49 Results for : 001022
Darkest Hour: How Churchill Brought Us Back from the Brink , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 400min
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Darkest Hour by Anthony McCarten, read by Sean Barrett. From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership. May 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winston Churchill faces this horror - and a sceptical King and a party plotting against him. He wonders how he can capture the public mood and does so magnificently before leading the country to victory. It is this fascinating period that Anthony McCarten captures in this deeply researched, gripping day-by-day (and often hour-by-hour) narrative. In doing so he revises the familiar view of Churchill - he made himself into the iconic figure we remember and changed the course of history, but through those turbulent and dangerous weeks he was plagued by doubt and even explored a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. It's a scarier and more human story than has ever been told. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sean Barrett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pauk/001022/bk_pauk_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 420min
America, in so many ways, has forgotten: Its roots, its purpose, its identity - all have become shrouded behind a veil of political correctness bent on twisting the nation’s founding, and its founders, to fit within a misshapen modern mold. The time has come to remember again. In The Jefferson Lies, prominent historian David Barton sets out to correct the distorted image of once-beloved founding father Thomas Jefferson. To do so, Barton tackles seven myths head-on, including: Did Thomas Jefferson really have a child by his young slave girl, Sally Hemings? Did he write his own Bible, excluding the parts of Christianity with which he disagreed? Was he a racist who opposed civil rights and equality for black Americans? Did he, in his pursuit of separation of church and state, advocate the secularizing of public life? Through Jefferson’s own words and the eyewitness testimony of contemporaries, Barton repaints a portrait of the man from Monticello as a visionary, an innovator, a man who revered Jesus, a classical Renaissance man - and a man whose pioneering stand for liberty and God-given inalienable rights fostered a better world for this nation and its posterity. For America, the time to remember these truths again is now. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill DeWees. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/oasi/001022/bk_oasi_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Management. Die Essenz, Hörbuch, Digital, 549min
Ein Computer braucht ein gutes Betriebssystem, um zu funktionieren. Und eine Organisation funktioniert nur mit einem wirksamen Management. Doch was ist wirksames Management? Was müssen Top-Manager und Führungskräfte mitbringen, um ein Unternehmen, die darin handelnden Menschen und sich selbst erfolgreich zu führen? Was genau sind die 20 Prozent, die 80 Prozent des Erfolgs im Management ausmachen?Das Buch "Management. Die Essenz" gibt Ihnen die zentralen Antworten darauf. Fernab von aktuellen Management-Hypes bringt es die notwendigen 20 Prozent des wirksamen Managements auf den Punkt - mit Blick fürs Detail und das große Ganze. Dem Autor gelingt der Spagat zwischen der umfassenden Darstellung der kompletten Bandbreite an relevanten Themen und der Konzentration auf das Wesentliche. Er legt dabei großen Wert auf die ethische Dimension des Managements: Mehr Besinnung auf Verantwortung und Rechtschaffenheit, weniger "Höher, schneller, weiter!".Die Kernelemente betriebswirtschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, Visionen namhafter Management-Vordenker und langjährige Erfahrungen des Autors machen das Werk zu einem unverzichtbaren Ratgeber. Egal ob als Nachschlagewerk bei akuten Fragestellungen oder als vertiefende Informationsquelle - mit dem Buch "Management. Die Essenz" haben Sie das 1 x 1 des wirksamen Managements stets zur Hand. Und wenn gewünscht auch am Ohr: Das Werk gibt es ab Oktober auch als praktisches Hörbuch für unterwegs.Aus dem Inhalt:Management von Organisationen: Finanzielle Führung, Compliance etc.Selbstmanagement und Management von Personen: Achtsamkeit, Kommunikation etc.Umsetzen, Entwickeln und Verändern: persönliche, organisationale und funktionale Ebenen. deutsch. David Lütgenhorst, Brigitte Carlsen. https://samples.audible.de/bk/fine/001022/bk_fine_001022_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Star Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, Hörbuch, Digital, 373min
New York Times best sellerFor the infamous, power-hungry Sith, beholden to the dark side, the time has come to rise again.After years of waiting in the shadows, Darth Sidious is taking the first step in his master plan to bring the Republic to its knees. Key to his scheme are the Neimoidians of the Trade Federation. Then one of his Neimoidian contacts disappears, and Sidious does not need his Force-honed instincts to suspect betrayal. He orders his apprentice, Darth Maul, to hunt the traitor down.But he is too late. The secret has already passed into the hands of information broker Lorn Pavan, which places him right at the top of Darth Maul's hit list. Then, in the labyrinthine alleyways and sewers of Coruscant, capital city of the Republic, Lorn crosses paths with Darsha Assant, a Jedi Padawan on a mission to earn her Knighthood. Now the future of the Republic depends on Darsha and Lorn. But how can an untried Jedi and an ordinary man, stranger to the powerful ways of the Force, hope to triumph over one of the deadliest killers in the galaxy?This special edition features an all-new Darth Maul short story as well as “Star Wars:® Darth Maul: Saboteur” - both written by New York Times best-selling author James Luceno! Language: English. Narrator: Michael Cumpsty. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/001022/bk_rand_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Harlequin: The Grail Quest, Book 1, Hörbuch, Digital, 362min
Harlequin is the first in an epic new series, introducing a splendid hero, against the backdrop of Europe in the Hundred Years’ War. In the 14th century the English were just beginning to discover their national identity, and one of the strongest elements of this was the overwhelming success in battle of the English bowmen, where England’s archers crossed the Channel to lay a country to waste. Thomas of Hookton was one of those archers. When his village is sacked by French raiders, Thomas escapes from his father’s ambition to become a wild youth who delights in the opportunities which war offers - for fighting, for revenge and for friendship. But Thomas is hounded by his conscience. He has made a promise to God to retrieve a relic stolen in the raid from Hookton’s church. The search for the relic leads him into a world where lovers become enemies; enemies become friends; and always, somewhere beyond the horizon that is smeared with the smoke of fires set by the rampaging English army, a terrible enemy awaits him. That enemy would harness the power of Christendom’s greatest relic - the grail itself. In this, the first book of a new series, Thomas begins the quest that will lead him through the fields of France, until at last the two armies face each other on a hillside near the village of Crécy. Language: English. Narrator: Tim Pigott-Smith. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/001022/bk_hcuk_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Voice Escort Girl 1, Hörbuch, Digital, 24min, (USK 18)
Laura Ballet tells about her life as a "Voice Escort Girl". These are the original, unabridged sound recordings of the 18-year-old German girl. She made them in her bed just talking in her cell phone. She therefore recommends that the listener listen to her voice in the same way: Put the phone or player next to you on your pillow and enjoy the warmth and eroticism of her voice. Laura began the career of an escort girl when she came of age.She experienced many beautiful things, but also terrifying moments that led her to continue her erotic services as a Cam Girl. In this activity, she realized that her natural erotic power lies in not showing her slim body in pantyhose, but in telling her erotic experiences. She loves to captivate men with her voice and to respond individually to the wishes of the paying customer. She creates dream worlds, which she fulfills daily as a voice escort girl for men all over the world. She is very open-minded, generous and loving. It is a pure erotic joy to listen to her.In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material.Wir weisen dich darauf hin, dass dieser Titel nicht für dich geeignet ist, wenn du unter 18 Jahre alt bist. Language: English. Narrator: Laura Ballett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/herp/001022/bk_herp_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Sergeant's Lady , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 590min
Deep in the untamed Southern Arizona Territory, the United States Army embarks on a final campaign to rid the area of the remaining Apache warriors and capture and kill their famed war chief, Geronimo. Legendary for their relentless battle tactics and astounding survival skills, the Apache make a fearsome enemy, able to cut down man, woman, and child in silence, and transverse undetected throughout the rocky terrain. General Nelson A. Miles is determined to bring a swift end to the war against the Apache. He is also a seasoned Indian fighter, having defeated the Comanche, Sioux, and Cheyenne to the sound of his creed: "Always advance". On his side is Sergeant Ammon Swing and a unique, experimental communications system designed to keep the brigade alert to surrounding dangers. Caught in the middle of the Army and the Apache is Jacob Cox, a rancher trying to bring peace and a new life to his hard patch of land, and to his sister, Martha. Martha is a woman perfectly suited to her wild new home, able to shoot down an Indian and match wits with any soldier. In the unforgiving desert and treacherous mountains of the Arizona frontier, an unexpected love grows between Martha and Sergeant Swing. The affair leads Martha, her brother, and the Army towards a harrowing encounter with the Apache, where some will meet their ends with the blast of a shotgun, while others will rise to become honored heroes. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: J. P. O'Shaughnessy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bimo/001022/bk_bimo_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Kinofilm-Fan-Collection. Das Original-Hörspiel zum Film: Bibi & Tina 1-4, Hörbuch, Digital, 299min
Bibi & Tina: Auf Schloss Falkenstein findet ein großes Pferderennen statt. In der hübschen Sophia von Gelenberg haben Bibi und Tina eine starke Konkurrentin - und die hat auch noch ein Auge auf Tinas Freund Alex geworfen. Als wäre das nicht genug, versucht der Pferdezüchter Hans Kakmann, Graf Falko das Fohlen Socke abzuschwatzen. Am Tag des Rennens weiß Bibi nicht mehr, worum sie zuerst kämpfen soll: um den Sieg, um Socke oder um die Freundschaft mit Tina, die durch Liebeskummer und allerlei Schummeleien auf eine harte Probe gestellt wird. Bibi & Tina - Voll verhext!: Schlechte Stimmung auf Schloss Falkenstein: Mitten in den Vorbereitungen zum großen Kostümfest wird eingebrochen. Nicht nur die wertvollen Gemälde sind weg, es fehlt auch Graf Falkos gesamte Monokelsammlung. Doch damit nicht genug: Auch auf dem Martinshof gibt es Probleme. Kein einziger Feriengast ist in Sicht. Bibi und Tina müssen sich etwas einfallen lassen und setzen alles daran, die Werbetrommel zu rühren. Und: Bibi verknallt sich zum ersten Mal! Ausgerechnet in Tarik, der mit seinen vier chaotischen Geschwistern nicht nur den Martinshof unsicher macht, sondern auch ein dunkles Geheimnis hütet... Bibi & Tina - Mädchen gegen Jungs: Sommerzeit, Campingzeit. Tina freut sich schon auf das Sommercamp, das in Falkenstein stattfinden soll. Umso besser, dass sie auch ihre Freundin Bibi dafür begeistern kann. Zahlreiche Schülerinnen und Schüler einer internationalen Schule aus Berlin nehmen teil. Als Höhepunkt ist eine Geocaching-Challenge geplant - eine moderne Schatzsuche, bei der Jungs und Mädchen gegeneinander antreten. Um zu gewinnen, ist dem ehrgeizigen Urs dabei jeder schmutzige Trick recht. Das will sich vor allem Bibi nicht bieten lassen, doch im entscheidenden Moment verliert sie plötzlich ihre Hexkraft... Bibi & Tina - Tohuwabohu total: Das Tohuwabohu ist perfekt: Bibi und Tina begegnen einem Ausreißer, der si deutsch. Lina Larissa Strahl, Lisa-Marie Koroll, Louis Held, Fabian Buch, Winnie Böwe, Michael Maertens. https://samples.audible.de/bk/kidd/001022/bk_kidd_001022_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Blind Lake , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 702min
Robert Charles Wilson, says The New York Times, "writes superior science fiction thrillers." His Darwinia won Canada's Aurora Award; his most recent novel, The Chronoliths, won the prestigious John W. Campbell Memorial Award. Now he tells a gripping tale of alien contact and human love in a mysterious but hopeful universe. At Blind Lake, a large federal research installation in northern Minnesota, scientists are using a technology they barely understand to watch everyday life in a city of lobster-like aliens on a distant planet. They can't contact the aliens in any way or understand their language. All they can do is watch. Then, without warning, a military cordon is imposed on the Blind Lake site. All communication with the outside world is cut off. Food and other vital supplies are delivered by remote control. No one knows why.The scientists, nevertheless, go on with their research. Among them are Nerissa Iverson and the man she recently divorced, Raymond Scutter. They continue to work together despite the difficult conditions and the bitterness between them. Ray believes their efforts are doomed; that culture is arbitrary, and the aliens will forever be an enigma. Nerissa believes there is a commonality of sentient thought, and that our failure to understand is our own ignorance, not a fact of nature. The behavior of the alien she has been tracking seems to be developing an elusive narrative logic - and she comes to feel that the alien is somehow, impossibly, aware of the project's observers.But her time is running out. Ray is turning hostile, stalking her. The military cordon is tightening. Understanding had better come soon.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jay Snyder. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/001022/bk_adbl_001022_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping