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Excuses45 Results for : excursus
Elitist Political Concepts , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 26min
Consideration of the term "political elite" as a synonym of the concept of "political power" is largely an attempt to look at new values from the viewpoint of a political historian, who seeks analogues in the past. Unfortunately, today such excursus is unlikely to end in success because it is known that modern economic growth is distinguished by the primary role of scientific and technical progress, and intellectualization of main factors of production; intensity of research and development determines the level of economic development. According to predictions of experts, in the 21st century intellectualization of labor will become the main factor in global competition. Unfortunately, politics and politicians currently have only an indirect relation to such processes. They are more concerned with problems of power, state, and their own dislocation, as there is conviction in existence of political process as a perpetual motion machine. Unfortunately, it can only be concluded that as long as the elite takes care only of itself, as well as search, familiarization, distribution, and division of material resources, there cannot be any discussion about breakthrough into the world of the "select club" of intellectuals. In this club, the concept of "state" might already be nonexistent. And, one gets accepted there not based on merits or worth of personal capital, but based on the ability to meet requirements of a person of informational society of the "elite" class. In the era of globalization, management of the modernization process of a country presents itself to any elite as a problem of management of most important values, social, intellectual, psychological, and informational resources. In the process of development and change of political and legal doctrines, historical destinies of three inherent structural elements (philosophical and methodological basis, theoretical content, and software requirements) differed. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Scott Michael. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/087832/bk_acx0_087832_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Why we need to renew democracy in Europe
Why we need to renew democracy in Europe ab 12.99 € als pdf eBook: A brief excursus on the democratic deficit of the European Union. 1. Auflage. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Eunuchus Palliatus
Eunuchus Palliatus ab 24.49 € als Taschenbuch: An Excursus To Sections 15-17 Of Part 4 Of The Greek Antiquities Of Lamber Bos (1839). Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 24.49 EUR excl. shipping
Marine Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Agents 2021
The Special Issue "Marine Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidants Agents 2021" collected the latest research, both in vitro and in vivo, on natural compounds from a variety of deep-sea organisms with anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant properties as potential candidates for new drug discovery, and more generally for the field of marine biotechnology. The research presented here discusses the potential benefits of certain peptides and proteins derived from oysters, blue mussels, and cyanobacteria, as well as the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin, which is found in a variety of marine organisms. This Special Issue has carved out an important space for crude extracts from marine products, such as microalgae and green algae, highlighting their potential benefits to human health. Finally, the Special Issue includes a review of the benefits of some natural compounds derived from the algal biome against inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as a research article identifying the presence of the OvoA gene in arthropods for the first time. Through an excursus of high-quality research, this Special Issue provides the entire scientific community with new tools and insights to catch a molecular treasure for human health from the sea.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 59.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Hebrew Student's Commentary On Zechariah Hebrew And Lxx
The Hebrew Student's Commentary On Zechariah Hebrew And Lxx ab 24.49 € als Taschenbuch: With Excursus On Syllable Dividing Metheg Initial Dagesh And Siman Rapheh (1882). Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 24.49 EUR excl. shipping
Zur literarischen Darstellung von Adoleszenz in der DDR
In der Arbeit wird mit einem transdisziplinären Ansatz herausgearbeitet, auf welche Weise literarische Texte der Gegenwartsliteratur Erfahrungen der Adoleszenz in der DDR verhandeln und inwiefern sie einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung des kollektiven Gedächtnisses leisten. Die ausgewählten Texte berücksichtigen spezifische Formen der weiblichen und männlichen Adoleszenz, verzeichnen unterschiedliche subkulturelle Tendenzen sowie spezifische Rituale des jugendkulturellen Lebens in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren. Sie erfüllen damit eine Archivierungsfunktion, die für die Pflege des kulturellen Gedächtnisses von Bedeutung ist. In einem Exkurs werden ausgewählte Adoleszenzmuster diskutiert, die in den Texten, die in der DDR in den 1970er-Jahren entstanden sind, zum Gegenstand der Darstellung werden.In this work, a transdisciplinary approach is used to find out the ways in which literary texts of contemporary literature represent experiences of adolescence in the GDR and the extent to whichthey contribute to the expansion of collective memory. The selected texts take into consideration specific forms of female and male adolescence, record different subcultural tendencies as well as specific rituals of youth cultural life in the 1970s and 1980s, therefore fulfilling an archival function that is important for the maintenance of cultural memory. In an excursus, selected patterns of adolescence that become the subject of representation in texts produced in the GDR in the 1970s are discussed.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 57.00 EUR excl. shipping
La rosa più bella, petali profumati e spine: la donna (eBook, ePUB)
Sergio Puggelli, alla luce della sua esperienza di psicologo-psicoterapeuta e sessuologo, traccia una sua visione della figura femminile oggi, filtrandola attraverso excursus storico-sociali, dati e studi clinici. Altrettanto interessanti all'interno del saggio sono le testimonianze di colleghe, amiche e pazienti: vi si ritrovano esperienze di vita varie, da quelle in politica a quelle amorose fino ai dolorosissimi lutti familiari. L'autore, poi, introduce quello che è il tema portante del saggio, ovvero la comparazione tra la donna e una rosa e il motivo lo spiega a più riprese. Da una parte, dunque, la sensibilità, la grande forza d'animo e la dignità della figura femminile ieri e oggi, dall'altra le spine, per l'appunto. Queste simboleggiano le relazioni fallimentari, le situazioni insidiose che portano a screditare la donna e a danneggiarla su diversi fronti. La posizione di Puggelli è molto chiara anche in merito a un'annosa questione: è la donna il sesso forte, anche per questo va rivalutata. L'autore riporta dati scientifici che ne dimostrano la forza fisica, la longevità e altre caratteristiche, come la pragmaticità e la capacità di sopravvivere a momenti della vita drammatici. In conclusione, descrive la sua esperienza con alcune donne importanti della sua vita, esaltandone le qualità ed esprimendo la più totale gratitudine e ammirazione. L'augurio è, infine, che le spine della rosa diventino sempre meno aguzze e che la donna, dunque, ottenga finalmente la sua indipendenza.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
Notes and Commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law and Cognate Topics
Notes and Commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law and Cognate Topics ab 44.9 € als Taschenbuch: With special relation to ruling cases. Together with a brief excursus on the law of property chiefly founded on the writings of the late Sir Chaloner Alabaster. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaft,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 44.90 EUR excl. shipping
Ora et Labora
With wide-ranging and highly eclectic essays from around the world, Ora Et Labora gathers together the research and findings of the practitioner-scholars of Thelema. Gathered, curated, and produced by the Grand Lodge of Australia, OTO. Contents for this Volume: Alba ad Rubrum: Waratah Blossoms - J. Daniel Gunther Lord of Life & Joy - Brent Gray The 'Occult Macrohistory' of Aleister Crowley - Ian Drummond Mundus Imaginalis, the Stone of the Wise - Chris Carr Bread and Salt: To be taken with a grain of salt - Frater O.I.P Initiation and the Hermetic Tradition - Shawn Gray The mantras and the spells: Language and magick - Frater S.P "Anything can be Animated": The Visionary Cinema of Jordan Belson and its Esoteric Core - Gordan Djurdjevic Occultists, Nazis, Atlanteans and Alawites. Vril and the Occult Revival - Daniel Brant Corish 'That I may follow and dispel the night': Wagner's Parsifal and Liber XV - Percy A. Mindnich A Crack in Everything : Finitude and the Ceremony of the Introit - Entelecheia An Examination of the Symbolism of the Gnostic Mass Temple - Michael Kolson Temple Theology in the Gnostic Mass - Padraig MacIain Apokalypsis II: Temple mysticism in the New Aeon : An Introduction - Steve King The Island of Flames and the spiritual heart. A reflective commentary on Rev. Cosmé Hallelujah's "Notes towards a preliminary analysis of a peculiar motif in the Stele of Ankh-af-na-khonsu" - Shokufeh Alwazi Excursus on Notes towards a preliminary analysis of a particular motif in the Stele of Ankh-af-na-khonsu - Rev. Cosmé Hallelujah- Shop: buecher
- Price: 23.99 EUR excl. shipping
Karol Wojtyla um Excursus para uma Antropologia Integral - Antropologia e Contexto Atual
Karol Wojtyla um Excursus para uma Antropologia Integral - Antropologia e Contexto Atual: ab 4.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 4.49 EUR excl. shipping