38 Results for : syntagma
Unequal Equality
Groove Magazin, März/April 2009: ... ein grandioses und in sich stimmiges Album (..), das Einflüsse aus Dub, Deephouse, Minimal und hypnotischem Techno zu einem souveränen Impuls für das Clubleben 2009...- Shop: odax
- Price: 6.48 EUR excl. shipping
The Uncertainty Principle
Larissa Groeneveld (Vc), Flanders Recorder Quartet, Ensemble Syntagma- Shop: odax
- Price: 22.89 EUR excl. shipping
She did it her way - Feministische Kurzfilme
Befreiungsschläge gegen traditionelle Weiblichkeitsbilder, Alltagsbeobachtungen, rigider Formwille und - die pure Freude am bewegten Bild, Licht und Ton. SHE DID IT HER WAY: eine Auswahl von experimentellen Arbeiten österreichischer Filmemacherinnen,...- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.38 EUR excl. shipping
Saturn Sky
In our 13 year history, the Winnipeg Wind Ensemble has been involved in two prior recording projects. The first, a compilation of graded literature for use by school bands, was...- Shop: odax
- Price: 29.06 EUR excl. shipping
A Fagotto Solo
Syntagma Amici, Jeremie Papasergio (Fagott, Dir)- Shop: odax
- Price: 22.30 EUR excl. shipping
Keyboard Music of Girolamo Frescobaldi
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) is considered one of the founding fathers of solo Italian keyboard music. By the age of 14, he was somewhat of a child prodigy and was listed...- Shop: odax
- Price: 25.44 EUR excl. shipping