51 Results for : gari

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    Investigation of Postures and Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders ab 67.99 € als Taschenbuch: Analysis of Working Postures among Gari-frying Workers and Investigation of Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Naturwissenschaft,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 67.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sushi ist ein traditionelles japanisches Gericht aus zubereitetem Essigreis, normalerweise mit etwas Zucker und Salz, begleitet von einer Vielzahl von Zutaten wie Meeresfrüchten, oft roh, und Gemüse. Die Sushi-Stile und ihre Präsentation sind sehr unterschiedlich, aber die wichtigste Zutat ist "Sushi-Reis", auch als Shari oder Sumeshi bezeichnet. Sushi wird traditionell mit mittelkörnigem weißem Reis zubereitet, kann aber auch mit Naturreis oder Rundkornreis zubereitet werden. Es wird sehr oft mit Meeresfrüchten wie Tintenfisch, Aal, Gelbschwanz, Lachs, Thunfisch oder Krebsfleischimitat zubereitet. Viele Sushi-Sorten sind vegetarisch. Es wird oft mit eingelegtem Ingwer (Gari), Wasabi und Sojasauce serviert. Daikon-Rettich oder eingelegter Daikon (Takuan) sind beliebte Beilagen für das Gericht. Sushi als Mahlzeit ist kein traditionelles Konzept. Wenn Sie jedoch die Zeit investieren, um zu Hause wunderbares Sushi zuzubereiten, möchten Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine vollständige Erfahrung daraus machen. Ein Sushi-Essen kann ganz einfach nach Ihrem Geschmack, Ihrem Budget oder der Zeit, die Sie zur Verfügung haben, geplant werden.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 65.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Kofi doesn't care for the backbreaking work of the farm. He would rather be back in the village of mud huts, Lavié, building cars from tin cans, dancing to the rhythms of the nightly drum circle or bathing in the town's stream. But every day when he is not in school, he and his six siblings must make the two-hour trip in flip-flops to clear the African soil and plant the crops his family needs to eat. Kofi would also prefer to be in school, learning about the great African kings of the past. But school in the country of Togo is not free. It costs one dollar a year per student. Kofi's parents try everything they can think of to pay those fees for their seven children: turning unsold cassava into more marketable gari, doing logging work, and even taking a turn as a magician. When Kofi turns 13, what he had long been afraid of actually happened; there is no more money to pay the fees. Out of school and facing a future of working on the farm, he despairs. What happens next will tug at your heartstrings as Lavié comes to the rescue in an unexpected way ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Nathan Hinton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/052553/bk_acx0_052553_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Il sushi è un piatto tradizionale giapponese a base di riso all'aceto preparato, solitamente con un po' di zucchero e sale, accompagnato da una varietà di ingredienti come frutti di mare, spesso crudi, e verdure. Gli stili del sushi e la sua presentazione variano ampiamente, ma l'unico ingrediente chiave è il "riso per sushi", noto anche come shari o sumeshi. Il sushi è tradizionalmente preparato con riso bianco a grana media, anche se può essere preparato con riso integrale o riso a grana corta. Molto spesso viene preparato con frutti di mare, come calamari, anguille, ricciole, salmone, tonno o finta polpa di granchio. Molti tipi di sushi sono vegetariani. Viene spesso servito con zenzero sottaceto (gari), wasabi e salsa di soia. Il ravanello daikon o il daikon in salamoia (takuan) sono guarnizioni popolari per il piatto. Il sushi come pasto non è un concetto tradizionale. Tuttavia, se hai intenzione di investire il tuo tempo nella preparazione di un meraviglioso sushi a casa, molto probabilmente vorrai farne un'esperienza completa. Un pasto a base di sushi può essere facilmente pianificato in base ai tuoi gusti, al budget o alla quantità di tempo che hai a disposizione.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 64.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sushi é um prato tradicional japonês de arroz preparado com vinagre, geralmente com um pouco de açúcar e sal, acompanhado de uma variedade de ingredientes como frutos do mar, muitas vezes crus, e vegetais. Os estilos de sushi e sua apresentação variam muito, mas o ingrediente principal é o "arroz de sushi", também conhecido como shari ou sumeshi. O sushi é tradicionalmente feito com arroz branco de grão médio, embora possa ser preparado com arroz integral ou arroz de grão curto. Muitas vezes é preparado com frutos do mar, como lula, enguia, rabo amarelo, salmão, atum ou imitação de carne de caranguejo. Muitos tipos de sushi são vegetarianos. Muitas vezes é servido com gengibre em conserva (gari), wasabi e molho de soja. Rabanete Daikon ou daikon em conserva (takuan) são guarnições populares para o prato. Sushi como refeição não é um conceito tradicional. No entanto, se você vai investir tempo preparando um sushi maravilhoso em casa, provavelmente desejará fazer uma experiência completa. Uma refeição de sushi pode ser facilmente planejada de acordo com seus gostos, orçamento ou a quantidade de tempo que você tem disponível.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 64.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Le sushi est un plat japonais traditionnel composé de riz vinaigré préparé, généralement avec du sucre et du sel, accompagné d'une variété d'ingrédients tels que des fruits de mer, souvent crus, et des légumes. Les styles de sushi et leur présentation varient considérablement, mais le seul ingrédient clé est le "riz à sushi", également appelé shari ou sumeshi. Le sushi est traditionnellement préparé avec du riz blanc à grain moyen, bien qu'il puisse être préparé avec du riz brun ou du riz à grain court. Il est très souvent préparé avec des fruits de mer, comme le calmar, l'anguille, la limande à queue jaune, le saumon, le thon ou la chair de simili-crabe. De nombreux types de sushis sont végétariens. Il est souvent servi avec du gingembre mariné (gari), du wasabi et de la sauce soja. Le radis daikon ou le daikon mariné (takuan) sont des garnitures populaires pour le plat. Le sushi en tant que repas n'est pas un concept traditionnel. Cependant, si vous allez investir du temps dans la préparation de merveilleux sushis à la maison, vous voudrez probablement en faire une expérience complète. Un repas de sushi peut facilement être planifié en fonction de vos goûts, de votre budget ou du temps dont vous disposez.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 65.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Our lives consist of moments. Stitched together like the seams on a coat, these moments cloak us in awareness and possibility. But what if we miss our moments? What if we live in a bland state of wandering? Seeking growth, seeking passion - but missing the moments in which God tries to pull the thread through the cloth in the way we've dreamed of? Watershed moments are the turning points in our lives brought on by circumstances which stop us in our tracks. A new direction; a fresh perspective; an answered prayer; a humble surrender - these are the moments that redirect us; leaving us profoundly changed. Through a progression of seven types of Watershed moments (the Watersheds of change, unraveling, rebuilding, purpose, abandoning [control], overcoming, and belief), Gari portrays life as a series of moments we encounter where we can face or turn away from change. A life marked by Watershed moments starts from the place where we live desperately hoping for some kind of new and freeing adventure. Through the lives of Abraham, David, Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, Nehemiah, Peter, and many more, as well as through personal Watershed moments in her life and the lives of several women who have written their own stories, Watershed Moments is a bold invitation to pay attention to the revelation God gives in the twinkling of a second at our moments of change. God uses watershed moments to position us to go one direction or another. It's at these Watersheds we utter, 'I can't go back. This moment will change me forever.' ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Diana Batarseh. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/001480/bk_zond_001480_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    CHAMPIONSHIP JUDO - Tai-Otoshi and O-Uchi-Gari Attacks: ab 9.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    No description.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 18.73 EUR excl. shipping
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    No description.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 20.64 EUR excl. shipping

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