39 Results for : diggy
Alle lieben Diggy Staffel 1 Folge 1
Daisy, ein kleines Mädchen, fühlt sich einsam und langweilt sich. Daher beschließen ihre Eltern, ihr einen Hund zu kaufen. Der erste Hund ist eine vornehme Hundedame, denn obwohl sich Daisy im Tierheim gleich in Diggy, verliebt hat, entscheiden sich ihre Eltern für Milli. Aber Diggy schafft es, doch noch zu Daisy zu kommen. Und es sieht aus, als ob die beiden die besten Freunde werden. Ein Busfahrer hat den Wagen voller Kinder. Als er einen Moment aussteigt, fährt der Bus ohne ihn, aber mit den Kindern weiter. Was tun? Als Diggy diese Meldung im Fernsehen sieht, beschließt er, ein Superheld zu werden und die Kinder zu retten. Rechte: Your Family Entertainment- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
Alle lieben Diggy Staffel 1 Folge 3
Im ersten Teil ist Diggy auf der Suche nach dem seltenen Hund Dalmatino Rex, über den sich selbst die Gelehrten noch streiten. Anschließend hilft er drei Wissenschaftlern aus der Klemme, die von Banditen im Grab des Tutenchamun festgehalten werden. Rechte: Your Family Entertainment- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
Alle lieben Diggy Staffel 1 Folge 5
Im ersten Teil sind Diggy und Daisy dem wahnsinnigen Dr. Zibbub auf der Spur, der sich vorgenommen hat, die Welt zu erobern. Anschließend machen sie sich auf die Suche nach Tiddles, dem Kätzchen eines Millionärs, das im Bermudadreieck spurlos verschwunden ist. Rechte: Your Family Entertainment- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
Steering Toward Normal , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 471min
Eighth grade is set to be a good year for Diggy Lawson: He’s chosen a great calf to compete at the Minnesota State Fair, he’ll see a lot of July, the girl he secretly likes at 4-H, and he and his dad Pop have big plans for April Fool’s Day. But everything changes when classmate Wayne Graf’s mother dies, which brings to light the secret that Pop is Wayne’s father, too. Suddenly, Diggy has a half brother, who moves in and messes up his life. Wayne threatens Diggy’s chances at the State Fair, horns in on his girl, and rattles his easy relationship with Pop. What started out great quickly turns into the worst year ever, filled with jealousy, fighting, and several incidents involving cow poop. But as the boys care for their steers, pull pranks, and watch too many B movies, they learn what it means to be brothers and change their concept of family as they slowly steer toward a new kind of normal. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chris Henry Coffey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/abrm/000003/bk_abrm_000003_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
World's greatest fakebook
A tisket a tasket|The aba daba honeymoon|ABILENE|Adios muchachos|AH SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE|AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER (OUR LOVE AFFAIR)|AFTER ALL (LOVE THEME FROM CHANCES ARE)|AFTER THE BALL|After the lovin'|Against all odds (take a look at me now) / Collins Phil|Ain't misbehavin'|Ain't no mountain high enough|Ain't no sunshine / Withers Bill|AIN'T NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING|Ain't that a shame|AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG|ALABAMY BOUND|ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND|Alfie|ALICE BLUE GOWN|ALL AT ONCE|All for love|ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU|ALL I EVER NEED IS YOU|ALL IN LOVE IS FAIR|All my ex's live in Texas|All through the night|Almost like being in love|ALMOST PARADISE|Aloha oe (farewell to thee)|Alond and blue|Along comes Mary|Alouette|Always|ALWAYS AND FOREVER|ALWAYS IN MY HEART|ALWAYS LATE (WITH YOUR KISSES)|AM I BLUE|Amazing grace|AMERICA (MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE)|America the beautiful|The american patrol|An american trilogy / Presley Elvis|Amor amor amor|ANCHORS AWEIGH|Angela (Theme from Taxi)|Andante cantabile|Angels from the realms of glory|Angels we have heard on high|ANIVERSARY SONG|Another world theme|ANTICIPATION|THE APARTMENT (THEME FROM)|APPLAUSE|APRIL LOVE|APRIL SHOWERS|Aquarius|Around the world|Arrivederci Roma|ARTHUR MURRAY TAUGHT ME DANCING IN A HURRY|ARTIST'S LIFE|Artza alinu|AS|ASHES OF LOVE|At last|Auld lang syne|Aura lee|Ave Maria / Bach Johann Sebastian + Gounod Charles|Ave Maria / Schubert Franz|Away in a manger|Axel F|Azure|Babe|BABY COME TO ME|BABY FACE|Baby I love your way / Frampton Peter|BABY I NEED YOUR LOVIN'|Baby it's you|Baby elephant walk / Mancini Henry|Baby love|BABY WHAT A BIG SURPRISE|Back in the saddle again|Bad moon rising / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Bad To Me|The ballad of Gilligan's Island|BALLIN' THE JACK|THE BAND PLAYED ON|BARCAROLLE|BAREFOOT IN THE PARK|Batman theme|THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC|BE MY LOVE|BEAUTIFUL DREAMER|BEAUTIFUL OHIO|Be bop a lula|Because|BEER ABRREL POLKA (ROLL OUT THE BARREL)|Being with you|Belle of the ball|THE BELLS OF AVALON|BEN|BENJAMIN|Besame mucho|The best is yet to come|BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA|BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON|THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO|A BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO (DAISY BELL)|BIG BAND JOHN|BIG MIDNIGHT SPECIAL|THE BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN|BIG SPENDER|Bill Bailey won't you please come home|BILLBOARD MARCH|A BIRD IN A GILDED CAGE|BIRD OF BEAUTY|BIRTH OF THE BLUES|BLACK IS THE COLOUR OF MY TRUE LOVE'S HAIR|Blue bayou|Blue danube waltz|Blue eyes crying in the rain|Blue Hawaii|Blue monday|Blue moon|Blue moon of Kentucky|Blue on blue|BLUE SKIRT WALTZ|Blue tango|BOOGIE ON REGGAE WOMAN|Born to lose|BOSSA NOVA USA|BOTTLE OF WINE|THE BOY NEXT DOOR|Wiegenlied / Brahms Johannes|Brazil|BREAD AND BUTTER|BREAK MY MIND|Breakfast at Tiffany's|Brautchor (aus Lohengrin) / Wagner Richard|BRIGADOON|Broadway baby|Bubbles in the wine|Buffalo girls|Bugle call rag|Buttons and bows|BUTTON UP YOUR OVERCOAT|BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA|BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON|BYE BYE BLACKBIRD|CABIN IN THE SKY|THE CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONG|CALCUTTA|California girls / Beach Boys|California here I come|Call me|Call me irresponsible|Camptown Races|Can can (aus Orpheus in der Unterwelt) / Offenbach Jacques|Can't you hear my heart beat|CANADIAN SUNSET|Candy|Kanon D-Dur / Pachelbel Johann|Cara mia|CARAVAN|Carnival of venice|CAROLINA MOON|Carry me back to old Virginny|CASH FOR YOUR TRASH|CATHY'S CLOWN|A certain smile|CANTILLY LACE|Charade|Charlie Brown theme|CHARLOTTE'S WEB|CHARMAINE|CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO|CHATTANOOGIE SHOE SHINE BOY|Cherokee (Indian love song)|CHINATOWN MY CHINATOWN|Chitty chitty bang bang|Christmas time is here|CIAO CIAO BAMBINO|Ciribiribin|City of New Orleans|Clair de lune|Clarinet polka|Classical gas / Williams Mason|Clementine|The closer I get to you|THE CLOSER YOU GET|COCKTAILS FOR TWO|COCOANUT GROVE|Cold cold heart|The colors of my life|Colour my world / Chicago|COLUMBIA THE GEM OF THE OCEAN|Come back to Sorrento|Come saturday morning|Come see about me / Supremes|COME TO ME BEND TO ME|COMIN' THRO' THE RYE|COMING AROUND AGAIN / Simon Carly|COMING OUT OF THE DARK|COMPADRE PEDRO JUAN|Conga|CORNER OF THE SKY|CORRINE CORRINA|COTTONTAIL|Country gardens|The coventry carol|Cry|Crying|CU CU RRU CU CU PALOMA|CUDDLE UP A LITTLE CLOSER LOVELY MINE|CUTS BOTH WAYS|DANCE LITTLE BIRD / VOGELTANZ|Dance of the sugar plum fairy (aus Nussknacker) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|DANCE WITH A DOLLY (WITH A HOLE IN HER STOCKIN')|DANCIN'IN THE MOONLIGHT|Dancing in the street|Danny boy|DARK EYES (ORCHE TCHORNIA)|THE DARKTOWN STRUTTERS' BALL|DARN THAT DREAM|DAY BY DAY|Dear heart|December 1963 (oh what a night) / Four Seasons|Deck the hall|DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS|DEEP PURPLE|DELTA DAWN|DEVIL WITH A BLUE DRESS ON|THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE MARCH|Diamonds are forever|DIANE|Didn't we|Didn't we almost have it all|DIGGY LIGGY LO|DINAH|Ding dong the witch is dead|DIXIE|DIZZY|Do nothin' till you hear from me|DO THAT TO ME ONE MORE TIME|Do You Ever Think Of Me|DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO MISS NEW ORLEANS|Do you love me|Do you want to know a secret / Beatles|THE DOCK OF THE BAY / Redding Otis|DOES ANYBODY REALLY KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS / Chicago|DOES THE SPEARMINT LOSE ITS FLAVOUR|DOES YOUR HEART BEAT FOR ME|DOLL DANCE|DON'T BE THAT WAY|DON'T BLAME ME|DON'T CRY OUT LOUD|Don't fall in love with a dreamer|Don't get around much anymore|Don't Give Up On Us|Don't it make my brown eyes blue|Don't let the stars get in your eyes|DON'T SIT UNDER THE APPLE TREE|Don't wanna lose you|DON'T WORRY 'BOUT ME|DON'T YOU KNOW I CARE|Don't you worry 'bout a thing|Down by the old mill stream|Down by the riverside|DOWN IN THE BOONDOCKS|Down in the valley|Down On The Corner / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Dream lover|THE DREAM OF OLWEN|DRINKING CHAMPAGNE|Drink to me only with thine eyes|The drunken sailor|DUKE'S PLACE|Easy|Easy living|EASY STREET|EASY TO BE HARD|EBB TIDE|El choclo / Villoldo Angel Gregorio|El cumbanchero|ELMER'S TUNE|ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY|ELVIRA|Emily|EMPEROR WALTZ|Enchanted sea|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|Everyday|EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN|EV'RY DAY OF MY LIFE|FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN (CAN'T HELP IT)|Fame|Fascination|Feelings|Feelin' stronger every day|FINLANDIA|The first noel|FIT AS A FIDDLE|FIVE FOOT TWO EYES OF BLUE|FLYING DREAMS|Footloose / Loggins Kenny|For all we know|For he's a jolly good fellow|FOR ME AND MY GAL|For once in my life|For your eyes only / Easton Sheena|FOREVER'S AS FAR AS I'LL GO|Fortunate Son|Frankie and Johnny|Frenesi|Frere Jacques|FRIDAY ON MY MIND|From a distance / Midler Bette|From Russia with love|Fun fun fun|Funiculi funicula / Denza Luigi|Für Elise / Beethoven Ludwig van|GALVESTON|THE GANG THAT SANG HEART OF MY HEART|Gee whiz|Gentle on my mind|Georgia on my mind|Get happy|GET READY|A GHOST OF A CHANCE|Ghostbusters|THE GIRL WHO USED TO BE ME|Give a little whistle|Give me the night|GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY|GIVING YOU THE BEST THAT I GOT|The glory of love|GLOW WORM|TO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN|God rest ye merry gentlemen|GOLDEN EARRINGS|Golden lady|Goldfinger / Bassey Shirley|Gonna fly now|Good king Wenceslas|Good morning starshine|Good night ladies|Good Night Sweetheart|The good the bad and the ugly|Good vibrations|GOODBYE MY CONEY ISLAND BABY|GOT TO BE THERE|GRADUATION DAY|Granada|Grandma got run over by a reindeer|Great day|The great escape march|The great pretender|The greatest love of all / Houston Whitney|Green eyes|THE GREEN LEAVES OF SUMMER|Green onions|GREEN TAMBOURINE|Greensleeves|GUADALAJARA|Guantanamera|Guilty|Hail to the chief|HAIL HAIL THE GANG'S ALL HERE|HAIR|HALF AS MUCH|HANDY MAN|HANUKAH SONG|HAPPY (FROM LADY SINGS THE BLUES)|Happy birthday|Happy days|THE HAPPY FARMER (FROEHLICHER LANDMANN)|Happy trails|Hark the herald angels sing|Harlem nocturne|HARRIGAN|Hatikvah|HAVAH NAGILAH|HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LONELY (HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLUE)|Have you ever seen the rain / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Have yourself a merry little christmas|HAWAIIAN WAR CHANT (TA HY WA HU WAI)|Heart|Heart and soul|The heat is on|HEAT WAVE|THE HEATER ON THE HILL|Heaven|HELENA POLKA|Hello I love you / Doors|HELLO MY BABY|Help me Rhonda / Beach Boys|HELP YOURSELF (GLIOCCHI MIEI)|Here and now|Here comes Santa Claus|HERE WE ARE|Here we come a caroling|Hernando's hideaway|He's got the whole world in his hands|Hey baby|Hey good lookin'|HEY LOOK ME OVER|HEY PAULA|Hey there|HEY THERE LONELY GIRL|HI LILI HI LO|The hokey pokey|Hold me thrill me kiss me|HOLD ON I'M COMIN'|A holly jolly christmas|Home on the range|Honey|Honeysuckle rose|Honky tonk blues|Honky tonkin' / Williams Hank|HOT ROD LINCOLN|A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT|The house of the rising sun / Animals|HOW ABOUT YOU|HOW 'BOUT US|HOW COME YOU DO ME LIKE YOU DO|How sweet it is (to be loved by you)|HOW 'YA GONNA KEEP 'EM DOWN ON THE FARM (AFTER THEY'VE SEEN PAREE)|Humoresque|A HUNDRED POUNDS OF CLAY|Ungarischer Tanz 5 / Brahms Johannes|Hurt|I AM WOMAN|I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME|I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE|I can't help it (If I'm still in love with you)|I can't help myself (sugar pie honey bunch)|I can't make you love me|I Can't Stand The Rain|I can't stop loving you|I DIDN'T GET TO SLEEP AT ALL (LAST NIGHT)|Everything I do (I do it for you) / Adams Bryan|I DON'T HAVE THE HEART|I DON'T KNOW WHY (I JUST DO)|I don't wanna cry|I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT (IF LOVING YOU IS WRONG)|I don't want to walk without you|I FEEL A SONG COMIN' ON|I FOUGHT THE LAW|I get along without you very well (except sometimes)|I get around|I got it bad and that ain't good|I hear a symphony|I hear you knocking / Domino Fats|I heard it through the grapevine / Gaye Marvin|I heard the bells on christmas day|I heard the bells on christmas day|I honestly love you / Newton John Olivia|I just called to say I love you / Wonder Stevie|I KISSED YOU|I KNEW YOU WHEN|I let a song go out of my heart|I love a rainy night / Rabbitt Eddie|I love to tell the story|I love you|I LOVE YOU TRULY|I MARRIED AN ANGEL|I PUT A SPELL ON YOU|I remember you|I saw her standing there / Beatles|I SAW THE LIGHT|I saw three ships|I SECOND THAT EMOTIONI SING THE BODY ELECTRIC|I UNDERSTAND|I WANT TO WALK YOU HOME|I WANT YOU BACK|I WANT A GIRL (JUST LIKE THE GIRL THAT MARRIED DEAR OLD DAD)|I will always love you / Houston Whitney|I WISH|I wonder who's kissing her now|I WON'T LAST A DAY WITHOUT YOU / Carpenters|I'd like to teach the world to sing|I' LOVE YOU TO WANT ME|IDA SWEET AS APPLE CIDER|IF EVER YOU'RE IN MY ARMS AGAIN|IF I GIVE MY HEART TO YOU|If I had you|IF I SAID YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BODY WOULD YOU HOLD IT AGAINST ME|IF MY FRIENDS COULD SEE ME NOW|If tomorrow never comes|IF YOU KNEW SUSIE (LIKE I KNOW SUSIE)|If you leave me now / Chicago|If you really love me / Wonder Stevie|IF YOU SAY MY EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL|IF YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY (I'VE GOT THE TIME)|I'll be home for christmas|I'LL BE ON MY WAY|I'll be there|I'LL GET BY (AS LONG AS I HAVE YOU)|I'LL KEEP YOU SATISFIED|I'll never love this way again|I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS|I'll take you home again Kathleen|I'LL TAKE YOU THERE|I'M A DING DONG DADDY FROM DUMAS|I'M ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS|I'm getting sentimental over you|I' GONNA SIT RIGHT DOWN AND WRITE MYSELF A LETTER|I'M IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE|I'M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER|I'M SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD|I'm so lonesome I could cry|I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU|I'M THRU WITH LOVE|I'm walkin'|IN A LITTLE SPANISH TOWN ('TWAS ON A NIGHT LIKE THIS)|In a mellow tone|In a sentimental mood|In dreams|IN MY MERRY OLDSMOBILE|IN THE CHAPEL IN THE MOONLIGHT|IN THE COOL COOL COOL OF THE EVENING|IN THE EVENING BY THE MOONLIGHT|In the good old summertime|In The Heat Of The Night|In the midnight hour|IN THE MISTY MOONLIGHT|In the mood|IN THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE TREE|IN THE SWEET BY AND BY|In your eyes|INDIAN RESERVATION|INDIANA (BACK HOME AGAIN IN INDIANA)|Inspector Clouseau theme / Mancini Henry|IRELAND MUST BE HEAVEN (FOR MY MOTHER CAME FROM THERE)|IRENE|The irish washerwoman|Isn't it romantic|Isn't she lovely / Wonder Stevie|It came upon the midnight clear|It could happen to you|It don't mean a thing|It might be you|IT TAKES A GREAT BIG IRISH HEART TO SING AN IRISH SONG|IT'S A GREAT DAY FOR THE IRISH|IT'S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY|IT'S A MOST UNUSUAL DAY|IT'S A RAGGY WALTZ|IT'S ALL IN THE GAME|IT'S EASY TO REMEMBER|It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday|IT'S THE HARD KNOCK LIFE|IT'S THE SAME OLD SONG|I've been working on the railroad|I've got the world on a string|I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER|Ja da|Jamaica farewell / Belafonte Harry|Jambalaya (On the Bayou)|The James Bond theme|JEANIE WITH THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR|JENNIFER JUNIPER / Donovan|Jesu joy of man's desiring (Jesus bleibet meine Freude) / Bach Johann Sebastian|JESUS IN LOVE|Jingle bells|JINGLE JANGLE JINGLE|JOHNNY ANGEL|JOHNSON RAG|THE JOINT IS JUMPIN'|Jolly old Saint Nicholas|Joy to the world|Joy to the world|JUNE IN JANUARY|JUNE NIGHT|Just a closer walk with thee|JUST DROPPED IN|Just friends|Just my imagination / Temptations|Just the two of us|Just walking in the rain|JUST YOU JUST ME|Kaw Liga / Williams Hank|KENTUCKY WALTZ|Kids|Killing me softly|KISS AN ANGEL GOOD MORNIN'|A KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON / Armstrong Louis|K K K KATY|Knock on wood|Kum ba yah|LA woman|La cucaracha|La Cumparsita|La Donna e mobile (aus Rigoletto) / Verdi Giuseppe|LA MALAGUENA|La Marseillaise|La Paloma|THE LADY IN MY LIFE|The lady in red|Largo aus der neuen Welt (aus Sinfonie 9) / Dvorak Antonin|Last date|Last tango in Paris|Lately|Laura|Lazy river|LAZY BONES|LEAD ME ON|LET A SMILE BE YOUR UMBRELLA|LET ME BE THE ONE|LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART (I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU)|Let me love you once before you go|Let the good times roll|Let the sunshine in|LET THERE BE LOVE|Let's get it on|Let's hear it for the boy|LET'S STAY TOGETHER / Green Al|Liebestraum|LIES (ARE BREAKIN' MY HEART)|Light my fire / Doors|Li'l Liza Jane|LIL' RED RIDING HOOD|LIMBA ROCK|Linger awhile|Linus and Lucy|LITTLE BOY LOST (PIECES OF DREAMS)|Little brown jug|Little deuce coupe|The little drummer boy|Little saint Nick|LITTLE THINGS MEAN A LOT|Live and let die|LIVE FOR LOVING YOU|Living for the city|LOCK LOMOND|Lodi|Londonderry air|The lonely bull|LONELY STREET|Lookin' Out My Back Door / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|LOOKS LIKE WE MADE IT|A LOT OF LIVIN' TO DO|LOUISE|LOUISIANA MAN|Love in bloom|LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING|Love Is Just Around The Corner|Love letters|LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND|Love me with all your heart|Love story|Love theme from St Elmo's Fire|Love theme from The winds of war|LOVE WILL TURN YOU AROUND|THE LOVELIEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR|Lover|LOVESICK BLUES|LOVING ARMS|LUSH LIFE|MA (HE'S MAKING EYES AT ME)|MACARTHUR PARK|MAM'SELLE|THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN|MAKT IT EASY ON YOURSELF|MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE|MALA FEMMENA|THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE|Manhattan serenade|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Marsch (aus der Nussknacker Suite) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|March of the toys|MARGIE|MARIA ELENA|MARINE'S HYMN|A marshmallow world|Mary Ann|MARY'S A GRAND OLD NAME|MASTERPIECE|THE MASTERPIECE|ME AND YOU AND A DOG NAMED BOO|MEAN TO ME|MEET ME IN ST LOUIS LOUIS|MEET ME TONIGHT IN DREAMLAND|MELLO YELLOW|Melodie in F op 3/1 / Rubinstein Anton|Melody of love|Memories of you|Mercy mercy me|Merry christmas darling|MERRY WIDOW WALTZ (WALZER AUS DIE LUSTIGE WITWE) / Lehar Franz|Mexican hat dance|Michael row the boat ashore|MIDNIGHT COWBOY THEME|MIMI|Minnie the moocher (the ho de ho song)|Menuett G-Dur / Beethoven Ludwig van|Miss you like crazy|Mississippi Mud|THE MISSOURI WALTZ|Misty|MOCKINGBIRD|Molly Malone|Mona Lisa|MONEY (THAT'S WHAT I WANT)|Money for nothing / Dire Straits|MOTEGO BAY|Mood indigo|MOON LOVE|MOON OVER MIAMI|Moon river|Moonglow|MOONLIGHT BAY|MOONLIGHT BECOMES YOU|Moonlight serenade|MOTHER MACHREE|MOTHER IN LAW|More than words / Extreme|More than you know|Move it on over|MR BLUE|Mr Lucky|Musettas Walzer (aus La Boheme) / Puccini Giacomo|My bonnie|My cherie amour|My eyes adored you|MY GAL SAL|My girl|My guy|My hero|MY LITTLE GRASS SHACK IN KEALAKEKUA HAWAII|My man|MY MELANCHOLY BABY|MY MELODY OF LOVE|MY MOTHER'S LOVE|MY OLD FLAME|MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME|MY PERSONAL PROPERTY|MY PRAYER|MY REVERIE|My way|My wild irish rose|MYSTERY|Mississippi|Mother|The nearness of you|Needles and pins|NEVER BEEN TO SPAIN|NEVER SAY GOODBYE|NEVER ENDING SONG OF LOVE|Never on Sunday|THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|Nine to five|NO NIGHT SO LONG|NOBODY|Nobody does it better / Simon Carly|Nobody does it like me|Nobody knows the trouble I've seen|Nobody loves me like you do|NOBODY'S SWEETHEART|Nocturne op 9/2|NOTHING FROM NOTHING|NOW AND FOREVER|NOW AND FOREVER (YOU AND ME)|Nowhere to run|Nutbush city limits|O christmas tree|O come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles/Herbei o ihr Glaeubigen)|O holy night|O little town of Bethlehem|O perfect love|O sole mio / Capua Eduardo di|The odd couple|Ode to Billy Joe|Ode to joy (Ode an die Freude) / Beethoven Ludwig van|Oh happy day|Oh lonesome me|Oh Marie|Oh pretty woman / Orbison Roy|Oh my papa (O mein Papa)|OH NO|Oh Susanna|OH THEM GOLDEN SLIPPERS|OH WHERE HAS MY LITTLE DOG GONE|OH YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL|OLD CAPE COD|Old black Joe|AN OLD FASHIONED LOVE SONG|Old folks at home|THE OLD GRAY MARE|Old time rock + roll / Seger Bob|On green dolphin street|On her majesty's secret service|ON THE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND THE SANTA FE|ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET|ON THE TRAIL|ON THE WINGS OF LOVE|On top of old smokey|ON WISCONSIN|Once in a while|ONCE UPON A WHILE|Once upon a time|ONE DAY AT A TIME|ONE DOZEN ROSES|One in a million you|ONE O'CLOCK JUMP|ONLY A ROSE|ONLY THE LONELY (KNOW THE WAY I FEEL)|Onward Christian soldiers|OOBY DOOBY|OOO BABY BABY|OUR DAY WILL COME|Out here on my own|Out of nowhere|Over the rainbow|OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS|OVER THE WAVES|OVER THERE|OVERJOYED|Pagan Love Song|PAPA LOVES MAMBO|PARIS BLUES|PATTY DUKE THEME|PEG O' MY HEART|PEGGY O'NEIL|PENNSYLVANIA 6-5000|PENNSYLVANIA POLKA|PENTHOUSE SERENADE|PERDIDO|Perfidia|PERHAPS PERHAPS PERHAPS (QUIZAS QUIZAS QUIZAS)|Peter Gunn|The pink panther / Mancini Henry|A place in the sun|PLACES THAT BELONG TO YOU|Please Mr Postman / Carpenters|Polly wolly doodle|Polowetzer Tänze (Thema) / Borodin Alexander|Pomp and circumstance / Elgar Edward|PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION|Precious and few|Prelude to a kiss|Proud Mary / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Put a little love in your heart|Put on a happy face|PUT ON YOUR OLD GREY BONNET|PUT YOUR ARMS AROUND ME HONEY|QUIEN SERA (SWAY)|RACING WITH THE MOON|Ragtime cowboy Joe|Raiders march|Rainy days and mondays / Carpenters|RAMBLIN' ROSE|Ramona|REACH OUT AND TOUCH (SOMEBODY'S HAND)|REACH OUT I'LL BE THERE|READY TO TAKE A CHANCE AGAIN|Real live girl|Red river valley|RED SAILS IN THE SUNSET|Release me|Remembering you|Respect|Respect yourself|Ribbon in the sky / Wonder Stevie|Riders on the storm / Doors|Ring of fire / Cash Johnny|Rise|ROCK A BYE YOUR BABY WITH A DIXIE MELODY|Rock around the clock / Haley Bill|THE ROCK'N ROLL WALTZ|Rock with you|Romanze / Rubinstein Anton|Romeo + Julia - Thema / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Rose garden / Anderson Lynn|ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE|Roses are red (my love) / Vinton Bobby|'ROUND HER NECK SHE WEARS A YELLOW RIBBON|Route 101|Row row row|Ruby|Rudolph the red nosed reindeer|RUM AND COCA COLA|Sail On|SAM YOU MADE THE PANTS TOO LONG|San Francisco|Santa Claus is comin' to town|Santa Lucia|Satin doll|Saturday in the park / Chicago|Scarborough fair|SCARLET RIBBONS|SCHOOL DAYS (WHEN WE WERE A COUPLE OF KIDS)|Sealed with a kiss|SECOND HAND ROSE|The second time around|SEESAW|SEMPER FIDELIS / Sousa John Philip|SEND ME THE PILLOW THAT YOU DREAM ON|SEND ONE YOUR LOVE|Separate lives|The shadow of your smile|SHAKIN' ALL OVER|SHANGRI LA|She loves you / Beatles|She wore a yellow ribbon|She'll be comin' 'round the mountain|She's not there / Santana|THE SHEIK OF ARABY|Shenandoah|SHINE ON HARVEST MOON|SHOO BE DOO BE DOO DA DAY|SHOP AROUND|Show me the way|Show me the way / Styx|SIBONEY|SIDE BY SIDE|THE SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK|Signed sealed delivered I'm yours / Wonder Stevie|Signs|Silent night|Silver bells|Since I don't have you|Sincerely|Sing sing sing|Singin' in the rain|SINGING THE BLUES|SIR DUKE / Wonder Stevie|The skater's waltz|Skating|SLEEPY TIME GAL|Sleigh ride|SO INTO YOU|So Rare|Softly as I leave you|Solitude|SOME PEOPLE'S LIVES|Somebody else is taking my place|SOMEDAY WE'LL BE TOGETHER|Sometimes I feel like a motherless child|Somewhere my love (Lara's theme aus Doktor Schiwago)|SONG WITHOUT WORDS|Sophisticated lady|Soul man|South of the border|Spanish flea|Speak softly love|Splish splash|SPOOKY|SPREADIN' RHYTHM AROUND|Spring is here|STAGGER LEE|Stairway to the stars|Stand by your man|STANDING IN THE SHADOWS OF LOVE|STAR DUST|Star Trek the next generation|The stars and stripes forever / Sousa John Philip|STARS FELL ON ALABAMA|The star spangled banner|STEAM HEAT|Stella by starlight|STEP TO THE REAR|Still|Stompin' at the savoy|Stop in the name of love / Supremes|STORMY|Stormy weather (Keeps rainin' all the time)|Streets of Laredo|A STRING OF PEARLS|St Elmo's fire (Man in motion)|St James infirmary|St Louis blues|Suddenly|Sultans of swing / Dire Straits|Sunny|Superstition|Schwanensee thema / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|SWEET ADELINE|SWEET AND GENTLE (ME LO DIJO ADELA)|SWEET AND LOVELY|SWEET CHARITY|Sweet dreams|Sweet Lorraine|Sweet love|SWEET MEMORIES|SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY|THE SWEETHEART OF SIGMA CHI|The sweetheart tree|Swing low sweet chariot|THE SYNCOPATED CLOCK|Take five|Take me out to the ball game|Take my breath away / Berlin|Take the A Train|Taking a chance on love|TALK BACK TREMBLING LIPS|TALK TO THE ANIMALS|Tangerine|Tarantella|TA RA RA BOOM DE AY|A taste of honey|THE TEARS OF A CLOWN|TEARS ON MY PILLOW|TEEN ANGEL|Temptation|Tennessee waltz|THANK GOD FOR KIDS|Thanks for the memory|THAT GIRL|THAT LUCKY OLD SUN|THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC|THAT OLD FEELING|THAT'S ALL|That's amore|That's my desire|THEME FROM CHEERS|THEME FROM CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND|THEME FROM ICE CASTLES (THROUGH THE EYES OF LOVE)|THEME FROM MAHOGANY (DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU GOING TO)|Theme from New York New York|Theme from Shaft|Theme from Star Trek|Theme from terms of endearment|Theme from Zobra the Greek|THEN YOU CAN TELL ME GOODBYE|THERE GOES MY EVERYTHING|There Goes My Heart|There is a tavern in the town|THERE IS NO CHRISTMAS LIKE A HOME CHRISTMAS|THERE'LL BE A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT|THERE'S A TEAR IN MY BEER|THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE ME|THIRTY TWO FEET AND EIGHT LITTLE TAILS|THIS MOMENT IN TIME|THIS OLD HEART OF MINE (IS WEAK FOR YOU)|This old man|THOSE GOOD OLD DREAMS|Three coins in the fountain|THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING|Three times a lady|THREE TO GET READY|THROUGH THE YEARS|Thunderball|Tico tico (tico no fuba)|TIE A YELLOW RIBBON 'ROUND THE OLD OAK TREE|Tiger rag (hold that tiger)|Tijuana Taxi|A time for us|(I've had) the time of my life / Medley Bill + Warnes Jennifer|TIRED OF BEING ALONE|To a wild rose / MacDowell Edward Alexander|TO EACH HIS OWN|TO ME|TODAY|Tomorrow|Tonight I celebrate my love|TOO FAT POLKA (SHE'S TOO FAT FOR ME)|TOO LATE TO TURN BACK NOW|Too ra loo ra loo ral (That's an irish lullaby)|Toot toot tootsie|TOP GUN ANTHEM|Top of the world|Toreador's song (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Touch me in the morning|TOYLAND|TRACES|The tracks of my tears|TRAVELIN' MAN|THE TROLLEY SONG|TRUE GRIT|Try a little tenderness / Redding Otis|Turkey in the straw|12TH STREET RAG|Two for the road|TWO SLEEPY PEOPLE|TZENA TZENA TZENA|United We Stand|Until you come back to me (that's what I'm gonna do)|Up on the housetop|Up where we belong / Cocker Joe|UPTIGHT (EVERYTHING'S ALRIGHT)|THE VARSITY DRAG|VOLARE (NEL BLU DIPINTO DI BLU)|THE VOLGA BOATMEN|THE VOWS GO UNBROKEN (ALWAYS TRUE TO YOU)|Wabash cannon ball|Wade in the water|WAIT TILL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE|Waiting for the Robert E Lee|WALK ON THE WILD SIDE / Reed Lou|WALK RIGHT IN|Walkin' after midnight|Walking in Memphis / Cohn Marc|Blumenwalzer (aus Nussknacker) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip|WASTED DAYS AND WASTED NIGHTS|'Way down yonder in New Orleans|The Way He Makes Me Feel|THE WAY YOU DO THE THINGS YOU DO|WE DON'T WANNA GROW UP|We gather together to ask the lord's blessing|WE HAD IT ALL|We three kings of orient are|We wish you a merry christmas|Hochzeitsmarsch / Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|Weekend in new england|WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD|We've only just begun / Carpenters|What are you doing the rest of your life|What becomes of the broken hearted|Whatever Lola wants (Lola gets)|What's going on / Gaye Marvin|What's love got to do with it / Turner Tina|WHAT'S NEW|WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT|When I grow too old to dream|WHEN I TAKE MY SUGAR TO TEA|When irish eyes are smiling|WHEN IT'S SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES|When Johnny comes marching home|WHEN MY BLUE MOON TURNS TO GOLD AGAIN|WHEN MY SUGAR WALKS DOWN THE STREET|When something is wrong with my Baby|WHEN THE RED RED ROBIN COMES BOB BOB BOBBIN' ALONG|When the saints go marching in|WHEN WILL I BE LOVED|WHEN YOU WERE SWEET SIXTEEN|WHEN YOU'RE ALONE|When you're smiling|WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO|WHERE DO I GO|WHERE'S THE PLAYGROUND SUSIE|THE WHIFFENPOOF SONG|While shepherds watched their flocks|WHILE STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK ONE DAY|WHILE YOU SEE A CHANCE / Winwood Steve|Whispering|THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER|Who'll stop the rain / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|WHO'S SORRY NOW|Why don't you love me|Wichita Lineman|WILL IT GO ROUND IN CIRCLES|WILLOW WEEP FOR ME|Winchester Cathedral|The windmills of your mind|WINDY|Witchcraft|WITH PEN IN HAND|WITH YOU I'M BORN AGAIN|WITHOUT A SONG|WIVES AND LOVERS (HEY LITTLE GIRL)|WOMAN WOMAN|WOMAN TO WOMAN|WORDS GET IN THE WAY|Wouldn't it be nice|Wrap your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles away)|Yankee doodle|THE YANKEE DOODLE BOY|The yellow rose of Texas|Yes we have no bananas|YESTERDAY ONCE MORE / Carpenters|YESTERDAY'S GONE|Yester me Yester you Yesterday|You and I|You and I / Wonder Stevie|YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD|YOU ARE MY LUCKY STAR|You are my sunshine|You are so beautiful|You are the sunshine of my life / Wonder Stevie|You belong to me|You belong to my heart|YOU CAN DEPEND ON ME|You can't hurry love|You don't have to say you love me|YOU GOT IT|YOU GOT IT ALL|YOU KEEP ME HANGIN' ON|You light up my life|You only live twice|YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU|You stepped out of a dream|YOU TELL ME YOUR DREAM (I'LL TELL YOU MINE)|You were meant for me|You win again|YOUNG LOVE|YOUNG WORLD|Your cheatin' heart|YOUR MAMA DON'T DANCE|YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE|YOU'RE A GRAND OLD FLAG|You're all I need to get by|You're never fully dressed without a smile|You're nobody 'til somebody loves you|You're so vain / Simon Carly|YOU'VE CHANGED|YOU'VE MADE ME SO VERY HAPPY|You've really got a hold on me|ZING A LITTLE SONG|Zum gali gali- Shop: Notenbuch
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A tisket a tasket|The aba daba honeymoon|ABILENE|Adios muchachos|AH SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE|AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER (OUR LOVE AFFAIR)|AFTER ALL (LOVE THEME FROM CHANCES ARE)|AFTER THE BALL|After the lovin'|Against all odds (take a look at me now) / Collins Phil|Ain't misbehavin'|Ain't no mountain high enough|Ain't no sunshine / Withers Bill|AIN'T NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING|Ain't that a shame|AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG|ALABAMY BOUND|ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND|Alfie|ALICE BLUE GOWN|ALL AT ONCE|All for love|ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU|ALL I EVER NEED IS YOU|ALL IN LOVE IS FAIR|All my ex's live in Texas|All through the night|Almost like being in love|ALMOST PARADISE|Aloha oe (farewell to thee)|Alond and blue|Along comes Mary|Alouette|Always|ALWAYS AND FOREVER|ALWAYS IN MY HEART|ALWAYS LATE (WITH YOUR KISSES)|AM I BLUE|Amazing grace|AMERICA (MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE)|America the beautiful|The american patrol|An american trilogy / Presley Elvis|Amor amor amor|ANCHORS AWEIGH|Angela (Theme from Taxi)|Andante cantabile|Angels from the realms of glory|Angels we have heard on high|ANIVERSARY SONG|Another world theme|ANTICIPATION|THE APARTMENT (THEME FROM)|APPLAUSE|APRIL LOVE|APRIL SHOWERS|Aquarius|Around the world|Arrivederci Roma|ARTHUR MURRAY TAUGHT ME DANCING IN A HURRY|ARTIST'S LIFE|Artza alinu|AS|ASHES OF LOVE|At last|Auld lang syne|Aura lee|Ave Maria / Bach Johann Sebastian + Gounod Charles|Ave Maria / Schubert Franz|Away in a manger|Axel F|Azure|Babe|BABY COME TO ME|BABY FACE|Baby I love your way / Frampton Peter|BABY I NEED YOUR LOVIN'|Baby it's you|Baby elephant walk / Mancini Henry|Baby love|BABY WHAT A BIG SURPRISE|Back in the saddle again|Bad moon rising / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Bad To Me|The ballad of Gilligan's Island|BALLIN' THE JACK|THE BAND PLAYED ON|BARCAROLLE|BAREFOOT IN THE PARK|Batman theme|THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC|BE MY LOVE|BEAUTIFUL DREAMER|BEAUTIFUL OHIO|Be bop a lula|Because|BEER ABRREL POLKA (ROLL OUT THE BARREL)|Being with you|Belle of the ball|THE BELLS OF AVALON|BEN|BENJAMIN|Besame mucho|The best is yet to come|BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA|BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON|THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO|A BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO (DAISY BELL)|BIG BAND JOHN|BIG MIDNIGHT SPECIAL|THE BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN|BIG SPENDER|Bill Bailey won't you please come home|BILLBOARD MARCH|A BIRD IN A GILDED CAGE|BIRD OF BEAUTY|BIRTH OF THE BLUES|BLACK IS THE COLOUR OF MY TRUE LOVE'S HAIR|Blue bayou|Blue danube waltz|Blue eyes crying in the rain|Blue Hawaii|Blue monday|Blue moon|Blue moon of Kentucky|Blue on blue|BLUE SKIRT WALTZ|Blue tango|BOOGIE ON REGGAE WOMAN|Born to lose|BOSSA NOVA USA|BOTTLE OF WINE|THE BOY NEXT DOOR|Wiegenlied / Brahms Johannes|Brazil|BREAD AND BUTTER|BREAK MY MIND|Breakfast at Tiffany's|Brautchor (aus Lohengrin) / Wagner Richard|BRIGADOON|Broadway baby|Bubbles in the wine|Buffalo girls|Bugle call rag|Buttons and bows|BUTTON UP YOUR OVERCOAT|BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA|BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON|BYE BYE BLACKBIRD|CABIN IN THE SKY|THE CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONG|CALCUTTA|California girls / Beach Boys|California here I come|Call me|Call me irresponsible|Camptown Races|Can can (aus Orpheus in der Unterwelt) / Offenbach Jacques|Can't you hear my heart beat|CANADIAN SUNSET|Candy|Kanon D-Dur / Pachelbel Johann|Cara mia|CARAVAN|Carnival of venice|CAROLINA MOON|Carry me back to old Virginny|CASH FOR YOUR TRASH|CATHY'S CLOWN|A certain smile|CANTILLY LACE|Charade|Charlie Brown theme|CHARLOTTE'S WEB|CHARMAINE|CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO|CHATTANOOGIE SHOE SHINE BOY|Cherokee (Indian love song)|CHINATOWN MY CHINATOWN|Chitty chitty bang bang|Christmas time is here|CIAO CIAO BAMBINO|Ciribiribin|City of New Orleans|Clair de lune|Clarinet polka|Classical gas / Williams Mason|Clementine|The closer I get to you|THE CLOSER YOU GET|COCKTAILS FOR TWO|COCOANUT GROVE|Cold cold heart|The colors of my life|Colour my world / Chicago|COLUMBIA THE GEM OF THE OCEAN|Come back to Sorrento|Come saturday morning|Come see about me / Supremes|COME TO ME BEND TO ME|COMIN' THRO' THE RYE|COMING AROUND AGAIN / Simon Carly|COMING OUT OF THE DARK|COMPADRE PEDRO JUAN|Conga|CORNER OF THE SKY|CORRINE CORRINA|COTTONTAIL|Country gardens|The coventry carol|Cry|Crying|CU CU RRU CU CU PALOMA|CUDDLE UP A LITTLE CLOSER LOVELY MINE|CUTS BOTH WAYS|DANCE LITTLE BIRD / VOGELTANZ|Dance of the sugar plum fairy (aus Nussknacker) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|DANCE WITH A DOLLY (WITH A HOLE IN HER STOCKIN')|DANCIN'IN THE MOONLIGHT|Dancing in the street|Danny boy|DARK EYES (ORCHE TCHORNIA)|THE DARKTOWN STRUTTERS' BALL|DARN THAT DREAM|DAY BY DAY|Dear heart|December 1963 (oh what a night) / Four Seasons|Deck the hall|DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS|DEEP PURPLE|DELTA DAWN|DEVIL WITH A BLUE DRESS ON|THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE MARCH|Diamonds are forever|DIANE|Didn't we|Didn't we almost have it all|DIGGY LIGGY LO|DINAH|Ding dong the witch is dead|DIXIE|DIZZY|Do nothin' till you hear from me|DO THAT TO ME ONE MORE TIME|Do You Ever Think Of Me|DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO MISS NEW ORLEANS|Do you love me|Do you want to know a secret / Beatles|THE DOCK OF THE BAY / Redding Otis|DOES ANYBODY REALLY KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS / Chicago|DOES THE SPEARMINT LOSE ITS FLAVOUR|DOES YOUR HEART BEAT FOR ME|DOLL DANCE|DON'T BE THAT WAY|DON'T BLAME ME|DON'T CRY OUT LOUD|Don't fall in love with a dreamer|Don't get around much anymore|Don't Give Up On Us|Don't it make my brown eyes blue|Don't let the stars get in your eyes|DON'T SIT UNDER THE APPLE TREE|Don't wanna lose you|DON'T WORRY 'BOUT ME|DON'T YOU KNOW I CARE|Don't you worry 'bout a thing|Down by the old mill stream|Down by the riverside|DOWN IN THE BOONDOCKS|Down in the valley|Down On The Corner / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Dream lover|THE DREAM OF OLWEN|DRINKING CHAMPAGNE|Drink to me only with thine eyes|The drunken sailor|DUKE'S PLACE|Easy|Easy living|EASY STREET|EASY TO BE HARD|EBB TIDE|El choclo / Villoldo Angel Gregorio|El cumbanchero|ELMER'S TUNE|ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY|ELVIRA|Emily|EMPEROR WALTZ|Enchanted sea|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|Everyday|EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN|EV'RY DAY OF MY LIFE|FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN (CAN'T HELP IT)|Fame|Fascination|Feelings|Feelin' stronger every day|FINLANDIA|The first noel|FIT AS A FIDDLE|FIVE FOOT TWO EYES OF BLUE|FLYING DREAMS|Footloose / Loggins Kenny|For all we know|For he's a jolly good fellow|FOR ME AND MY GAL|For once in my life|For your eyes only / Easton Sheena|FOREVER'S AS FAR AS I'LL GO|Fortunate Son|Frankie and Johnny|Frenesi|Frere Jacques|FRIDAY ON MY MIND|From a distance / Midler Bette|From Russia with love|Fun fun fun|Funiculi funicula / Denza Luigi|Für Elise / Beethoven Ludwig van|GALVESTON|THE GANG THAT SANG HEART OF MY HEART|Gee whiz|Gentle on my mind|Georgia on my mind|Get happy|GET READY|A GHOST OF A CHANCE|Ghostbusters|THE GIRL WHO USED TO BE ME|Give a little whistle|Give me the night|GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY|GIVING YOU THE BEST THAT I GOT|The glory of love|GLOW WORM|TO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN|God rest ye merry gentlemen|GOLDEN EARRINGS|Golden lady|Goldfinger / Bassey Shirley|Gonna fly now|Good king Wenceslas|Good morning starshine|Good night ladies|Good Night Sweetheart|The good the bad and the ugly|Good vibrations|GOODBYE MY CONEY ISLAND BABY|GOT TO BE THERE|GRADUATION DAY|Granada|Grandma got run over by a reindeer|Great day|The great escape march|The great pretender|The greatest love of all / Houston Whitney|Green eyes|THE GREEN LEAVES OF SUMMER|Green onions|GREEN TAMBOURINE|Greensleeves|GUADALAJARA|Guantanamera|Guilty|Hail to the chief|HAIL HAIL THE GANG'S ALL HERE|HAIR|HALF AS MUCH|HANDY MAN|HANUKAH SONG|HAPPY (FROM LADY SINGS THE BLUES)|Happy birthday|Happy days|THE HAPPY FARMER (FROEHLICHER LANDMANN)|Happy trails|Hark the herald angels sing|Harlem nocturne|HARRIGAN|Hatikvah|HAVAH NAGILAH|HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LONELY (HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BLUE)|Have you ever seen the rain / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Have yourself a merry little christmas|HAWAIIAN WAR CHANT (TA HY WA HU WAI)|Heart|Heart and soul|The heat is on|HEAT WAVE|THE HEATER ON THE HILL|Heaven|HELENA POLKA|Hello I love you / Doors|HELLO MY BABY|Help me Rhonda / Beach Boys|HELP YOURSELF (GLIOCCHI MIEI)|Here and now|Here comes Santa Claus|HERE WE ARE|Here we come a caroling|Hernando's hideaway|He's got the whole world in his hands|Hey baby|Hey good lookin'|HEY LOOK ME OVER|HEY PAULA|Hey there|HEY THERE LONELY GIRL|HI LILI HI LO|The hokey pokey|Hold me thrill me kiss me|HOLD ON I'M COMIN'|A holly jolly christmas|Home on the range|Honey|Honeysuckle rose|Honky tonk blues|Honky tonkin' / Williams Hank|HOT ROD LINCOLN|A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT|The house of the rising sun / Animals|HOW ABOUT YOU|HOW 'BOUT US|HOW COME YOU DO ME LIKE YOU DO|How sweet it is (to be loved by you)|HOW 'YA GONNA KEEP 'EM DOWN ON THE FARM (AFTER THEY'VE SEEN PAREE)|Humoresque|A HUNDRED POUNDS OF CLAY|Ungarischer Tanz 5 / Brahms Johannes|Hurt|I AM WOMAN|I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME|I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE|I can't help it (If I'm still in love with you)|I can't help myself (sugar pie honey bunch)|I can't make you love me|I Can't Stand The Rain|I can't stop loving you|I DIDN'T GET TO SLEEP AT ALL (LAST NIGHT)|Everything I do (I do it for you) / Adams Bryan|I DON'T HAVE THE HEART|I DON'T KNOW WHY (I JUST DO)|I don't wanna cry|I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT (IF LOVING YOU IS WRONG)|I don't want to walk without you|I FEEL A SONG COMIN' ON|I FOUGHT THE LAW|I get along without you very well (except sometimes)|I get around|I got it bad and that ain't good|I hear a symphony|I hear you knocking / Domino Fats|I heard it through the grapevine / Gaye Marvin|I heard the bells on christmas day|I heard the bells on christmas day|I honestly love you / Newton John Olivia|I just called to say I love you / Wonder Stevie|I KISSED YOU|I KNEW YOU WHEN|I let a song go out of my heart|I love a rainy night / Rabbitt Eddie|I love to tell the story|I love you|I LOVE YOU TRULY|I MARRIED AN ANGEL|I PUT A SPELL ON YOU|I remember you|I saw her standing there / Beatles|I SAW THE LIGHT|I saw three ships|I SECOND THAT EMOTIONI SING THE BODY ELECTRIC|I UNDERSTAND|I WANT TO WALK YOU HOME|I WANT YOU BACK|I WANT A GIRL (JUST LIKE THE GIRL THAT MARRIED DEAR OLD DAD)|I will always love you / Houston Whitney|I WISH|I wonder who's kissing her now|I WON'T LAST A DAY WITHOUT YOU / Carpenters|I'd like to teach the world to sing|I' LOVE YOU TO WANT ME|IDA SWEET AS APPLE CIDER|IF EVER YOU'RE IN MY ARMS AGAIN|IF I GIVE MY HEART TO YOU|If I had you|IF I SAID YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BODY WOULD YOU HOLD IT AGAINST ME|IF MY FRIENDS COULD SEE ME NOW|If tomorrow never comes|IF YOU KNEW SUSIE (LIKE I KNOW SUSIE)|If you leave me now / Chicago|If you really love me / Wonder Stevie|IF YOU SAY MY EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL|IF YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY (I'VE GOT THE TIME)|I'll be home for christmas|I'LL BE ON MY WAY|I'll be there|I'LL GET BY (AS LONG AS I HAVE YOU)|I'LL KEEP YOU SATISFIED|I'll never love this way again|I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS|I'll take you home again Kathleen|I'LL TAKE YOU THERE|I'M A DING DONG DADDY FROM DUMAS|I'M ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS|I'm getting sentimental over you|I' GONNA SIT RIGHT DOWN AND WRITE MYSELF A LETTER|I'M IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE|I'M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER|I'M SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD|I'm so lonesome I could cry|I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU|I'M THRU WITH LOVE|I'm walkin'|IN A LITTLE SPANISH TOWN ('TWAS ON A NIGHT LIKE THIS)|In a mellow tone|In a sentimental mood|In dreams|IN MY MERRY OLDSMOBILE|IN THE CHAPEL IN THE MOONLIGHT|IN THE COOL COOL COOL OF THE EVENING|IN THE EVENING BY THE MOONLIGHT|In the good old summertime|In The Heat Of The Night|In the midnight hour|IN THE MISTY MOONLIGHT|In the mood|IN THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE TREE|IN THE SWEET BY AND BY|In your eyes|INDIAN RESERVATION|INDIANA (BACK HOME AGAIN IN INDIANA)|Inspector Clouseau theme / Mancini Henry|IRELAND MUST BE HEAVEN (FOR MY MOTHER CAME FROM THERE)|IRENE|The irish washerwoman|Isn't it romantic|Isn't she lovely / Wonder Stevie|It came upon the midnight clear|It could happen to you|It don't mean a thing|It might be you|IT TAKES A GREAT BIG IRISH HEART TO SING AN IRISH SONG|IT'S A GREAT DAY FOR THE IRISH|IT'S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY|IT'S A MOST UNUSUAL DAY|IT'S A RAGGY WALTZ|IT'S ALL IN THE GAME|IT'S EASY TO REMEMBER|It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday|IT'S THE HARD KNOCK LIFE|IT'S THE SAME OLD SONG|I've been working on the railroad|I've got the world on a string|I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER|Ja da|Jamaica farewell / Belafonte Harry|Jambalaya (On the Bayou)|The James Bond theme|JEANIE WITH THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR|JENNIFER JUNIPER / Donovan|Jesu joy of man's desiring (Jesus bleibet meine Freude) / Bach Johann Sebastian|JESUS IN LOVE|Jingle bells|JINGLE JANGLE JINGLE|JOHNNY ANGEL|JOHNSON RAG|THE JOINT IS JUMPIN'|Jolly old Saint Nicholas|Joy to the world|Joy to the world|JUNE IN JANUARY|JUNE NIGHT|Just a closer walk with thee|JUST DROPPED IN|Just friends|Just my imagination / Temptations|Just the two of us|Just walking in the rain|JUST YOU JUST ME|Kaw Liga / Williams Hank|KENTUCKY WALTZ|Kids|Killing me softly|KISS AN ANGEL GOOD MORNIN'|A KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON / Armstrong Louis|K K K KATY|Knock on wood|Kum ba yah|LA woman|La cucaracha|La Cumparsita|La Donna e mobile (aus Rigoletto) / Verdi Giuseppe|LA MALAGUENA|La Marseillaise|La Paloma|THE LADY IN MY LIFE|The lady in red|Largo aus der neuen Welt (aus Sinfonie 9) / Dvorak Antonin|Last date|Last tango in Paris|Lately|Laura|Lazy river|LAZY BONES|LEAD ME ON|LET A SMILE BE YOUR UMBRELLA|LET ME BE THE ONE|LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART (I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU)|Let me love you once before you go|Let the good times roll|Let the sunshine in|LET THERE BE LOVE|Let's get it on|Let's hear it for the boy|LET'S STAY TOGETHER / Green Al|Liebestraum|LIES (ARE BREAKIN' MY HEART)|Light my fire / Doors|Li'l Liza Jane|LIL' RED RIDING HOOD|LIMBA ROCK|Linger awhile|Linus and Lucy|LITTLE BOY LOST (PIECES OF DREAMS)|Little brown jug|Little deuce coupe|The little drummer boy|Little saint Nick|LITTLE THINGS MEAN A LOT|Live and let die|LIVE FOR LOVING YOU|Living for the city|LOCK LOMOND|Lodi|Londonderry air|The lonely bull|LONELY STREET|Lookin' Out My Back Door / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|LOOKS LIKE WE MADE IT|A LOT OF LIVIN' TO DO|LOUISE|LOUISIANA MAN|Love in bloom|LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING|Love Is Just Around The Corner|Love letters|LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND|Love me with all your heart|Love story|Love theme from St Elmo's Fire|Love theme from The winds of war|LOVE WILL TURN YOU AROUND|THE LOVELIEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR|Lover|LOVESICK BLUES|LOVING ARMS|LUSH LIFE|MA (HE'S MAKING EYES AT ME)|MACARTHUR PARK|MAM'SELLE|THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN|MAKT IT EASY ON YOURSELF|MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE|MALA FEMMENA|THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE|Manhattan serenade|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Marsch (aus der Nussknacker Suite) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|March of the toys|MARGIE|MARIA ELENA|MARINE'S HYMN|A marshmallow world|Mary Ann|MARY'S A GRAND OLD NAME|MASTERPIECE|THE MASTERPIECE|ME AND YOU AND A DOG NAMED BOO|MEAN TO ME|MEET ME IN ST LOUIS LOUIS|MEET ME TONIGHT IN DREAMLAND|MELLO YELLOW|Melodie in F op 3/1 / Rubinstein Anton|Melody of love|Memories of you|Mercy mercy me|Merry christmas darling|MERRY WIDOW WALTZ (WALZER AUS DIE LUSTIGE WITWE) / Lehar Franz|Mexican hat dance|Michael row the boat ashore|MIDNIGHT COWBOY THEME|MIMI|Minnie the moocher (the ho de ho song)|Menuett G-Dur / Beethoven Ludwig van|Miss you like crazy|Mississippi Mud|THE MISSOURI WALTZ|Misty|MOCKINGBIRD|Molly Malone|Mona Lisa|MONEY (THAT'S WHAT I WANT)|Money for nothing / Dire Straits|MOTEGO BAY|Mood indigo|MOON LOVE|MOON OVER MIAMI|Moon river|Moonglow|MOONLIGHT BAY|MOONLIGHT BECOMES YOU|Moonlight serenade|MOTHER MACHREE|MOTHER IN LAW|More than words / Extreme|More than you know|Move it on over|MR BLUE|Mr Lucky|Musettas Walzer (aus La Boheme) / Puccini Giacomo|My bonnie|My cherie amour|My eyes adored you|MY GAL SAL|My girl|My guy|My hero|MY LITTLE GRASS SHACK IN KEALAKEKUA HAWAII|My man|MY MELANCHOLY BABY|MY MELODY OF LOVE|MY MOTHER'S LOVE|MY OLD FLAME|MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME|MY PERSONAL PROPERTY|MY PRAYER|MY REVERIE|My way|My wild irish rose|MYSTERY|Mississippi|Mother|The nearness of you|Needles and pins|NEVER BEEN TO SPAIN|NEVER SAY GOODBYE|NEVER ENDING SONG OF LOVE|Never on Sunday|THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES|A nightingale sang in Berkeley square|Nine to five|NO NIGHT SO LONG|NOBODY|Nobody does it better / Simon Carly|Nobody does it like me|Nobody knows the trouble I've seen|Nobody loves me like you do|NOBODY'S SWEETHEART|Nocturne op 9/2|NOTHING FROM NOTHING|NOW AND FOREVER|NOW AND FOREVER (YOU AND ME)|Nowhere to run|Nutbush city limits|O christmas tree|O come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles/Herbei o ihr Glaeubigen)|O holy night|O little town of Bethlehem|O perfect love|O sole mio / Capua Eduardo di|The odd couple|Ode to Billy Joe|Ode to joy (Ode an die Freude) / Beethoven Ludwig van|Oh happy day|Oh lonesome me|Oh Marie|Oh pretty woman / Orbison Roy|Oh my papa (O mein Papa)|OH NO|Oh Susanna|OH THEM GOLDEN SLIPPERS|OH WHERE HAS MY LITTLE DOG GONE|OH YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL|OLD CAPE COD|Old black Joe|AN OLD FASHIONED LOVE SONG|Old folks at home|THE OLD GRAY MARE|Old time rock + roll / Seger Bob|On green dolphin street|On her majesty's secret service|ON THE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND THE SANTA FE|ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET|ON THE TRAIL|ON THE WINGS OF LOVE|On top of old smokey|ON WISCONSIN|Once in a while|ONCE UPON A WHILE|Once upon a time|ONE DAY AT A TIME|ONE DOZEN ROSES|One in a million you|ONE O'CLOCK JUMP|ONLY A ROSE|ONLY THE LONELY (KNOW THE WAY I FEEL)|Onward Christian soldiers|OOBY DOOBY|OOO BABY BABY|OUR DAY WILL COME|Out here on my own|Out of nowhere|Over the rainbow|OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS|OVER THE WAVES|OVER THERE|OVERJOYED|Pagan Love Song|PAPA LOVES MAMBO|PARIS BLUES|PATTY DUKE THEME|PEG O' MY HEART|PEGGY O'NEIL|PENNSYLVANIA 6-5000|PENNSYLVANIA POLKA|PENTHOUSE SERENADE|PERDIDO|Perfidia|PERHAPS PERHAPS PERHAPS (QUIZAS QUIZAS QUIZAS)|Peter Gunn|The pink panther / Mancini Henry|A place in the sun|PLACES THAT BELONG TO YOU|Please Mr Postman / Carpenters|Polly wolly doodle|Polowetzer Tänze (Thema) / Borodin Alexander|Pomp and circumstance / Elgar Edward|PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION|Precious and few|Prelude to a kiss|Proud Mary / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|Put a little love in your heart|Put on a happy face|PUT ON YOUR OLD GREY BONNET|PUT YOUR ARMS AROUND ME HONEY|QUIEN SERA (SWAY)|RACING WITH THE MOON|Ragtime cowboy Joe|Raiders march|Rainy days and mondays / Carpenters|RAMBLIN' ROSE|Ramona|REACH OUT AND TOUCH (SOMEBODY'S HAND)|REACH OUT I'LL BE THERE|READY TO TAKE A CHANCE AGAIN|Real live girl|Red river valley|RED SAILS IN THE SUNSET|Release me|Remembering you|Respect|Respect yourself|Ribbon in the sky / Wonder Stevie|Riders on the storm / Doors|Ring of fire / Cash Johnny|Rise|ROCK A BYE YOUR BABY WITH A DIXIE MELODY|Rock around the clock / Haley Bill|THE ROCK'N ROLL WALTZ|Rock with you|Romanze / Rubinstein Anton|Romeo + Julia - Thema / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Rose garden / Anderson Lynn|ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE|Roses are red (my love) / Vinton Bobby|'ROUND HER NECK SHE WEARS A YELLOW RIBBON|Route 101|Row row row|Ruby|Rudolph the red nosed reindeer|RUM AND COCA COLA|Sail On|SAM YOU MADE THE PANTS TOO LONG|San Francisco|Santa Claus is comin' to town|Santa Lucia|Satin doll|Saturday in the park / Chicago|Scarborough fair|SCARLET RIBBONS|SCHOOL DAYS (WHEN WE WERE A COUPLE OF KIDS)|Sealed with a kiss|SECOND HAND ROSE|The second time around|SEESAW|SEMPER FIDELIS / Sousa John Philip|SEND ME THE PILLOW THAT YOU DREAM ON|SEND ONE YOUR LOVE|Separate lives|The shadow of your smile|SHAKIN' ALL OVER|SHANGRI LA|She loves you / Beatles|She wore a yellow ribbon|She'll be comin' 'round the mountain|She's not there / Santana|THE SHEIK OF ARABY|Shenandoah|SHINE ON HARVEST MOON|SHOO BE DOO BE DOO DA DAY|SHOP AROUND|Show me the way|Show me the way / Styx|SIBONEY|SIDE BY SIDE|THE SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK|Signed sealed delivered I'm yours / Wonder Stevie|Signs|Silent night|Silver bells|Since I don't have you|Sincerely|Sing sing sing|Singin' in the rain|SINGING THE BLUES|SIR DUKE / Wonder Stevie|The skater's waltz|Skating|SLEEPY TIME GAL|Sleigh ride|SO INTO YOU|So Rare|Softly as I leave you|Solitude|SOME PEOPLE'S LIVES|Somebody else is taking my place|SOMEDAY WE'LL BE TOGETHER|Sometimes I feel like a motherless child|Somewhere my love (Lara's theme aus Doktor Schiwago)|SONG WITHOUT WORDS|Sophisticated lady|Soul man|South of the border|Spanish flea|Speak softly love|Splish splash|SPOOKY|SPREADIN' RHYTHM AROUND|Spring is here|STAGGER LEE|Stairway to the stars|Stand by your man|STANDING IN THE SHADOWS OF LOVE|STAR DUST|Star Trek the next generation|The stars and stripes forever / Sousa John Philip|STARS FELL ON ALABAMA|The star spangled banner|STEAM HEAT|Stella by starlight|STEP TO THE REAR|Still|Stompin' at the savoy|Stop in the name of love / Supremes|STORMY|Stormy weather (Keeps rainin' all the time)|Streets of Laredo|A STRING OF PEARLS|St Elmo's fire (Man in motion)|St James infirmary|St Louis blues|Suddenly|Sultans of swing / Dire Straits|Sunny|Superstition|Schwanensee thema / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|SWEET ADELINE|SWEET AND GENTLE (ME LO DIJO ADELA)|SWEET AND LOVELY|SWEET CHARITY|Sweet dreams|Sweet Lorraine|Sweet love|SWEET MEMORIES|SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY|THE SWEETHEART OF SIGMA CHI|The sweetheart tree|Swing low sweet chariot|THE SYNCOPATED CLOCK|Take five|Take me out to the ball game|Take my breath away / Berlin|Take the A Train|Taking a chance on love|TALK BACK TREMBLING LIPS|TALK TO THE ANIMALS|Tangerine|Tarantella|TA RA RA BOOM DE AY|A taste of honey|THE TEARS OF A CLOWN|TEARS ON MY PILLOW|TEEN ANGEL|Temptation|Tennessee waltz|THANK GOD FOR KIDS|Thanks for the memory|THAT GIRL|THAT LUCKY OLD SUN|THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC|THAT OLD FEELING|THAT'S ALL|That's amore|That's my desire|THEME FROM CHEERS|THEME FROM CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND|THEME FROM ICE CASTLES (THROUGH THE EYES OF LOVE)|THEME FROM MAHOGANY (DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU GOING TO)|Theme from New York New York|Theme from Shaft|Theme from Star Trek|Theme from terms of endearment|Theme from Zobra the Greek|THEN YOU CAN TELL ME GOODBYE|THERE GOES MY EVERYTHING|There Goes My Heart|There is a tavern in the town|THERE IS NO CHRISTMAS LIKE A HOME CHRISTMAS|THERE'LL BE A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT|THERE'S A TEAR IN MY BEER|THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE ME|THIRTY TWO FEET AND EIGHT LITTLE TAILS|THIS MOMENT IN TIME|THIS OLD HEART OF MINE (IS WEAK FOR YOU)|This old man|THOSE GOOD OLD DREAMS|Three coins in the fountain|THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING|Three times a lady|THREE TO GET READY|THROUGH THE YEARS|Thunderball|Tico tico (tico no fuba)|TIE A YELLOW RIBBON 'ROUND THE OLD OAK TREE|Tiger rag (hold that tiger)|Tijuana Taxi|A time for us|(I've had) the time of my life / Medley Bill + Warnes Jennifer|TIRED OF BEING ALONE|To a wild rose / MacDowell Edward Alexander|TO EACH HIS OWN|TO ME|TODAY|Tomorrow|Tonight I celebrate my love|TOO FAT POLKA (SHE'S TOO FAT FOR ME)|TOO LATE TO TURN BACK NOW|Too ra loo ra loo ral (That's an irish lullaby)|Toot toot tootsie|TOP GUN ANTHEM|Top of the world|Toreador's song (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Touch me in the morning|TOYLAND|TRACES|The tracks of my tears|TRAVELIN' MAN|THE TROLLEY SONG|TRUE GRIT|Try a little tenderness / Redding Otis|Turkey in the straw|12TH STREET RAG|Two for the road|TWO SLEEPY PEOPLE|TZENA TZENA TZENA|United We Stand|Until you come back to me (that's what I'm gonna do)|Up on the housetop|Up where we belong / Cocker Joe|UPTIGHT (EVERYTHING'S ALRIGHT)|THE VARSITY DRAG|VOLARE (NEL BLU DIPINTO DI BLU)|THE VOLGA BOATMEN|THE VOWS GO UNBROKEN (ALWAYS TRUE TO YOU)|Wabash cannon ball|Wade in the water|WAIT TILL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE|Waiting for the Robert E Lee|WALK ON THE WILD SIDE / Reed Lou|WALK RIGHT IN|Walkin' after midnight|Walking in Memphis / Cohn Marc|Blumenwalzer (aus Nussknacker) / Tschaikowsky Pjotr Iljitsch|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip|WASTED DAYS AND WASTED NIGHTS|'Way down yonder in New Orleans|The Way He Makes Me Feel|THE WAY YOU DO THE THINGS YOU DO|WE DON'T WANNA GROW UP|We gather together to ask the lord's blessing|WE HAD IT ALL|We three kings of orient are|We wish you a merry christmas|Hochzeitsmarsch / Mendelssohn Bartholdy Felix|Weekend in new england|WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD|We've only just begun / Carpenters|What are you doing the rest of your life|What becomes of the broken hearted|Whatever Lola wants (Lola gets)|What's going on / Gaye Marvin|What's love got to do with it / Turner Tina|WHAT'S NEW|WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT|When I grow too old to dream|WHEN I TAKE MY SUGAR TO TEA|When irish eyes are smiling|WHEN IT'S SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES|When Johnny comes marching home|WHEN MY BLUE MOON TURNS TO GOLD AGAIN|WHEN MY SUGAR WALKS DOWN THE STREET|When something is wrong with my Baby|WHEN THE RED RED ROBIN COMES BOB BOB BOBBIN' ALONG|When the saints go marching in|WHEN WILL I BE LOVED|WHEN YOU WERE SWEET SIXTEEN|WHEN YOU'RE ALONE|When you're smiling|WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO|WHERE DO I GO|WHERE'S THE PLAYGROUND SUSIE|THE WHIFFENPOOF SONG|While shepherds watched their flocks|WHILE STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK ONE DAY|WHILE YOU SEE A CHANCE / Winwood Steve|Whispering|THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER|Who'll stop the rain / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)|WHO'S SORRY NOW|Why don't you love me|Wichita Lineman|WILL IT GO ROUND IN CIRCLES|WILLOW WEEP FOR ME|Winchester Cathedral|The windmills of your mind|WINDY|Witchcraft|WITH PEN IN HAND|WITH YOU I'M BORN AGAIN|WITHOUT A SONG|WIVES AND LOVERS (HEY LITTLE GIRL)|WOMAN WOMAN|WOMAN TO WOMAN|WORDS GET IN THE WAY|Wouldn't it be nice|Wrap your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles away)|Yankee doodle|THE YANKEE DOODLE BOY|The yellow rose of Texas|Yes we have no bananas|YESTERDAY ONCE MORE / Carpenters|YESTERDAY'S GONE|Yester me Yester you Yesterday|You and I|You and I / Wonder Stevie|YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD|YOU ARE MY LUCKY STAR|You are my sunshine|You are so beautiful|You are the sunshine of my life / Wonder Stevie|You belong to me|You belong to my heart|YOU CAN DEPEND ON ME|You can't hurry love|You don't have to say you love me|YOU GOT IT|YOU GOT IT ALL|YOU KEEP ME HANGIN' ON|You light up my life|You only live twice|YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU|You stepped out of a dream|YOU TELL ME YOUR DREAM (I'LL TELL YOU MINE)|You were meant for me|You win again|YOUNG LOVE|YOUNG WORLD|Your cheatin' heart|YOUR MAMA DON'T DANCE|YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE|YOU'RE A GRAND OLD FLAG|You're all I need to get by|You're never fully dressed without a smile|You're nobody 'til somebody loves you|You're so vain / Simon Carly|YOU'VE CHANGED|YOU'VE MADE ME SO VERY HAPPY|You've really got a hold on me|ZING A LITTLE SONG|Zum gali gali- Shop: Notenbuch
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Yogscast: The Diggy Diggy Book: ab 10.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
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