33 Results for : napolitana

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    La Lyra - Bor Zuljan (Dir) // Dieses originelle und bunte Programm, das von intimen Lautenfantasien bis hin zu temperamentvollen Tänzen und verspielten villanelle alla napolitana reicht, ist das erste, das eine vollständige Palette seiner [Giacomo Gorzanis] Werke präsentiert. Es umfasst zahlreiche weniger bekannte Schmuckstücke und wird durch die außergewöhnliche Stimme und Präsenz des charismatischen apulischen Sängers Pino De Vittorio bereichert.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 18.64 EUR excl. shipping
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    Piano Synergy Duo. Husband-and-wife team Ruslan Sviridov and Irina Khovanskaya created the Piano Synergy Duo in 1996. Using their unique musical potential, the duo designs concert programs in which they perform together as well as individually. The results have been a constantly heavy demand and continuing success. For the past 14 years, the duo has toured extensively throughout Russia, Europe, and the Unites States. Now, for the first time, listeners have an opportunity to hear them on a CD. Irina Khovanskaya was born to a musician's family in Russia's Moscow Region in 1972. She began piano lessons at age 4 and gave her first recital about two years later in Kiev. Ten years of formal musical training followed at the Moscow Central Special Music College, during which time she also concertized extensively as a recitalist and with orchestras. Several of these events took place at the Moscow Conservatory's Small Hall, but she also played as far afield as the Russian Space Center (Moscow Region) and on USSR TV. Receiving a Bachelor's Degree in 1990, Khovanskaya's studies and performing career continued as she entered the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where her teacher was Victor Merzhanov. Now her performances become international. Besides appearances with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra and in many Russian cities, she performed in Zurich, Munich, Brussels, and Warsaw. Contests in Russia, Germany, and Belgium were capped by Khovanskaya's winning First Prize in the Texas Steinway Society Piano Competition in Dallas, Texas in 1999. With her Conservatory Diploma (1996) and post-graduate work behind her, Dr. Khovanskaya now resides in San Antonio, Texas. In addition to performance engagements, she teaches piano at the University of the Incarnate Word and adjudicates in piano competitions. Ruslan Sviridov was born in 1973 in Tambov, Russia. He began to study music at age 7 and gave his first public performance at the age of 8. His years of study at the Tambov Music School and later at the Rachmaninov Music College in Tambov were marked by many competition triumphs and literally hundreds of concerts and recitals throughout Russia's Central Region. First prizes came from the Tchaikovsky Regional Piano Contest (1989), the Bartok Regional Contest (1989), and the Kabalevsky Regional Competition for Young Pianists (1990), to name only a few. Sviridov went on to enter the Moscow State Conservatory, studying with Victor Merzhanov. Concerts and competitions continued, now at a higher level. He played with symphony orchestras in several Russian cities, including Moscow, Ulyanovsk, and Tambov, and at the Glinka Music Festival in Smolensk. During 1994-96, he took Grand Prize or First Prize (or both) or a Special Jury Prize at competitions in Italy at Tortona, Alassio, San Bartolomeo al Mare, and Caltanissetta, Sicily. His first U.S. triumph was a Special Jury Prize in Kingsville, Texas (1995). In addition to an international list of recitals, Sviridov's career is distinguished by a substantial body of television tapes and live appearances, starting in Russia and extending through Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, and the United States (NBC). During his studies in Moscow, culminating in a Doctoral Degree (1998), he taught piano and music theory. Leaving Russia in 1998, Dr. Sviridov again picked up his teaching activity in San Antonio, Texas, also his base for concertizing and contest adjudication. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker Suite As charming and entertaining as The Nutcracker ballet turned out, one would hardly imagine that Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) did not care much for the score himself. The composer had been a little reluctant to compose this music on a subject that was prescribed for him and for which the choreographer had given him an over-detailed scenario. He completed the score in 1891, and some months before the premiere of the full ballet the following year he extracted a concert suite. The scenario of The Nutcracker ballet was taken from a story by E.T.A. Hoffmann as adapted by Alexander Dumas, Sr. It has to do with Clara, a young girl who receives a grotesque looking nutcracker for Christmas, only to have it magically transformed into a prince who carries her off on fantastic adventures. The movements of the Suite do not follow the progress of the story exactly, but are ordered to form a good musical sequence. The "March" has a toy quality, reminding us that the only military operations that Clara witnesses are imaginary ones between mice and gingerbread soldiers. The "Dance of the Sugar- Plum Fairy " was composed originally for the celesta, a bell-like keyboard instrument that personifies this character perfectly. This was the first time a composer had written for the instrument. In the second act of The Nutcracker, Clara and her Nutcracker are treated to an international divertissement of dances at the court of the Sugar-Plum Fairy. One part of this is the "Trepak," a wild Russian dance and one of the nationalistic elements in the ballet. More exotic is the Chinese "Dance of the Reed Flutes," originally featuring shrill flutes and piccolos and mumbling bassoons. When we think of waltzes, we usually think of Johann Strauss. But Tchaikovsky was also one of the great waltz composers of his century. Waltzes from Eugene Onegin and the Serenade for Strings bear witness. The "Waltz of the Flowers" is the finale to The Nutcracker Suite and one of the most graceful movements ever penned by Tchaikovsky. Stravinsky, Five Easy Pieces for Piano Duet The years of World War I (1914-1918) were years of small pieces for Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971). Self-sequestered in Switzerland for most of the duration, the composer found few opportunities for performances or publication. Stravinsky occupied himself chiefly with small- scale stage works, songs, and short instrumental pieces. At that time, his oldest children, Theodore and Mika, had become good enough pianists for him to write music for each of them to play with their father. So originated the series of Five Easy Pieces for piano duet. The child's part was usually a melody played in octaves, while the father's part filled out the texture and contained any complicated passage work. Stravinsky later orchestrated four of the duets to produce his Suite No. 1 for small orchestra. Stravinsky's musical sense of humor is, of course, famous. In these miniature character pieces, we can hear the same wry satire that charms us in much of his other music from this period. The Five Easy Pieces touch on various "national" musical characteristics. Following a relatively serious "Andante" comes an "Española" composed after a trip to Spain in 1916. The "Balalaika" celebrates the Russian folk instrument. "Napolitana" was another travel souvenir, this time to Naples in 1917. The concluding "Galop" is a spoof on the archetypical endings of French ballets of the 19th century. It's high spirits and satirical jabs sum up the flavor of the Five Easy Pieces. Rachmaninov, Six Pieces for Piano Duet, Op. 11 Like his mentor Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) did not enjoy teaching. He did so only when he needed money. Rachmaninov found himself in that financial position in 1893, the year Tchaikovsky died. Taking on more private lessons, he also taught music theory at a girls' academy. Rachmaninov's publisher, knowing his need and also knowing the market for his piano music, convinced him to write something for piano four-hands. The result was the Six Pieces for Piano Duet published in 1894, which turned out to be the longest work Rachmaninov ever created for piano duet. The movements are "character" pieces in the best romantic salon tradition, and they contrast with one another effectively. The opening "Barcarolle" floats along on the undulating lilt of a gondola song, yet Rachmaninov infuses it with his own characteristic melancholy. Cas
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 22.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    Rudi Schuricke wurde am 16.03.1913 in Brandenburg geboren. Seine Jugend verbrachte er in Königsberg, wo er nach dem Abitur den Beruf des Drogisten erlernte. Im Kino sah er den Film Bomben auf Monte Carlo, in dem die Comedian Harmonists auftraten. So etwas wollte Rudi auch machen. Er schloss sich kurzerhand einer lokalen Gesangsgruppe an und eiferte seinen großen Vorbildern nach. Bei einer Radiosendung wurde Rudi Schuricke für die bekannten Kardosch-Sänger entdeckt, mit denen er rund 80 Titel einspielte. 1935 löste sich die Gruppe auf, die Mitglieder emigrierten aus Deutschland. Schuricke schloss sich den Spree-Revellers an, bis er 1937 das Schuricke-Terzett gründete. In den 30er und 40er Jahren veröffentlichte er zahlreiche erfolgreiche Schallplatten mit dem Schuricke-Terzett und auch als Solo-Künstler war er sehr erfolgreich. Mitten im Krieg, Schuricke sang nun bei der Truppenbetreuung, entstand mit Capri-Fischer sein größter Erfolg, der aber kurz nach Veröffentlichung aus dem Radio verbannt wurde. Nach dem Krieg setzte er seine Karriere fort, das Wirtschaftswunder begann, die Sehnsucht nach Urlaub in fremden Ländern machte den Capri-Fischer bei seiner Wiederveröffentlichung 1947 zu einem durchschlagenden Erfolg. Der Titel war über Jahre einer der meistgespielten Schlager seiner Zeit. Schuricke erhielt dafür als einer der ersten Künstler eine goldene Schallplatte. In den folgenden Jahren veröffentliche er regelmäßig erfolgreiche Schallplatten wie Frauen und Wein, O mia bella Napoli oder Florentinische Nächte. Anfang der 60er Jahre waren andere Stilrichtungen und jüngere Künstler gefragt, es wurde still um ihn. 1964 veröffentlichte er nochmals eine Platte mit seinem Schuricke-Terzett, die aber nicht an die alten Erfolge anknüpfen konnte. Anfang der 70er Jahre versuchte er noch einmal ein Comeback. Den Erfolg seiner letzten Platte Meine Lieblingslieder erlebte er jedoch nicht mehr. Rudi Schuricke verstarb am 28. Dezember 1973 in München. TRACKS: Disk 1 1. Capri-Fischer 2. Frauen und Wein 3. Florentinische Nächte 4. Dreh dich noch einmal um 5. Abends in der Taverne 6. Das Märchen unserer Liebe (San Marco-Glocken) 7. Im Hafen der Sehnsucht 8. Mandolino - Mandolino 9. Glaube mir (Answer Me) 10. Es war ein Traum, Cherie 11. Deine Liebe (True Love) 12. Wenn der weiße Flieder wieder blüht 13. Weiße Perlen bedeuten Tränen 14. Italiana 15. Zwei verliebte Italiener 16. Kleine Signorina 17. Zwei Augen 18. O mia bella Napoli 19. Heimat, deine Sterne 20. Schau mich bitte nicht so an (La vie en rose) 21. Warum weinst du, kleine Tamara 22. Silberne Nacht von San Michele 23. Nachts in Verona (Nina) 24. Im Leben geht alles vorüber 25. O sole mio (Du meine Sonne) Disk 2 1. Ganz leis erklingt Musik 2. Solang dein Herz nicht spricht 3. Warum hat jeder Frühling, ach, nur einen Mai (Napolitana) 4. Ich geh meinen Weg zu dir (His Hand In Mine) 5. Es werden wieder Rosen blüh n 6. Das Land der Liebe (Blaues Boot, nimm mich mit in die Ferne) 7. Ich schau Dir tief in deine treuen Augen 8. Melodia Italiana 9. Denn wohin - denn wohin 10. Das macht nur die Sonne von Messina 11. Fahr durch die Nacht 12. Das schönste auf der Welt ist doch die Liebe 13. Signorella 14. Wenn die Sonne hinter den Dächern versinkt 15. Die Post von Amalfi 16. Komm zu mir 17. Im richtigen Moment 18. Das Lied von den Sternen 19. Dalmatinischer Wein 20. Die Kastagnetten und die netten kleinen Mädchen 21. Regentropfen 22. Sternenserenade 23. Na-ni, Na-na (Na-ne Na-na) 24. La Paloma 25. Denk an ein Wiederseh n
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 12.03 EUR excl. shipping

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