38 Results for : gird

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    Those who read and enjoyed the original three-volume series, The Seventh Sword, will remember that the original trilogy presents a series of surprising endings, especially in the third volume. In order to avoid spoilers, the author has chosen to skirt some issues central to those volumes in the description for this new, original and additional volume which follows the original series publications by well over a decade. New readers may wish to start with The Reluctant Swordsman, The Seventh Sword 1; The Coming of Wisdom, The Seventh Sword 2 and The Destiny of the Sword, The Seventh Sword 3, before starting on this brand-new adventure set in the world of The Seventh Sword. The Reluctant General For 15 years the truce has held. Swordsmen of the Tryst of Casr have kept the peace and extended the rule of law over half the World, but now sorcerers have started killing swordsmen again, and swordsmen traitors are aiding them. Shonsu-who was Wallie Smith before he became a swordsman of the seventh rank and liege lord of the Tryst-must once more gird on the seventh sword of Chioxin, and this time he rides out to fight the war that he hoped would never come. As he leads his army forth, its two most junior members are Vixini, son of Shonsu, and Addis, son of Nnanji, who has an oath of vengeance to fulfill. Their failure or success will determine the fate of the World for the next thousand years. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Victor Bevine. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/005457/bk_adbl_005457_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The fourth book in the Science of Discworld series, and this time around dealing with the really big questions, Terry Pratchett’s brilliant new Discworld story Judgement Day is annotated with very big footnotes (the interleaving chapters) by mathematician Ian Stewart and biologist Jack Cohen, to bring you a mind-mangling combination of fiction, cutting-edge science and philosophy. Marjorie Daw is a librarian, and takes her job – and indeed the truth of words – very seriously. She doesn’t know it, but her world and ours – Roundworld – is in big trouble. On Discworld, a colossal row is brewing…The Wizards of Unseen University feel responsible for Roundworld (as one would for a pet gerbil). After all, they brought it into existence by bungling an experiment in Quantum ThaumoDynamics. But legal action is being brought against them by Omnians, who say that the Wizards’ god-like actions make a mockery of their noble religion. As the finest legal brains in Discworld (a zombie and a priest) gird their loins to do battle – and when the Great Big Thing in the High Energy Magic Laboratory is switched on – Marjorie Daw finds herself thrown across the multiverse and right in the middle of the whole explosive affair. As God, the Universe and, frankly, Everything Else is investigated by the trio, you can expect world-bearing elephants, quantum gravity in the Escher-verse, evolutionary design, eternal inflation, dark matter, disbelief systems – and an in-depth study of how to invent a better mousetrap. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Fenton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rhuk/001518/bk_rhuk_001518_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Short: Six children, ages nine through "almost" eighteen, have arrived in the City of Light, Paris. Arthur and Gricinda, two of the children's parents, already having spent a romantic week alone in Paris, have received their arrival like flood gates at the ready. Their reserved hotel rooms still aren't ready, and they continue to settle into, and enjoy the lights and sights of Paris, from three tiny furnished apartments side by side. Not ideal. But the two adult guardians have trips and experiences planned, and gird themselves for the unknown. And the older two children do take the younger four out for excursions. Which creates its own challenges. Buzz, Zilker, Simone, Tabitha, Cherise, and Antone. Arthur and Gricinda have their hands full. And it's all worthwhile. More : Part Three of my "Slumming in Paris" Series. Part 3 is the second of seven novellas forming a subset with "Slumming in Paris," additionally titled, "With the Children." Further, an identifying title "Part" is given to each of the seven in the "With the Children" series. This book is "Boys and Girls in Paris." The story continues with the children, and the adults beginning to more and more interact with the city of Paris, particularly the younger children. Parts 2 through 8 are comprehensive, with an over-arching theme and story of experiencing Paris, and finding what that experience means within. While Part One, "Slumming in Paris, Arthur and Gricinda" is more obviously focussed on the two adults, Parts 2-8 prominently feature the children. Experiencing Paris is, in this work, both symbolic, and an engulfing immersion all its own. The mystery, for each person who visits this wonderful city, is how to individually reconcile everything they have known before, and hope to know. And to know, in this instance, because there are so many characters, mostly young, is a variable thing. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Paul Woodson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/019979/bk_acx0_019979_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    ((Please scroll down for english version))Tausende Kilometer mit dem Auto und der Kamera durch Los Angeles - Traum oder Albtraum? In seinem seit 2010 entstandenen Langzeitprojekt L.A. CROSSING zeigt uns Jens Liebchen die Hauptstadt der bedingungslosen Mobilität so, wie sie von den meisten ihrer Bewohner bevorzugt wahrgenommen wird: durch die Fenster ihrer Autos. »Ich fahre, also bin ich« - in keiner anderen Stadt, hat diese Lebensmaxime mehr Gültigkeit als hier. Die Bilder, auf denen auch immer verschiedene Elemente von Liebchens Mietwagen sichtbar sind, regen zum Nachdenken darüber an, wie der Stadtraum und das Lebensgefühl einer Stadt von dominanten Fortbewegungsformen geprägt sind. Sie entscheiden darüber, wer dazu gehört und wer sich darin wie bewegen darf. Eine Ikone der Fotokunst, Stephen Shores Bild »La Brea/Beverly« dient als theoretischer Aufhänger Liebchens Arbeit. Ausgehend vom »La Brea Matrix Projekt«, in dessen Zentrum besagtes Foto stand, hat Liebchen den Blick umgekehrt und blickt nun von der Strasse zurück auf die Stadt. Weder hält er an, wie Lee Friedlander (in »America by Car«), noch ordnet er sich einer strengen Systematik unter, wie Ed Ruscha (in »Every Building on the Sunset Strip«). Liebchen fährt und fährt und fährt. Aus der privilegierten und klimatisierten Perspektive des Fahrersitzes offenbaren sich dabei Licht- und Schattenseiten der Traumfabrik. Großes Kino.Jens Liebchen (1970) arbeitet seit seinem Studium der Ethnologie als freiberuflicher Fotograf. Seine Arbeiten und wurden weltweit ausgestellt und befinden sich unter anderem in der Sammlung der DZ BANK Kunstsammlung in Frankfurt a.M. und des Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Liebchen lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Er wird von der Galerie Springer vertreten.Thousands of kilometers by car and camera through Los Angeles - dream or nightmare? In his long-term project L.A. CROSSING, which has been in the making since 2010, Jens Liebchen shows us the capital of unconditional automotive mobility like most of its inhabitants prefer to look at it: through the windows of their cars. »I drive, therefore I am« - in no other city this maxim of life has more validity than in L.A.. The images, in which various elements of Liebchen's rental cars are always visible, are a meditation on how urban space and a city's way of living are shaped by dominant forms of mobility. They decide who belongs to the majority of society and who is allowed to move around freely. An icon of photographic art, Stephen Shore's image »La Brea/Beverly« serves as a theoretical starting point for Liebchen's work. Beginning with the »La Brea Matrix Project«, which was centered around said photo, Liebchen has reversed the common view and now looks back from the street to the city. Neither does he stop, like Lee Friedlander (in "America by Car"), nor does follow a strict gird like Ed Ruscha (in "Every Building on the Sunset Strip"). Liebchen drives and drives and drives. From the privileged and air-conditioned perspective of the driver's seat, the City of Angels lights and shadows are revealed.Jens Liebchen (1970) has been working as a freelance photographer since his studies of ethnology. His works and have been exhibited worldwide and can be found, among others, in the collection of the DZ BANK Kunstsammlung in Frankfurt a.M. and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Liebchen lives and works in Berlin. He is represented by Springer Gallery.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 39.10 EUR excl. shipping
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    Surrender None - The Legacy of Gird Book One: ab 3.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Liar's Oath - The Legacy of Gird Book Two: ab 3.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Gird - O quarto mago: ab 2.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Gird Your Loins - Rocky And Andy Apostles Of The Lord: ab 10.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 10.49 EUR excl. shipping

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