48 Results for : dhf112
Vitus Sentier 27 Mountain Bike (2022) - Hard Tail Mountainbikes
◌ Das Sentier 27 verfügt über einen starken und leichten Aluminiumrahmen, der mit großartigen Komponenten ausgestattet ist. Mit einer RockShox Recon Federgabel mit 140 mm Federweg, die Ihnen eine geländegängige Traktion bietet, und einem Shimano Deore 1x10-fach-Gruppenset mit einer breit gefächerten 11-46-Zähne-Kassette und hydraulischen Scheibenbremsen ist dieses Fahrrad besonders vielseitig und eignet sich ideal für Singletrail-Fahrten und Runden in Ihrem lokalen Bikepark. Es rollt außerdem auf Tubeless Ready WTB i30 TCS 2.0-Felgen, die mit schnell rollenden und griffigen Schwalbe Magic Mary- und Hans Dampf Addix Gummimischung-Tubeless-Reifen umwickelt sind. Ein strapazierfähiges, leichtgewichtiges und stylisches Hardtail-Mountainbike Das Vitus Sentier VR Mountainbike hat sich schnell als klassisches Hardtail etabliert und ist dank seines selbstbewussten und verspielten Charakters viele Fans gefunden. Es ist aber nicht nur die Nummer 1 für viele Fahrer. Das Sentier ist ein mehrfacher Preisträger, der sich auf ruppigen Trails und aufregenden Abenteuern immer wieder aufs Neue beweist. Ein Hardtail, das Selbstvertrauen weckt, wenn das Fahren technischer wird. Es verfehlt nie den richtigen "Flow" zu finden. So sollte Mountainbiken sein – die Angst vertreiben und den Spaß genießen. Es besitzt alle Qualitäten, die man von einem Mountainbike auf diesem Niveau braucht – es lässt sich kontrollieren, ist vielseitig und berechenbar, aber auch bissig und flink, wie es ein Hardtail eben sein sollte. Der Sentier ist nicht irgendein frecher Neuling, der Ihnen etwas vormacht. Er ist alles andere als das. Von Kopf bis Fuß verfügt dieses Bike über qualitativ hochwertige Komponenten, um den Wartungsaufwand gering zu halten und das beste Trail-Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Das einzig Wahre. Die längere, flachere Geometrie gibt Ihnen die Kontrolle und Stabilität, um jegliche kniffligen Abschnitte zu meistern, während der kürzere Vorbau das Handling in engen Kurven präzise hält. Vom 1x10-fach Deore-Antrieb und der 140-mm-RockShox Recon Silver-Federgabel bis zu den WTB-Laufrädern ist dieses Mountainbike bereit für Fahrten voller Spaß. Der preisgekrönte, doppelt konifizierte Aluminiumrahmen und das verlässliche Gruppenset sind direkt aus der Verpackung heraus einsatzbereit. Wenn Sie jedoch Ihr Sentier kennenlernen und von ihm nicht genug bekommen, ist es das perfekte Gestell, dem Sie Ihre eigene Note verpassen können. Zum Personalisieren und Anpassen Ihres Hardtail-Setups. Für ganztägige Abenteuer mit Freunden. Zum Cruisen über steile Anstiege und zum Genießen von Abfahrten. Für Balance und Ausgeglichenheit ohne auf die Fahrfreude zu verzichten. Damit der Spaßfaktor hoch bleibt. Jeder Ausflug mit dem Sentier wird zum unvergesslichen Abenteuer. Eigenschaften: Rahmen: Sentier Aluminium 6061-T6, doppelt konifiziert, IS-Scheibenbremsaufnahmen, Tretlager mit BSA-Gewinde, Boost-Nabenabstand – 148 mm x 12 mm Steckachse Gabel: RockShox Recon Silver RL 27,5", 140 mm Federweg, RC-Dämpfer, 32 mm Standrohre, konischer Alulenker, Boost-Nabenabstand– 110 mm x 15 mm Steckachse Steuersatz: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 oberes Steuerrohr & ZS56/28.6 unteres Steuerrohr für 1-1/8" oberes konisches Steuerrohr bis 1,5" unteres Steuerrohr Lenker: Nukeproof Neutron V2 Riser 6061 Alu, 25 mm Rise, 9° Kröpfung, 31,8 mm Klemmdurchmesser, S & amp; M: 760 mm breit, L: 780 mm breit, XL: 800 mm breit Vorbau: Vitus 50 mm Lenkertiefe, Alu, 31,8 mm Lenkerklemmdurchmesser, 3° Aufsatzerhöhung Griff(Klebeband): Vitus Lock-On, Keine Angabe Laufradsatzb: WTB i30 TCS 2.0-Felgen auf Vitus KT-Naben, 27,5"-Laufradsatz, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen, Boost 110 mm x 15 mm Vorderradnabenabstand & 148 mm x 12 mm Hinterradnabenabstand Vorderradfelge: WTB i30 TCS 2.0, 27,5", 32H, Presta-Ventil, montiertes Tubeless Ready-Felgenband Hinterradfelge: WTB i30 TCS 2.0, 27,5", 32H, Presta-Ventil, montiertes Tubeless Ready-Felgenband Vorderradnabe: Vitus KT DHF112, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen-Scheibenaufnahme, 110 mm x 15 mm Hinterradnabe: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen-Scheibenaufnahme, 148 mm x 12 mm Vorderreifen: Schwalbe Magic Mary, 27,5", 2,6", SnakeSkin, TL Easy, Apex, Addix Soft Hinterreifen: Schwalbe Hans Dampf, 27,5", 2,6", Performance, DD, RaceGuard, TLE, Addix SpeedGrip Speichen: Edelstahl, doppelt konifiziert Kette: KMC X10, 10-fach, 112 Glieder Kurbelgarnitur: Shimano Deore M5100, 32 Zähne schmales/breites Kettenblatt, 170 mm Kurbelgarniturlänge Innenlager: Shimano BB52, BSA Innenlager mit Gewinde, 73 mm Gehäuse Bremssatz vorneSet: Tektro HD-M290 oder Clarks M2, Post Mount, Zwei-Kolben-Bremssattel Bremssatz hinten: Shimano Deore, Hebel: BL-M290, Bremssattel: BR-MT2, Post Mount, Zwei-Kolben-Bremssattel Bremsscheiben: Tektro TR180-8 oder Clarks M2, 180 mm vorne & hinten, 6-Loch-Nabenanbringung Schaltwerk: Shimano Deore M5120, 10-fach, Shadow Plus, langer Käfig Rechter Schalthebel: Shimano Deore M4100, 10-fach, Rapidfire Plus Freilauf: Sunrace CSMS2, 10-fach, 11-46 Zähne Laufbreite Sattel: Nukeproof Neutron, schwarz, Rohrgestelle aus Stahl Sattelstütze: Vitus 6061 Alu, 31,6 mm Durchmesser x 400 mm lang Sitzschraube: Vitus, 34,9 mm Durchmesser Gewicht: Medium: 13,4 kg (Tubeless Setup) Montiert, eingestellt und einsatzbereit Sie können sich gewiss sein, dass jedes Rad komplett von Wiggles qualifizierten Fahrradmechanikern gebaut und getunt wurde, damit sichergestellt ist, dass Ihr Fahrrad in perfektem Zustand bei Ihnen ankommt. Wir liefern alle Fahrräder mit einem Satz Kunststoffpedalen, einem Pedalschlüssel und einem Multitool-Set. Finden Sie heraus, welche Größe Sie brauchen, indem Sie auf die Größentabelle klicken. Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund anhaltender Probleme in der globalen Fahrradlieferkette können Hersteller bestimmte Komponenten je nach Verfügbarkeit ersetzen. In diesem Fall erhalten Sie Ersatzteile aus gleicher Qualität oder Teile mit besserer Leistung.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 1299.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sentier 27 Mountain Bike (2022) - Hard Tail Mountainbikes
◌ Das Sentier 27 verfügt über einen starken und leichten Aluminiumrahmen, der mit großartigen Komponenten ausgestattet ist. Mit einer RockShox Recon Federgabel mit 140 mm Federweg, die Ihnen eine geländegängige Traktion bietet, und einem Shimano Deore 1x10-fach-Gruppenset mit einer breit gefächerten 11-46-Zähne-Kassette und hydraulischen Scheibenbremsen ist dieses Fahrrad besonders vielseitig und eignet sich ideal für Singletrail-Fahrten und Runden in Ihrem lokalen Bikepark. Es rollt außerdem auf Tubeless Ready WTB i30 TCS 2.0-Felgen, die mit schnell rollenden und griffigen Schwalbe Magic Mary- und Hans Dampf Addix Gummimischung-Tubeless-Reifen umwickelt sind. Ein strapazierfähiges, leichtgewichtiges und stylisches Hardtail-Mountainbike Das Vitus Sentier VR Mountainbike hat sich schnell als klassisches Hardtail etabliert und ist dank seines selbstbewussten und verspielten Charakters viele Fans gefunden. Es ist aber nicht nur die Nummer 1 für viele Fahrer. Das Sentier ist ein mehrfacher Preisträger, der sich auf ruppigen Trails und aufregenden Abenteuern immer wieder aufs Neue beweist. Ein Hardtail, das Selbstvertrauen weckt, wenn das Fahren technischer wird. Es verfehlt nie den richtigen "Flow" zu finden. So sollte Mountainbiken sein – die Angst vertreiben und den Spaß genießen. Es besitzt alle Qualitäten, die man von einem Mountainbike auf diesem Niveau braucht – es lässt sich kontrollieren, ist vielseitig und berechenbar, aber auch bissig und flink, wie es ein Hardtail eben sein sollte. Der Sentier ist nicht irgendein frecher Neuling, der Ihnen etwas vormacht. Er ist alles andere als das. Von Kopf bis Fuß verfügt dieses Bike über qualitativ hochwertige Komponenten, um den Wartungsaufwand gering zu halten und das beste Trail-Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Das einzig Wahre. Die längere, flachere Geometrie gibt Ihnen die Kontrolle und Stabilität, um jegliche kniffligen Abschnitte zu meistern, während der kürzere Vorbau das Handling in engen Kurven präzise hält. Vom 1x10-fach Deore-Antrieb und der 140-mm-RockShox Recon Silver-Federgabel bis zu den WTB-Laufrädern ist dieses Mountainbike bereit für Fahrten voller Spaß. Der preisgekrönte, doppelt konifizierte Aluminiumrahmen und das verlässliche Gruppenset sind direkt aus der Verpackung heraus einsatzbereit. Wenn Sie jedoch Ihr Sentier kennenlernen und von ihm nicht genug bekommen, ist es das perfekte Gestell, dem Sie Ihre eigene Note verpassen können. Zum Personalisieren und Anpassen Ihres Hardtail-Setups. Für ganztägige Abenteuer mit Freunden. Zum Cruisen über steile Anstiege und zum Genießen von Abfahrten. Für Balance und Ausgeglichenheit ohne auf die Fahrfreude zu verzichten. Damit der Spaßfaktor hoch bleibt. Jeder Ausflug mit dem Sentier wird zum unvergesslichen Abenteuer. Eigenschaften: Rahmen: Sentier Aluminium 6061-T6, doppelt konifiziert, IS-Scheibenbremsaufnahmen, Tretlager mit BSA-Gewinde, Boost-Nabenabstand – 148 mm x 12 mm Steckachse Gabel: RockShox Recon Silver RL 27,5", 140 mm Federweg, RC-Dämpfer, 32 mm Standrohre, konischer Alulenker, Boost-Nabenabstand– 110 mm x 15 mm Steckachse Steuersatz: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 oberes Steuerrohr & ZS56/28.6 unteres Steuerrohr für 1-1/8" oberes konisches Steuerrohr bis 1,5" unteres Steuerrohr Lenker: Nukeproof Neutron V2 Riser 6061 Alu, 25 mm Rise, 9° Kröpfung, 31,8 mm Klemmdurchmesser, S & amp; M: 760 mm breit, L: 780 mm breit, XL: 800 mm breit Vorbau: Vitus 50 mm Lenkertiefe, Alu, 31,8 mm Lenkerklemmdurchmesser, 3° Aufsatzerhöhung Griff(Klebeband): Vitus Lock-On, Keine Angabe Laufradsatzb: WTB i30 TCS 2.0-Felgen auf Vitus KT-Naben, 27,5"-Laufradsatz, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen, Boost 110 mm x 15 mm Vorderradnabenabstand & 148 mm x 12 mm Hinterradnabenabstand Vorderradfelge: WTB i30 TCS 2.0, 27,5", 32H, Presta-Ventil, montiertes Tubeless Ready-Felgenband Hinterradfelge: WTB i30 TCS 2.0, 27,5", 32H, Presta-Ventil, montiertes Tubeless Ready-Felgenband Vorderradnabe: Vitus KT DHF112, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen-Scheibenaufnahme, 110 mm x 15 mm Hinterradnabe: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32-Loch, 6-Bolzen-Scheibenaufnahme, 148 mm x 12 mm Vorderreifen: Schwalbe Magic Mary, 27,5", 2,6", SnakeSkin, TL Easy, Apex, Addix Soft Hinterreifen: Schwalbe Hans Dampf, 27,5", 2,6", Performance, DD, RaceGuard, TLE, Addix SpeedGrip Speichen: Edelstahl, doppelt konifiziert Kette: KMC X10, 10-fach, 112 Glieder Kurbelgarnitur: Shimano Deore M5100, 32 Zähne schmales/breites Kettenblatt, 170 mm Kurbelgarniturlänge Innenlager: Shimano BB52, BSA Innenlager mit Gewinde, 73 mm Gehäuse Bremssatz vorneSet: Tektro HD-M290 oder Clarks M2, Post Mount, Zwei-Kolben-Bremssattel Bremssatz hinten: Shimano Deore, Hebel: BL-M290, Bremssattel: BR-MT2, Post Mount, Zwei-Kolben-Bremssattel Bremsscheiben: Tektro TR180-8 oder Clarks M2, 180 mm vorne & hinten, 6-Loch-Nabenanbringung Schaltwerk: Shimano Deore M5120, 10-fach, Shadow Plus, langer Käfig Rechter Schalthebel: Shimano Deore M4100, 10-fach, Rapidfire Plus Freilauf: Sunrace CSMS2, 10-fach, 11-46 Zähne Laufbreite Sattel: Nukeproof Neutron, schwarz, Rohrgestelle aus Stahl Sattelstütze: Vitus 6061 Alu, 31,6 mm Durchmesser x 400 mm lang Sitzschraube: Vitus, 34,9 mm Durchmesser Gewicht: Medium: 13,4 kg (Tubeless Setup) Montiert, eingestellt und einsatzbereit Sie können sich gewiss sein, dass jedes Rad komplett von Wiggles qualifizierten Fahrradmechanikern gebaut und getunt wurde, damit sichergestellt ist, dass Ihr Fahrrad in perfektem Zustand bei Ihnen ankommt. Wir liefern alle Fahrräder mit einem Satz Kunststoffpedalen, einem Pedalschlüssel und einem Multitool-Set. Finden Sie heraus, welche Größe Sie brauchen, indem Sie auf die Größentabelle klicken. Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund anhaltender Probleme in der globalen Fahrradlieferkette können Hersteller bestimmte Komponenten je nach Verfügbarkeit ersetzen. In diesem Fall erhalten Sie Ersatzteile aus gleicher Qualität oder Teile mit besserer Leistung.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 1299.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 297 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 297 CR features a carbon/alloy frame that rolls upon a 29" front wheel and a 27.5" rear that gives the ultimate balance of playfulness and stability for enduro racing and long-distance all-mountain adventures. Vitus has equipped it with long-travel RockShox Domain forks and Super Deluxe Select rear shock to smooth out the terrain while ensuring you experience outstanding traction in all conditions. It is equipped with a wide-range Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset with hydraulic disc brakes and it rolls upon Tubeless Ready WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in high-grip Maxxis tyres. This bike is also armed with a Brand-X Ascend Dropper seatpost and a high-quality finishing kit from Nukeproof. Agile, Versatile and Stylish Enduro Mountain Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 297 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. RockShox Suspension and Shimano Deore 12-Speed Groupset The Sommet 297 CR has been developed to run a mullet wheel setup. A 27.5” rear wheel gives you more clearance over the back for steep ground and is responsive through tight corners, while a stable 29” wheel at the front eats up rocky terrain and keeps momentum high. You’re getting the versatility of both wheel sizes in one bike. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Carbon/Alloy Long-Travel Enduro Race Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. Eagerly build your confidence on the refined berms and manicured features of a trail centre, but pedal into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping in on your favourite trail, speed comes easily to the Sommet CR. It thrives in the chaos of challenging trails. Bringing calm, and fun, where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform: Modern geometry with an adjustable flip-chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile-inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: Mullet - 29" Front / 27.5" Rear Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 170mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 Tubeless Ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing - 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 65mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front, 27.5" Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 27.5", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 27.5" x 2.4", 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 297 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 297 CR features a carbon/alloy frame that rolls upon a 29" front wheel and a 27.5" rear that gives the ultimate balance of playfulness and stability for enduro racing and long-distance all-mountain adventures. Vitus has equipped it with long-travel RockShox Domain forks and Super Deluxe Select rear shock to smooth out the terrain while ensuring you experience outstanding traction in all conditions. It is equipped with a wide-range Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset with hydraulic disc brakes and it rolls upon Tubeless Ready WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in high-grip Maxxis tyres. This bike is also armed with a Brand-X Ascend Dropper seatpost and a high-quality finishing kit from Nukeproof. Agile, Versatile and Stylish Enduro Mountain Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 297 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. RockShox Suspension and Shimano Deore 12-Speed Groupset The Sommet 297 CR has been developed to run a mullet wheel setup. A 27.5” rear wheel gives you more clearance over the back for steep ground and is responsive through tight corners, while a stable 29” wheel at the front eats up rocky terrain and keeps momentum high. You’re getting the versatility of both wheel sizes in one bike. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Carbon/Alloy Long-Travel Enduro Race Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. Eagerly build your confidence on the refined berms and manicured features of a trail centre, but pedal into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping in on your favourite trail, speed comes easily to the Sommet CR. It thrives in the chaos of challenging trails. Bringing calm, and fun, where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform: Modern geometry with an adjustable flip-chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile-inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: Mullet - 29" Front / 27.5" Rear Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 170mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 Tubeless Ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing - 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 65mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front, 27.5" Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 27.5", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 27.5" x 2.4", 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 297 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 297 CR features a carbon/alloy frame that rolls upon a 29" front wheel and a 27.5" rear that gives the ultimate balance of playfulness and stability for enduro racing and long-distance all-mountain adventures. Vitus has equipped it with long-travel RockShox Domain forks and Super Deluxe Select rear shock to smooth out the terrain while ensuring you experience outstanding traction in all conditions. It is equipped with a wide-range Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset with hydraulic disc brakes and it rolls upon Tubeless Ready WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in high-grip Maxxis tyres. This bike is also armed with a Brand-X Ascend Dropper seatpost and a high-quality finishing kit from Nukeproof. Agile, Versatile and Stylish Enduro Mountain Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 297 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. RockShox Suspension and Shimano Deore 12-Speed Groupset The Sommet 297 CR has been developed to run a mullet wheel setup. A 27.5” rear wheel gives you more clearance over the back for steep ground and is responsive through tight corners, while a stable 29” wheel at the front eats up rocky terrain and keeps momentum high. You’re getting the versatility of both wheel sizes in one bike. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Carbon/Alloy Long-Travel Enduro Race Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. Eagerly build your confidence on the refined berms and manicured features of a trail centre, but pedal into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping in on your favourite trail, speed comes easily to the Sommet CR. It thrives in the chaos of challenging trails. Bringing calm, and fun, where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform: Modern geometry with an adjustable flip-chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile-inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: Mullet - 29" Front / 27.5" Rear Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 170mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 Tubeless Ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing - 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 65mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front, 27.5" Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 27.5", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 27.5" x 2.4", 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 297 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 297 CR features a carbon/alloy frame that rolls upon a 29" front wheel and a 27.5" rear that gives the ultimate balance of playfulness and stability for enduro racing and long-distance all-mountain adventures. Vitus has equipped it with long-travel RockShox Domain forks and Super Deluxe Select rear shock to smooth out the terrain while ensuring you experience outstanding traction in all conditions. It is equipped with a wide-range Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset with hydraulic disc brakes and it rolls upon Tubeless Ready WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in high-grip Maxxis tyres. This bike is also armed with a Brand-X Ascend Dropper seatpost and a high-quality finishing kit from Nukeproof. Agile, Versatile and Stylish Enduro Mountain Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 297 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. RockShox Suspension and Shimano Deore 12-Speed Groupset The Sommet 297 CR has been developed to run a mullet wheel setup. A 27.5” rear wheel gives you more clearance over the back for steep ground and is responsive through tight corners, while a stable 29” wheel at the front eats up rocky terrain and keeps momentum high. You’re getting the versatility of both wheel sizes in one bike. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Carbon/Alloy Long-Travel Enduro Race Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. Eagerly build your confidence on the refined berms and manicured features of a trail centre, but pedal into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping in on your favourite trail, speed comes easily to the Sommet CR. It thrives in the chaos of challenging trails. Bringing calm, and fun, where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform: Modern geometry with an adjustable flip-chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile-inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: Mullet - 29" Front / 27.5" Rear Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 170mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 Tubeless Ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing - 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 65mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front, 27.5" Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 27.5", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 27.5" x 2.4", 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 29 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 29 CR features 170mm-travel RockShox suspension and a Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset. This groupset features a fast-shifting Deore M6100 Shadow Plus rear derailleur, a wide-ranging 10-51 Tooth cassette and powerful hydraulic disc brakes. And is also rolls fast and stable upon WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in Wide Trail (WT) Maxxis tyres. Versatile, Powerful and Agile Enduro Race Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 29 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. Composed and Confidence-Inspiring Full-Suspension Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. It’s a powerful rider position and together you are a team. Eagerly shred the refined berms and manicured obstacles of a trail centre but take a step into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive, revelling in the unpredictability of natural features and steep, technical ground. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping into your favourite descent, speed comes easily to the Sommet. It thrives in the chaos of steep and turbulent trails. Bringing calm where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 tubeless-ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform Modern geometry with adjustable flip chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: 29" Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 162mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing – 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 62.5mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front and Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 29" x 2.4" WT, 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29"" Front & Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Weight: Medium: 15.8kg (tubeless setup) Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 29 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 29 CR features 170mm-travel RockShox suspension and a Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset. This groupset features a fast-shifting Deore M6100 Shadow Plus rear derailleur, a wide-ranging 10-51 Tooth cassette and powerful hydraulic disc brakes. And is also rolls fast and stable upon WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in Wide Trail (WT) Maxxis tyres. Versatile, Powerful and Agile Enduro Race Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 29 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. Composed and Confidence-Inspiring Full-Suspension Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. It’s a powerful rider position and together you are a team. Eagerly shred the refined berms and manicured obstacles of a trail centre but take a step into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive, revelling in the unpredictability of natural features and steep, technical ground. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping into your favourite descent, speed comes easily to the Sommet. It thrives in the chaos of steep and turbulent trails. Bringing calm where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 tubeless-ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform Modern geometry with adjustable flip chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: 29" Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 162mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing – 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 62.5mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front and Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 29" x 2.4" WT, 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29"" Front & Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Weight: Medium: 15.8kg (tubeless setup) Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 29 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 29 CR features 170mm-travel RockShox suspension and a Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset. This groupset features a fast-shifting Deore M6100 Shadow Plus rear derailleur, a wide-ranging 10-51 Tooth cassette and powerful hydraulic disc brakes. And is also rolls fast and stable upon WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in Wide Trail (WT) Maxxis tyres. Versatile, Powerful and Agile Enduro Race Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 29 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. Composed and Confidence-Inspiring Full-Suspension Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. It’s a powerful rider position and together you are a team. Eagerly shred the refined berms and manicured obstacles of a trail centre but take a step into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive, revelling in the unpredictability of natural features and steep, technical ground. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping into your favourite descent, speed comes easily to the Sommet. It thrives in the chaos of steep and turbulent trails. Bringing calm where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 tubeless-ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform Modern geometry with adjustable flip chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: 29" Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 162mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing – 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 62.5mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front and Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 29" x 2.4" WT, 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29"" Front & Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Weight: Medium: 15.8kg (tubeless setup) Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping
Vitus Sommet 29 CR Mountain Bike (2022) - Full Suspension Mountainbikes
The Sommet 29 CR features 170mm-travel RockShox suspension and a Shimano Deore 12-Speed groupset. This groupset features a fast-shifting Deore M6100 Shadow Plus rear derailleur, a wide-ranging 10-51 Tooth cassette and powerful hydraulic disc brakes. And is also rolls fast and stable upon WTB KOM Trail i30 rims wrapped in Wide Trail (WT) Maxxis tyres. Versatile, Powerful and Agile Enduro Race Bike Whether new to the black runs or a seasoned full-face enduro thrill-seeker, the Vitus Sommet CR 29 Mountain Bike delivers the rush. The rush of air, the rush of trees passing you in a blur, the rush of tyres through dirt, the rush of light, the rush of sounds - the brief snapshots that flood your senses and place you confidently in the zone. And then there’s the rush that boils up inside you and the feeling of total control as you float from take-off to landing and rip down descents, from bike park to big mountain. The rush as you roll out at the bottom of the trail and chase one last uplift. The rush that pushes you to explore your limits without overstepping the mark. This is why you do it. Composed and Confidence-Inspiring Full-Suspension Bike The Sommet is a bike that you sit within, not perch on top. It’s a powerful rider position and together you are a team. Eagerly shred the refined berms and manicured obstacles of a trail centre but take a step into the wild and that’s where this bike really comes alive, revelling in the unpredictability of natural features and steep, technical ground. With volume added to the carbon front triangle, stability is rock solid without compromising agility. This balanced ride and reliable Shimano components will inspire you to graduate onto trails that may otherwise have felt out of reach. It’s not a bike for taking just any line, it’s a bike for taking the best line. A bike that tracks so accurately it rewards you with time. Time to line up the next obstacle and pick your route as the trail unfolds in front of you. Whether threading the needle through Enduro tape or dropping into your favourite descent, speed comes easily to the Sommet. It thrives in the chaos of steep and turbulent trails. Bringing calm where all around there is frenzy. Key Features: Big-hitting enduro bike with modern geometry RockShox Domain RC and Super Deluxe Select R suspension Shimano Deore 1x12 speed drivetrain Powerful Shimano 4 piston hydraulic disc brakes WTB KOM Trail i30 tubeless-ready rims with tape applied Confidence-inspiring Maxxis Assegai and Minion DHR II tyres Carbon Sommet Enduro Platform Modern geometry with adjustable flip chip, improved suspension kinematics and a smile inducing ride Frame Material: T700 carbon fibre front triangle, 6061-T6 aluminium rear Wheel Size: 29" Suspension Travel (MTB Only): 170mm Front, 162mm Rear Intended Use: Enduro Features: Frame: Sommet T700 carbon front triangle, 6061-T6 alloy rear, Internal cable routing, post disc brake mounts, BSA threaded BB, Boost hub spacing – 148mm x 12mm thru axle. Axle Specifications: 180mm Length, 13mm Thread Length, M12xP1.0 Thread Pitch Rear Shock: RockShox Super Deluxe Select R, DebonAir, 205mm x 62.5mm, trunnion Fork: RockShox Domain RC 29", 170mm travel, Motion Control damper, DebonAir, 38mm stanchions, 110mm x 15mm Maxle Stealth axle, 44mm offset Headset: Acros AZX-212-CO R5, ZS44/28.6 upper and ZS56/40 lower to suit 1-1/8" upper tapered to 1.5" lower headtube Handlebar: Nukeproof Horizon V2 Riser, 7075 Alloy, 25mm Rise, 9° Back Sweep, 31.8mm Clamp Diameter, S and M: 780mm Wide, L and XL: 800mm Wide Stem: Nukeproof Neutron AM, 6061 Alloy, 45mm length, 31.8mm Handlebar Clamp Diameter, 0° Rise Grips: Vitus Lock On Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29" Front and Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready F/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed R/rim: WTB KOM Trail i30, 29", 32H, Presta Valve, Tubeless Ready Rim Tape Installed F/hub: Vitus KT DHF112, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 110mm x 15mm R/hub: Vitus KT H5ER-SH, 32H, 6 Bolt Disc Fitment, 148mm x 12mm F/tyre: Maxxis Assegai, 29" x 2.50" WT, 3C MaxxGrip compound, EXO+ casing R/tyre: Maxxis Minion DHR II, 29" x 2.4" WT, 3C MaxxTerra compound, DD casing Wheelset: WTB KOM Trail i30 rims on Vitus KT hubs, 29"" Front & Rear Wheelset, 32H, 6 Bolt, Boost 110mm x 15mm Front and 148mm x 12mm Rear Hub Spacing, Tubeless Ready Chain: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 116 Links Crankset: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 32T Narrow Wide Chainring, 170mm Crank Length Bottom Bracket: Shimano BB52, BSA Threaded BB, 73mm Shell F/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper R/brake Set: Shimano MT520, Lever: BL-MT501, Caliper: BR-MT520, Post Mount, Four Piston Caliper Rotors: Shimano RT66, 203mm Front and Rear, 6 Bolt Hub Fitment R/derailleur: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Shadow Plus, Long Cage R/shifter: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, Rapidfire Plus Freewheel: Shimano Deore M6100, 12 Speed, 10-51T Range Saddle: Nukeproof Horizon Enduro Saddle, Black, Steel Rails Seat Post: Brand-X Ascend Dropper, Remote lever, 31.6mm Diameter, S: 125mm drop, M: 150mm drop, L and XL: 170mm drop Seat Screw: Vitus, 34.9mm Diameter Weight: Medium: 15.8kg (tubeless setup) Built, Tuned and Ready to Ride Rest assured that each bike is fully built and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure your bike arrives in perfect condition. We supply all bikes with a set of plastic pedals, a pedal wrench and a multi-tool kit. Find out which size fits you by clicking the size chart tab. Please Note: Due to ongoing issues in the global bike supply chain, manufacturers may substitute certain component items due to availability. In this situation, they will be replaced with the same quality or better performing parts.- Shop: Wiggle DACH
- Price: 3699.99 EUR excl. shipping