50 Results for : chromatics
Essential Chords and Scales for Guitar: The Secrets You Need to Play Almost Every Popular Song Ever Written , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 41min
It took me years before I understood the basics of guitar!I could play and read tabs - but I didn't really understand what I was doing.It doesn't have to take you that long!You can learn the basics here in just a few minutes! This book is here to make things simple! I'm going to break things down and make it so simple, that you’ll understand the basics of guitar theory from day one!How can this book do that?I'm sure you've heard people say: “If you want to be a real musician, you have to learn theory.”Well....Wrong!You don't need to know all the theory in the world - you just need to know some very basic fundamentals!This book cuts out all the garbage and gives you a simplified, streamlined reference guide to everything you need to know to play about 90 percent of the most popular songs of all time!How much do I need to memorize?As much or as little as you need! I know you have commitments, I get it - that's why I wrote this simple reference guide.This book has been designed with just the basics in mind, and you can turn to it any time for reference.(I've even included blank charts at the back so you can print off and write your own favourite chords down!)It doesn’t matter if you just started school, or are in your mid retirement years! In Essential Chords and Scales, you’ll discover:A brief introduction to music theoryThe top secret guitar hack that will have you playing like a pro in no time!The essential chords that will help you play all your favourite songs.The most popular and essential scales and modes.Pentatonics, chromatics, jazz scales....And much more.Most people buy a guitar and just look up their favorite song charts to learn to play songs, but have no idea how or why to play the chords as shown.You can get ahead so much faster if you learn a few basic fundamentals to car ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Nick Morrison. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/235976/bk_acx0_235976_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Blueprints Red Tape and Shades of Gray. The Chromatics of Romania's accession to the European Union in economic and administrative perspective
Blueprints Red Tape and Shades of Gray. The Chromatics of Romania's accession to the European Union in economic and administrative perspective - 1. Auflage: ab 12.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Colour - A Text-Book of Modern Chromatics with Applications to Art and Industry
Colour - A Text-Book of Modern Chromatics with Applications to Art and Industry: ab 6.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
Summer Of '13
180 Gramm LP. Das sechste Album des Ex-Arab-Strap-Members wurde lange erwartet - und es ist super.Malcolm Middleton verkörpert eigentlich den klassischen Folksänger, schreckt jedoch nicht davor zurück, im Alternativerock-Gewand nebst Band Gas zu geben. Die Singer/Songwriter-Referenz Simon & Garfunkel konkurriert beständig mit Bruce Springteens Breitwand-Rock um die Vorherrschaft in Malcolms Soundgefüge - ohne dass ein eindeutiger Sieger auszumachen wäre. Der gebürtige Schotte lebt die Liebe zur Musik seit den Neunzigern berufsmäßig aus. Zu der Zeit sammelt er erste Banderfahrungen, die sich erstmals 1995 zu einem international ernst zunehmenden Projekt verdichten. Gemeinsam mit Aidan Moffat hebt er die Folk-Indies Arab Strab aus der Taufe. In der elfjährigen Bandgeschichte veröffentlichen die beiden sechs Studioalben. Malcolm tritt erstmals 2002 als Solist in Erscheinung und lenkt den Fokus nach dem Arab Strab-Split auf seine Solokarriere. Der Mittdreißiger beherrscht ein ungewöhnlich großes Spektrum diverser Musikinstrumente wie Saxofon, Gitarre oder Piano. Er gilt als zynischer Charakter, der seine Aussagen mit einer gehörigen Portion Ironie spickt: Ich genieße den Schreibprozess. Dabei schreibe ich darüber, was ich weiß. Jedoch weiß ich nicht wirklich viel. (LAUT.de) His first album for seven years and the sixth solo album from the ex-Arab Strap man, is set for release on the relaunched Nude Records. In Malcolm's songs hope and optimism have always existed (they were just well hidden) and catchy has always been his prime prerogative, but with the new album glimmering with heady production, this clearly shines through. Calling upon the expertise of Glasgow-based dance producer Miaoux Miaoux, the album also features guest appearances by Beta Band/The Aliens founder Gordon Anderson aka Lone Pigeon (also creator of the album s artwork, technicolour photography and who became a 'soundboard' for Malcolm after he moved into the cottage next door). De Rosa's Martin John Henry and First Aid Kit s Scott Simpson also add to the albums sonic swirl and sense of fun. A wonky tonk fun-land of squelching synths and sweeping strings, Steps is a cosmic space ride through pitch bends and vocal manipulation whilst Information In The Voice unexpectedly drops pop RnB hip hop. But it s never without feeling, take the romantic You & I or shimmering and rhapsodic Big Black Hole with its twinkling piano hook. Put together, there s a neon glow of 80s new wave, alongside smoggier shades of the Chromatics or Johnny Jewel s Glass Candy. Malcolm has always enjoyed challenging his listeners and this time around is no exception. TRACKS: 1. Steps 2. You & I 3. Information In The Voice 4. Brackets 5. Like John Lennon Said 6. Little Hurricane 7. Music Ticks 8. Summer Of '13 9. Big Black Hole 10. Lullaby- Shop: odax
- Price: 29.74 EUR excl. shipping
Closer To Grey
Um die enigmatische US-Band Chromatics und ihren Mastermind Johnny Jewel herrscht ein Kult der Faszination, ausgelöst durch ihre einzigartige Kombination aus ultra-cooler Postpunk-Attitüde und ebenso sexy Synthpop-Sounds zwischen Italo-Disco und Dreampop, die sich in Temperaturschwankungen von warm-melodisch bis eisig kalt entfalten. Chromatics Releases erscheinen sporadisch, EPs, Coverversionen, Remixes und Reissues zwischendurch häufiger, neue Longplayer sind aber eine Seltenheit, die man im Kalendar rot markiert. War lange Zeit "Dear Tommy" als neues Werk angekündigt, so ist dieses mysteriöse Projekt wieder auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben, so dass wir uns erstmal an dem Album "Closer To Grey" erfreuen dürfen, das als CD &, Do-LP auf blutrotem 180g Vinyl erscheint, begleitet von einem kurzen, prägnanten Statement der Band: "Music Is Medicine." Nichts brauchen wir mehr die Tage.- Shop: odax
- Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
Shred Guitar in 6 Weeks: Week 6
This course is designed to focus your practice towards realistic goals achievable in six weeks. Each week provides you with techniques, concepts and licks to help you play and understand metal soloing at a manageable pace. Week six includes: Connecting the pentatonic positions, use of chromatics within pentatonics, sixth and seventh position natural minor scale licks and sequences, creating licks through octaves, four licks in the style of John Petrucci- Shop: odax
- Price: 21.05 EUR excl. shipping
Middleton, M: Summer Of '13
Malcolm Middleton verkörpert eigentlich den klassischen Folksänger, schreckt jedoch nicht davor zurück, im Alternativerock-Gewand nebst Band Gas zu geben. Die Singer/Songwriter-Referenz Simon &, Garfunkel konkurriert beständig mit Bruce Springteens Breitwand-Rock um die Vorherrschaft in Malcolms Soundgefüge - ohne dass ein eindeutiger Sieger auszumachen wäre. Der gebürtige Schotte lebt die Liebe zur Musik seit den Neunzigern berufsmäßig aus. Zu der Zeit sammelt er erste Banderfahrungen, die sich erstmals 1995 zu einem international ernst zunehmenden Projekt verdichten. Gemeinsam mit Aidan Moffat hebt er die Folk-Indies Arab Strab aus der Taufe. In der elfjährigen Bandgeschichte veröffentlichen die beiden sechs Studioalben. Malcolm tritt erstmals 2002 als Solist in Erscheinung und lenkt den Fokus nach dem Arab Strab-Split auf seine Solokarriere. Der Mittdreißiger beherrscht ein ungewöhnlich großes Spektrum diverser Musikinstrumente wie Saxofon, Gitarre oder Piano. Er gilt als zynischer Charakter, der seine Aussagen mit einer gehörigen Portion Ironie spickt: "Ich genieße den Schreibprozess. Dabei schreibe ich darüber, was ich weiß. Jedoch weiß ich nicht wirklich viel. (LAUT.de) His first album for seven years and the sixth solo album from the ex-Arab Strap man, is set for release on the relaunched Nude Records. In Malcolm's songs hope and optimism have always existed (they were just well hidden) and 'catchy' has always been his prime prerogative, but with the new album glimmering with heady production, this clearly shines through. Calling upon the expertise of Glasgow-based dance producer Miaoux Miaoux, the album also features guest appearances by Beta Band/The Aliens founder Gordon Anderson aka Lone Pigeon (also creator of the album's artwork, technicolour photography and who became a 'soundboard' for Malcolm after he moved into the cottage next door). De Rosa's Martin John Henry and First Aid Kit's Scott Simpson also add to the albums sonic swirl and sense of fun. A wonky tonk fun-land of squelching synths and sweeping strings, 'Steps' is a cosmic space ride through pitch bends and vocal manipulation whilst 'Information In The Voice' unexpectedly drops pop RnB hip hop. But it's never without feeling, take the romantic 'You &, I' or shimmering and rhapsodic 'Big Black Hole' with its twinkling piano hook. Put together, there's a neon glow of 80s new wave, alongside smoggier shades of the Chromatics or Johnny Jewel's Glass Candy. Malcolm has always enjoyed challenging his listeners and this time around is no exception.- Shop: odax
- Price: 11.97 EUR excl. shipping
Das Body
Üppiger Synth-Pop aus Oslo: "Graceland' feels like early Madonna sluiced through the Drive soundtrack, as if Chromatics had suddenly decided to remix Robyn." Clash Harking from East Oslo, Das Body are a four piece who make bombastic, multi-coloured and often dazzling synth pop that will make you want to move. Having finished up a few years in the studio refining their sound, Das Body are now fully prepared to make their colourful entrace - and make no mistake about it, they are here to be noticed. Their latest offering is an eclectic adventure through 80s synths and infectious rhythms that makes them stand out as a wholly exciting new prospect, drawing out the best parts of pop without making it overly saccharine in its delivery. From the sounds of things, it seems that Das Body have been partying at the same sweaty disco as Christine and The Queens, utilising a similar relentless groove and slap bass, where lead singer Ellie Linden's vocals twinkle with a delicious villainry, twisting and turning with a devillish smile. It's an enchanting concoction and ultimately makes "Boys" sound like it was tailor-made to be played at the dirtiest disco in town.- Shop: odax
- Price: 10.83 EUR excl. shipping