235 Results for : 6,000

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    From award-winning children's author Jean Fritz comes the incredible true account of the Long March, a 6,000-mile journey across China In 1986, Jean Fritz went to China and talked to survivors of the Long March. It is from their recollections and her own broad, personal knowledge of Chinese history that Fritz has written one of the most compelling accounts of the incredible 6,000-mile journey across China made by the Communist Army in 1934 and 1935. Fritz takes us on the route of the 60-mile-long First Front Army, the unit of Mao Zedong that wound its way through a terrain so perilous it was often more threatening than their battles with the enemy. The fear of a young soldier on Old Mountain afraid to go to sleep in case he might roll over and fall off the cliff is real to us; the drama and devastation that reduced the Red Army to 20,000 men and women are immediate. And when the army crosses the thundering Dadu River on the threadbare remains of a bridge, we cross our fingers and hope to make it, too. Skillfully placing events within the context of history, Fritz allows us to view them with the perspective of time, and, as she shares the memories of those she talked with, she brings humanness and intimacy to the participants and their unforgettable journey. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bernadette Dunne. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/006293/bk_blak_006293_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Single Protein, schonende Ernährung, natürlich getreidefrei, nur ausgewählte Rohstoffe, auch für ernährungssensible Hunde geeignet - Marke: BOSCH PETFOOD • Anwendungsbereich: Tierfütterung • Futtermittelart: Alleinfuttermittel • Geeignet für: Hunde • Geschmacksrichtung: Strauß, Kartoffel • Analytische Bestandteile: 12,000 % Fettgehalt 3,500 % Rohfaser 7,000 % Rohasche 21,000 % Protein • Zusammensetzung: Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse Öle und Fette Hefen Gemüse Pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse Pflanzliche Eiweißextrakte Mineralstoffe • Zusatzstoffe pro kg: 12000,000 i.E/kg Vitamin A 1200,000 i.E/kg Vitamin D3 70,000 mg/kg Vitamin E 70,000 mg/kg Vitamin C 10,000 mg/kg Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-Sulfat Pentahydrat 70,000 mg/kg Zink 0,200 mg/kg Kobalt 2,000 mg/kg Jod 0,200 mg/kg Selen 1,300 % Kalzium 0,900 % Phosphor 20,000 % Omega-3-Fettsäuren 75,000 mg/kg Zinksulfat Monohydrat 10,000 mg/kg Vitamin B1 10,000 mg/kg Vitamin B2 6,000 mg/kg Vitamin B6 0,100 % Magnesium 145,000 mg/kg Eisen 0,300 % Natrium • Gewicht: 12,7 kg • Inhalt: 12500 g • Verpackungsinhalt: 1 Beutel • Fütterungshinweise: Idealgewicht des ausgewachsenen Hundes Tagesration: Gramm pro Tag 2,5 kg 55 g 5,0 kg 90 g 7,5 kg 125 g 10,0 kg 155 g 12,5 kg 185 g 15,0 kg 210 g 17,5 kg 235 g 20,0 kg 260 g 25,0 kg 310 g 30,0 kg 355 g 35,0 kg 400 g 40,0 kg 440 g 50,0 kg 520 g 55,0 kg 550 g 60,0 kg 595 g • Lieferumfang: 1 Beutel
    • Shop: hagebau.de
    • Price: 59.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Marke: WHISKAS • Anwendungsbereich: Tierfütterung • Futtermittelart: Alleinfuttermittel • Gewicht: 3,807 kg • Geschmacksrichtung: Geflügel • Geeignet für: Katzen • Ausführung: 1+ • Analytische Bestandteile: 2,500 % Fettgehalt 0,200 % Rohfaser 1,200 % Rohasche 83,000 % Feuchtigkeit 12,500 % Protein 63,000 kcal/100g Energiedichte (ME) • Zusatzstoffe pro kg: 250,000 i.E/kg Vitamin D3 19,600 mg/kg Vitamin E 0,300 % Kalzium 0,240 % Phosphor 0,440 mg/kg Calciumjodat wasserfrei 8,750 mg/kg Mangan-(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat 46,670 mg Eisensulfat Monohydrat 2800,000 mg Cassia-Gum 61,540 mg/kg Zinksulfat Monohydrat 29,400 mg/kg Vitamin B1 6,000 mg/kg Kupfersulfat Pentahydrat • Inhalt: 3400 g • Zusammensetzung: Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse Pflanzliche Eiweißextrakte Mineralstoffe Zucker • Verpackungsinhalt: 1 Packung • Fütterungshinweise: 3 kg Körpergewicht: 2 1/2 Portionsbeutel oder 2 Portionsbeutel + 15 g Trockennahrung täglich. 4 kg Körpergewicht: 3 1/2 Portionsbeutel oder 2 1/2 Portionsbeutel + 15 g Trockennahrung täglich. 5 kg Körpergewicht: 4 Portionsbeutel oder 3 Portionsbeutel + 15 g Trockennahrung täglich. Wir empfehlen, eine Mischung aus WHISKAS® Nass-und Trockennahrung zu füttern. (63 kcal/100 g). Nehmen Sie sich Zeit für die Fütterungsumstellung und passen Sie die Fütterungsmenge entsprechend den Bedürfnissen Ihres Tieres an. Bei übergewichtigen Katzen reduzierenSie bitte die tägliche Fütterungsmenge. Mehr Informationen? Bitte nutzen Sie unsere Webseite oder Service-Hotline. Bitte Trinkwasser bereitstellen; Futter bei Zimmertemperatur servieren und Futterreste maximal 2 Tage kühllagern. • Lieferumfang: 1 x 40 x 85 g Katzenfutter
    • Shop: hagebau.de
    • Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Marke: BOSCH PETFOOD • Anwendungsbereich: Tierfütterung • Futtermittelart: Alleinfuttermittel • Geeignet für: Hunde • Geschmacksrichtung: Geflügel • Analytische Bestandteile: 12,000 % Fettgehalt 2,500 % Rohfaser 6,000 % Rohasche 24,000 % Protein • Zusammensetzung: Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse Milch und Molkereierzeugnisse Eier und Eiererzeugnisse Öle und Fette Hefen Fisch und Fischnebenerzeugnisse Getreide Gemüse Pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse Pflanzliche Eiweißextrakte Mineralstoffe Saaten Weich- und Krebstiere • Zusatzstoffe pro kg: 15000,000 i.E/kg Vitamin A 1200,000 i.E/kg Vitamin D3 150,000 mg/kg Vitamin E 10,000 mg/kg Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-Sulfat Pentahydrat 1,200 % Kalzium 0,900 % Phosphor 2,000 mg/kg Calciumjodat wasserfrei 75,000 mg/kg Aminosäure-Zinkchelat, Hydrat 0,200 mg Selen als Natriumselenit 90,000 mg/kg Zinkoxid • Gewicht: 15,2 kg • Inhalt: 15000 g • Verpackungsinhalt: 1 Beutel • Fütterungshinweise: Alter des Welpen Gewicht ausgewachsener Hunde dieser Rasse (in kg) 25 kg 30 kg 35,0 kg 40 kg 50,0 kg 60,0 kg 70,0 kg 80,0 kg 2 Monate - 230 g - 260 g - 290 g - 310 g - 345 g - 380 g - 395 g - 410 g 3 Monate - 315 g - 360 g - 400 g - 430 g - 490 g - 540 g - 585 g - 625 g 4 Monate - 350 g - 400 g - 440 g - 485 g - 555 g - 625 g - 690 g - 750 g 5 - 6 Monate - 360 g - 415 g - 465 g - 510 g - 600 g - 685 g - 765 g - 845 g 6 - 9 Monate - 360 g - 415 g - 465 g - 515 g - 610 g - 700 g - 785 g - 865 g 9 - 12 Monate - 350 g - 405 g - 455 g - 510 g - 605 g - 695 g - 780 g - 865 g • Lieferumfang: 1 Beutel
    • Shop: hagebau.de
    • Price: 41.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    ausgewogene Vollnahrung, viel frisches Fleisch, hochverdauliche Kohlenhydrate, stärkt das Immunsystem, speziell für die Aufzucht kleiner Rassen - Marke: BOSCH PETFOOD • Anwendungsbereich: Tierfütterung • Futtermittelart: Alleinfuttermittel • Geeignet für: Hunde • Geschmacksrichtung: Geflügel • Analytische Bestandteile: 17,000 % Fettgehalt 2,500 % Rohfaser 6,000 % Rohasche 26,000 % Protein • Zusammensetzung: Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse Milch und Molkereierzeugnisse Öle und Fette Hefen Fisch und Fischnebenerzeugnisse Getreide Gemüse Pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse Pflanzliche Eiweißextrakte Mineralstoffe Saaten Weich- und Krebstiere • Zusatzstoffe pro kg: 15000,000 i.E/kg Vitamin A 1200,000 i.E/kg Vitamin D3 150,000 mg/kg Vitamin E 10,000 mg/kg Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-Sulfat Pentahydrat 1,200 % Kalzium 0,900 % Phosphor 2,000 mg/kg Calciumjodat wasserfrei 75,000 mg/kg Aminosäure-Zinkchelat, Hydrat 0,200 mg Selen als Natriumselenit 90,000 mg/kg Zinkoxid • Gewicht: 15,2 kg • Inhalt: 15000 g • Verpackungsinhalt: 1 Beutel • Fütterungshinweise: Alter des Welpen Gewicht ausgewachsener Hunde dieser Rasse (in kg) 2,5 kg 5,0 kg 7,5 kg 10,0 kg 12,5 kg 15,0 kg 20,0 kg 25,0 kg 2 Monate - 50 g - 80 g - 100 g - 120 g - 140 g - 155 g - 190 g - 215 g 3 Monate - 60 g - 95 g - 130 g - 155 g - 180 g - 205 g - 250 g - 295 g 4 Monate - 60 g - 100 g - 135 g - 165 g - 195 g - 225 g - 280 g - 330 g 5-6 Monate - 60 g - 100 g - 140 g - 170 g - 200 g - 230 g -285 g - 340 g 6-9 Monate - 55 g - 100 g - 135 g - 170 g - 200 g - 230 g - 285 g - 340 g 9-12 Monate -55 g - 95 g - 130 g - 165 g - 195 g - 225 g - 280 g - 330 g • Lieferumfang: 1 Beutel
    • Shop: hagebau.de
    • Price: 41.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    As a kid growing up in Manhattan, William Helmreich played a game with his father they called "Last Stop." They would pick a subway line and ride it to its final destination, and explore the neighborhood there. Decades later, Helmreich teaches university courses about New York, and his love for exploring the city is as strong as ever. Putting his feet to the test, he decided that the only way to truly understand New York was to walk virtually every block of all five boroughs - an astonishing 6,000 miles. His epic journey lasted four years and took him to every corner of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Helmreich spoke with hundreds of New Yorkers from every part of the globe and from every walk of life, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former mayors Rudolph Giuliani, David Dinkins, and Edward Koch. Their stories and his are the subject of this captivating and highly original book. We meet the Guyanese immigrant who grows beautiful flowers outside his modest Queens residence in order to always remember the homeland he left behind, the Brooklyn-raised grandchild of Italian immigrants who illuminates a window of his brownstone with the family's old neon grocery store sign, and many, many others. Helmreich draws on firsthand insights to examine essential aspects of urban social life such as ethnicity, gentrification, and the use of space. He finds that to be a New Yorker is to struggle to understand the place and to make a life that is as highly local as it is dynamically cosmopolitan. Truly unforgettable, The New York Nobody Knows will forever change how you view the world's greatest city. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Cabus. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/015790/bk_adbl_015790_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Welcome to Scotland, a country famous for its whisky, the Highlands, its castles, and, of course...its ghosts!The Phantom Society is a ghost-hunting game in which you play as sly spirits seeking to ruin a manor hotel or, if you prefer, intrepid ectoplasm hunters who are a bit destructive around the edges but who also never falter in pursuit of their prey. For the ghosts, the goal is to inflict at least £45,000 of damage (in tribute to Special 45 – Old Faydhutee Single Malt) on the manor, whether it is inflicted by the ghosts or the hunters. The ghost hunters want to stop the ghosts before they achieve their objective.The dual-level game board represents a manor floor composed of 36 rooms, with each room being a tile representing a value from £1,000 to £6,000, each of the four ghosts corresponds to a room type and will hide beneath a tile of this type, starting its devastation of the hotel by removing tiles adjacent to the one it's hidden beneath. The ghost hunters must try to determine where the ghosts are hiding based upon the tiles destroyed. While doing this, though, the ghost hunters will also remove tiles – thus destroying them and adding to the total damage – to see whether a ghost is hidden beneath.The ghost hunters must think carefully and logically over which tiles to remove while the ghosts have to use cunning and psychology in order to cloud their investigation and remain concealed. Will the manor come through this madness intact?
    • Shop: Milan-Spiele
    • Price: 10.90 EUR excl. shipping
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    Wine Advocate (Robert M. Parker): 100/100 Punkte »A candidate for the wine of the vintage, the 2009 La Mission-Haut-Brion stood out as one of the most exceptional young wines I had ever tasted from barrel, and its greatness has been confirmed in the bottle. A remarkable effort from the Dillon family, this is another large-scaled La Mission that tips the scales at 15% alcohol. A blend of equal parts Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot (47% of each) and the rest Cabernet Franc, it exhibits an opaque purple color as well as a magnificent bouquet of truffles, scorched earth, blackberry and blueberry liqueur, subtle smoke and spring flowers. The wine's remarkable concentration offers up an unctuous/viscous texture, a skyscraper-like mouthfeel, sweet, sumptuous, nearly over-the-top flavors and massive density. Perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime La Mission-Haut-Brion, the 2009 will take its place alongside the many great wines made here since the early 1920s. The good news is that there are nearly 6,000 cases of the 2009. It should last for 50-75+ years. Given the wine's unctuosity and sweetness of the tannin, I would have no problem drinking it in about 5-6 years.« Trinkgenuss: 2020 bis 2060 Weinwisser (Rene Gabriel): 19/20 Punkte »47 % Merlot, 47 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 6 % Cabernet Franc. Extrem dunkles Purpur mit lila und violetten Reflexen. Das kompakte, reservierte Bouquet beginnt kühl, zeigt eine tolle Tiefe mit Trüffel, Zedern und feinen Rauchnoten, dann viel schwarze Beeren und getrocknete Heidelbeeren, insgesamt aber dominiert das Terroir die Frucht. Erhabener, mächtiger Gaumenauftritt, feine Muskeln umgeben einen geballten Körper der sich von der Aromatik her wieder fast nur im schwarzbeerigen Bereich abspielt, im massiv konzentrierten Finale dunkles Malz, Dörrbirnen, Korinthen. Ein grosser, machtvoller, klassischer Mission mit Potenzial für locker 40 Jahre.« Trinkgenuss: 2018 bis 2050 James Suckling: 98 Punkte »This is already closing with blueberry, mineral, fresh herbs, and licorice. Full-bodied, with ultra fine tannins yet muscular and racy. This is already very firm and tight. Yet muscular like a world-class ballerina. Muscular. Try after 2018.« Wine Spectator: 96/100 Punkten »This is forcefully rendered, with dark tar, espresso and chocolate up front, backed by dense layers of fig sauce, currant reduction and smoldering black tea leaves. There's dense flesh and great drive on the finish, which has serious grip.«  Trinkgenuss: 2016 bis 2035 
    • Shop: Ludwig von Kapff
    • Price: 895.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Awesome timelapse of a lego master building a model of Big Ben with 6,000 legos!
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mike McColl Jones has heard the words ‘And now here’s…’ 6,000 times and each of those 6,000 times tonight show hosts such as Graham Kennedy, Don Lane, Bert Newton and Steve Vizard have walked into shot and spoken words written for them by Mike. Few people are more qualified to write this history of Australian Tonight shows. In a career spanning decades, Mike has been a creator of television’s funniest moments on-screen and an insider off-screen. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Mitchell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/000864/bk_boli_000864_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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