46 Results for : eyes®

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    Das Team der Cyber Crime Division um Verhaltenspsychologin Avery Ryan (OSCAR®-Gewinnerin Patricia Arquette) ist zurück - und in der zweiten Season bekommt es prominente Verstärkung aus Las Vegas: "CSI"-Chefermittler D.B. Russell (Ted Danson) ist als Leiter der Next Generation Cyber Forensics Division neu an Bord. Gemeinsam ermitteln sie in packenden neuen Fällen gegen scheinbar unsichtbare Kriminelle, die im Dark Net auf beängstigende Weise die modernen Technologien missbrauchen und unschuldige Bürger in tödliche Gefahr bringen. Manipulierte WLAN-fähige Kinderpuppen, ein live im Videochat gefilmter Mord, ein von Hackern bedrohtes Krankenhaus - in der vernetzten Welt ist kein Ort sicher vor den Cyber-Verbrechern. Aber die Experten des FBI sind den Tätern auf der Spur ...01. Russell Einbrüche / Why-Fi02. Rache Cyberstalking / Heart Me03. Polizeigewalt Unruhen / Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes04. Rote Hexe Kinderaugen / Red Crone05. Krankenhausversagen Patiententod / Hack E.R.06. Geisterfahrer / Gone in 6 Seconds07. Live-Mord Überwachung / Corrupted Memory08. Python Drogen / Python09. Verbrannt Vergewaltigt / iWitness
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 34.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Do you dream of wicked rakes, gorgeous Highlanders and muscled Viking warriors? Harlequin® Historical brings you three new full-length titles in one collection! This box set includes: THE IRON WARRIOR RETURNS By Michelle Willingham The Legendary Warriors (Medieval) Robert of Penrith plans to marry his enemy's daughter to regain his stolen lands. But a shared kiss with his closest friend, the beautiful Morwenna, threatens all his plans… MISS PEVERETT'S SECRET SCANDAL By Bronwyn Scott The Peveretts of Haberstock Hall (Victorian) When Thomasia Peverett is employed by Member of Parliament Shaw Rawdon, an unexpected attraction erupts between them. Will revealing her scandalous secret push him away or draw him closer? THE EARL SHE SHOULD NEVER DESIRE By Lara Temple (Regency) War widow Lily Walsh returns to London to meet her sister's convenient fiancé-and finds him alarmingly attractive! The forbidden look in the earl's eyes shows the feeling is mutual…
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 8.19 EUR excl. shipping
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    Harlequin® Heartwarming celebrates wholesome, heartfelt relationships that focus on home, family, community and love. Experience all that and more with four new novels in one collection! This Harlequin Heartwarming box set includes: THE COWBOY'S UNLIKELY MATCH Bachelor Cowboys by Lisa Childs Having grown up in foster care, schoolteacher Emily Trent readily moves to Ranch Haven to help three local orphans-just not their playboy uncle, Ben Haven. The charming cowboy mayor didn't get her vote and won't get her heart! THE PARAMEDIC'S FOREVER FAMILY Smoky Mountain First Responders by Tanya Agler Horticulturist and single mom Lindsay Hudson looks forward to neighborly chats with paramedic Mason Ruddick. He was her late husband's best friend, but he can't be anything more. Unless love can bloom in her own backyard? THE RANCHER'S WYOMING TWINS Back to Adelaide Creek by Virginia McCullough Heather Stanhope wants to hate the rancher who bought her family's land. Instead, she's falling for sweet Matt Burton and his adorable twin nieces. Could the place she longs to call home be big enough for all of them? THEIR TOGETHER PROMISE The Montgomerys of Spirit Lake by M. K. Stelmack Mara Montgomery is determined to face her vision loss without any help-particularly from the stubbornly optimistic Connor Flanagan. Can Connor open Mara's eyes to a lifetime of love from one of his service dogs…and him? Look for 4 compelling new stories every month from Harlequin® Heartwarming!
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 9.83 EUR excl. shipping
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    I'm sure you've heard of the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you.' After 29 years of relationship research and development, I have learned that people don't want you treating them like you want to be treated. They want you to treat them like they want to be treated. That is why I developed The Platinum Rule®: 'Do unto others as they would like done unto them!' Now you can learn these powerful, proven strategies. Just download DISC Relationship Strategies and listen to it in your car, on the way to the office, or when you are out doing sales calls. (This will help you sell more than you can possibly imagine.) This audio series includes more than five hours of entertaining and powerful content peppered with numerous professional actor vignettes and live story segments. I'll wager that it just might be the very best audio album you've ever heard - in terms of content, delivery, and production value. After you listen to this powerful series and take my advice, people will instantly notice your transformation. They'll start coming to you for guidance because you will have become a leader in their eyes. When conflicts arise, you'll notice how quickly you're able to bring arguments to a halt. By being able to build rapport with anyone you choose, your ability to communicate will get the results you want in any business situation, no matter if you are closing a sale or motivating your team." —Dr. Tony Alessandra Language: English. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/sp/ales/000006/sp_ales_000006_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Can you trademark life™, knowledge©, and ideas®? Imagine if the ancient Greeks suddenly decided to patent philosophy, medicine, and architecture. Imagine if Newton and Galileo decided to patent the laws of physics. Imagine if Shakespeare decided to trademark the words swagger, unreal and skim-milk. For thousands of years, people have been creating and sharing ideas and knowledge with the rest of society without any restrictions. And the results were crucial for humanity. Wester civilization, the exploration of space, and the evolution of the English language come to mind.However, we live in an era of trademarks, patents, and copyrights that have a stranglehold on the free movement of knowledge, ideas, and thoughts. So, the question really is. How much do you really know about intellectual property, patents, and trademarks?Annheete Oakly, the author of this eye-opening trademark copyright audiobook, will offer you an in-depth analysis of the current intellectual property field and allow you to: Learn more trademarks, patents, and intellectual propertyUnderstand the pitfalls of intellectual property rightsDiscover why certain patents should not existThis is not your typical “intellectual property in a nutshell” audiobook: By the end of this game-changing patents trademarks audiobook, you will be able to view at the world of intellectual property rights with fresh eyes and fully comprehend the dangers that are encircling free knowledge and free ideas. What’s in it for you? Broaden your horizons and stop looking the other way while greedy organizations and individuals try to slap a trademark sign on society’s future. Invest in your freedom of thought and start exploring potential solutions that might put an end to the intellectual property struggle and give society the opportunity to reach.Ultimate knowledge and ultimate power!What are ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Aidan Scotland. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/175586/bk_acx0_175586_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    'Die Gute-Nacht-Geschichte ist echt spannend, aber das Girl ist so müde. Ihm fallen beim Vorlesen immer wieder die Augen zu. Aber das Mädchen hat jetzt einen Trick: einfach den Schnuller im Mund drehen und schon bleiben die Augen offen. Wenn das im echten Leben auch so einfach ginge Durch Drehen des Schnullers öffnet und schließt die Puppe die Augen. Egal in welcher Position sich ihr Körper befindet. Darüber hinaus hat das Girl Schlafaugen. Legt man sie ohne Schnuller auf den Rücken, schließt sie die Augen automatisch. Schlafen, Baden und Essen sind des Girls Lieblingsbeschäftigungen. Sie trinkt gerne Wasser aus ihrem Fläschchen und kann dann Pipi in die Windel oder ins Töpfchen machen und echte Puppentränen weinen. Neben Wasser steht der BABY born Brei auf dem Speiseplan. Dann macht sie sogar ihr großes Geschäft. Ihre Arme, Beine und der Kopf sind super beweglich, so dass das An- und Ausziehen der stylischen Kleidung zum Kinderspiel wird. Der Soft Touch Körper ist angenehm weich. 10 Accessoires, die ihre Funktionen unterstützen, ein pinker Body und ein Mützchen gehören zur Erstausstattung. BABY born Magic Mit 10 lebensechten Funktionen für große Spielfreude. Das abwechslungsreiche (Rollen-)Spiel mit BABY born fördert die Fantasie und unterstützt nachweislich die Entwicklung sozialer Fähigkeiten und Werte wie Verantwortung, Kommunikation und Einfühlungsvermögen. Der Schnuller passt jeder BABY born Puppe in 43cm. Die Augen-Funktion des Schnullers geht nur in Verbindung mit BABY born Magic. Benötigt keine Batterien. BABY born Magic Girl 43cm mit Body und Mütze. Inklusive 1 Töpfchen, 1 Windel, 1 Teller mit Löffel, 1 Portion Brei, 1 Flasche, 1 magischer Schnuller, 1 Geburtspass und je 1 Freundschaftsbändchen für Kind und Puppe.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 69.99 EUR excl. shipping

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