48 Results for : dotson

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    22. November 1963 - der Tag der die Welt für immer veränderte: John F. Kennedy, der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, ist zu Besuch in Dallas als ihn während der Fahrt durch die Stadt zwei Gewehrschüsse lebensgefährlich verletzten. Sofort wird er in das Parkland Memorial Krankenhaus eingeliefert, wo der diensthabende Arzt Jim Carrico zusammen mit der Krankenschwester Doris Nelson um das Leben des US-Präsidenten kämpft. Zeitgleich beginnt die fieberhaften Suche nach dem skrupellosen Scharfschützen. Wichtige Hinweise liefert dabei das Filmmaterial des Zivilisten Abraham Zapruder, dessen Aufnahmen den vermeintlichen Attentäters Lee Harvey Oswald eingefangen haben. Anlässlich des 50. Todestages des charismatischen US-Staatsoberhaupts John F. Kennedy zeigt PARKLAND die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der Schlüsselfiguren, und begleitet sie durch das außergewöhnliche Szenario eines der schwärzesten Tage der amerikanischen Geschichte...Darsteller:Marcia Gay Harden, Zac Efron, Austin Nichols, Billy Bob Thornton, Bitsie Tulloch, David Harbour, James Badge Dale, Jason Douglas, Larry Jack Dotson, Mallory Moye, Paul Giamatti, Ron Livingston
    • Shop: xpert Technomarkt
    • Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some towns aren't meant to have their curses broken. Naomi and Penelope, the Dotson twins, don't believe in curses, especially when they involve entire towns rather than individuals, but apparently most of the residents of Centerville feel otherwise. The latest in a string of what the twins call horrific coincidences is the murder of Joe Harbaugh, town councilman and business paragon. On the heels of his death, a series of break-ins at local establishments occur. The police narrow down their suspect list to one of Harbaugh's terminated employees, but the sisters aren't convinced. Together, Naomi and Penelope start their own investigation and get tangled up in a web of lies, kidnapping, and attempted murder. Can the Dotson twins solve the mystery before someone else gets hurt? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hannah Pralle. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/046288/bk_acx0_046288_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Every day, thousands of golfers purchase equipment that simply will not work for them, leading to poor performance and higher scores. This book was written to help consumers better understand how golf clubs work and how to select appropriate equipment for any skill level. This is the plain truth about clubs - not marketing hype. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: John Grasse, Casey Dotson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/anna/000001/bk_anna_000001_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Through a chance encounter, a young film student kills a hitman in self defense and steals mob money to fund his film. He finds himself the object of a hunt by a police detective and the mob, including the hitman's brother. Will the film ever get made? Who will show up on the set? This thriller explores the violent world of mobsters and Hollywood filmmakers. It is also a love story. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Amara Dotson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/006370/bk_acx0_006370_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The relationship book to end all relationship books. The Last Relationship Book You Will Ever Need does more than tell you what men and women secretly want from the opposite sex. It examines how and why your relationship is more than likely a fraud. It tells you why everybody in a relationship will face infidelity in one form or another and it truthfully explains how society and its good intentions will always ruin your relationship. The 13th book from highly controversial author Jeremiah Dotson. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Matt Stevens. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/068977/bk_acx0_068977_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Querelle is regarded by many critics as Jean Genet's highest achievement in the novel-certainly one of the landmarks of postwar French literature. The story of a dangerous man seduced by danger, it deals in a startling way with the Dostoevskian theme of murder as an act of total liberation, and as a pact demanding an answering sacrifice."It is awesome, perhaps the finest novel I have ever read in my life. It literally sent shivers through me, the sheer beauty of the language, the exquisite perversity of the imagination, the incredible grasp of motivation-it is his most tightly plotted, best organized, most accessible novel. It is a wonder. -Dotson Rader
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 8.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Twenty-five-year-old fraternal twins, Naomi and Penelope Dotson, discover the dead bodies of their parents in the lake house on the edge of Centerville. While still in shock, the twins strive to discover the murderer and are drawn into two other related investigations - the kidnapping of nine-year-old Jamie Reed and the disappearance of Keith Evans, a deadbeat dad. When a car tries to run the twins down, they know they are getting close to the truth. In the process of chasing these criminals, they learn it's hard to run in high heel shoes. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hannah Pralle. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/046289/bk_acx0_046289_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A new hero is needed for an uncertain time. Weapons of mass destruction, while outlawed by the nations of the world, have fallen into the hands of criminals. The threat posed by these weapons makes citizens fearful. Just as it seems the criminal element is going to be successful, Michael Miller comes of age. Michael is a young man with unusual abilities due to the fact he is the child of a human father and alien mother. Bipedal aliens visited the world in 2047 and Michael's mother reamained. Will Michael, aka Tiger-Man, be able to meeet this challenge and will his abilites be enough to offset the evil genius of a mad scientist and his devilsh henchman? Only time can truly tell, however uncertain. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Amara Dotson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/010146/bk_acx0_010146_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Chaos: Bei einem Banküberfall in Seattle nehmen die Räuber sämtliche Angestellten und Kunden als Geisel. Lorenz, der Kopf der Bande, will aber ausschließlich mit Detective Conners, einem raubeinigen Polizisten, der vor einigen Monaten suspendiert wurde, verhandeln. Zur Unterstützung wird dem auf die Schnelle rehabilitierten Conners der junge Cop Shane Dekker zur Seite gestellt. Doch die Bankräuber entkommen und die erstaunten Polizisten müssen feststellen, dass nichts entwendet und nur ein einziges Bankschließfach geöffnet wurde. Bei ihren Nachforschungen stoßen sie auf eine weit verzweigte Verschwörung, die bis ins eigene System zu reichen scheint... Verhandlungssache / Special Edition: Verhandlungsspezialist Danny Roman ist der beste Cop für brenzlige Situationen in Chicago und hat dank seines untrüglichen Gespürs schon etliche Geiselnehmer zur Aufgabe überredet. Als ihm jedoch Mord und Korruption angehängt werden, verliert er die Nerven und bringt in einem Akt der Verzweiflung den Chef der Dienstaufsicht und drei weitere Menschen in seine Gewalt. Danny kann keinem mehr trauen, denn der wahre Täter gehört zweifelsohne zum Polizeiapparat. Als neutralen Verhandlungspartner verlangt er daher Chris Sabian, eine Art lebende Expertenlegende für Geiselnahmen. Doch Sabian nützt seine Routine wenig, denn der ebenbürtige Kollege ist mit den üblichen Tricks und Kniffen bestens vertraut. Damit nicht genug, brennt ein gigantisches Sonderkommando mit Helikoptern und Scharfschützen darauf, das Problem endlich auf seine Art zu lösen ...Bonusmaterial:DVD-Ausstattung / Bonusmaterial: - Kapitel- / SzenenanwahlDarsteller:Aaron Douglas, Angelique Naude, Anna Chitro, Anthony T. Petrusonis, Bernard Hocke, Bill Mondy, Brad Blaisdell, Bruce Beatty, Bruce Wright, Carla Sanchez, Carlos Gmez, Carol-Anne Touchberry, Charles Valentino, Damon Johnson, Darcy Laurie, Darius Aubry, David Fordham, David Morse, Dean Norris, Diann Burns, Donald Korte, Donna Ponterotto, Doug Spinuzza, Edwina Moore, Emy Aneke, Fulvio Cecere, Garvin Cross, Gaston Howard, Gene Wolande, Geoff Morrell, Guy Van Swearingen, Henry Czerny, Iris Paluly, J.T. Walsh, Jack McLaughlin-Gray, Jack Rooney, Jack Shearer, James Ashcroft, Janna Tetzlaff, Jason Statham, Jay Levine, Jessica Steen, Joey Perillo, John Buckley, John Cassini, John Lordan, John McDonald, John Spencer, Julie OMalley, Justine Waddell, Keegan Connor Tracy, Kelsey Mulrooney, Kevin Spacey, Kim Howey, Kimani Ray Smith, Kirsten Williamson, Kristina Agosti, Lauri Johnson, Leonard L. Thomas, Lily Nicksay, Lynn Forslund, Lynn Rondell, Maciej Damiecki, Mark Giangreco, Mary Ann Childers, Mary Ingersoll, Mary Major, Mary Page Keller, McNally Sagal, Michael Adamthwaite, Michael Cudlitz, Michael Shamus Wiles, Michasha Armstrong, Mik Scriba, Mike Dopud, Mike Leiderman, Mike Mitchell, Millie Santiago, Muriel Clair, Natassia Malthe, Nestor Serrano, Nicholas Lea, Nicolette Bujdos, Nigel Vonas, Pascale Hutton, Paul Giamatti, Paul Guilfoyle, Paul Perri, Regina Taylor, Rhonda Dotson, Rhys Lloyd, Rick Scarry, Rick Touhy, Rob Court, Rob LaBelle, Robert Baier, Robert David Hall, Robert Jordan, Ron Rifkin, Ryan Phillippe, Sabi Dorr, Samuel L. Jackson, Siobhan Fallon, Stephen Lee, Steven Maines, Susan Astley, Ted Montue, Terry Chen, Tiara Sorenson, Tim Kelleher, Todd Rheingold, Tom Bower, Tony Mockus Jr., Ty Olsson, Wayne Eric, Wesley Snipes
    • Shop: xpert Technomarkt
    • Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sons of the 43rd ab 35.49 € als gebundene Ausgabe: The Story of Delmar Dotson Gray Allison and the Men of the 43rd Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Theologie,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 35.49 EUR excl. shipping

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