81 Results for : procrastinator

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    Are you very talented and creative but cannot find the willpower, drive, and motivation to achieve your dreams?   Procrastination is the problem. This audiobook is your answer. There is nothing that depresses productivity and stunts personal development more than procrastination. Yet, procrastination creeps slowly and meekly into our lives through the very same shortcuts we engaged to allow us comfort and convenience - bad habits.   This audiobook, Procrastination: Overcome the Bad Habits of Procrastination and Laziness and Become More Productive, has been specifically created to enable you to kick out procrastination, regain your productivity, and achieve your full potential.   The audiobook starts by introducing you to what procrastination really is and provides you with telling signs of procrastination, some of them often hidden and uneasy to detect. It further cautions you on the pitfalls you are likely to fall into should you not be careful and the negative effects of procrastination.   Most people never realize they are procrastinators. Never assume you are not one unless you prove it. A simple yet powerful self-diagnosis procrastination test kit has been devised for you. Should you find yourself not a procrastinator, that would be great for you. However, it does not end there. You can use the same kit to help your family, friends, and loved ones who could be suffering from procrastination without knowing it. Discovery is the best way to finding a lasting solution.   The best way to confront a disease it to go beyond its symptoms and attack its root causes. Some of the root causes may be common to all procrastinators, while others could be unique to each procrastinator. Nonetheless, this audiobook provides all likely causes of procrastination so you can review and evaluate your very own condition and determine the most likely causes of your procrastination.   Once you determine the root causes of your ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Prodehl. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/119114/bk_acx0_119114_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Do you always postpone things? Your to-do list never ends? It means that you are stuck in the trap of procrastination. Do you know that it is preventing you from achieving your goals?If you really want to get rid of this bad habit, this is the book for you.If you are a chronic procrastinator, you are familiar with the pain and stress that go hand in hand with leaving things at the last minute. Several strategies can help you stop procrastinating right now. You will discover how the greatest successful people have managed to get rid of this vice.In this book you will find:Several changes to be made in your lifestyle to avoid future procrastination.How to avoid procrastination by planning your time.How to build self-disciplineHow to beat lazinessAnd many other things ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jodi Stapler. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/175106/bk_acx0_175106_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Are you a procrastinator? How do you know? You may be surprised to realize that it is possible for people to have a problem with procrastination without fully realizing that the problem exists. This can cause a number of problems for you if you happen to be one of those individuals because it is very likely that your habit of procrastinating has caused you to miss some important opportunities in your life. These habits may be affecting virtually every aspect of your life to this day. Fortunately, the most important thing that you need to do is realize that you do have a problem with procrastination. You are then able to figure out many anti procrastination methods so that you can effectively combat the problem. Continue listening to find out if you have a problem with procrastination. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chris Brinkley. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/026882/bk_acx0_026882_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    What are you waiting for? An overwhelmed procrastinator, frustrated overachiever, and recovering perfectionist herself, Sam Bennett knows all the ways we avoid pursuing our dreams and reaching our goals. She also knows how to "get it done". Start Right Where You Are is an easy-to-hear, easy-to-do guidebook for anyone who wants to change their life but doesn't know where or how to begin. Of course, the process of getting out of your own way, raising your self-esteem, improving your relationships, and making better choices can be a bumpy road. But Bennett's fun, original voice lets you know that you've got a friend along the way, a friend who offers a comforting cup of tea - or a bracing shot of whiskey, depending. Her gentle-kiss-on-the-cheek and loving-thwack-upside-the-head attitude gives us what we all need: inspiration, shortcuts, and breathing room. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sam Bennett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/newl/000066/bk_newl_000066_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    How many tіmеѕ have уоu аvоіdеd doing your homework or completing a chore by rеаѕоnіng wіth уоurѕеlf about how оthеr tаѕkѕ are more important? Or, by convincing yourself that what you're supposed to be doing is nоt "ѕіgnіfісаnt" enough to be completed right now? Cоngrаtulаtіоnѕ, you're a procrastinator! And hеу, wеlсоmе tо the club. Procrastination іѕ a very соmmоn problem thаt саn lеаd tо іnсrеаѕеd ѕtrеѕѕ lеvеlѕ, lost орроrtunіtіеѕ, hеіghtеnеd frustration, and sometimes failure. Procrastination is difficult tо manage because wе undеrеѕtіmаtе іtѕ ассumulаtіvе еffесtѕ аnd оvеrеѕtіmаtе оur ability tо handle thеm. Lucky for you, I have the solution! In this book, you will learn: What causes procrastination How to overcome it The impacts on your health The impacts on your work and social life Why the fear of failure causes procrastination Why the fear of success causes procrastination The different types of procrastination How to overcome laziness Tips and tricks to become more productive Download Procrastination: Learn How to Become More Productive and Stress Free by Overcoming Bad Habits and Laziness and say goodbye to all those bad habits! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Erin C Gray. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/091428/bk_acx0_091428_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Procrastination is something that all of us have to deal with at one time or another. There are times when we do not want to do the work when we would rather be doing something else. Occasional procrastination is not that big of a deal, but when you become a chronic procrastinator, it can affect all aspects of your life. This guidebook is going to take some time to discuss procrastination and how you can avoid it. Any time that procrastination comes around, you need to know the tips that are needed to keep it at bay. This guidebook will help you to get this all done. Some of the topics that we will discuss include: The basics of procrastination How procrastination is costing us Learning how to be accountable How to be productive even when you are procrastinating Some roadblocks that get in the way Steps to end procrastination Time management to help avoid procrastination Get rid of procrastination and improve your life from the issues that procrastination brings in! Check this guidebook to help you get started. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Barry Shannon. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/106394/bk_acx0_106394_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Almost everyone procrastinates. For some, the impact can be serious, causing damaged relationships at home and at work. For most people, though, procrastination is simply a frustrating or troublesome habit they know they should be able to overcome. You can. This program will show you how. However great or small a procrastinator you are, Rita Emmett will inspire you and coach you on how to kick the habit. With advice drawn from her personal triumph over procrastination and from people she has met at her acclaimed seminars, she will empower you to: identify the behavioral patterns you use to put things off apply proven "anticrastination" tips to achieve your goals develop strategies to move forward when you're stuck design a plan to declutter your home and officeFilled with practical, useful, common-sense advice and real-life stories of people who have overcome procrastination, this program is as entertaining as it is rewarding. Rita Emmett's proven strategies will help you change your attitude toward your work and play, and help you regain control of your time and your life! Language: English. Narrator: Rita Emmett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/aren/000248/bk_aren_000248_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Procrastination Anxiety Addiction And Motivation ab 18.99 € als Taschenbuch: Guide to the Psychology Behind Procrastinating Proven Ways For Overcoming Laziness Your Inner Procrastinator Master Time And Improve Productivity. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The truth is: if you are a procrastinator, this misuse restricts your success in a number of ways. You will reduce the probability that you achieve your major objectives if you don't solve this issue. Here is a preview of what you'll learn....What Is a Lifehack? 150 Lifehacks: Can You Apply Them All? Lifehacks and Secrets to Getting and Staying in Shape Lifehacks and Secrets to Saving Money Lifehacks and Secrets to Improve Productivity and Tips for Better Time Management Lifehacks and Secrets to Stop Procrastinating Lifehacks and Advice for Better Relationships Lifehacks to Saving Money and Making Passive Income Online Lifehacks to Boosting Your Self Confidence A Disclaimer: What Could Possibly Go Wrong with Lifehacks? Much, Much More! This book is for anyone who struggles whenever he/she wants to take action. Whether you're a student, corporate executive, entrepreneur, or stay-at-home parent, the strategies described in this book can set the stage for a personal transformation and help you get rid of that loop (procrastination) that has eaten deep into your inner flesh and stopping you from being productive. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Adam Pracht. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/207539/bk_acx0_207539_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Putting off an easy task makes it hard. Putting off a hard task makes it impossible. - George Claude Lorimer Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we do not want to do them or because we have too many other things to take care of. Sometimes, it just seems too hard to get into it! Other times, we tell ourselves some spave will help or bring perspective or renewed energy. Putting things off, big or small, is part of being human. But when your procrastination leaves you feeling discouraged and overburdened, and its effects start taking a toll on your life, whether in the work place or at home, or in your relationships, it is time to take action. Are you a hopeless procrastinator? There is always a way forward. However, there are no quick fixes. You are not going to wake up tomorrow and never procrastinate again. But you can wake up and do one or two simple things that will help you finish the task a little earlier or with less stress. Overcoming the drag of procrastination can set you free in ways you never even imagined. The benefits reach deep into your everyday life. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Timothy Driver. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/060694/bk_acx0_060694_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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