36 Results for : tapering

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    This third edition of an international best-seller - more than two million copies sold worldwide and translated into 33 languages - details how its powerful insights on motivation, conflict, and collaboration can benefit organizations as well as individuals.   Since its original publication in 2000, Leadership and Self-Deception has become an international word-of-mouth phenomenon. Rather than tapering off, it sells more copies every year. The guide's central insight - that the key to leadership lies not in what we do, but in who we are - has proven to have powerful implications not only for organizational leadership but in listeners’ personal lives as well.   Leadership and Self-Deception uses an entertaining story everyone can relate to about a man facing challenges at work and at home to expose the fascinating ways we blind ourselves to our true motivations and unwittingly sabotage the effectiveness of our own efforts to achieve happiness and increase happiness. We trap ourselves in a “box” of endless self-justification.  Most importantly, the audiobook shows us the way out. Listeners will discover what millions already have learned - how to consistently tap into and act on their innate sense of what’s right, dramatically improving all of their relationships.  This third edition includes new research about the self-deception gap in organizations and the keys to closing this gap. The authors offer guidance for how to assess the in-the-box and out-of-the-box mind-sets in yourself and in your organization. It also includes a sample of Arbinger’s latest best-seller, The Outward Mindset. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Steve Carlson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/126790/bk_acx0_126790_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Black Knights of the Hudson series is about a fictional family in the U.S. Army, tracing their lives from 1860 through World War II. The books should appeal to readers who enjoy historical fiction, family sagas, and military fiction. Changing of the Guard (1885 to 1898) is the third book in the tale of the MacKendrick family, who live by West Point's motto of "Duty, Honor, Country." Here the reader meets the vivid offspring of James and Timothy MacKendrick. With the Indian Wars tapering down, the attention of the young nation turns to flexing its muscles. The MacKendricks are involved thoroughly with the changes facing both their country and their vivid family. Randolph follows his father to West Point, but finds the Academy much changed from its early days. Instead of producing the brilliant engineers, soldiers, and statesmen of previous decades, West Point has become an iron-bound institution that seems content to churn out little tin soldiers. Philip, a maverick like his mother, has little interest in pursuing a military career, but turns to a path that will take him to the depths of a collapsing coal mine and the heights of San Juan. Young Jackson Lee and Fitzjames yearn to follow in the footsteps of their father, and yield to the call of the bugle when it sounds for Cuba, long before they are old enough to even enter West Point. The MacKendricks eagerly embrace destiny as their country spreads its arms beyond the continental shelves. From the political games of Washington, to the jungles of Cuba with Fighting' Joe Wheeler and Theodore Roosevelt, the MacKendrick men and women turn their faces to the wind, and endure tragedy and triumph with all the flags flying. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Steven Roy Grimsley. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/008477/bk_acx0_008477_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Focusing on methodology and computation more than on theorems and proofs, this book provides computationally feasible and statistically efficient methods for estimating sparse and large covariance matrices of high-dimensional data. Extensive in breadth and scope, it features ample applications to a number of applied areas, including business and economics, computer science, engineering, and financial mathematics; recognizes the important and significant contributions of longitudinal and spatial data; and includes various computer codes in R throughout the text and on an author-maintained web site.Methods for estimating sparse and large covariance matrices Covariance and correlation matrices play fundamental roles in every aspect of the analysis of multivariate data collected from a variety of fields including business and economics, health care, engineering, and environmental and physical sciences. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation provides accessible and comprehensive coverage of the classical and modern approaches for estimating covariance matrices as well as their applications to the rapidly developing areas lying at the intersection of statistics and machine learning. Recently, the classical sample covariance methodologies have been modified and improved upon to meet the needs of statisticians and researchers dealing with large correlated datasets. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation focuses on the methodologies based on shrinkage, thresholding, and penalized likelihood with applications to Gaussian graphical models, prediction, and mean-variance portfolio management. The book relies heavily on regression-based ideas and interpretations to connect and unify many existing methods and algorithms for the task. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation features chapters on: * Data, Sparsity, and Regularization * Regularizing the Eigenstructure * Banding, Tapering, and Thresholding * Covariance Matrices * Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models * Multivariate Regression The book is an ideal resource for researchers in statistics, mathematics, business and economics, computer sciences, and engineering, as well as a useful text or supplement for graduate-level courses in multivariate analysis, covariance estimation, statistical learning, and high-dimensional data analysis.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 99.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Written by physicians who are experts in both traditional and complementary medicine, Integrative Medicine, 5th Edition, uses a clinical, disease-oriented approach to safely and effectively incorporate alternative therapies into primary care practice. Drawing on available scientific evidence and the authors' first-hand experiences, it covers therapies such as botanicals, supplements, mind-body, lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, and other integrative medicine modalities. This highly regarded reference offers practical guidance for reducing costs and improving patient care while focusing on prevention and wellness for a better quality of life. * Explains how to make the best use of integrative medicine and the mechanisms by which these therapeutic modalities work, keeping you at the forefront of the trend toward integrative health care.  * Templated chapters make it quick and easy to find key information such as dosing, pearls, the Prevention Prescription, and Therapeutic Reviews that incorporates the Evidence vs Harm Icon.    * Uses the reliable SORT method (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy) to provide evidence-based ratings, grading both the evidence and the relative potential harm.  * Thoroughly updated, ensuring that you remain well informed regarding the latest evidence.  * Contains 10 new chapters covering clinician resilience, supporting immunity, NASH/fatty liver, hair loss, rethinking the movement prescription, compassion practices, prescribing low-dose naltrexone, psychedelics, tapering off PPIs and opioids, as well as an expanded osteopathy chapter.  * Covers timely topics aimed at reducing the epidemics of polypharmacy and opioid overuse, as well as supporting immunity in the face of infectious diseases.  * Provides online access to multiple-choice questions for every chapter-perfect for board exam review.  * Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 78.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    "Die Trainingsbibel für Radsportler" ist der weltweit meistverkaufte und womöglich umfassendste Ratgeber für ambitionierte Rennradfahrer. Ihr Autor Joe Friel genießt rund um den Erdball enormes Vertrauen als Coach und Sportwissenschaftler, und sein bewährtes Trainingsprogramm hat bereits zahllosen Hobby- und Leistungssportlern geholfen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Für diese Ausgabe hat er seinen Klassiker unter den Trainingshandbüchern nun grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert, um neue Erkenntnisse und Konzepte sinnvoll einzubinden und Radsportler in die Lage zu versetzen, intelligenter denn je zu trainieren.Dieses Buch liefert fundiertes Detailwissen zu allen Fragen, die in der Trainingsplanung und Wettkampfvorbereitung zu berücksichtigen sind. Joe Friels praxisbewährte und sportwissenschaftlich fundierte Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen verleihen auch Ihnen das Rüstzeug, um in Eigenregie einen persönlichen, auf individuelle Ziele und Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Trainingsplan zu erstellen, diesen laufend gemäß den erreichten Fortschritten und auftretenden Problemen anzupassen und so stets mit den richtigen Umfängen und Intensitäten zu trainieren.Ganz gleich, ob Sie gezielt für Straßenrennen, Kriterien, Zeitfahren oder Radmarathons trainieren wollen oder Ihre Sprint-, Kletter-, Ausdauer- oder Regenerationsfähigkeiten verbessern möchten - die neue "Trainingsbibel für Radsportler" deckt alle relevanten Themen lückenlos ab. Dazu gehören:- praxisbewährte Powermeter-Metriken, um sich bei jeder einzelnen Trainingseinheit die Vorzüge der fortschrittlichsten Messtechnologie im Radsport zunutze zu machen.- TSS-basierendes Training, um das geleistete und zu leistende Pensum kompetent abzuschätzen.- der Entwurf maßgeschneiderter Trainingsprogramme, um individuelle Stärken auszuspielen und vorhandene Schwächen wirksam abzustellen.- Feldtests zur einfachen und kostenlosen Ermittlung der funktionalen Schwellenleistung, Sprintkraft, aeroben Kapazität etc., um die erzielten Fortschritte zu bestimmen und so noch fokussierter zu trainieren.- anerkannte Peak- und Tapering-Abläufe, um am entscheidenden Tag wirklich in bestmöglicher Wettkampf-Verfassung zu sein.- umfassende Instrumente für eine Trainings- und Saisonplanung, bei der die täglichen, wöchentlichen und monatlichen Trainingsinhalte sinnvoll ineinandergreifen und aufeinander aufbauen.- ein neuer Ansatz für das Krafttraining, um die Fähigkeiten am Berg und im Sprint mit gezielten Übungen auf dem Rad und im Fitnessstudio effektiv zu verbessern.- detaillierte Anleitungen für konkrete Trainingseinheiten, um gezielt an Ausdauer, Kraft, Schnelligkeit, Kraftausdauer, anaerober Ausdauer und Schnellkraft zuzulegen.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 23.50 EUR excl. shipping
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    No description.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 24.46 EUR excl. shipping

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