177 Results for : virulent
A Walk in the Dark: Guido Guerrieri Series, Book 2 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 346min
When Martina accuses her ex-boyfriend - the son of a powerful local judge - of assault and battery, no witnesses can be persuaded to testify on her behalf. Guido Guerrieri knows the case could bring his legal career to a premature and messy end, but he cannot resist the appeal of a hopeless cause. Nor can he deny his attraction to Sister Claudia, the young woman in charge of the shelter where Martina is living, who shares his love of martial arts and his virulent hatred of injustice. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sean Barrett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/003495/bk_adbl_003495_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Swamp Rites: The Swamp Series, Book 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1120min
Old secrets - everyone has a secret - from the past. Everyone has a past - new jealousies and betrayals. Four 30-something women who were childhood friends reunited by an old promise in the decayed little swamp town of their birth. It turns into a weekend filled with obsession, deception, untold secrets, love, hatred, and murder hidden behind a dark curtain of Spanish moss.In the distance, the moon is rising a virulent orange, sliced through with lines of red, as if leaking blood - vigilant, jealous guardian of voodoo rituals and the legends of werewolves. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joseph G. Deak. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/170923/bk_acx0_170923_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Floating Death: The Penetrator Series, Book 25 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 288min
Epidemic! It began in the peaceful pastures of Wisconsin. Death had occurred from contaminated milk and dairy products, and the farmers stood by helplessly as their herds were condemned and slaughtered on nothing more than suspicion. US Public Health Service official Dr. Creighton Thornesby personally supervised the shooting of the cattle. He wanted to prevent future outbreaks - or did he? Only the Penetrator knew who Thornesby really was - and he had to stop the deranged doctor from carrying out his insane plan to control the world through germ warfare...before everybody on Earth was exposed to the virulent bubonic plague! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gene Engene. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bimo/001499/bk_bimo_001499_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Die Familie unter dem Mikroskop
Wie eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung der Zellbiologie die Geschlechterhierarchie infrage stellte.Wenn Spermium und Eizelle sich bei der Zeugung vereinigen, geben beide ihr Erbmaterial an den Embryo weiter. Dieser seinerzeit revolutionäre biologische Befund von 1875 hatte weitreichende Folgen, nicht zuletzt für das Erb- und Familienrecht. Denn aus der Erkenntnis, dass väterliche und mütterliche Anteile an die Nachkommen weitergegeben werden, resultierten politische Fragen der Gleichberechtigung und der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit.Solche Themen waren speziell im Deutschen Kaiserreich virulent, als zwischen 1870 und 1900 das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch entstand. Das BGB legte die Grundlage für das Verständnis von Familie als biologischer Einheit, Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft und von geschlechtlicher Arbeitsteilung, wie sie bis in das 21. Jahrhundert hinein wirksam geblieben ist.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 41.20 EUR excl. shipping
Joseph Bazalgette: A Life from Beginning to End , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 69min
One man has probably done more good and saved more lives than any single public official of the Victorian era. The man being described was an engineer, city planner, bridge builder, and landscape architect; his name was Sir Joseph Bazalgette. Probably best remembered as the man who designed the London sewer network, he almost single-handedly eliminated virulent epidemics and changed the River Thames from an open sewer into one of the cleanest urban rivers in the world. He also transformed the face of London forever.From this audiobook you will learn about:Early YearsThe Big StinkBazalgette’s PlanThe EmbankmentsBridges across the ThamesAnd much more ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mike Nelson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/121160/bk_acx0_121160_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Schlafende Hunde VII
Die nunmehr siebte Anthologie mit politischer Lyrik versammelt 57 Autorinnen und Autoren aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Bei allen Texten handelt es sich um Erstveröffentlichungen, denn darauf besteht der Herausgeber Thomas Bachmann immer: Sie müssen nicht nur gut, sondern auch aktuell sein. Naturgemäß spielen darum die Corona-Pandemie und die Konsequenzen diesmal eine Rolle, nicht überbordend, aber durchaus wahrnehmbar. Die Beschränkung hat einen Grund: Das Leben geht trotz des Virus weiter, die politischen Konflikte sind unverändert virulent, die gesellschaftlichen Gräben nicht verschwunden. Die Pandemie hat sie sichtbar gemacht. Die Krise im Gesundheitswesen, zum Beispiel, bestand schon vorher, dass die Hospitäler kaputtgespart wurden, merkte man erst jetzt. Die gesellschaftlichen Befunde der hier vertretenen Autorinnen und Autoren sind bemerkenswert klar und unmissverständlich.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 15.50 EUR excl. shipping
The Vermilion Strain: Post-Apocalyptic Extinction , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 420min
Emma, Brian, Flynn, Cooper, and Paadini are the lucky few who’ve survived the deadly pandemic EV-01-H virus, or the Vermilion Strain. It is a contagion so virulent that it has caused an extinction-level event. None of them have seen humans for weeks, and no one is coming to help them. They must each find the courage to carve out a new life in a new reality and a new world. They must learn new skills and face challenges that they never bargained for. What is out there, awaiting them? Will the human species blink out of existence?Each day is a gamble - a stratagem of life and death. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kevin S. Moody. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/182097/bk_acx0_182097_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Outcast: The Benedict Brothers , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 589min
Society bachelor and former army sniper Ben Benedict moves between two worlds - from high-society Washington to the mean city streets, from tuxedos to Glocks. His powerful Virginia family wants him out of harm’s way, but Ben stays on the job, determined to make amends for a past that haunts him. Dr. Anna Schuster is fighting demons of her own when she crosses paths with Agent Benedict. The two become adversaries - and lovers - as they search for an Al Qaeda operative bent on revenge. Ben must fight against time - and his own darkness - to rescue millions of innocents and the woman he loves from a virulent bioweapon in the hands of a dangerous enemy. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joan Johnston. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/145730/bk_acx0_145730_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Divergent Paths: Sage Seed Chronicles, Volume 2 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 517min
A virulent disease sweeps through the Sawblen Province. The source is unknown. As hundreds fall victim, the healers race to contain it and find a cure before it engulfs the realm, but a would-be healer complicates the situation by concocting dangerous drugs. While the officials are distracted, a counterfeiter takes advantage of the events. Credentials and money are faked, putting several lives in peril and resulting in deaths. The Great One's council and sage population hurry to track down the sources of the trouble and right the multiple crises before anyone else falls prey to the events. Rare natives of the planet have important information to impart - if the sages can decipher their cryptic message. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Maxine Lennon. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/008646/bk_acx0_008646_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Harry , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 445min
A rusted, dented, dirty-white Toyota passes under a streetlight in a small town in Southern Oregon. A hulk of a man exits, leans on a cane, and walks crab-like down the sidewalk toward Ted Whitaker. It's Harry, Ted's best friend from the 60s, a man he hasn't seen in thirty years. Surely this meeting isn't mere coincidence, so what does Harry want with Ted? Ted soon discovers that Harry, once an extreme radical, has become an eco-anarchist and terrorist. He has come to recruit Ted to join his plot to release a virulent form of smallpox with no known antidote. There's no chance of that happening, so it's up to Ted to stop Harry. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joe Barrett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/006319/bk_blak_006319_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping