46 Results for : atia

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    Rom greift die Geschichte des in Gallien im Krieg befindlichen Cäsar (C. Hinds) auf, der sich gegen die Intrigen und politischen Plänkeleien in Rom zur Wehr setzen muss, die sein ehemaliger Freund Pompejus (R. Warden) angezettelt hat, um die Macht für sich zu beanspruchen ...-> SEASON 1:1.01 Der gestohlene Adler (The Stolen Eagle):52 vor Christus: Caesar hat soeben Gallien erobert. Centurio Lucius Vorenus und Legionär Titus Pullo erhalten den Befehl, die gestohlene Goldstandarte des Heeres zu suchen. 1.02 Wie Titus Pullo die Republik stürzte (How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic): Pullo löst einen Tumult aus, der Auswirkungen auf das Patt zwischen Pompeius und Caesar hat. 1.03 Eine Eule im Dornbusch (An Owl in a Thornbush): Pompeius beschließt, Rom zeitweilig Caesar zu überlassen - dadurch werden die Patrizierfamilien gezwungen, sich für die eine oder andere Seite zu entscheiden. 1.04 Stehlen von Saturn (Stealing From Saturn): Pompeius hält vor der Stadt Manöver ab, Atia richtet eine Willkommensfeier für Caesar aus, und auch Vorenus lädt zu einem Fest ein. 1.05 Der Rammbock hat die Mauer berührt (The Ram Has Touched The Wall): Vorenus denkt über seine berufliche Zukunft nach, während Atia intrigiert, um Caesar von Servilia fernzuhalten. 1.06 Egeria (Egeria): Antonius denkt über seine Treue zu Caesar nach, Atia will ihre Beziehung zu Servilia verbessern. 1.07 Pharsalus (Pharsalus): Wieder wendet sich das Schicksal für Caesar und Pompeius, Atia schickt Octavia vor, um Servilia um einen weiteren Gefallen zu bitten. 1.08 Caesarion (Caesarion): Caesar landet mit Vorenus und Pullo in Ägypten und schließt ein Bündnis mit Cleopatra. 1.09 Utica (Utica): Caesar kehrt im Triumph nach Rom zurück, Vorenus bereitet sich auf eine Auseinandersetzung vor, Servilia versucht eines von Caesars Geheimnissen herauszubekommen. 1.10 Triumph (Triumph): Caesar wird mit großem Prunk und Fanfaren zum Imperator gesalbt, während Vorenus und Pullo im veränderten Rom die Weichen für ihre Zukunft stellen. 1.11 Die Beute (The Spoils): Während Pullo sich in Roms Unterwelt wagt, profitiert Vorenus von seiner Treue zu Caesar. 1.12 Die Kalenden des Februar (Kalends of February): Weil Vorenus für Pullo eintritt, erhält er unerwartet eine Machtposition. Servilia nimmt die letzte Hürde ihres ehrgeizigen Rachefeldzuges.-> SEASON 2:2.01 PessachNach Caesars Tod will Marc Anton möglicherweise nach Norden ziehen, während Vorenus einen Fluch ausspricht, den er bald bereut.2.02 Sohn des HadesAtia ist bestürzt, als Cleopatra in Rom auftaucht; Octavianus begeistert die Massen; Vorenus tritt Erastes Erbe an.2.03 Dies sind die Worte von Marcus Tullius CiceroMarc Antons Plane scheitern aufgrund von Ciceros Rede im Senat.2.04 Testudo et LupusIm Streit mit Servilia dreht Atia den Spieß um; Octavian gewinnt eine Schlacht; Vorenus erfährt vom Schicksal seiner Kinder.2.05 Helden der RepublikVorenus kehrt ins Collegium zurück; zwei ehemalige Gegner versöhnen sich; Atia heißt ihren Sohn in der Heimat willkommen.2.06 PhilippiZwei Armeen stehen sich gegenüber - es geht um Roms Zukunft; Pullo übernimmt einen brutalen Auftrag.2.07 TotenmaskeServilia verstört Atia; Octavian und Marc Anton schließen neue Bündnisse auf politischer und privater Ebene.2.08 Eine notwendige FiktionOctavian ruft in Rom den Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters aus; Vorenus entdeckt im Fall der verschwundenen Goldfracht einen Verräter im eigenen Lager; Pullo erlebt eine persönliche Tragödie.2.09 Deus Impeditio Esuritori NullusDurch den verheerenden Getreidemangel in Rom kommt es zu neuen Feindseligkeiten zwischen Octavian und Marc Anton.2.10 De Patre VostroMarc Anton und Cleopatra erwarten von der Zukunft nichts Gutes; Pullo soll Vorenus und den kleinen Caesarion verfolgen.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ye be warned - this series contains sexual situations, drug usage, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots. Volume one of six begins in 1689 Port Royal, Jamaica, with Atia Crisp and her sister Livia shipwrecked and sold into slavery. They are separated and Atia is used as a pawn in a deadly card game at the Swiftsure Tavern until she is liberated by sugar merchant Capitaine la Roche. Hunted at every turn, they take refuge at Cherry Red's Boutique (brothel) and meet up with allies including the medication-loving Dr. Strangewayes. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elaine Baden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084217/bk_acx0_084217_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    An eye-opening, heart-rending tale of love, honor and betrayal from NBC foreign news correspodent Atia Abawi. Fatima is a Hazara girl, raised to be obedient and dutiful. Samiullah is a Pashtun boy raised to defend the traditions of his tribe. They were not meant to fall in love. But they do. And the story that follows shows both the beauty and the violence in current-day Afghanistan as Fatima and Samiullah fight their families, their cultures, and the Taliban to stay together. Based on the people Atia Abawi met and the events she covered during her nearly five years in Afghanistan, this stunning novel is a must-listen for anyone who has lived during America's War in Afghanistan. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ariana Delawari, Assaf Cohen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/peng/002442/bk_peng_002442_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ye be warned - this series contains sexual situations, drug usage, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots. Volume six of six marks the thrilling conclusion of the Dominium series. Danger looms over Dr. Strangewayes's Plantation when tension between the English and French becomes a reality. Plantation residents, including Atia Crisp and Capitaine la Roche, must prepare to find a new home before the battle for Jamaica begins. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elaine Baden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084274/bk_acx0_084274_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The adventures from No Quarter: Dominium continue with Wenches! Volume 2 of 5 starts with Dr. Strangewayes who was pressed into service under Captain Kidd. Meanwhile, Atia Crisp becomes a barmaid at the Swiftsure Tavern and learns the inner workings of the city. A secret union takes place while pirate Bleedin Art heads the battle against the French, and the townspeople celebrate a Merry Port Royal Christmas. Series description: Behind every successful pirate is a cunning wench! In 1689, Atia Crisp finds herself imprisoned in the wickedest city on earth, Port Royal, Jamaica, while the refugees from Strangewayes’s plantation in the Blue Mountains are on the run and seeking a new home, deep in the Caribbean. Captain Jean-Paul la Roche must get them to safety and find a way to liberate the woman he loves while waging a war against the English with the pirate Laurens de Graaf. While besieged people suffer and starve, a group of women form a secret and illegal society deep from within the bowels of the city called WENCH. A network that deals with smugglers, merchants, cutthroats and thieves. Dragged into the struggle for supremacy of the Caribbean, the women are divided and find themselves engulfed in bloodshed. The pirates of Port Royal and former enemies may be their only hope of escape. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Anne Marie Lewis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/141708/bk_acx0_141708_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A piratical suspenseful romanceThe adventures from No Quarter: Dominium continue with wenches! The series: Behind every successful pirate is a cunning wench!This first book of five begins in 1689 in Port Royal, Jamaica, where Atia Crisp is imprisoned, awaiting trial, while refugees from Strangewayes's plantation seek their new home. Guided by Capitaine la Roche, they face pursuit by the pirate hunter Big Dick and the perilous terrain of Bocas del Toro. Their future home of Sérénité hangs in the balance, complicated by the outbreak of war with France.In 1689, Atia Crisp finds herself imprisoned in the wickedest city on earth, Port Royal, Jamaica, while the refugees from Strangewayes’s plantation in the Blue Mountains are on the run and seeking a new home, deep in the Caribbean. Captain Jean-Paul la Roche must get them to safety and find a way to liberate the woman he loves while waging a war against the English with the pirate Laurens de Graaf.While besieged people suffer and starve, a group of women form a secret and illegal society deep from within the bowels of the city called Wenches. It is a network that deals with smugglers, merchants, cutthroats, and thieves. Dragged into the struggle for supremacy of the Caribbean, the women are divided and find themselves engulfed in bloodshed. The pirates of Port Royal and former enemies may be their only hope of escape.This edition was awarded the gold quality mark by BooksGoSocial, their highest award.  ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Anne Marie Lewis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/133203/bk_acx0_133203_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The adventures from No Quarter: Dominium continue with wenches!Volume 5 of 5. The Wheel of Terror comes to Port Royal!Pirates under Laurens de Graaf seize hostages and the standoff begins. Capitaine la Roche holds the waterfront as his men are trapped in the city. Allegiances change, and Lord Crisp stakes his claim on Port Royal and Atia, who intends to take a piece or two with her. The Freebooters take Church Street, and the battle for the Brethren of the Coast begins.Series Description:Behind every successful pirate is a cunning wench!In 1689, Atia Crisp finds herself imprisoned in the wickedest city on earth, Port Royal, Jamaica, while the refugees from Strangewayes’s plantation in the Blue Mountains are on the run and seeking a new home, deep in the Caribbean. Captain Jean-Paul la Roche must get them to safety and find a way to liberate the woman he loves, while waging a war against the English with the pirate Laurens de Graaf.While besieged people suffer and starve, a group of women form a secret and illegal society deep from within the bowels of the city called: Wenches. A network that deals with smugglers, merchants, cutthroats, and thieves. Dragged into the struggle for supremacy of the Caribbean, the women are divided and find themselves engulfed in bloodshed. The pirates of Port Royal and former enemies may be their only hope of escape. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Anne Marie Lewis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/152953/bk_acx0_152953_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ye be warned - this series contains sexual situations, drug usage, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots. Volume two of six begins with the Whigs invading Port Royal. They are escorted by Captain Longstaff "Big Dick", who soon encounters the very seductive Violante Hayze. Atia and Capitaine la Roche remain at Cherry Red's brothel. Plans are made to poison enemies and soon a strange outbreak of "scarlet fever" occurs, stalling the local fayre that drives the city's money flow. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elaine Baden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084218/bk_acx0_084218_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ye be warned - this series contains sexual situations, drug usage, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots. Volume three of six begins at the local fayre where enemies meet a shocking end and Capitaine la Roche follows a lead to find Livia, Atia's sister. Betrayals lurk at every turn and a disastrous fire erupts leading to a punishing chase through the city. Will Atia and Capitaine la Roche make the escape from Port Royal to Dr. Strangewayes' plantation? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elaine Baden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084219/bk_acx0_084219_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ye be warned - this series contains sexual situations, drug usage, foul language, crude humor, and beaky parrots. Volume four of six begins as Port Royal suffers the aftermath of a destructive fire and a series of deaths. Intrigue unfolds with the public stabbing of a strumpet, new alliances and more betrayals. Atia Crisp, Capitaine la Roche and other refugees reach Dr. Strangewayes' plantation for some much needed respite, while the political stage heats up with the legalization of privateering and piracy. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elaine Baden. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084220/bk_acx0_084220_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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