46 Results for : competenze
Dal Monolinguismo al Plurilinguismo (eBook, ePUB)
Questo lavoro si pone l'obiettivo di far emergere l'importanza degli scambi interculturali. Essi sono, infatti, momenti formativi d'eccellenza della scuola moderna dove si insegnano le lingue per finalità educative globali, sia per ragioni strumentali immediate - soddisfare i bisogni comunicativi quotidiani - che in vista di una perfetta integrazione dei singoli Stati all'interno di una Unione interculturale e plurilingue. Nello sviluppo del lavoro, Cristiana Lancioni ha deciso di applicare le nozioni teoriche acquisite durante i suoi anni di formazione accademica e l'esperienza diretta che ha avuto modo di vivere presso le Scuole Secondarie di II Grado dove ha svolto servizio. Per garantire un quadro il più possibile esauriente della tematica, ha presentato‚ nella prima parte‚ il contesto storico e didattico nel quale collocare gli scambi culturali e, nella seconda parte‚ ha proposto delle attività pratiche per realizzare al meglio un'esperienza di scambio. Il passaggio ricorsivo, quindi, dalla teoria alla pratica riflette il passaggio dalla conoscenza alla competenza, oggetto di riflessione spesso affrontato durante gli incontri e i dibattiti che ha avuto con i suoi colleghi negli ultimi anni. L'obiettivo è quello di far sviluppare nei docenti o futuri docenti le competenze didattiche, pedagogiche e relazionali necessarie per entrare a scuola e - riprendendo la definizione di Leonardo Margiotta - diventare un insegnante di qualità che sia davvero "Competente"‚ ovvero in grado di adeguare l'insegnamento all'evoluzione della storia e della cultura, la quale non è più soltanto nazionale ma‚ piuttosto‚ europea e, pertanto, non può essere di certo circoscritta e limitata tra le mura dell'aula.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
Imagination Mastery: A Workbook for Shifting Your Reality: The Shift, Book 6 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 118min
Your imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” (Albert Einstein)Have you ever wished that you could create the world you want to live in, instead of the world live in now? It’s possible! Follow some of the greatest thinkers and creators of all time and learn how to let the universe of possibilities work in your favor. Learn how to imagine the possibilities for your life using easy-to-follow daily imagination exercises.Take a break from what everyone else is doing and discover the secrets, power, and transformation of imagination. Nothing will ever be the same! You may never want to go back to being normal again.Get unstuck. Stay unstuck.Replace worry with possibilities.Discover untapped potential.Live each day with more joy.Increase the abundance in every area of your life.Instead of worrying, complaining, gossiping, rehashing what isn't working, become an imagination master. UNKNOWN N N ©2019 Beca Lewis;(P)2020 Beca Lewis http://www.audible.de/pd/B08G9TK1C3?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08G9TK1C3?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) 9.95 AVAILABLE Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Liar’s Circus (Unabridged) Carl Hoffman In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base.... Charles Constant HarperCollins 2020-09-01 07:00:00 303 0008416001 English - Nonfiction British English 1.00 8.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/hcuk/005671de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/005671/bk_hcuk_005671_sample.mp3 science, psychology, China, Asia, election In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force - a kind of Rosetta Stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy - between president and adoring crowd - happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a black mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing ed 9780008416003 N N ©2020 Carl Hoffman;(P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/0008416001?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Study Guide for Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Course Hero Study Guides (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE Study Guide for Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Course Hero Study Guides (Unabridged) Study Guide for Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged) Course Hero You've read the novella, but you don't understand the symbolism. You've been to every class, but it's two a.m., and your essay is due at nine. Your midterm is Friday, and you need a boost. We've been there.... Russell Jaffe Course Hero 2020-08-20 12:05:44 35 B08GCP8NBD English - Classics English 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/212905de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/212905/bk_acx0_212905_sample.mp3 Course Hero audiobooks - get unstuck!You've read the novella, but you don't understand the symbolism. You've been to every class, but it's two a.m., and your essay is due at nine. Your midterm is Friday, and you need a boost.We've been there. We know what it's like to study, work, have a life, do your best, and still need help. Course Hero study guides untie the knots. You do the work, we give you the tools to make every minute count. We help you get unstuck.The Course Hero audiobook of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde includes:A chapter-by-chapter summary and analysisAn in-depth synopsis at the end of the audiobook that summarizes and analyzes the plot, themes, symbols, characters, and main points of the novellaEngaging narration and music UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Course Hero;(P)2020 Course Hero http://www.audible.de/pd/B08GCP8NBD?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08GCP8NBD?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva [The Power of Emotional Intelligence]: Definizioni, Modelli E Strategie Per Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva [Definitions, Models and Strategies for the Power of Emotional Intelligence] (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva [The Power of Emotional Intelligence]: Definizioni, Modelli E Strategie Per Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva [Definitions, Models and Strategies for the Power of Emotional Intelligence] (Unabridged) Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva [The Power of Emotional Intelligence] (Unabridged) Mentes Libres In termini generali, l'intelligenza emozionale (ei) si riferisce alla capacità di persumiare, controllare e valutare le emozioni, proprie e altrui.... Andrea Locorotondo Mentes Libres 2020-08-24 14:00:37 39 B08GKXPHLN English - Self-Development Italian 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/213535de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/213535/bk_acx0_213535_sample.mp3 Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva: Definizioni, Modelli E Strategie Per Il Potere Dell'intelligenza Emotiva In termini generali, l'intelligenza emozionale (ei) si riferisce alla capacità di persumiare, controllare e valutare le emozioni, proprie e altrui.Tre definizioni principali:Modelli di abilità (EI)Modelli misti di (EI)Modello di caratteristica (EI)Modelli di abilità (EI)Si tratta della capacità di percepire l'emozione, di integrare l'emozione per facilitare il pensiero, di comprendere le emozioni e di regolare le emozioni per promuovere la crescita personale".Modelli misti di EIQuesto è il modello introdotto da Daniel Goleman che definisce l'EI come un'ampia gamma di competenze e abilità che guidano le prestazioni di leadership.Modello EI trait Il tratto EI è "una costellazione di percezioni di sé legate alle emozioni che si trovano a livelli di personalità inferiori". La caratteristica dell'IE si riferisce alla percezione che l'individuo ha delle proprie capacità emotive, in contrapposizione al modello basato sulle capacità che si riferisce alle capacità reali. Tuttavia, la valutazione delle capacità effettive si è dimostrata molto resistente alla misurazione scientifica, quindi la realtà è che ci può essere poco da scegliere tra di esse.Scopri di più sul potere dell'intelligenza emotiva.Please note: This audiobook is in Italian. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Beca Lewis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/212793/bk_acx0_212793_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Il Miglioramento Delle Tue Competenze Con La Gente
Il Miglioramento Delle Tue Competenze Con La Gente - Cosa Vogliono Sentir Dire Gli Altri. Con Fiducia E Carisma Con La Communicazione Efficace.: ab 4.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
Competenze e formazione 4.0
Competenze e formazione 4.0: ab 20.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
Nativi digitali. La rivoluzione del lavoro e delle competenze nell'era della digital transformation
Nativi digitali. La rivoluzione del lavoro e delle competenze nell'era della digital transformation: ab 10.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 10.99 EUR excl. shipping
Business Su Misura
Business Su Misura - Come Raggiungere La Realizzazione Personale e Professionale Sfruttando Le Proprie Competenze ed Esperienze: ab 9.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping