53 Results for : locatelli
Sonatinen Vorstufe
MUTIGER RITTER / Vogel Moritz|Walzer / Vogel Moritz|ERNST UND SCHERZ / Beyer Ferdinand|3 Stuecke op 76/ 1 2 + 10 - Doering C H|100 ERHOLUNGEN NR 13 14 15 / Czerny Carl|12 LEICHTE STÜCKE NR 4 1 5 6 / Müller August Eberhard|2 Stuecke op 125/6 + op 125/10 / Diabelli Anton|POLONAISE OP 155/4 / Oesten Theodor|Menuett / Dussek Jan Ladislav|Sonatine G-Dur / Beethoven Ludwig van|Uebungsstueck op 340/1 / Mayer Charles|FEENREIGEN WALZER OP 155/6 / Oesten Theodor|2 Stuecke op 37/3 + 6 / Lemoine Antoine Henry|3 Stuecke op 972 Nr 1 2 + 8 / Czerny Carl|POLKA MAZURKA OP 155/2 / Oesten Theodor|Sonatine G-Dur / Köhler Louis|Trauermarsch KV 453 / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Fröhlicher Landmann op 68/10 / Schumann Robert|Schnitterliedchen op 68/18 / Schumann Robert|2 Stuecke op 37/ 34 + 35 - Levasseur|Walzer G-Dur / Clementi Muzio|Sonatine C-Dur op 57/1 / Ruthardt Adolf|Präludium + Gavotte op 183 / Reinecke Carl|Petits morceaux 8 - Menuett / Bertini Henri|ARMER MANN OP 81/3 / Wilm Nicolai von|FROHER SINN OP 81/2 / Wilm Nicolai von|Walzer C-Dur / Clementi Muzio|2 PHANTASIESTUECKE OP 18 / Gayrhos Eugen|Ah vous dirai je maman KV 265 / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Menuett / Locatelli Pietro Antonio|Sarabande / Corelli Arcangelo|Ländler / Schubert Franz|Petits morceaux 4 / Bertini Henri|Sonatine F-Dur / Beethoven Ludwig van|Uebungsstueck op 340/2 / Mayer Charles|MIT EINEM GEBURTSTAGSSTRAUSS OP 49 / Niemann Walter|Sonatine G-Dur op 168/2 / Diabelli Anton|3 Laendler / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus|Sarabande / Corelli Arcangelo|POLONAISE OP 183/2 / Reinecke Carl|Walzer op 12/2 / Grieg Edvard|Rondo (aus Sonatine C-Dur op 88/1) / Kuhlau Friedrich|Menuett (aus Kindersinfonie) / Haydn Joseph|Rondo F-Dur op 168/1 / Diabelli Anton|KINDERBALLETT|Uebungsstueck op 340/15 / Mayer Charles|Romanze / Haydn Joseph|Es war einmal eine Prinzessin / Kullak Theodor|SONNTAGSMORGEN|SPIELCHEN AUF DER WIESE|TAENZCHEN IM FREIEN|LIEDER DER GROSSMUTTER OP 27/1 / Volkmann Robert|LIEDER DER GROSSMUTTER OP 27/2 / Volkmann Robert|LIEDER DER GROSSMUTTER OP 27/9 / Volkmann Robert|LIEDER DER GROSSMUTTER OP 27/8 / Volkmann Robert- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.95 EUR excl. shipping
52 Wochen Socken stricken
Das schönste Sockenbuch aller Zeiten, herausgegeben vom angesagten Strickmagazin "Laine".Ein absolut außergewöhnliches Strickbuch: wunderschöne Fotos, liebevolle Gestaltung und hochwertige Aufmachung. Mit 52 großartigen Sockenanleitungen von 46 internationalen Strickdesignerinnen. Freuen Sie sich auf neue Modelle aus spannenden internationalen Sockengarnen. Alle Socken können mit Blick auf Lauflänge, Nadelstärke und Maschenprobe mit gängigen Sockengarnen nachgestrickt werden. Für eine Unterstützung bei der Garnauswahl besuchen Sie die Produkthomepage des Verlages und werfen Sie einen Blick in die Garnstärken-Empfehlungs-Tabelle.Dieses Sockenbuch mit Ganzleinen-Einband, tiefgeprägtem Titel, Buchschleife und Leseband ist ein echter Hingucker! Das perfekte Geschenk und Must-have für alle Sockenstrickerinnen - faszinierender Bildband und ultimative Anleitungssammlung in einem.Das Buch enthält Modelle folgender Designerinnen:Heidi Alander, Fiona Alice, Gina Baglia, Ainur Berkimbayeva,Katrine Birkenwasser, Karen Borrel, Sachiko Burgin, Diana Clinch, Verena Cohrs, Valentina Consalvi, Rachel Coopey, Nele Druyts, Marion Em, Lindsey Fowler, Fabienne Gassmann, Lucinda Guy, Dawn Henderson, Anja Heumann, Tiina Huhtaniemi, Caitlin Hunter, Mieka John, Amanda Jones, Joséphine & the seeds, Pauliina Karru, Isabell Kraemer, Tatiana Kulikova, Joji Locatelli, Erika López, Andrea Mowry, Paula Pereira, Rosa Pomar, Elena Potemkina, Amelia Putri, Emily Joy Rickard, Mona Schmidt, Nataliya Sinelshchikova, Marceline Smith, Minna Sorvala, Helen Stewart, Charlotte Stone, Becky Sørensen, Niina Tanskanen, Natalia Vasilieva, Kristine Vejar, Kajsa Vuorela and Mariya Zyaparova.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 41.20 EUR excl. shipping
People from Santa Cruz County California
People from Santa Cruz County California ab 18.99 € als Taschenbuch: People from Santa Cruz California Laurie R. King Scott Weiland Marisa Miller Juli Inkster Derek Sherinian Skip Spence ZaSu Pitts Beverly Garland Trent Dilfer George Windle Read Jr. Paul Locatelli George Birimisa. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Ratgeber,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
Giorgio Locatelli - Italy. Made at Home
Giorgio Locatelli - Italy. Made at Home - Gerichte für meine Liebsten. Die 150 besten Familienrezepte: ab 29.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 29.99 EUR excl. shipping
European Union Chamber Orchestra - Jörg Faerber (Dirigent) // Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert war die erste große Epoche des reisenden Virtuosen, und Geiger - insbesondere italienische Geiger - machten den Anfang. Zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts verbrachten Virtuosen wie Geminiani, Veracini und Locatelli einen Großteil ihres Leben außerhalb Italiens, und später folgten ihnen Giardini, Lolli, Giornovichi und viele andere.- Shop: odax
- Price: 12.09 EUR excl. shipping
Locatelli-Complete Edition
Pietro Antonio Locatelli was one of the most important composers of the Baroque period, being a particularly celebrated composer of violin repertoire. His collection L'arte del violino contains 12 violin concertos with 24 caprices in the first and last movement of each, allowing for astonishing displays of virtuosity.He was born in Bergamo, Italy, in 1695, and at the age of 16 went to Rome to study the violin. Despite the popular myth that he was taught by Corelli, it's unlikely that he ever made contact with him, however, he certainly studied with members of the Corelli 'school', improving both his compositional skills and his performing technique.Although details of the composer's life are somewhat sketchy, it's clear Locatelli was linked to some of the most influential aristocrats of the time. At some point he was under the protection of Monsignor Camillo Cybo, an advisor to the Pope, at another point, he was granted the title of 'virtuoso da camera' by the Habsburgian governor of Mantua Philipp von Hesse-Darmstadt. Just these fleeting details are enough to tell us of Locatelli's growing reputation for virtuosic playing, in Munich in 1727 he was awarded 12 gold florins for a performance, and he pops up again in Germany in 1728, receiving money for services to the court in Kassel.Eventually, business-savvy Locatelli ended up in Amsterdam, where the music publishing industry had taken off. Thanks to the composer's meticulous attention to the publication of his works, and the fact that he was legally required to give copies to the Leiden University library, we are left with excellent manuscripts of his Opp. 1-9. His business acumen must have paid off, as his estate at the time of his death comprised large collections of works of art and old books, indicating an impressive prosperity.Locatelli was the forerunner of 19th-century virtuosity, and the works on this release reveal a composer eager to exploit the sound of the violin. As well as writing technically demanding solo passages, however, he was also an inventive writer for the supporting instruments, demonstrating a superb knack for fugal writing, and intensifying the texture of the concertino group with the addition of a viola, something unusual for the time. This release is an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with Locatelli and the wealth of music he composed throughout his life. Demonstrating the versatility of Locatelli's writing, this set includes his Op.5 Trio Sonatas 'o due violini o due flauti' for the violin as well as the flute, allowing the listener to experience the composer's florid writing in two very different interpretations.Igor Ruhadze and his group Ensemble Violini Capricciosi have dedicated themselves to recording Locatelli's works for some years now. Careful research along with a genuine enthusiasm for the overlooked composer's works have led to a fine set of recordings, previously described by Gramophone as 'brilliantly and at times breathtakingly performed'. The release also includes new recordings of the composer's Concerti Grossi Opp. 1 & 7 and Introduzioni Teatrali Op.4, as well as the haunting Sinfonia funebre, a work to mark the death of an unknown woman in Rome. The vibrant playing of the Ensemble Violini Capricciosi is complemented by Musica ad Rhenum, led by highly acclaimed flautist Jed Wentz, who perform the Flute and Trio Sonatas. This release represents excellent value for money, at only EUR30.00 for 21CDs of listening pleasure, a compelling and masterful accomplishment just waiting to be enjoyed.The first and only Complete Locatelli Edition ever!Locatelli, like many of his contemporaries, moved abroad and settled in Amsterdam/The Netherlands, concertising as a violinist (and a "devil" he was as a performer!), and founding a flourishing publishing house.Locatelli composed in the tradition of the Italian Baroque, in the well known forms of the Concerto Grosso, Solo Concerto and Trio Sonata. His style is inventive, flamboyant, and extremely virtuoso. His violin sonatas and concertos still present a daunting challenge even to today's violinists.Russian violinist Igor Ruhadze was trained in his native Moscow as a virtuoso on the modern violin. However, his interest took him into early music, playing with such ensembles as Musica ad Rhenum, Jed Wentz and others. His solid technique enables him to tackle the often fearful difficulties of Locatelli's music with ease, charm and brilliance. His ensemble Violini Capricciosi play on original instruments, and follow the Historically Informed Performance Practice.Also included the two sets of Flute Sonatas, played by Jed Wentz, one of the most respected and celebrated flutist of Early Music.Linernotes written by the artists.A unique set, brand new recordings, performances which received universal critical acclaim for its dazzling virtuosity, style awareness and the sheer joy of making music!Recorded in The Netherlands between 1995 and 2014Contains detailed notes on the works- Shop: odax
- Price: 55.93 EUR excl. shipping
L'Arte del Violino
The Raglan Baroque Players - Nicholas Kraemer (Dir) // Zweifellos gehört das 1733 in Amsterdam gedruckte Werk L'Arte del Violino von Pietro Antonio Locatelli zu den einflußreichsten Musikpublikationen des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Es handelt sich hier um eine Sammlung von 12 Konzerten für Violine solo, Streicher und Basso continuo, wobei im ersten und letzten Satz ein Capriccio für Violine solo wie eine Art Kadenz eingeschoben ist.- Shop: odax
- Price: 22.85 EUR excl. shipping
Faszination Barock
(Auszug):Georg Friedrich Händel Largo (aus Xerxes) Die Ankunft der Königin aus Saba (aus Solomon)Arcangelo Corelli Weihnachtskonzert SonatenJoahnn Pachelbel Kanon und GigueAntonia Vivaldi Konzert für 2 Violinen Gitarrenkonzert Il Favorito SonatenAlessandro Scarlatti Concerto Grosso J.S. Bach Konzert BWV 1052 (arr. für Gitarre)Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonatenund viele weitere Werke des Barock von: Alessandro Marcello * Tomaso Albinoni Francesco Geminiani * Gaetano Pugnani Nicola A. Porpora * Giovanni B. Sammartini Pietro Locatelli- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.55 EUR excl. shipping