54 Results for : asunción

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    Paraguay ist (noch) kein typisches Urlaubsland. Der Massentourismus hat seine Attraktionen und Sehenswürdigkeiten noch nicht entdeckt. Gerade deshalb können Sie hier das authentische Südamerika, seine Bewohner und Sitten aus erster Hand erleben.2. (aktualisierte) Auflage September 2018.Der praktische Reiseführer umfasst rund 50 Ziele im gesamten Land: von den Must-Sees der Hauptstadt Asunción und den Wasserfällen an der brasilianischen Grenze über Kolonialdenkmäler der Jesuiten bis hin zu abenteuerlichen und schwer zugänglichen Naturparks im Norden des Landes. Im ersten Teil des Buches erhalten Sie praktische Information zu Vorbereitungen, Anreise, Geographie, Essen und Trinken, Verkehr (Bus sowie Auto), Telekommunikation, Natur, Klima und vielem mehr. Der zweite Teil besteht aus Tourenvorschlägen für Individualreisende, die sowohl mit dem Auto als auch per Bus durchführbar sind und sich miteinander kombinieren lassen. Anschauliche Routenbeschreibungen, Stadtpläne und Landkarten sowie hilfreiche Tipps zu Reisedauer, Kosten und Öffnungszeiten garantieren das Gelingen der Touren, egal ob Sie mit oder ohne Sprachkenntnisse durchs Land reisen. Einige Themen werden in kurzweiligen Exkursen dargestellt, z.B. die Rolle der Indigenen in Paraguay, die Mennoniten, Handwerk und Industrie bis hin zum Zuckerrohrschnaps.Beispiele aus dem Inhalt:Ziele: Asunción, Areguá mit Cerro Koí, Atyrá, Bella Vista, Caacupé, Capiatá, Chaco (Filadelfia, Loma Plata, Neu-Halbstand, Pozo Colorado, Mcal. Estigarribia), Ciudad del Este, Concepción, Encarnación, Eusebio Ayala, Fuerte Olimpo, Hohenau, Independencia, Itá, Itauguá, Laguna Blanca, San Cosme y Damian, Pantanal, Urwaldgebiet San Rafael, San Bernardino und See Ypacaraí, Sapucai, Tobatí, Höhlen von Vallemí, Villarica, Yaguarón.Themenausflüge: Angeln, Fortin Boqueron, Indigenen-Reservat, Klosterübernachtung, Motorradfahren, Nationalparks, Ruinen von Jesús und Trinidad, Ruta de Caña, Urlaub auf der Ranch, Vogelbeobachtung, Wasserkraftwerk Itaipu, Wasserfälle, Wandern im Ybytyruzú-Gebirge. Neu: Reisen mit KindernExkurse zu Themen wie: Indigene, Jesuiten in Paraguay, Mennoniten, Ñandutí, paraguayische Mythen, Terere, Verkehrsregeln Nützliche Anhänge wie z.B. Verkehrsverbindungen, deutschsprachige Hotels etc.und vieles andere mehr
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    Written in a style that is both precise and sumptuous, weirdly archaic and powerfully novel, Zama takes place in the last decade of the 18th century and describes the solitary, suspended existence of Don Diego de Zama, a highly placed servant of the Spanish crown who has been posted to Asunción, the capital of remote Paraguay. There, eaten up by pride, lust, petty grudges, and paranoid fantasies, he does as little as he possibly can while plotting his eventual transfer to Buenos Aires, where everything about his hopeless existence will, he is confident, be miraculously transformed and made good. Don Diego's slow, nightmarish slide into the abyss is not just a tale of one man's perdition but an exploration of existential - and very American - loneliness. Zama, with its stark, dreamlike prose and spare imagery, is at once dense and unforeseen, terse and fateful, marked throughout by a haunting movement between sentences, paragraphs, and sections so that every word seems to emerge from an ocean of things left unsaid. The philosophical depths of this great book spring directly from its dazzling prose. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Armando Durán. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/009600/bk_blak_009600_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Oaxaca geography Introduction ab 29.99 € als Taschenbuch: Santos Reyes Nopala Juchitán District Oaxaca Santa Catarina Juquila Juquila District Oaxaca Guevea de Humboldt Asunción Cuyotepeji Costa Region Oaxaca Temascal or Nuevo Soyaltepec Capulalpam de Méndez Putla Villa de Guerrero. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 29.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Cabeza de Vaca's mode of transportation, afoot on portions of two continents in the early decades of the 16th century, fits one dictionary definition of the word "pedestrian". By no means, however, should the ancillary meanings of "commonplace" or "prosaic" be applied to the man or his remarkable adventures. Between 1528 and 1536, he trekked an estimated 2480 to 2640 miles of North American terrain from the Texas coast near Galveston Island to San Miguel de Culiacán near the Pacific Coast of Mexico. He then traveled under better circumstances, although still on foot, to Mexico City. About a year later, Cabeza de Vaca returned to Spain. In 1540, the king granted Cabeza de Vaca civil and military authority in modern-day Paraguay. After arriving on the coast of Brazil in 1541, he was unable to find transportation by ship to the seat of his governorship. He then led a group of more 250 settlers through 1200 miles of unchartered back country, during which he lost only two men. Cabeza de Vaca's travels are amazing in themselves, but during them he transformed from a proud Spanish don to lay advocate of Indian rights on both American continents. That journey is as remarkable as his travels. It was this "great awakening" that landed him in more trouble with Spaniards than Indians. Settlers at Asunción rebelled against the reformist governor, incarcerated him, tried to poison his food on two occasions, and finally sent him to Spain in irons. There he was tried and convicted on trumped-up charges of carrying out policies that were the exact opposite of what he had promoted - the humane protection of Indians. This book examines the two great "journeys" of Cabeza de Vaca - his extraordinary adventures on two continents and his remarkable growth as a humanitarian. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Charles Henderson Norman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/087721/bk_acx0_087721_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mexican businesspeople ab 18.99 € als Taschenbuch: María Félix Thalía Carlos Slim Jorge Hank Rhon Ricardo Salinas Pliego Zhenli Ye Gon Victor Celorio Raúl Salinas de Gortari Gus Vildósola Carlos Ahumada María Asunción Aramburuzabala Humberto González Hector Ruiz. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Economy of Paraguay ab 18.49 € als Taschenbuch: Agriculture in Paraguay Companies listed on the Bolsa de Valores y Productos de Asunción Companies of Paraguay Energy in Paraguay Fishing in Paraguay Tourism in Paraguay Trade unions in Paraguay Citigroup. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 18.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Segovia province geography Introduction ab 16.99 € als Taschenbuch: Province of Segovia Fuentesoto Aldeonte Peñalara Escalona del Prado Corral de Ayllón Villacastín Migueláñez Abades Aldehuela del Codonal Fresno de Cantespino Marugán Olombrada Maderuelo San Ildefonso Nava de la Asunción. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    1537 establishments ab 15.99 € als Taschenbuch: Populated places established in 1537 States and territories established in 1537 Asunción Recife University of Lausanne Bisham Abbey Church of Norway Spanish Navy Marines Kaabu Guatica Rabinal Gouverneto Monastery Duchy of Castro. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 15.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hay un vampiro en la ciudad de México. Necesita tu sangre. Quiere tu vida. Desea a las personas que amas. Y no te quitará sólo eso. ¿Acaso no es la ciudad de México, con una población de 10 millones de habitantes y una fuerza policiaca a la que no le importan un par de personas desaparecidas, el hogar ideal para un vampiro moderno? En la última novela escrita antes de su muerte, Carlos Fuentes propone una revisión de aquél personaje cuya crueldad mítica inspirara la novela Drácula de Bram Stoker. No luche más, Navarro. Ignora usted los infinitos recursos de la muerte. Regrese a la maldición del trabajo, que para usted es una bendición, lo sé y lo entiendo. Usted vive la vida. Yo la codicio. Es una diferencia importante. Lo que nos une es que en este mundo todos usamos a todos, algunos ganamos, otros pierden. Resígnese. Un viejo aristócrata europeo, el conde Vlad Radu, se instala con su hija en una mansión con pinta de monasterio en la ciudad de México. Tras soportar siglos de guerras y escasez de sangre humana en Europa, ha decidido trasladarse al otro lado del oceano Atlántico y reestablecer su imperio. Aunque para ello deba contratar los servicio de Yves Navarro, un abogado, y de su esposa Asunción, una agente de bienes raíces que guarda un misterioso parecido con una mujer retratada en una antigua fotografía... ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Where, Carlos Fuentes asks, is a modern-day vampire to roost? Why not Mexico City, populated by ten million blood sausages (that is, people), and a police force who won't mind a few disappearances? "Vlad" is Vlad the Impaler, of course, whose mythic cruelty was an inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. In this sly sequel, Vlad really is undead: dispossessed after centuries of mayhem by Eastern European wars and rampant blood shortages. More than a postmodern riff on "the vampire craze," Vlad is also an anatomy of the Mexican bourgeoisie, as well as our culture's ways of dealing with death. For--as in Dracula--Vlad has need of both a lawyer and a real-estate agent in order to establish his new kingdom, and Yves Navarro and his wife Asunci?n fit the bill nicely. Having recently lost a son, might they not welcome the chance to see their remaining child live forever? More importantly, are the pleasures of middle-class life enough to keep one from joining the legions of the damned?
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    La comunidad Virgen de la Asunción - Signo de esperanza en el barrio Carlos Gardel: ab 5.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 5.49 EUR excl. shipping

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