduced compared to previous iterations, improving both foot support, power transfer and efficiency.  If you need to hop off the bike and scramble up a steep muddy bank in a cross race or scope out features on an XC trail, the ULTREAD™ compound gives you a secure grip on almost any terrain. The carefully designed stud and tread pattern aid grip further while also being quick to clear mud.  Dual BOA® L6 dials In order to get optimal comfort, the XC7 makes use of dual L6 dials. Micro adjustment of the fit across the upper and lower of the foot is made quick and easy via a turn of each dial. Whether tightening up for a stiff hill climb effort or loosening to boost comfort on a hot trail day, you can get the fit just right to suit your needs. And at the end of a ride, simply pull the dials up for a quick release of the laces.  Cleat Guidance These MTB shoes are compatible with MTB pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. 
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 199.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    From racing to be the first to the singletrack, hitting the front in a cyclocross race or chasing KOMs on XC trails, the XC7 Carbon MTB SPD Shoes (XC702) ensure it's all done with optimal efficiency and superb comfort. Technology from Shimano's S-PHYRE XC902 trickles downwards, giving the weekend racer and XC rider impressive performance at a keen price point.  Foot-wrapping Upper Providing you with a stable and secure pedalling platform is the foot-wrapping technology taken from their top-tier XC race shoes. The upper surrounds the foot snugly but at the same time reduces overlap, removing hot spots and stabilizing the foot throughout each pedal revolution.  The synthetic material used for the upper is also impressively supple, giving a glove-like fit that's comfortable for off-road rides, both long and short. It's lightweight and breathable too, optimising comfort on those hot and hilly days of mountain biking.  The Power of Carbon When it comes to driving you forward rapidly across rough trails it's hard to beat the carbon-reinforced outsole of the XC7s. Rated 9 out of 12 on the Shimano stiffness scale, your watts are transferred to the pedals with minimal power loss. However, a small degree of flex does help to alleviate the buzz from rough terrain too. The stack height is also reduced compared to previous iterations, improving both foot support, power transfer and efficiency.  If you need to hop off the bike and scramble up a steep muddy bank in a cross race or scope out features on an XC trail, the ULTREAD™ compound gives you a secure grip on almost any terrain. The carefully designed stud and tread pattern aid grip further while also being quick to clear mud.  Dual BOA® L6 dials In order to get optimal comfort, the XC7 makes use of dual L6 dials. Micro adjustment of the fit across the upper and lower of the foot is made quick and easy via a turn of each dial. Whether tightening up for a stiff hill climb effort or loosening to boost comfort on a hot trail day, you can get the fit just right to suit your needs. And at the end of a ride, simply pull the dials up for a quick release of the laces.  Cleat Guidance These MTB shoes are compatible with MTB pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. 
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 199.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    From racing to be the first to the singletrack, hitting the front in a cyclocross race or chasing KOMs on XC trails, the XC7 Carbon MTB SPD Shoes (XC702) ensure it's all done with optimal efficiency and superb comfort. Technology from Shimano's S-PHYRE XC902 trickles downwards, giving the weekend racer and XC rider impressive performance at a keen price point.  Foot-wrapping Upper Providing you with a stable and secure pedalling platform is the foot-wrapping technology taken from their top-tier XC race shoes. The upper surrounds the foot snugly but at the same time reduces overlap, removing hot spots and stabilizing the foot throughout each pedal revolution.  The synthetic material used for the upper is also impressively supple, giving a glove-like fit that's comfortable for off-road rides, both long and short. It's lightweight and breathable too, optimising comfort on those hot and hilly days of mountain biking.  The Power of Carbon When it comes to driving you forward rapidly across rough trails it's hard to beat the carbon-reinforced outsole of the XC7s. Rated 9 out of 12 on the Shimano stiffness scale, your watts are transferred to the pedals with minimal power loss. However, a small degree of flex does help to alleviate the buzz from rough terrain too. The stack height is also reduced compared to previous iterations, improving both foot support, power transfer and efficiency.  If you need to hop off the bike and scramble up a steep muddy bank in a cross race or scope out features on an XC trail, the ULTREAD™ compound gives you a secure grip on almost any terrain. The carefully designed stud and tread pattern aid grip further while also being quick to clear mud.  Dual BOA® L6 dials In order to get optimal comfort, the XC7 makes use of dual L6 dials. Micro adjustment of the fit across the upper and lower of the foot is made quick and easy via a turn of each dial. Whether tightening up for a stiff hill climb effort or loosening to boost comfort on a hot trail day, you can get the fit just right to suit your needs. And at the end of a ride, simply pull the dials up for a quick release of the laces.  Cleat Guidance These MTB shoes are compatible with MTB pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. 
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 199.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    From racing to be the first to the singletrack, hitting the front in a cyclocross race or chasing KOMs on XC trails, the XC7 Carbon MTB SPD Shoes (XC702) ensure it's all done with optimal efficiency and superb comfort. Technology from Shimano's S-PHYRE XC902 trickles downwards, giving the weekend racer and XC rider impressive performance at a keen price point.  Foot-wrapping Upper Providing you with a stable and secure pedalling platform is the foot-wrapping technology taken from their top-tier XC race shoes. The upper surrounds the foot snugly but at the same time reduces overlap, removing hot spots and stabilizing the foot throughout each pedal revolution.  The synthetic material used for the upper is also impressively supple, giving a glove-like fit that's comfortable for off-road rides, both long and short. It's lightweight and breathable too, optimising comfort on those hot and hilly days of mountain biking.  The Power of Carbon When it comes to driving you forward rapidly across rough trails it's hard to beat the carbon-reinforced outsole of the XC7s. Rated 9 out of 12 on the Shimano stiffness scale, your watts are transferred to the pedals with minimal power loss. However, a small degree of flex does help to alleviate the buzz from rough terrain too. The stack height is also reduced compared to previous iterations, improving both foot support, power transfer and efficiency.  If you need to hop off the bike and scramble up a steep muddy bank in a cross race or scope out features on an XC trail, the ULTREAD™ compound gives you a secure grip on almost any terrain. The carefully designed stud and tread pattern aid grip further while also being quick to clear mud.  Dual BOA® L6 dials In order to get optimal comfort, the XC7 makes use of dual L6 dials. Micro adjustment of the fit across the upper and lower of the foot is made quick and easy via a turn of each dial. Whether tightening up for a stiff hill climb effort or loosening to boost comfort on a hot trail day, you can get the fit just right to suit your needs. And at the end of a ride, simply pull the dials up for a quick release of the laces.  Cleat Guidance These MTB shoes are compatible with MTB pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. 
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 199.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Warum tragt Ko kom immer bunte Kleider, bunt wie ein Regenbogen? Und warum sind Ko koms Haare so lang - sie reichen ihr fast bis zur Hüfte! Warum spricht Ko kom so oft auf Cree? Und warum verbringt Ko kom so viel Zeit mit ihrem Bruder? Wahrend es seiner Großmutter bei der Gartenarbeit hilft, entdeckt ein kleines Madchen Stück für Stück die Kindheit der Großmutter ... In wenigen Worten und mit eindrücklichen Bildern vermittelt "Als wir allein waren" ein Kapitel der kanadischen Geschichte, um dessen Aufarbeitung sich nicht nur die Ureinwohner, sondern breite Teile der Gesellschaft Kanadas derzeit bemühen: die sogenannten Residential Schools. Robertsons poetischer Text über Liebe und Widerstand ist ein Pladoyer für den respektvollen Umgang mit Menschen, die in anderen Kulturen und Sprachen zuhause sind. In behutsamen Bildern einfühlsam illustriert von Julie Flett.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Anton de Koms Buch wurde 1934 zum ersten Mal in Amsterdam veröffentlicht, dann zensiert, dann verboten. 1980 wurde es wiederentdeckt und 2020 in der holländischen Originalfassung veröffentlicht - und zum Bestseller. Dasist angesichts seiner politischen Aktualität nicht verwunderlich, es ist nicht nur eine Biographie, es ist eine Anklage gegen Rassismus, Ausbeutung und koloniale Unterdrückung - und deshalb so aktuell. De Kom, Nachkomme surinamesischer Sklaven, Journalist und politischer Aktivist, von der holländischen Kolonialmacht verfolgt, ausgewiesen, inhaftiert und nach Protesten wieder frei, war einer der Ersten aus den europäischen Kolonien in Amerika, der in einem eindrücklichen und spannenden Manifest gegen den Kolonialgeist, gegen die brutale Unterdrückung und Versklavung, gegen die Überheblichkeit und Arroganz der weißen Eroberer protestierte. Er erzählt, wie Suriname (Nordostküste Südamerikas) erobert wurde, wie das »Eldorado« mithilfe von Sklaven ausgeplündert, die Eingeborenen vertrieben und teilweise durch »importierte« Sklaven aus Indonesien und Afrika ersetzt wurden. Und er entwirft das Bild einer internationalen menschlichen Gemeinschaft, die von Gleichheit, Toleranz und Solidarität geprägt ist. Dieser Haltung blieb er trotz aller Verfolgungen treu. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs schloss er sich dem holländischen Widerstand gegen die Nazi-Besatzung an, wurde von der Gestapo verhaftet und nach Deutschland deportiert, wo er im April 1945 im Konzentrationslager Neuengamme (bei Hamburg) starb.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping

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