28 Results for : westerfield

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    Rayanne Walsh schafft das Unmögliche. Sie ergattert die Position als persönliche Assistentin des erfolgreichsten Unternehmers Amerikas und kommt damit der Erfüllung ihrer Träume zum Greifen nah. Doch schon am ersten Tag setzt ihr neuer Boss alles daran, sie wieder loszuwerden.Daniel Westerfield kann Ablenkungen nicht gebrauchen. Schon gar nicht in Form der rothaarigen Schönheit, die ihm seine Schwägerin ungefragt vor die Nase setzt. Es gilt, den Maulwurf in seinem Unternehmen zu entlarven, das neueste Patent auf den Markt zu bringen und ADA weiter an der Weltspitze zu halten. Doch dann erfährt er nach und nach von den Geheimnissen, die Rayanne umgeben, und wird in ihren Bann gezogen.Sie weiß, dass er ihr Untergang sein wird, trotzdem hält sie sich an ihm fest.Er weiß, dass sie zu rein und perfekt für ihn ist, trotzdem reißt er sie mit in seine dunklen Abgründe.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 13.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    Eine junge Liebe, die von Anfang an gegen Misstrauen, Missgunst und das Schicksal kämpfen muss. Ava Prince lebt seit einem Jahr in Newport und verbringt die meiste Zeit mit ihrer besten Freundin Lilly Westerfield, die ein dunkles Geheimnis hütet. Ava hat ihr versprochen, niemandem davon zu erzählen. Dadurch gerät sie allerdings immer wieder in Konflikt mit Lillys Brüdern, Daniel und Aiden, die sie für die Partyexzesse ihrer Schwester verantwortlich machen. Die beiden lassen keine Gelegenheit aus, Ava deutlich zu zeigen, dass sie in Lillys Leben unerwünscht ist. Als ausgerechnet Aiden ihr nach einer außer Kontrolle geratenen Party zu Hilfe eilt, verändert sich alles. Es wird noch komplizierter, denn nun beginnt Aiden sich mehr und mehr in Avas Leben einzumischen. Während Ava versucht, hinter Aidens plötzlichen Sinneswandel zu kommen, wird sie von ihrem Herzen verraten. Innerlich zerrissen, lässt sie sich auf ihn ein. Obwohl sie fürchtet, dass das ein großer Fehler werden könnte.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 13.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    When 10-year-old Billy finds himself in a sushi bar bored, week after week, he starts playing with his food. His love of Star Wars takes over his imagination and the Sushi Wars oceanverse is born. What Billy doesn't realize is how eerily his real-life situations at the Moto Sushi Bar reflect the Star Wars story he knows and loves. Luke Soywalker, Prawn Solo, and Princess Maki lead the rebellion against the Dark Lord of the Surf, Squid Vader. The trusty soyds, Miso-D2 and Soy-3PO, help the rebels battle the evil Tempura and their seemingly unending army of saketroopers. Just as Luke had to emerge a hero to save the galaxsea, Billy finds himself in a tough situation where he must quickly decide to step up to the call of a hero or hide away. This parody sushifies the Star Wars universe and interlaces with an all original story that takes place at Moto Sushi with an unlikely hero named Billy. May the Rice be with you always. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Noah Westerfield. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/048837/bk_acx0_048837_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ellie Cavanaugh was only seven years old when her 15-year-old sister, Andrea, was murdered near their home in a rural village in New York's Westchester County. There were three suspects: Rob Westerfield, 19-year-old scion of a wealthy, prominent family whom Andrea has been secretly dating; Paul Stroebel, a 16-year-old schoolmate, who had a crush on Andrea, and Will Nebels, a local handyman in his 40s. It was Ellie who had led her parents to a hideout in which Andrea's body was found -- a secret hideaway where she met her friends. And it was Ellie who was blamed by her parents for her sister's death for not telling them about this place the night Andrea was missing. Ellie's testimony eventually led to the conviciton of the man she was convinced was the killer. Steadfastly denying his guilt, he spent the next 22 years in prison. When he comes up for parole, Ellie, now an investigative reporter for an Atlanta newspaper, protests his release. Nonetheless, the convicted killer is set free and returns to Oldham. Determined to thwart his attempts to whitewash his reputation, Ellie also returns to Oldham, intent on creating a Website and writing a book that will conclusively prove his guilt. As she delves deeper into her research, she uncovers horrifying and unknown facts that shed new light on her sister's murder. With each discovery, she comes closer to a confrontation with a desperate killer. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jan Maxwell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/001670/bk_sans_001670_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    I have wanted to be a legitimate author ever since graduate school. I got the writing bug after spending nearly six months of writing my thesis and I actually enjoyed it. I had no trouble starting to write books, but I rarely got past the first chapter. After years and years of these false starts, I finally figured out a method of writing that works in the cracks of time within my insanely busy schedule created by being a high-level executive in a sizable corporation, an involved father of two kids, and a dedicated husband. I actually walked away with my first novel completed. And in addition to that, I am happy with the result with nearly no impact on my corporate or family duties. You too can accomplish this regardless of how busy you are. At some point in your day, you are in full control of at least one hour of your time. Perhaps this only occurs for one or two days per week. The point is, you have this time if you look for it. I will show you how to use that precious time and turn it into a completed book of which you can be proud. This book is about how to start your book, how to keep momentum, and how to finish it all over your day job's lunch hour or actually any hour you find in the day. It tells the story of how I was able to become a lunchtime author without affecting my schedule and how you can too. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Noah Westerfield. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/076848/bk_acx0_076848_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Railway stations served by National Express East Anglia ab 24.99 € als Taschenbuch: Liverpool Street station Maryland railway station Stratford station Peterborough railway station King's Lynn railway station Railway stations in Cromer Cambridge railway station Ipswich railway station Westerfield railway station. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Ratgeber,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 24.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    When spymaster John Andrews receives word that plans are afoot to sell England's secrets to her enemies during the Ides of March ball at the Westerfield Estate, he is determined to bring an end to this treasonous game. Posing as a gentleman by the name of Lord Darlington to stake out the event, he is ready for anything as he mingles with the members of the ton... except falling for his prime suspect, the lovely wallflower Miss Eliza Hunt, in whose trunk the secret documents are soon found. After new evidence leads him to believe Eliza may be innocent, John cannot wait to catch the traitors, clear her of all suspicion, and then ask for her hand. Though he fears he is not the sort of man worth having as a husband, he knows that if he wants Eliza as his own, he will need to face the demons of his past and lay claim to the title and the birthright he abandoned long ago. Eliza knows Lord Darlington is not the gentleman he purports to be, but he is the first man to see beyond the birthmark on her face and treat her like a beautiful woman. She dreams of a life at his side - and in his bed - even once it becomes clear he stands ready to punish disobedience with firm chastisement applied to her bare bottom! As he draws her out of her shell and demands she let go of her self-doubt, her desire for him grows ever stronger. But can their love survive the shadowy designs of those who would do England harm? Publisher's Note: The Darlington Incident is an erotic romance novel that includes spankings, anal play, sexual scenes, and more. If such material offends you, please don't buy this audiobook. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elliott Daniels. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/021618/bk_acx0_021618_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Annabelle frowned. She had been hitchhiking for a long time now, but there weren't many cars out around this area, especially at this time of night. She was really tired of being mistreated by her parents though, especially when they made her feel like an indentured servant who had to take care of her younger siblings, so that they could f--k off and not do anything. It was time for a change. She was in her early 20s and had still never seen the world. They had made her feel like she owed them something just because she had been born. It was completely unfair, she thought. They shouldn't have ever made her feel like nothing was their fault and that she was supposed to be responsible for everything in the whole entire world. What a crock. She sighed and put her tired thumb down. For now, it seemed that she would just have to keep walking. She would have to be careful in case one of the cars that passed might be friends of her parents, who would immediately call them and inform them of her whereabouts. Fortunately, she knew her parents didn't have that many friends, so she didn't have to worry very much about it going wrong. Still, it was getting cold and late, and she was tired. She didn't want to have to sleep on the side of the road. That would make her miserable, and who knew what kind of a bad fate could befall a sleeping girl out and all alone in the world with nobody to turn to. She had heard enough horror stories about girls on their own to know that if she had a choice between putting her guard down and continuing to move, she would just have to keep moving, no matter how tired she was. She was getting very discouraged when, suddenly, a pair of headlights began to shine from down the road. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Noah Westerfield. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/061164/bk_acx0_061164_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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