32 Results for : xc200

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    Modularsteuerungen XC100 und XC200 zeichnen sich durch ihren in weiten Grenzen skalierbaren Aufbau aus. Verschiedene CPU-Leistungsklassen und vielfältige Erweiterungsbaugruppen (XIOC-Module) stehen zur Verfügung. Die Kompaktsteuerungen XC152 ermöglichen kostengünstige Lösungen von Automatisierungsaufgaben mittels ihrer Rechenleistung, der SmartWire-DT Anschaltung sowie einer Vielzahl weiterer Schnittstellen. Ein besonderes Merkmal ist die Integrationsfähigkeit der Produkte in moderne Kommunikationskonzepte. Der Datenaustausch über die Ethernet-Schnittstelle zu OPC Clients oder der integrierte WEB-Server ermöglichen innovative Lösungen.
    • Shop: digitalo
    • Price: 279.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Modularsteuerungen XC100 und XC200 zeichnen sich durch ihren in weiten Grenzen skalierbaren Aufbau aus. Verschiedene CPU-Leistungsklassen und vielfältige Erweiterungsbaugruppen (XIOC-Module) stehen zur Verfügung. Die Kompaktsteuerungen XC152 ermöglichen kostengünstige Lösungen von Automatisierungsaufgaben mittels ihrer Rechenleistung, der SmartWire-DT Anschaltung sowie einer Vielzahl weiterer Schnittstellen. Ein besonderes Merkmal ist die Integrationsfähigkeit der Produkte in moderne Kommunikationskonzepte. Der Datenaustausch über die Ethernet-Schnittstelle zu OPC Clients oder der integrierte WEB-Server ermöglichen innovative Lösungen.
    • Shop: digitalo
    • Price: 142.42 EUR excl. shipping
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    Modularsteuerungen XC100 und XC200 zeichnen sich durch ihren in weiten Grenzen skalierbaren Aufbau aus. Verschiedene CPU-Leistungsklassen und vielfältige Erweiterungsbaugruppen (XIOC-Module) stehen zur Verfügung. Die Kompaktsteuerungen XC152 ermöglichen kostengünstige Lösungen von Automatisierungsaufgaben mittels ihrer Rechenleistung, der SmartWire-DT Anschaltung sowie einer Vielzahl weiterer Schnittstellen. Ein besonderes Merkmal ist die Integrationsfähigkeit der Produkte in moderne Kommunikationskonzepte. Der Datenaustausch über die Ethernet-Schnittstelle zu OPC Clients oder der integrierte WEB-Server ermöglichen innovative Lösungen.
    • Shop: digitalo
    • Price: 249.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    ◌ Robustes Design Die Garmin Instinct® 2S Smartwatch wurde für schmalere Handgelenke entwickelt. Die Uhr ist mit einem stoßfesten Gehäuse aus Faser-Polymer und kratzfestem Corning® Gorilla® Glas versehen. Die Uhr eignet sich hervorragend für alle Arten von sportlichen Aktivitäten und Abenteuern und ist wasserdicht bis 100 Meter. Sport-Apps Die Uhr ist mit mehreren Sport-Apps vorinstalliert und hilft Ihnen beim Laufen, Radfahren, Schwimmen, Krafttraining und mehr. Die Uhr ist auch mit VO2 Max und anderen umfangreichen Trainingsfunktionen ausgestattet. Smartwatch Die Instinct® 2S ist vollgepackt mit Smartwatch-Funktionen, live verbunden mit intelligenten Benachrichtigungen und ist mit Connect IQ™ kompatibel. Tracking Verfolgen Sie all Ihre Bewegungen mit dem integrierten 3-Achsen-Kompass und dem barometrischen Höhenmesser sowie mehreren globalen Navigationssatellitensystemen, einschließlich GPS, GLONASS und Galileo. Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden Die Instinct® hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihren Körper besser zu verstehen. Die 2S Smartwatch bietet ganztägige Gesundheitsüberwachung, Verfolgung Ihrer Herzfrequenz, Schlaf, Pulsoximeter, Atmung und mehr (Dies ist kein medizinisches Gerät und nicht zur Verwendung bei der Diagnose oder Überwachung eines medizinischen Zustands vorgesehen; Siehe Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulsox nicht in allen Ländern verfügbar). Lange Akkulaufzeit Mit einer Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 21 Tagen im Smartwatch-Modus und bis zu 22 Stunden im GPS-Modus eignet sich die Uhr selbst für Ihre längsten Abenteuer und Sportveranstaltungen. inReach® Die Uhr trägt dazu bei, Tracking, Navigation und Kommunikation weiter zu verbessern, wenn Sie abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade unterwegs sind. Sie ist außerdem mit inReach® Produkten kompatibel.   Spezifikationen Im Lieferumfang enthalten Instinct® 2S Lade-/Datenkabel Dokumentation Allgemeines Linsenmaterial: Chemisch gehärtetes Glas Lünettenmaterial: Faserverstärktes Polymer Gehäusematerial: Faserverstärktes Polymer Quickfit™ kompatibles Uhrenarmband: Inklusive (20 mm) Riemenmaterial: Silikon Abmessungen: 40 x 44 x 13,3 mm Passform am Handgelenk: Passend für Handgelenke mit einem Umfang von 112-180 mm Display-Größe: Benutzerdefiniertes Design mit zwei Fenstern; 0.79″ x 0.79″ (20 x 20 mm) Displayauflösung: 156 x 156 Pixel Displaytyp: Monochrom, durch Sonnenlicht sichtbares, transflektives Memory-in-Pixel (MIP) Gewicht: 42 g Akkulaufzeit: Bis zu 21 Tage (im Smartwatch-Modus), bis zu 50 Tage (im Batteriesparmodus), bis zu 22 Stunden (im GPS-Modus), bis zu 54 Stunden (im Max Battery GPS-Modus), bis zu 25 Tage (im Expeditionsmodus) Wasserdichtigkeit: 10 ATM Speicher/Verlauf: 32 GB Funktionen der Uhr Uhrzeit/Datum GPS Time Sync Automatische Daylight-Saving-Time-Funktion Wecker Timer Stoppuhr Sonnenaufgangs-/Sonnenuntergangszeiten Gesundheitsüberwachung Handgelenkbasierte Herzfrequenz (konstant, jede Sekunde) Daily Resting Heart Rate (Tägliche Ruheherzfrequenz) Warnungen bei ungewöhnlicher Herzfrequenz: Ja (hoch und niedrig) Atemfrequenz (24x7) Pulse Ox Blutsauerstoffsättigung: Ja (Stichprobe, während dem Schlaf, ganztägig) Fitnessalter Körperbatterie™ Energiemonitor Ganztägige Stressüberwachung Entspannungs-Atmungs-Timer Schlaf Schlaf-Werte und Einblicke Hydration: Ja (in Garmin Connect™) Gesundheitsverfolgung für Frauen: Ja (in Garmin Connect™) Zustandsschnappschuss der Gesundheit Sensoren GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Herzfrequenzsensor am Handgelenk Barometrischer Höhenmesser Kompass Beschleunigungsmesser Thermometer Pulse-Ox-Blutsauerstoffsättigung-Überwachung Daily-Smart-Funktionen Konnektivität: Bluetooth®, ANT+®, Wi-Fi® Connect IQ™: (Ziffernblätter, Datenfelder, Widgets und Apps zum Herunterladen) Smart-Benachrichtigungen Beantworten von SMS/Ablehnen von Anrufe (Nur für Android™) Kalender Wetter Synchronisierung der Echtzeiteinstellungen mit Garmin Connect™ Mobile Akkulaufzeit sparen - Anpassbare Low-Power-Uhr mit geringem Akkuverbrauch Smartphone-Musik-Steuerung Find-My-Phone-Funktion Find-My-Watch-Funktion Virb® Kamera-Fernbedienung Smartphone-Kompatibilität: iPhone®, Android™ Lässt sich mit der Garmin Golf App koppeln Kompatibel mit Garmin Connect™ Mobile Sicherheits- und Tracking-Funktionen LivetTrack Unfallerkennung bei ausgewählten Aktivitäten Hilferuf-Funktion Taktische Funktionen Duale Gitterkoordinaten Funktionen zur Aktivitätsverfolgung Schrittzähler Move Bar: Benachrichtigung nach einer gewissen Zeit der Inaktivität. Um dies zurückzusetzen, müssen Sie sich lediglich ein paar Minuten bewegen Auto Goal: Merkt sich Ihr Aktivitätslevel und weist Ihnen ein Tagesziel zu Kalorienverbrauch Erklommene Stockwerke Zurückgelegte Entfernung Intensitätsminuten TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges-App: Ja (optionale Connect IQ-App) Fitnessgeräte/Fitnessstudio Verfügbare Fitness-Aktivitätsprofile: Krafttraining, HIIT, Cardio-Training, Ellipsentraining, Treppensteigen, Bodenklettern, Indoor-Rudern und Yoga Cardio-Training Krafttraining HIIT-Training Automatische Wiederholungszählung Trainings-, Planungs- und Analysefunktionen Pulszonen HF-Benachrichtigungen HF-Kalorien % HF-Max % HRR Erholungszeit Auto Max. HF HR Broadcast: Sendet HF-Daten über ANT+™ an gekoppelte Geräte Atemfrequenz: Während des Trainings GPS für Geschwindigkeit und Entfernungsmessung Anpassbare(r) Bildschirm(e) Anpassbare Aktivitätsprofile Automatische Pause® Intervalltraining Fortgeschrittene Workouts Herunterladbare Trainingspläne Energiemodi: Anpassbare Akkueinstellungen bei Inaktivität Auto Lap® Manuelle Runde Konfigurierbare Rundenwarnungen Hitze- und Höhenakklimatisierung Vo2 Max (Laufen) Vo2 Max (Trailrun) Trainingsstatus: zeigt Ihnen an, ob Sie effektiv trainieren, indem Sie Ihren Trainingsverlauf und Ihren Fitnesslevel-Trend verfolgen können Trainingsbelastung: Ihre Gesamttrainingsbelastung für die letzten 7 Tage, berechnet aus dem geschätzten EPOC Trainingseffekt (aerob) Trainingseffekt (anerob) Hauptnutzen (Training Effect Labels) Verbesserte Erholungszeit Täglich empfohlene Workouts Anpassbare Benachrichtigungen Audioansagen Endzeit Virtuelle Partner Race an Activity Auto-Multisport-Aktivitäten Multisport Laufstrecken-Beratung Berührungs- und/oder Tastensperre Hot Keys Auto Scroll Aktivitätsverlauf sichtbar auf der Uhr Physio TrueUp Funktionen zum Laufen Verfügbare Laufprofile: Laufen, Laufbandlauf, Indoor-Trackrunning, Trailrunning GPS-basierte Distanz, Zeit und Tempo Running Dynamics: Ja (mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Vertikale Oszillation und Ratio: Der Grad der "Sprungkraft" in Ihrer Laufbewegung und das Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis zur Schrittlänge (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör - nicht enthalten) Bodenkontaktzeit und Balance: zeigt an, wie viel Zeit sich Ihr Fuß bei der Laufbewegung auf dem Boden befindet und nicht in der Luft und ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre Laufsymmetrie zu überprüfen (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Schrittlänge (Echtzeit): Ja (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Schrittfrequenz: zeigt die Anzahl der Schritte pro Minute in Echtzeit an Leistungszustand: Nach 6 - 20 Minuten Laufen, wird Ihre Echtzeit-Kondition mit Ihrem durchschnittlichen Fitnesslevel verglichen) Laktatschwelle: durch Analyse Ihres Tempos und Ihrer Herzfrequenz wird der Punkt geschätzt, an dem Ihre Muskeln schnell anfangen zu ermüden (Nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Lauftraining Vorhersage der Runde Fußpolsterfähig Erholung im Freien Verfügbare Outdoor-Freizeitprofile: Wandern, Klettern, Indoor-Klettern, Bouldern, Skifahren, Snowboarden, Langlaufen, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Kajak fahren, Angeln, Tactical Punkt-zu-Punkt-Navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Echtzeit Zurück zum Anfang TracBack® UltraTrac-Modus Höhenprofil Entfernung zum Ziel Barometrischer Trendindikator mit Sturmwarnung Trail Run Auto Climb Vertikalgeschwindigkeit Gesamtaufstieg und -abstieg Zukünftiger Höhenplot Kompatibel mit Basecamp™ GPS-Koordinaten Sight 'n Go Flächenberechnung Projizierter Wegpunkt Informationen zu Sonne und Mond Xero™ Standorte Expeditions-GPS-Aktivität Funktionen der Uhr zum Radfahren Verfügbare Fahrradprofile: Radfahren, Rennradfahren, Mountainbiken, Schotterradfahren, Cyclocross, Fahrradpendeln, Fahrradtouren, E-Biken, E-Mountainbiken, Indoor-Biking Benachrichtigung: beim Erreichen Ihrer Ziele bezüglich Dauer, Länge, Herzfrequenz oder Kalorienverbrauch Strecken MTB Grit & Flow Fahrradrunde und maximale Rundenleistung: mit Leistungssensor (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) Race an Activity FTP (Functional Threshold Power - Funktionale Schwellenleistung) Kompatibel mit Vector™ (Leistungsmesser) Kompatibel mit Leistungsmesser Unterstützung von Geschwindigkeits- und Trittfrequenzsensoren (W/Sensor) Funktionen der Uhr zum Schwimmen Verfügbare Schwimmprofile: Schwimmen im Pool, Schwimmen im offenen Gewässer Schwimmmetriken für das Schwimmen im offenen Gewässer: Länge, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Schlagzahl/-rate, Schlagweite, Schwimmeffizienz (SWOLF), Kalorien) Schwimmmetriken: Länge, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Schlagzahl, Schwimmeffizienz (SWOLF), Kalorien Erkennung des Schlag-Typs: Freistil, Rückenschwimmen, Atemzug, Schmetterling (nur für Poolschwimmen) Drill Logging (nur für Poolschwimmen) Basic Ruhezeit-Timer (von 0 aufwärts) (nur für Poolschwimmen) "Repeat On" Erholzeit (Nur Poolschwimmen) Auto Rest (nur für Poolschwimmen) Zeit- und Entfernungswarnungen Countdown-Start Schwimmtraining im Pool Herzfrequenz am Handgelenk unter Wasser Herzfrequenz von externem HRM: Echtzeit während Pausen, Intervalle und Trainingsstatistiken während den Pausen und automatischer Download der Herzfrequenz nach dem Schwimmen Kompatible Geräte und Zubehör QuickFit® 22 Uhrenbänder (010-13123-) Tragetasche (010-10718-01) Lade-/Datenkabel (0,5 m) (010-12491-01) Lade-/Datenkabel (1 m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Fahrrad-/Trolleyhalterung für Armbanduhren (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Geschwindigkeitssensor 2 (010-12843-00) Set aus Geschwindigkeitssensor 2 und Trittfrequenzsensor 2 (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 364.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    ◌ Robustes Design Die Garmin Instinct® 2S Smartwatch wurde für schmalere Handgelenke entwickelt. Die Uhr ist mit einem stoßfesten Gehäuse aus Faser-Polymer und kratzfestem Corning® Gorilla® Glas versehen. Die Uhr eignet sich hervorragend für alle Arten von sportlichen Aktivitäten und Abenteuern und ist wasserdicht bis 100 Meter. Sport-Apps Die Uhr ist mit mehreren Sport-Apps vorinstalliert und hilft Ihnen beim Laufen, Radfahren, Schwimmen, Krafttraining und mehr. Die Uhr ist auch mit VO2 Max und anderen umfangreichen Trainingsfunktionen ausgestattet. Smartwatch Die Instinct® 2S ist vollgepackt mit Smartwatch-Funktionen, live verbunden mit intelligenten Benachrichtigungen und ist mit Connect IQ™ kompatibel. Tracking Verfolgen Sie all Ihre Bewegungen mit dem integrierten 3-Achsen-Kompass und dem barometrischen Höhenmesser sowie mehreren globalen Navigationssatellitensystemen, einschließlich GPS, GLONASS und Galileo. Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden Die Instinct® hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihren Körper besser zu verstehen. Die 2S Smartwatch bietet ganztägige Gesundheitsüberwachung, Verfolgung Ihrer Herzfrequenz, Schlaf, Pulsoximeter, Atmung und mehr (Dies ist kein medizinisches Gerät und nicht zur Verwendung bei der Diagnose oder Überwachung eines medizinischen Zustands vorgesehen; Siehe Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulsox nicht in allen Ländern verfügbar). Lange Akkulaufzeit Mit einer Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 21 Tagen im Smartwatch-Modus und bis zu 22 Stunden im GPS-Modus eignet sich die Uhr selbst für Ihre längsten Abenteuer und Sportveranstaltungen. inReach® Die Uhr trägt dazu bei, Tracking, Navigation und Kommunikation weiter zu verbessern, wenn Sie abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade unterwegs sind. Sie ist außerdem mit inReach® Produkten kompatibel.   Spezifikationen Im Lieferumfang enthalten Instinct® 2S Lade-/Datenkabel Dokumentation Allgemeines Linsenmaterial: Chemisch gehärtetes Glas Lünettenmaterial: Faserverstärktes Polymer Gehäusematerial: Faserverstärktes Polymer Quickfit™ kompatibles Uhrenarmband: Inklusive (20 mm) Riemenmaterial: Silikon Abmessungen: 40 x 44 x 13,3 mm Passform am Handgelenk: Passend für Handgelenke mit einem Umfang von 112-180 mm Display-Größe: Benutzerdefiniertes Design mit zwei Fenstern; 0.79″ x 0.79″ (20 x 20 mm) Displayauflösung: 156 x 156 Pixel Displaytyp: Monochrom, durch Sonnenlicht sichtbares, transflektives Memory-in-Pixel (MIP) Gewicht: 42 g Akkulaufzeit: Bis zu 21 Tage (im Smartwatch-Modus), bis zu 50 Tage (im Batteriesparmodus), bis zu 22 Stunden (im GPS-Modus), bis zu 54 Stunden (im Max Battery GPS-Modus), bis zu 25 Tage (im Expeditionsmodus) Wasserdichtigkeit: 10 ATM Speicher/Verlauf: 32 GB Funktionen der Uhr Uhrzeit/Datum GPS Time Sync Automatische Daylight-Saving-Time-Funktion Wecker Timer Stoppuhr Sonnenaufgangs-/Sonnenuntergangszeiten Gesundheitsüberwachung Handgelenkbasierte Herzfrequenz (konstant, jede Sekunde) Daily Resting Heart Rate (Tägliche Ruheherzfrequenz) Warnungen bei ungewöhnlicher Herzfrequenz: Ja (hoch und niedrig) Atemfrequenz (24x7) Pulse Ox Blutsauerstoffsättigung: Ja (Stichprobe, während dem Schlaf, ganztägig) Fitnessalter Körperbatterie™ Energiemonitor Ganztägige Stressüberwachung Entspannungs-Atmungs-Timer Schlaf Schlaf-Werte und Einblicke Hydration: Ja (in Garmin Connect™) Gesundheitsverfolgung für Frauen: Ja (in Garmin Connect™) Zustandsschnappschuss der Gesundheit Sensoren GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Herzfrequenzsensor am Handgelenk Barometrischer Höhenmesser Kompass Beschleunigungsmesser Thermometer Pulse-Ox-Blutsauerstoffsättigung-Überwachung Daily-Smart-Funktionen Konnektivität: Bluetooth®, ANT+®, Wi-Fi® Connect IQ™: (Ziffernblätter, Datenfelder, Widgets und Apps zum Herunterladen) Smart-Benachrichtigungen Beantworten von SMS/Ablehnen von Anrufe (Nur für Android™) Kalender Wetter Synchronisierung der Echtzeiteinstellungen mit Garmin Connect™ Mobile Akkulaufzeit sparen - Anpassbare Low-Power-Uhr mit geringem Akkuverbrauch Smartphone-Musik-Steuerung Find-My-Phone-Funktion Find-My-Watch-Funktion Virb® Kamera-Fernbedienung Smartphone-Kompatibilität: iPhone®, Android™ Lässt sich mit der Garmin Golf App koppeln Kompatibel mit Garmin Connect™ Mobile Sicherheits- und Tracking-Funktionen LivetTrack Unfallerkennung bei ausgewählten Aktivitäten Hilferuf-Funktion Taktische Funktionen Duale Gitterkoordinaten Funktionen zur Aktivitätsverfolgung Schrittzähler Move Bar: Benachrichtigung nach einer gewissen Zeit der Inaktivität. Um dies zurückzusetzen, müssen Sie sich lediglich ein paar Minuten bewegen Auto Goal: Merkt sich Ihr Aktivitätslevel und weist Ihnen ein Tagesziel zu Kalorienverbrauch Erklommene Stockwerke Zurückgelegte Entfernung Intensitätsminuten TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges-App: Ja (optionale Connect IQ-App) Fitnessgeräte/Fitnessstudio Verfügbare Fitness-Aktivitätsprofile: Krafttraining, HIIT, Cardio-Training, Ellipsentraining, Treppensteigen, Bodenklettern, Indoor-Rudern und Yoga Cardio-Training Krafttraining HIIT-Training Automatische Wiederholungszählung Trainings-, Planungs- und Analysefunktionen Pulszonen HF-Benachrichtigungen HF-Kalorien % HF-Max % HRR Erholungszeit Auto Max. HF HR Broadcast: Sendet HF-Daten über ANT+™ an gekoppelte Geräte Atemfrequenz: Während des Trainings GPS für Geschwindigkeit und Entfernungsmessung Anpassbare(r) Bildschirm(e) Anpassbare Aktivitätsprofile Automatische Pause® Intervalltraining Fortgeschrittene Workouts Herunterladbare Trainingspläne Energiemodi: Anpassbare Akkueinstellungen bei Inaktivität Auto Lap® Manuelle Runde Konfigurierbare Rundenwarnungen Hitze- und Höhenakklimatisierung Vo2 Max (Laufen) Vo2 Max (Trailrun) Trainingsstatus: zeigt Ihnen an, ob Sie effektiv trainieren, indem Sie Ihren Trainingsverlauf und Ihren Fitnesslevel-Trend verfolgen können Trainingsbelastung: Ihre Gesamttrainingsbelastung für die letzten 7 Tage, berechnet aus dem geschätzten EPOC Trainingseffekt (aerob) Trainingseffekt (anerob) Hauptnutzen (Training Effect Labels) Verbesserte Erholungszeit Täglich empfohlene Workouts Anpassbare Benachrichtigungen Audioansagen Endzeit Virtuelle Partner Race an Activity Auto-Multisport-Aktivitäten Multisport Laufstrecken-Beratung Berührungs- und/oder Tastensperre Hot Keys Auto Scroll Aktivitätsverlauf sichtbar auf der Uhr Physio TrueUp Funktionen zum Laufen Verfügbare Laufprofile: Laufen, Laufbandlauf, Indoor-Trackrunning, Trailrunning GPS-basierte Distanz, Zeit und Tempo Running Dynamics: Ja (mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Vertikale Oszillation und Ratio: Der Grad der "Sprungkraft" in Ihrer Laufbewegung und das Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis zur Schrittlänge (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör - nicht enthalten) Bodenkontaktzeit und Balance: zeigt an, wie viel Zeit sich Ihr Fuß bei der Laufbewegung auf dem Boden befindet und nicht in der Luft und ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre Laufsymmetrie zu überprüfen (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Schrittlänge (Echtzeit): Ja (nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Schrittfrequenz: zeigt die Anzahl der Schritte pro Minute in Echtzeit an Leistungszustand: Nach 6 - 20 Minuten Laufen, wird Ihre Echtzeit-Kondition mit Ihrem durchschnittlichen Fitnesslevel verglichen) Laktatschwelle: durch Analyse Ihres Tempos und Ihrer Herzfrequenz wird der Punkt geschätzt, an dem Ihre Muskeln schnell anfangen zu ermüden (Nur mit kompatiblem Zubehör – nicht enthalten) Lauftraining Vorhersage der Runde Fußpolsterfähig Erholung im Freien Verfügbare Outdoor-Freizeitprofile: Wandern, Klettern, Indoor-Klettern, Bouldern, Skifahren, Snowboarden, Langlaufen, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Kajak fahren, Angeln, Tactical Punkt-zu-Punkt-Navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Echtzeit Zurück zum Anfang TracBack® UltraTrac-Modus Höhenprofil Entfernung zum Ziel Barometrischer Trendindikator mit Sturmwarnung Trail Run Auto Climb Vertikalgeschwindigkeit Gesamtaufstieg und -abstieg Zukünftiger Höhenplot Kompatibel mit Basecamp™ GPS-Koordinaten Sight 'n Go Flächenberechnung Projizierter Wegpunkt Informationen zu Sonne und Mond Xero™ Standorte Expeditions-GPS-Aktivität Funktionen der Uhr zum Radfahren Verfügbare Fahrradprofile: Radfahren, Rennradfahren, Mountainbiken, Schotterradfahren, Cyclocross, Fahrradpendeln, Fahrradtouren, E-Biken, E-Mountainbiken, Indoor-Biking Benachrichtigung: beim Erreichen Ihrer Ziele bezüglich Dauer, Länge, Herzfrequenz oder Kalorienverbrauch Strecken MTB Grit & Flow Fahrradrunde und maximale Rundenleistung: mit Leistungssensor (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) Race an Activity FTP (Functional Threshold Power - Funktionale Schwellenleistung) Kompatibel mit Vector™ (Leistungsmesser) Kompatibel mit Leistungsmesser Unterstützung von Geschwindigkeits- und Trittfrequenzsensoren (W/Sensor) Funktionen der Uhr zum Schwimmen Verfügbare Schwimmprofile: Schwimmen im Pool, Schwimmen im offenen Gewässer Schwimmmetriken für das Schwimmen im offenen Gewässer: Länge, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Schlagzahl/-rate, Schlagweite, Schwimmeffizienz (SWOLF), Kalorien) Schwimmmetriken: Länge, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Schlagzahl, Schwimmeffizienz (SWOLF), Kalorien Erkennung des Schlag-Typs: Freistil, Rückenschwimmen, Atemzug, Schmetterling (nur für Poolschwimmen) Drill Logging (nur für Poolschwimmen) Basic Ruhezeit-Timer (von 0 aufwärts) (nur für Poolschwimmen) "Repeat On" Erholzeit (Nur Poolschwimmen) Auto Rest (nur für Poolschwimmen) Zeit- und Entfernungswarnungen Countdown-Start Schwimmtraining im Pool Herzfrequenz am Handgelenk unter Wasser Herzfrequenz von externem HRM: Echtzeit während Pausen, Intervalle und Trainingsstatistiken während den Pausen und automatischer Download der Herzfrequenz nach dem Schwimmen Kompatible Geräte und Zubehör QuickFit® 22 Uhrenbänder (010-13123-) Tragetasche (010-10718-01) Lade-/Datenkabel (0,5 m) (010-12491-01) Lade-/Datenkabel (1 m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Fahrrad-/Trolleyhalterung für Armbanduhren (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Geschwindigkeitssensor 2 (010-12843-00) Set aus Geschwindigkeitssensor 2 und Trittfrequenzsensor 2 (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 364.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    S The S version of the Instinct® 2 Solar is engineered for smaller wrists. Solar Charging The Garmin Instinct® 2S Solar keeps you going for longer, with the unlimited power of solar charging. With power manager, you can also see how settings and sensors impact your battery life, allowing you to make changes on the fly. (Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions). Rugged Design Built to survive even your harshest adventures and most extreme sporting endeavours, the watch is engineered with a fibre-reinforced polymer case and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® glass. The rugged watch is also water-rated up to 100 metres. Sports Apps A true multisport watch, the Instinct® 2S Solar is preloaded with a huge variety of built-in sports apps, the watch helps you take on running, biking, swimming, strength training and more. Plus, the watch includes VO2 Max and other training features. Smartwatch Packed full of live connected features, the watch keeps you connected with smart notifications, allows you to make contactless payments with Garmin Pay™, and is also compatible with Connect IQ™. Tracking and Navigation Keep track of all your best moves and journeys with the Instinct® 2S Solar’s built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Health and Wellbeing Get a better understanding of your body with all-day health monitoring features which track your heart rate, sleep, Pulse Ox, respiration and more (This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox not available in all countries). inReach® For enhanced tracking, navigation, and communication, when off the beaten track, the Instinct® 2S Solar is compatible with inReach®.   Specifications In the Box Instinct® 2S Solar Charging/data cable Documentation General Lens Material: Power Glass™ Bezel Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Case Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Quickfit™ Watch Band Compatible: Yes (20 mm) Strap Material: Silicone Physical Size: 40 x 40 x 13.3 mm Wrist Fit: Fits wrists with a circumference of 112-180 mm Display Size: Custom, two-window design; 0.79″ x 0.79″ (20 x 20 mm) Display Resolution: 156 x 156 pixels Display Type: Monochrome, sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP) Weight: 543 g Battery Life: Up to 21 days/51 days (in Smartwatch with Solar), up to 50 days/unlimited (in Battery Saver Watch Mode with Solar), up to 22 hours/28 hours (in GPS Mode with Solar), up to 54 days/114 hours (in Max Battery GPS Mode with Solar) Water Rating: 10 ATM Memory/History: 32 MB Clock Features Time/Date GPS Time Sync Automatic Daylight Saving Time Alarm Clock Timer Stopwatch Sunrise/Sunset Times Health Monitoring Wrist-Based Heart Rate: Constant, Every Second Daily Resting Heart Rate Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts: Yes (High and Low) Respiration Rate: 24x7 Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation: Yes (Spot-Check, During Sleep, All Day) Fitness Age Body Battery™ Energy Monitor All-Day Stress Tracking Relaxation Breathing Timer Sleep Sleep Score and Insights Hydration: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Women's Health: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Health Snapshot Sensors GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor Barometric Altimeter Compass Accelerometer Thermometer Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Daily Smart Features Connectivity: Bluetooth®, ANT+® Connect IQ™: Downloadable Watch Faces, Data Fields, Widgets and Apps Smart Notifications Text Response/Reject Phone Call with Text (Android™ Only) Calendar Weather Realtime Settings Sync with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Battery Saver - Customisable Low Power Watch Controls Smartphone Music Find My Phone Find My Watch Virb® Camera Remote Smartphone Compatibility: iPhone®, Android™ Pairs with Garmin Golf App Compatible with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Safety and Tracking Features LivetTrack Incident Detection During Select Activities Assistance Tactical Features Dual Grid Coordinates Activity Tracking Features Step Counter Move Bar: Displays on device after a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset it Auto Goal: Learns your activity level and assigns a daily step goal Calories Burned Floors Climbed Distance Travelled Intensity Minutes TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges App: Yes (Optional Connect IQ App) Fitness Equipment/Gym Available Gym Activity Profiles: Strength, cardio and elliptical training, HIIT, stair stepping, floor climbing, indoor rowing, and yoga Cardio Workouts Strength Workouts HIIT Workouts Automatic Rep Counting Training, Planning and Analysis Features HR Zones HR Alerts HR Calories % HR Max % HRR Recovery Time Auto Max Hr HR Broadcast: Broadcasts HR data over ANT+™ to paired devices Respiration Rate: During exercise GPS Speed and Distance Customisable Screen(s) Customisable Activity Profiles Auto Pause® Interval Training Advanced Workouts Downloadable Training Plans Power Modes - Customisable In-Activity Battery Settings Auto Lap® Manual Lap Configurable Lap Alerts Heat and Altitude Acclimation Vo2 Max (Run) Vo2 Max (Trail Run) Training Status: Lets you see if you’re training effectively by tracking your training history and fitness level trend Training Load: Your total training load for the last 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC Training Effect (Aerobic) Training Effect (Anaerobic) Primary Benefit (Training Effect Labels) Improved Recovery Time Daily Suggested Workouts Customisable Alerts Audio Prompts Finish Time Virtual Partner Race an Activity Auto Multisport Activities Multi-Sport Course Guidance Touch and/or Button Lock Hot Keys Auto Scroll Activity History on Watch Physio TrueUp Running Features Available Run Profiles: Running, treadmill running, indoor track running, trail running GPS-based distance, time and pace Running Dynamics: Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Vertical Oscillation and Ratio: The degree of 'Bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length (with compatible accessory - not included) Ground Contact Time and Balance: Shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the ground rather than in flight and lets you check your running symmetry (with compatible accessory – not included) Stride Length (Real Time): Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Cadence: Provides real-time number of steps per minute Performance Condition: After running 6–20 minutes, compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level Lactate Threshold: Through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the point where your muscles start to rapidly fatigue (with compatible accessory – not included) Run Workouts Race Predictor Foot Pod Capable Outdoor Recreation Available Outdoor Recreation Profiles: Hiking, climbing, indoor climbing, bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, XC skiing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, kayaking, fishing, tactical point-to-point navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Real Time Back to Start TracBack® UltraTrac Mode Elevation Profile Distance to Destination Barometric Trend Indicator with Storm Alert Trail Run Auto Climb Vertical Speed Total Ascent/Descent Future Elevation Plot Compatible with Basecamp™ GPS Coordinates Sight 'n Go Area Calculation Projected Waypoint Sun and Moon Information XERO™ Locations Expedition GPS Activity Cycling Features Available Cycling Profiles: Biking, road biking, mountain biking, gravel biking, cyclocross, bike commuting, bike touring, e-biking, e-mountain biking, indoor biking Alerts: Triggers alarm when you reach goals including time, distance, heart rate or calories Courses MTB Grit & Flow Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power: With Power Sensor (not included) Race an Activity Ftp (Functional Threshold Power) Compatible with Vector™ (Power Meter) Power Meter Compatible Speed and Cadence Sensor Support (w/Sensor) Swimming Features Available Swim Profiles: Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming Open-Water Swim Metrics: Distance, pace, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories Pool Swim Metrics: Lengths, distance, pace, stroke count, swim efficiency (SWOLF), Calories Stroke Type Detection: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (Pool Swim Only) Drill Logging (Pool Swim Only) Basic Rest Timer (Up From 0) (Pool Swim Only) "Repeat On" Rest Timer (Pool Swim Only) Auto Rest (Pool Swim Only) Time and Distance Alerts Countdown Start Pool Swim Workouts Underwater Wrist-Based Heart Rate Heart Rate from External HRM: Real-time during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download post-swim Compatible Devices and Accessories QuickFit® 22 Watch Bands (010-13123-) Carrying Case (010-10718-01) Charging/Data Cable (0.5m) (010-12491-01) Charging/Data Cable (1m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Wristwatch Bike/Trolley Mount (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Speed Sensor 2 (010-12843-00) Bike Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Bundle (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 474.49 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    S The S version of the Instinct® 2 Solar is engineered for smaller wrists. Solar Charging The Garmin Instinct® 2S Solar keeps you going for longer, with the unlimited power of solar charging. With power manager, you can also see how settings and sensors impact your battery life, allowing you to make changes on the fly. (Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions). Rugged Design Built to survive even your harshest adventures and most extreme sporting endeavours, the watch is engineered with a fibre-reinforced polymer case and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® glass. The rugged watch is also water-rated up to 100 metres. Sports Apps A true multisport watch, the Instinct® 2S Solar is preloaded with a huge variety of built-in sports apps, the watch helps you take on running, biking, swimming, strength training and more. Plus, the watch includes VO2 Max and other training features. Smartwatch Packed full of live connected features, the watch keeps you connected with smart notifications, allows you to make contactless payments with Garmin Pay™, and is also compatible with Connect IQ™. Tracking and Navigation Keep track of all your best moves and journeys with the Instinct® 2S Solar’s built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Health and Wellbeing Get a better understanding of your body with all-day health monitoring features which track your heart rate, sleep, Pulse Ox, respiration and more (This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox not available in all countries). inReach® For enhanced tracking, navigation, and communication, when off the beaten track, the Instinct® 2S Solar is compatible with inReach®.   Specifications In the Box Instinct® 2S Solar Charging/data cable Documentation General Lens Material: Power Glass™ Bezel Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Case Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Quickfit™ Watch Band Compatible: Yes (20 mm) Strap Material: Silicone Physical Size: 40 x 40 x 13.3 mm Wrist Fit: Fits wrists with a circumference of 112-180 mm Display Size: Custom, two-window design; 0.79″ x 0.79″ (20 x 20 mm) Display Resolution: 156 x 156 pixels Display Type: Monochrome, sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP) Weight: 543 g Battery Life: Up to 21 days/51 days (in Smartwatch with Solar), up to 50 days/unlimited (in Battery Saver Watch Mode with Solar), up to 22 hours/28 hours (in GPS Mode with Solar), up to 54 days/114 hours (in Max Battery GPS Mode with Solar) Water Rating: 10 ATM Memory/History: 32 MB Clock Features Time/Date GPS Time Sync Automatic Daylight Saving Time Alarm Clock Timer Stopwatch Sunrise/Sunset Times Health Monitoring Wrist-Based Heart Rate: Constant, Every Second Daily Resting Heart Rate Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts: Yes (High and Low) Respiration Rate: 24x7 Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation: Yes (Spot-Check, During Sleep, All Day) Fitness Age Body Battery™ Energy Monitor All-Day Stress Tracking Relaxation Breathing Timer Sleep Sleep Score and Insights Hydration: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Women's Health: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Health Snapshot Sensors GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor Barometric Altimeter Compass Accelerometer Thermometer Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Daily Smart Features Connectivity: Bluetooth®, ANT+® Connect IQ™: Downloadable Watch Faces, Data Fields, Widgets and Apps Smart Notifications Text Response/Reject Phone Call with Text (Android™ Only) Calendar Weather Realtime Settings Sync with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Battery Saver - Customisable Low Power Watch Controls Smartphone Music Find My Phone Find My Watch Virb® Camera Remote Smartphone Compatibility: iPhone®, Android™ Pairs with Garmin Golf App Compatible with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Safety and Tracking Features LivetTrack Incident Detection During Select Activities Assistance Tactical Features Dual Grid Coordinates Activity Tracking Features Step Counter Move Bar: Displays on device after a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset it Auto Goal: Learns your activity level and assigns a daily step goal Calories Burned Floors Climbed Distance Travelled Intensity Minutes TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges App: Yes (Optional Connect IQ App) Fitness Equipment/Gym Available Gym Activity Profiles: Strength, cardio and elliptical training, HIIT, stair stepping, floor climbing, indoor rowing, and yoga Cardio Workouts Strength Workouts HIIT Workouts Automatic Rep Counting Training, Planning and Analysis Features HR Zones HR Alerts HR Calories % HR Max % HRR Recovery Time Auto Max Hr HR Broadcast: Broadcasts HR data over ANT+™ to paired devices Respiration Rate: During exercise GPS Speed and Distance Customisable Screen(s) Customisable Activity Profiles Auto Pause® Interval Training Advanced Workouts Downloadable Training Plans Power Modes - Customisable In-Activity Battery Settings Auto Lap® Manual Lap Configurable Lap Alerts Heat and Altitude Acclimation Vo2 Max (Run) Vo2 Max (Trail Run) Training Status: Lets you see if you’re training effectively by tracking your training history and fitness level trend Training Load: Your total training load for the last 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC Training Effect (Aerobic) Training Effect (Anaerobic) Primary Benefit (Training Effect Labels) Improved Recovery Time Daily Suggested Workouts Customisable Alerts Audio Prompts Finish Time Virtual Partner Race an Activity Auto Multisport Activities Multi-Sport Course Guidance Touch and/or Button Lock Hot Keys Auto Scroll Activity History on Watch Physio TrueUp Running Features Available Run Profiles: Running, treadmill running, indoor track running, trail running GPS-based distance, time and pace Running Dynamics: Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Vertical Oscillation and Ratio: The degree of 'Bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length (with compatible accessory - not included) Ground Contact Time and Balance: Shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the ground rather than in flight and lets you check your running symmetry (with compatible accessory – not included) Stride Length (Real Time): Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Cadence: Provides real-time number of steps per minute Performance Condition: After running 6–20 minutes, compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level Lactate Threshold: Through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the point where your muscles start to rapidly fatigue (with compatible accessory – not included) Run Workouts Race Predictor Foot Pod Capable Outdoor Recreation Available Outdoor Recreation Profiles: Hiking, climbing, indoor climbing, bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, XC skiing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, kayaking, fishing, tactical point-to-point navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Real Time Back to Start TracBack® UltraTrac Mode Elevation Profile Distance to Destination Barometric Trend Indicator with Storm Alert Trail Run Auto Climb Vertical Speed Total Ascent/Descent Future Elevation Plot Compatible with Basecamp™ GPS Coordinates Sight 'n Go Area Calculation Projected Waypoint Sun and Moon Information XERO™ Locations Expedition GPS Activity Cycling Features Available Cycling Profiles: Biking, road biking, mountain biking, gravel biking, cyclocross, bike commuting, bike touring, e-biking, e-mountain biking, indoor biking Alerts: Triggers alarm when you reach goals including time, distance, heart rate or calories Courses MTB Grit & Flow Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power: With Power Sensor (not included) Race an Activity Ftp (Functional Threshold Power) Compatible with Vector™ (Power Meter) Power Meter Compatible Speed and Cadence Sensor Support (w/Sensor) Swimming Features Available Swim Profiles: Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming Open-Water Swim Metrics: Distance, pace, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories Pool Swim Metrics: Lengths, distance, pace, stroke count, swim efficiency (SWOLF), Calories Stroke Type Detection: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (Pool Swim Only) Drill Logging (Pool Swim Only) Basic Rest Timer (Up From 0) (Pool Swim Only) "Repeat On" Rest Timer (Pool Swim Only) Auto Rest (Pool Swim Only) Time and Distance Alerts Countdown Start Pool Swim Workouts Underwater Wrist-Based Heart Rate Heart Rate from External HRM: Real-time during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download post-swim Compatible Devices and Accessories QuickFit® 22 Watch Bands (010-13123-) Carrying Case (010-10718-01) Charging/Data Cable (0.5m) (010-12491-01) Charging/Data Cable (1m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Wristwatch Bike/Trolley Mount (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Speed Sensor 2 (010-12843-00) Bike Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Bundle (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 474.49 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    Solar Charging The Garmin Instinct® 2 Solar keeps you going for longer, with the unlimited power of solar charging. With power manager mode, the watch allows you to see how settings and sensors impact your battery life, helping you to make changes on the fly. (Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions). Rugged Design Built to survive even your harshest adventures and most extreme sporting endeavours, the watch is engineered with a fibre-reinforced polymer case and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® glass. The rugged watch is also water-rated to 100 metres. Sports Apps A true multisport watch, the Instinct® 2 Solar is preloaded with a huge variety of built-in sports apps, the watch helps you take on running, biking, swimming, strength training and more. Plus, the watch includes VO2 Max and other training features. Smartwatch Packed full of live connected features, the watch keeps you connected with smart notifications, helps you make contactless payments with Garmin Pay™, and provides Connect IQ™ compatibility. Tracking and Navigation Keep track of all your best moves and journeys with the Instinct® 2 Solar’s built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Health and Wellbeing Get a better understanding of your body with all-day health monitoring, track your heart rate, sleep, Pulse Ox, respiration and more (This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox not available in all countries). inReach® For enhanced tracking, navigation, and communication, when off the beaten track, the Instinct® 2 Solar is compatible with inReach®.   Specifications In the Box Instinct® 2 Solar Charging/data cable Documentation General Lens Material: Power Glass™ Bezel Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Case Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Quickfit™ Watch Band Compatible: Yes (22 mm) Strap Material: Silicone Physical Size: 45 x 45 x 14.5 mm Wrist Fit: Fits wrists with a circumference of 135-230 mm Display Size: Custom, two-window design; 0.9″ x 0.9″ (23 x 23 mm) Display Resolution: 176 x 176 pixels Display Type: Monochrome, sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP) Weight: 53 g Battery Life: Up to 28 days/unlimited (in Smartwatch with Solar), up to 65 days/unlimited (in Battery Saver Watch Mode with Solar), up to 30 hours/48 hours (in GPS Mode with Solar), up to 32 days/unlimited (in Max Battery GPS Mode with Solar) Water Rating: 10 ATM Memory/History: 32 MB Clock Features Time/Date GPS Time Sync Automatic Daylight Saving Time Alarm Clock Timer Stopwatch Sunrise/Sunset Times Health Monitoring Wrist-Based Heart Rate: Constant, Every Second Daily Resting Heart Rate Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts: Yes (High and Low) Respiration Rate: 24x7 Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation: Yes (Spot-Check, During Sleep, All Day) Fitness Age Body Battery™ Energy Monitor All-Day Stress Tracking Relaxation Breathing Timer Sleep Sleep Score and Insights Hydration: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Women's Health: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Health Snapshot Sensors GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor Barometric Altimeter Compass Accelerometer Thermometer Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Daily Smart Features Connectivity: Bluetooth®, ANT+® Connect IQ™: Downloadable Watch Faces, Data Fields, Widgets and Apps Smart Notifications Text Response/Reject Phone Call with Text (Android™ Only) Calendar Weather Realtime Settings Sync with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Battery Saver - Customisable Low Power Watch Controls Smartphone Music Find My Phone Find My Watch Virb® Camera Remote Smartphone Compatibility: iPhone®, Android™ Pairs with Garmin Golf App Compatible with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Safety and Tracking Features LivetTrack Incident Detection During Select Activities Assistance Tactical Features Dual Grid Coordinates Activity Tracking Features Step Counter Move Bar: Displays on device after a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset it Auto Goal: Learns your activity level and assigns a daily step goal Calories Burned Floors Climbed Distance Travelled Intensity Minutes TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges App: Yes (Optional Connect IQ App) Fitness Equipment/Gym Available Gym Activity Profiles: Strength, cardio and elliptical training, HIIT, stair stepping, floor climbing, indoor rowing, and yoga Cardio Workouts Strength Workouts HIIT Workouts Automatic Rep Counting Training, Planning and Analysis Features HR Zones HR Alerts HR Calories % HR Max % HRR Recovery Time Auto Max Hr HR Broadcast: Broadcasts HR data over ANT+™ to paired devices Respiration Rate: During exercise GPS Speed and Distance Customisable Screen(s) Customisable Activity Profiles Auto Pause® Interval Training Advanced Workouts Downloadable Training Plans Power Modes - Customisable In-Activity Battery Settings Auto Lap® Manual Lap Configurable Lap Alerts Heat and Altitude Acclimation Vo2 Max (Run) Vo2 Max (Trail Run) Training Status: Lets you see if you’re training effectively by tracking your training history and fitness level trend Training Load: Your total training load for the last 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC Training Effect (Aerobic) Training Effect (Anaerobic) Primary Benefit (Training Effect Labels) Improved Recovery Time Daily Suggested Workouts Customisable Alerts Audio Prompts Finish Time Virtual Partner Race an Activity Auto Multisport Activities Multi-Sport Course Guidance Touch and/or Button Lock Hot Keys Auto Scroll Activity History on Watch Physio TrueUp Running Features Available Run Profiles: Running, treadmill running, indoor track running, trail running GPS-based distance, time and pace Running Dynamics: Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Vertical Oscillation and Ratio: The degree of 'Bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length (with compatible accessory - not included) Ground Contact Time and Balance: Shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the ground rather than in flight and lets you check your running symmetry (with compatible accessory – not included) Stride Length (Real Time): Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Cadence: Provides real-time number of steps per minute Performance Condition: After running 6–20 minutes, compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level Lactate Threshold: Through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the point where your muscles start to rapidly fatigue (with compatible accessory – not included) Run Workouts Race Predictor Foot Pod Capable Outdoor Recreation Available Outdoor Recreation Profiles: Hiking, climbing, indoor climbing, bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, XC skiing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, kayaking, fishing, tactical point-to-point navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Real Time Back to Start TracBack® UltraTrac Mode Elevation Profile Distance to Destination Barometric Trend Indicator with Storm Alert Trail Run Auto Climb Vertical Speed Total Ascent/Descent Future Elevation Plot Compatible with Basecamp™ GPS Coordinates Sight 'n Go Area Calculation Projected Waypoint Sun and Moon Information XERO™ Locations Expedition GPS Activity Cycling Features Available Cycling Profiles: Biking, road biking, mountain biking, gravel biking, cyclocross, bike commuting, bike touring, e-biking, e-mountain biking, indoor biking Alerts: Triggers alarm when you reach goals including time, distance, heart rate or calories Courses MTB Grit & Flow Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power: With Power Sensor (not included) Race an Activity Ftp (Functional Threshold Power) Compatible with Vector™ (Power Meter) Power Meter Compatible Speed and Cadence Sensor Support (w/Sensor) Swimming Features Available Swim Profiles: Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming Open-Water Swim Metrics: Distance, pace, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories Pool Swim Metrics: Lengths, distance, pace, stroke count, swim efficiency (SWOLF), Calories Stroke Type Detection: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (Pool Swim Only) Drill Logging (Pool Swim Only) Basic Rest Timer (Up From 0) (Pool Swim Only) "Repeat On" Rest Timer (Pool Swim Only) Auto Rest (Pool Swim Only) Time and Distance Alerts Countdown Start Pool Swim Workouts Underwater Wrist-Based Heart Rate Heart Rate from External HRM: Real-time during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download post-swim Compatible Devices and Accessories QuickFit® 22 Watch Bands (010-13123-) Carrying Case (010-10718-01) Charging/Data Cable (0.5m) (010-12491-01) Charging/Data Cable (1m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Wristwatch Bike/Trolley Mount (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Speed Sensor 2 (010-12843-00) Bike Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Bundle (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 474.49 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    Solar Charging The Garmin Instinct® 2 Solar keeps you going for longer, with the unlimited power of solar charging. With power manager mode, the watch allows you to see how settings and sensors impact your battery life, helping you to make changes on the fly. (Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions). Rugged Design Built to survive even your harshest adventures and most extreme sporting endeavours, the watch is engineered with a fibre-reinforced polymer case and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® glass. The rugged watch is also water-rated to 100 metres. Sports Apps A true multisport watch, the Instinct® 2 Solar is preloaded with a huge variety of built-in sports apps, the watch helps you take on running, biking, swimming, strength training and more. Plus, the watch includes VO2 Max and other training features. Smartwatch Packed full of live connected features, the watch keeps you connected with smart notifications, helps you make contactless payments with Garmin Pay™, and provides Connect IQ™ compatibility. Tracking and Navigation Keep track of all your best moves and journeys with the Instinct® 2 Solar’s built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Health and Wellbeing Get a better understanding of your body with all-day health monitoring, track your heart rate, sleep, Pulse Ox, respiration and more (This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox not available in all countries). inReach® For enhanced tracking, navigation, and communication, when off the beaten track, the Instinct® 2 Solar is compatible with inReach®.   Specifications In the Box Instinct® 2 Solar Charging/data cable Documentation General Lens Material: Power Glass™ Bezel Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Case Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Quickfit™ Watch Band Compatible: Yes (22 mm) Strap Material: Silicone Physical Size: 45 x 45 x 14.5 mm Wrist Fit: Fits wrists with a circumference of 135-230 mm Display Size: Custom, two-window design; 0.9″ x 0.9″ (23 x 23 mm) Display Resolution: 176 x 176 pixels Display Type: Monochrome, sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP) Weight: 53 g Battery Life: Up to 28 days/unlimited (in Smartwatch with Solar), up to 65 days/unlimited (in Battery Saver Watch Mode with Solar), up to 30 hours/48 hours (in GPS Mode with Solar), up to 32 days/unlimited (in Max Battery GPS Mode with Solar) Water Rating: 10 ATM Memory/History: 32 MB Clock Features Time/Date GPS Time Sync Automatic Daylight Saving Time Alarm Clock Timer Stopwatch Sunrise/Sunset Times Health Monitoring Wrist-Based Heart Rate: Constant, Every Second Daily Resting Heart Rate Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts: Yes (High and Low) Respiration Rate: 24x7 Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation: Yes (Spot-Check, During Sleep, All Day) Fitness Age Body Battery™ Energy Monitor All-Day Stress Tracking Relaxation Breathing Timer Sleep Sleep Score and Insights Hydration: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Women's Health: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Health Snapshot Sensors GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor Barometric Altimeter Compass Accelerometer Thermometer Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Daily Smart Features Connectivity: Bluetooth®, ANT+® Connect IQ™: Downloadable Watch Faces, Data Fields, Widgets and Apps Smart Notifications Text Response/Reject Phone Call with Text (Android™ Only) Calendar Weather Realtime Settings Sync with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Battery Saver - Customisable Low Power Watch Controls Smartphone Music Find My Phone Find My Watch Virb® Camera Remote Smartphone Compatibility: iPhone®, Android™ Pairs with Garmin Golf App Compatible with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Safety and Tracking Features LivetTrack Incident Detection During Select Activities Assistance Tactical Features Dual Grid Coordinates Activity Tracking Features Step Counter Move Bar: Displays on device after a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset it Auto Goal: Learns your activity level and assigns a daily step goal Calories Burned Floors Climbed Distance Travelled Intensity Minutes TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges App: Yes (Optional Connect IQ App) Fitness Equipment/Gym Available Gym Activity Profiles: Strength, cardio and elliptical training, HIIT, stair stepping, floor climbing, indoor rowing, and yoga Cardio Workouts Strength Workouts HIIT Workouts Automatic Rep Counting Training, Planning and Analysis Features HR Zones HR Alerts HR Calories % HR Max % HRR Recovery Time Auto Max Hr HR Broadcast: Broadcasts HR data over ANT+™ to paired devices Respiration Rate: During exercise GPS Speed and Distance Customisable Screen(s) Customisable Activity Profiles Auto Pause® Interval Training Advanced Workouts Downloadable Training Plans Power Modes - Customisable In-Activity Battery Settings Auto Lap® Manual Lap Configurable Lap Alerts Heat and Altitude Acclimation Vo2 Max (Run) Vo2 Max (Trail Run) Training Status: Lets you see if you’re training effectively by tracking your training history and fitness level trend Training Load: Your total training load for the last 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC Training Effect (Aerobic) Training Effect (Anaerobic) Primary Benefit (Training Effect Labels) Improved Recovery Time Daily Suggested Workouts Customisable Alerts Audio Prompts Finish Time Virtual Partner Race an Activity Auto Multisport Activities Multi-Sport Course Guidance Touch and/or Button Lock Hot Keys Auto Scroll Activity History on Watch Physio TrueUp Running Features Available Run Profiles: Running, treadmill running, indoor track running, trail running GPS-based distance, time and pace Running Dynamics: Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Vertical Oscillation and Ratio: The degree of 'Bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length (with compatible accessory - not included) Ground Contact Time and Balance: Shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the ground rather than in flight and lets you check your running symmetry (with compatible accessory – not included) Stride Length (Real Time): Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Cadence: Provides real-time number of steps per minute Performance Condition: After running 6–20 minutes, compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level Lactate Threshold: Through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the point where your muscles start to rapidly fatigue (with compatible accessory – not included) Run Workouts Race Predictor Foot Pod Capable Outdoor Recreation Available Outdoor Recreation Profiles: Hiking, climbing, indoor climbing, bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, XC skiing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, kayaking, fishing, tactical point-to-point navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Real Time Back to Start TracBack® UltraTrac Mode Elevation Profile Distance to Destination Barometric Trend Indicator with Storm Alert Trail Run Auto Climb Vertical Speed Total Ascent/Descent Future Elevation Plot Compatible with Basecamp™ GPS Coordinates Sight 'n Go Area Calculation Projected Waypoint Sun and Moon Information XERO™ Locations Expedition GPS Activity Cycling Features Available Cycling Profiles: Biking, road biking, mountain biking, gravel biking, cyclocross, bike commuting, bike touring, e-biking, e-mountain biking, indoor biking Alerts: Triggers alarm when you reach goals including time, distance, heart rate or calories Courses MTB Grit & Flow Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power: With Power Sensor (not included) Race an Activity Ftp (Functional Threshold Power) Compatible with Vector™ (Power Meter) Power Meter Compatible Speed and Cadence Sensor Support (w/Sensor) Swimming Features Available Swim Profiles: Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming Open-Water Swim Metrics: Distance, pace, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories Pool Swim Metrics: Lengths, distance, pace, stroke count, swim efficiency (SWOLF), Calories Stroke Type Detection: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (Pool Swim Only) Drill Logging (Pool Swim Only) Basic Rest Timer (Up From 0) (Pool Swim Only) "Repeat On" Rest Timer (Pool Swim Only) Auto Rest (Pool Swim Only) Time and Distance Alerts Countdown Start Pool Swim Workouts Underwater Wrist-Based Heart Rate Heart Rate from External HRM: Real-time during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download post-swim Compatible Devices and Accessories QuickFit® 22 Watch Bands (010-13123-) Carrying Case (010-10718-01) Charging/Data Cable (0.5m) (010-12491-01) Charging/Data Cable (1m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Wristwatch Bike/Trolley Mount (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Speed Sensor 2 (010-12843-00) Bike Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Bundle (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 474.49 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    Solar Charging The Garmin Instinct® 2 Solar keeps you going for longer, with the unlimited power of solar charging. With power manager mode, the watch allows you to see how settings and sensors impact your battery life, helping you to make changes on the fly. (Solar charging, assuming all-day wear with 3 hours per day outside in 50,000 lux conditions). Rugged Design Built to survive even your harshest adventures and most extreme sporting endeavours, the watch is engineered with a fibre-reinforced polymer case and scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® glass. The rugged watch is also water-rated to 100 metres. Sports Apps A true multisport watch, the Instinct® 2 Solar is preloaded with a huge variety of built-in sports apps, the watch helps you take on running, biking, swimming, strength training and more. Plus, the watch includes VO2 Max and other training features. Smartwatch Packed full of live connected features, the watch keeps you connected with smart notifications, helps you make contactless payments with Garmin Pay™, and provides Connect IQ™ compatibility. Tracking and Navigation Keep track of all your best moves and journeys with the Instinct® 2 Solar’s built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Health and Wellbeing Get a better understanding of your body with all-day health monitoring, track your heart rate, sleep, Pulse Ox, respiration and more (This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see Garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox not available in all countries). inReach® For enhanced tracking, navigation, and communication, when off the beaten track, the Instinct® 2 Solar is compatible with inReach®.   Specifications In the Box Instinct® 2 Solar Charging/data cable Documentation General Lens Material: Power Glass™ Bezel Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Case Material: Fibre-reinforced polymer Quickfit™ Watch Band Compatible: Yes (22 mm) Strap Material: Silicone Physical Size: 45 x 45 x 14.5 mm Wrist Fit: Fits wrists with a circumference of 135-230 mm Display Size: Custom, two-window design; 0.9″ x 0.9″ (23 x 23 mm) Display Resolution: 176 x 176 pixels Display Type: Monochrome, sunlight-visible, transflective memory-in-pixel (MIP) Weight: 53 g Battery Life: Up to 28 days/unlimited (in Smartwatch with Solar), up to 65 days/unlimited (in Battery Saver Watch Mode with Solar), up to 30 hours/48 hours (in GPS Mode with Solar), up to 32 days/unlimited (in Max Battery GPS Mode with Solar) Water Rating: 10 ATM Memory/History: 32 MB Clock Features Time/Date GPS Time Sync Automatic Daylight Saving Time Alarm Clock Timer Stopwatch Sunrise/Sunset Times Health Monitoring Wrist-Based Heart Rate: Constant, Every Second Daily Resting Heart Rate Abnormal Heart Rate Alerts: Yes (High and Low) Respiration Rate: 24x7 Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation: Yes (Spot-Check, During Sleep, All Day) Fitness Age Body Battery™ Energy Monitor All-Day Stress Tracking Relaxation Breathing Timer Sleep Sleep Score and Insights Hydration: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Women's Health: Yes (In Garmin Connect™) Health Snapshot Sensors GPS GLONASS Galileo Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor Barometric Altimeter Compass Accelerometer Thermometer Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Daily Smart Features Connectivity: Bluetooth®, ANT+® Connect IQ™: Downloadable Watch Faces, Data Fields, Widgets and Apps Smart Notifications Text Response/Reject Phone Call with Text (Android™ Only) Calendar Weather Realtime Settings Sync with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Battery Saver - Customisable Low Power Watch Controls Smartphone Music Find My Phone Find My Watch Virb® Camera Remote Smartphone Compatibility: iPhone®, Android™ Pairs with Garmin Golf App Compatible with Garmin Connect™ Mobile Safety and Tracking Features LivetTrack Incident Detection During Select Activities Assistance Tactical Features Dual Grid Coordinates Activity Tracking Features Step Counter Move Bar: Displays on device after a period of inactivity; walk for a couple of minutes to reset it Auto Goal: Learns your activity level and assigns a daily step goal Calories Burned Floors Climbed Distance Travelled Intensity Minutes TrueUp™ Move IQ™ Garmin Connect™ Challenges App: Yes (Optional Connect IQ App) Fitness Equipment/Gym Available Gym Activity Profiles: Strength, cardio and elliptical training, HIIT, stair stepping, floor climbing, indoor rowing, and yoga Cardio Workouts Strength Workouts HIIT Workouts Automatic Rep Counting Training, Planning and Analysis Features HR Zones HR Alerts HR Calories % HR Max % HRR Recovery Time Auto Max Hr HR Broadcast: Broadcasts HR data over ANT+™ to paired devices Respiration Rate: During exercise GPS Speed and Distance Customisable Screen(s) Customisable Activity Profiles Auto Pause® Interval Training Advanced Workouts Downloadable Training Plans Power Modes - Customisable In-Activity Battery Settings Auto Lap® Manual Lap Configurable Lap Alerts Heat and Altitude Acclimation Vo2 Max (Run) Vo2 Max (Trail Run) Training Status: Lets you see if you’re training effectively by tracking your training history and fitness level trend Training Load: Your total training load for the last 7 days calculated from estimated EPOC Training Effect (Aerobic) Training Effect (Anaerobic) Primary Benefit (Training Effect Labels) Improved Recovery Time Daily Suggested Workouts Customisable Alerts Audio Prompts Finish Time Virtual Partner Race an Activity Auto Multisport Activities Multi-Sport Course Guidance Touch and/or Button Lock Hot Keys Auto Scroll Activity History on Watch Physio TrueUp Running Features Available Run Profiles: Running, treadmill running, indoor track running, trail running GPS-based distance, time and pace Running Dynamics: Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Vertical Oscillation and Ratio: The degree of 'Bounce' in your running motion and the cost-benefit ratio with stride length (with compatible accessory - not included) Ground Contact Time and Balance: Shows how much time, in the running motion, your foot is on the ground rather than in flight and lets you check your running symmetry (with compatible accessory – not included) Stride Length (Real Time): Yes (with compatible accessory – not included) Cadence: Provides real-time number of steps per minute Performance Condition: After running 6–20 minutes, compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level Lactate Threshold: Through analysis of your pace and heart rate, estimates the point where your muscles start to rapidly fatigue (with compatible accessory – not included) Run Workouts Race Predictor Foot Pod Capable Outdoor Recreation Available Outdoor Recreation Profiles: Hiking, climbing, indoor climbing, bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, XC skiing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, kayaking, fishing, tactical point-to-point navigation Breadcrumb Trail in Real Time Back to Start TracBack® UltraTrac Mode Elevation Profile Distance to Destination Barometric Trend Indicator with Storm Alert Trail Run Auto Climb Vertical Speed Total Ascent/Descent Future Elevation Plot Compatible with Basecamp™ GPS Coordinates Sight 'n Go Area Calculation Projected Waypoint Sun and Moon Information XERO™ Locations Expedition GPS Activity Cycling Features Available Cycling Profiles: Biking, road biking, mountain biking, gravel biking, cyclocross, bike commuting, bike touring, e-biking, e-mountain biking, indoor biking Alerts: Triggers alarm when you reach goals including time, distance, heart rate or calories Courses MTB Grit & Flow Bike Lap and Lap Maximum Power: With Power Sensor (not included) Race an Activity Ftp (Functional Threshold Power) Compatible with Vector™ (Power Meter) Power Meter Compatible Speed and Cadence Sensor Support (w/Sensor) Swimming Features Available Swim Profiles: Pool Swimming, Open Water Swimming Open-Water Swim Metrics: Distance, pace, stroke count/rate, stroke distance, swim efficiency (SWOLF), calories Pool Swim Metrics: Lengths, distance, pace, stroke count, swim efficiency (SWOLF), Calories Stroke Type Detection: Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly (Pool Swim Only) Drill Logging (Pool Swim Only) Basic Rest Timer (Up From 0) (Pool Swim Only) "Repeat On" Rest Timer (Pool Swim Only) Auto Rest (Pool Swim Only) Time and Distance Alerts Countdown Start Pool Swim Workouts Underwater Wrist-Based Heart Rate Heart Rate from External HRM: Real-time during rests, interval and session stats during rests, and automatic heart rate download post-swim Compatible Devices and Accessories QuickFit® 22 Watch Bands (010-13123-) Carrying Case (010-10718-01) Charging/Data Cable (0.5m) (010-12491-01) Charging/Data Cable (1m) (010-12983-00) HRM-Dual™ (010-12883-00) Wristwatch Bike/Trolley Mount (010-11029-00) tempe™ (010-11092-30) Speed Sensor 2 (010-12843-00) Bike Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Bundle (010-12845-00) VIRB® 360 VIRB® Ultra 30 Rally™ XC100 Rally™ XC200
    • Shop: Wiggle DACH
    • Price: 474.49 EUR excl. shipping

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