68 Results for : =amphetamine

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    Der übergewichtige Boris Klausenthal bricht im Fitnesscenter zusammen und erleidet einen Herzinfarkt. Seine Trainerin wird angeklagt, dem Diabeteskranken als Appetitzügler Amphetamine ins Getränk gemischt zu haben, um eine Wette zu gewinnen. Oder fand das Opfer an seiner hübschen Trainerin Gefallen und nahm die Drogen selbst, damit seine Pfunde schneller purzeln?
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Eerily prescient of times to come, this expos examines drug use in Major League Baseball (MLB)during the mid-1980s and one of the biggest drug trials in baseball history. Through a series of exclusive interviews with FBI agents, U.S. attorneys, defense lawyers, journalists, former baseball executives, physicians, and the dealers themselves, the narrative provides a behind-the-scenes look into how the players managed their habits, the effect of the drugs on their athletic performance, and the ruses the players concocted to keep their drug consumption from becoming public knowledge. Among the all-stars implicated as cocaine users were Joaquin Andujar, Dusty Baker, Dale Berra, Keith Hernandez, Lee Mazzilli, John Milner, Dave Parker, and Lonnie Smith, while Willie Mays and Willie Stargell were fingered as amphetamine users. In addition to identifying the players involved, this account reveals how the hapless group of mostly diehard Pittsburgh Pirates fans got into cocaine and connected with the players as well as the often comic deals” that eventually got them busted. Then MLB Commissioner Peter Ueberroth'sfailure to implement a strict drug policy in the aftermath of the trial is also discussed, along with the role this inaction played in enabling the steroid era. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: DeMario Clarke. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/011142/bk_adbl_011142_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Jan wird beschuldigt, in die Wohnung seines zukünftigen Stiefvaters Oliver eingebrochen zu sein. Dort soll er Amphetamine versteckt haben, um vorzutäuschen, dass Oliver sie aus der Apotheke von Jans Mutter stiehlt. Als Oliver überraschend nach Hause kommt, soll ihm der Angeklagte die Tür mit voller Wucht entgegengeschlagen haben und ihm die Nase gebrochen haben.
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der neue Roman des dreifachen Gewinners des Deutschen Krimipreis.Hamburg, im ersten Jahrzehnt des neuen Jahrtausends. In einem Park in Eimsbüttel wird die Leiche eines 16jährigen Schülers entdeckt. Er ist an einer hohen Dosis Amphetamine gestorben. Sein Vater Ivo kommt wenige Tage später aus dem Knast - und möchte herausfinden, was hinter dem Tod seines Sohnes steckt.Ivo ist Ende der Achtziger Jahre nach Hamburg gekommen und hat gemeinsam mit seinem Blutsbruder Nicolai Geld auf dem Kiez gemacht. Ivo mit Discotheken und Clubs, Nicolai mit Immobilien. Doch ihre frühere Nähe und Verbundenheit scheint rissig geworden zu sein. Nicolai hütet ein Geheimnis über den Tod von Ivos Sohn, und das hat furchtbare Folgen.In kurzen schnellen Szenen entwirft der Meister des deutschsprachigen Noir ein großes Panorama der dunklen Seiten Hamburgs, hart und erbarmungslos. Von den Vorstadtvillen und bürgerlichen Stadtteilen über den Hafen bis ins tiefste Milieu, von Grenzen überschreitender Lust bis zu kaltblütigen Morden. Das schnelle Geld dunkler Geschäfte trifft das alte Geld hanseatischer Kaufmannsfamilien. Und mittendrin zwei Freunde, um die ein Imperium zerfällt.»Frank Göhres Stimme ist einzigartig in der deutschsprachigen Kriminalliteratur.« Sonja Hartl, Zeilenkino
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 15.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    Die Internetseite Silk Road vertreibt Cannabis, Kokain und Amphetamine. Die Webseite ist Teil des sogenannten Darknets, also eines weitläufigen Bereichs des Internets, das nicht jedem unbedarften Nutzer zugänglich ist. Denn viele Darknet-Seiten sind nur für eingeladene Mitglieder oder über eine spezielle Technik erreichbar: TOR. Wer sich diese Software installiert, kann anonym surfen, denn die Datenpakete werden wie bei den chinesischen Schachteln jeweils umverpackt und von einem TOR-Nutzer zum nächsten weitergegeben. Die Polizei hat kaum Ermittlungsansätze und indirekt bestätigt selbst die NSA, dass TOR die letzte Bastion eines anonymen Internets darstellt. Dass TOR für illegale Zwecke benutzt wird - etwa auch für die Verbreitung sogenannter Kinderpornografie - liegt nicht im Sinne der Erfinder: Die Internetaktivisten hinter TOR wollen den freien, unzensierbaren Austausch aller Internetnutzer. Sie wollen politisch Verfolgten in Diktaturen ein sicheres Internet bieten. Und die TOR-Software wird bei Weitem nicht nur von Kriminellen genutzt: Auch Journalisten, Anwälte, Polizisten oder Soldaten haben das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit. Was also wiegt mehr: das Recht auf Privatsphäre, Briefgeheimnis und freie Kommunikation aller Internetnutzer oder aber die Verfolgung von Straftaten durch einige wenige? O-Töne: Joachim Huber, Kriminalrat des Bayerischen LKAs in Schwabing; Jörg Ziercke, Präsident des BKAs; Troels Oerting, Kriminalist und Leiter von Europol in Dänemark; Holger Hank, Leiter der digitalen Abteilung der Deutsche Welle Akademie; Hauke Gierow, Referent für Informationsfreiheit im Internet bei Reporter ohne Grenzen in Berlin; Roger Dingledine, Miterfinder der TOR-Software sowie ein BBC-Reporter und eine politische Aktivistin und Bloggerin aus London; Regie: Kai Laufen. deutsch. Isabelle Demey, Martin Ruthenberg. https://samples.audible.de/bk/swrm/000348/bk_swrm_000348_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The raw and as-insane-as-anticipated first novel from Frank Bill, author of Crimes in Southern Indiana. The Donnybrook is a three-day bare-knuckle tournament held on a thousand-acre plot out in the sticks of southern Indiana. Twenty fighters. One wire-fence ring. Fight until only one man is left standing while a rowdy festival of onlookers - drunk and high on whatever’s on offer - bet on the fighters. Jarhead is a desperate man who’d do just about anything to feed his children. He’s also the toughest fighter in southeastern Kentucky, and he’s convinced that his ticket to a better life is one last fight with a cash prize so big it’ll solve all his problems. Meanwhile, there’s Chainsaw Angus - an undefeated master fighter who isn’t too keen on getting his face punched anymore, so he and his sister, Liz, have started cooking meth. And they get in deep. So deep that Liz wants it all for herself, and she might just be ready to kill her brother for it. One more showdown to take place at the Donnybrook. As we travel through the backwoods to get to the Donnybrook, we meet a cast of nasty, ruined characters driven to all sorts of evil, all in the name of getting their fix - drugs, violence, sex, money, honor. Donnybrook is exactly the fearless, explosive, amphetamine-fueled journey you’d expect from Frank Bill’s first novel...and then some. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Stechschulte. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/reco/006743/bk_reco_006743_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Eine Mutter erhält den Notruf ihrer Tochter von einer unbekannten Nummer. Aus Angst um das Mädchen alarmiert sie die Polizei. - Zwei Mittzwanziger liefern sich in einer Wohnung einen blutigen Kampf um Amphetamine. Als die Polizisten einschreiten, reißt die Freundin des Dealers die Drogen panisch an sich und stürmt ins Bad. - An einer Ampel werden die Polizisten Zeuge eines besonders brutalen Beziehungsstreits. Eine Frau flüchtet vor ihrem Freund aus dem Auto.
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    From Cat Marnell, "New York's enfant terrible" (The Telegraph), a candid and darkly humorous memoir of prescription drug addiction and self-sabotage, set in the glamorous world of fashion magazines and downtown nightclubs. At 26 Cat Marnell was an associate beauty editor at Lucky, one of the top fashion magazines in America - and that's all most people knew about her. But she hid a secret life. She was a prescription drug addict. She was also a "doctor shopper" who manipulated Upper East Side psychiatrists for pills, pills, and more pills; a lonely bulimic who spent hundreds of dollars a week on binge foods; a promiscuous party girl who danced barefoot on banquets; a weepy and hallucination-prone insomniac who would take anything - anything - to sleep. This is a tale of self-loathing, self-sabotage, and, yes, self-tanner. It begins at a posh New England prep school - and with a prescription for attention deficit disorder medication Ritalin. It continues to New York, where we follow Marnell's amphetamine-fueled rise from intern to editor through the beauty departments of NYLON, Teen Vogue, Glamour, and Lucky. We see her fight between ambition and addiction and how, inevitably, her disease threatens everything she worked so hard to achieve. From the Conde Nast building (where she rides the elevator alongside Anna Wintour) to seedy nightclubs, from doctors' offices and mental hospitals, Marnell shows - like no one else can - what it is like to live in the wild, chaotic, often sinister world of a young female addict who can't say no. Combining lightning-rod subject matter and bold literary aspirations, How to Murder Your Life is mesmerizing, revelatory, and necessary. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Cat Marnell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/007778/bk_sans_007778_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Jean-Paul Sartre is one of the undisputed giants of 20th-century philosophy. His intellectual writings popularizing existentialism, combined with his creative and artistic flair, have made him a legend of French thought. His tumultuous personal life - so inextricably bound up with his philosophical thinking - is a fascinating tale of love and lust, drug abuse, high-profile fallings-out and political and cultural rebellion. This substantial and meticulously researched biography is accessible, fast paced, entertaining, often amusing and at times deeply moving. Existentialism and Excess covers all the main events of Sartre's remarkable 75-year life, from his early years as a precocious brat devouring his grandfather's library through his time as a brilliant student in Paris, his wilderness years as a provincial teacher-writer experimenting with mescaline, his World War II adventures as a POW and member of the resistance, his postwar politicization, his immense amphetamine-fuelled feats of writing productivity, his harem of women, his many travels and his final decline into blindness and old age. Along the way there are countless intriguing anecdotes, some amusing, some tragic, some controversial: his loathing of crustaceans and belief that he was being pursued by a giant lobster; his escape from a POW camp; his many affairs; his meetings with Roosevelt, Hemingway, John Huston, Mao, Castro, Che Guevara, Khrushchev, and Tito; his feuds with Aron, Camus, and Merleau-Ponty; the bombing of his apartment; his influence on the May 1968 uprising; his long and complex relationship with Simone de Beauvoir. Existentialism and Excess also gives serious consideration to his ideas and many philosophical works, novels, stories, plays and biographies, revealing their intimate connections with his personal life. An entertaining, thought-provoking and compulsive book, much like the man himself. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Matt Addis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/027505/bk_adbl_027505_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Say no to drugs! Have you wondered what drug addiction is and how it affects one’s life drastically? Have you wondered the kind of damage drug addiction does to the brain? Or.... Have you wondered how to invest in a life that is healthy with habits? Then, this guide is all you need to find the peace of mind you crave, so keep listening. When someone develops an addiction, the brain craves the reward of the substance. This is due to the intense stimulation of the brain’s reward system. In response, many continue use of the substance, unlocking a host of euphoric feelings and strange behavioral traits.Long-term addiction can have severe outcomes, such as brain damage, and can even result in death.  Drugs interfere with how neurons deliver, receive, and process signals through receptors. Some medications, like heroin and marijuana, can trigger neurons due to of their chemical structure imitates that of a pure neurotransmitter within the human anatomy. This permits the medication to attach on and trigger the nerves. Even though these medications mimic the brain's own chemicals they do not trigger neurons in precisely the exact same manner as a pure neurotransmitter, and they contribute to strange messages being transmitted via the network. Other medications, such as amphetamine or cocaine, may cause the nerves to discharge abnormally considerable quantities of pure neurotransmitters or stop the regular recycling of the brain chemicals by interfering with transporters. This also amplifies or interrupts the communication between nerves. In this book, you’ll learn: Drug addiction and brain damage Powerful solutions to stop all your addictions How addiction changes your brain How to invest in healthier habits that improves your thinking and places you before positivity.  So if you’re willing to bring the desire to stop drug addiction, click “add to ca ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Adam N. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/205732/bk_acx0_205732_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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