51 Results for : hadassah

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    Learn to communicate effectively with your Spanish speaking help in just 5 hours!Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but never found the time or the right teacher? Are you having trouble communicating with your Spanish speaking help? Did you study Spanish in school but find yourself unable to construct even simple sentences in Spanish? This book is for homemakers in need of a Spanish beginners or refresher course. Due to our unique method of teaching, you will be amazed at how much Spanish you will learn and retain in just five hours! What makes this Spanish course special?Efficient LearningOur breakthrough method allows you to retain most if not all of what you learn and immediately put it to use. The key is interactivity: Instead of making you repeat words and sentences, you are encouraged to think and apply what you learned. Using the words and concepts you learn throughout the course, you will build Spanish sentences and translate Spanish sentences into English right from the start. The course also makes use of the many similarities between English and Spanish so you can associate new Spanish words with English words you already know. RelevanceYou'll learn relevant words and sentences that you can put to use immediately. This will allow you to reinforce what you've learned through real life practice and motivate you to complete the course. SpeedThis course only takes about five hours to complete. Many people buy expensive Spanish courses and never find the time to complete the course. But you should be able to find five hours. Even if you only study for half an hour each day, you'll be done in a little more than a week!FunLearning should be fun and rewarding. It is hard to describe the pleasure you experience when you manage to construct complete sentences in Spanish after just half an hour into the course. In additio ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hadassah Davids. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/003430/bk_acx0_003430_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn to communicate effectively with your Spanish-speaking students and their parents in just five hours! Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but never found the time or the right teacher? Are you a successful elementary or high school teacher who wants to take it to the next level by communicating well with your Spanish speaking students? Did you study Spanish in school but find yourself unable to construct even simple sentences in Spanish? This audiobook is for teachers in need of a Spanish beginners or refresher course. Regardless of the specific teaching situation you find yourself in, you will learn how to communicate with your students in their own language. Due to our unique method of teaching, you will be amazed at how much Spanish you will learn and retain in just five hours. Efficient Learning: Our breakthrough method allows you to retain most, if not all, of what you learn and immediately put it to use. The key is interactivity: Instead of making you repeat words and sentences, you are encouraged to think and apply what you learn. Using the words and concepts you learn throughout the course, you will build Spanish sentences and translate Spanish sentences into English right from the start. The course also makes use of the many similarities between English and Spanish, so you can associate new Spanish words with English words you already know. Relevance: You'll learn relevant words and sentences that you can put to use immediately. This will allow you to reinforce what you've learned through real-life practice and motivate you to complete the course. Speed: This course only takes about five hours to complete. Many people buy expensive Spanish courses and never find the time to complete the course. But you should be able to find five hours. Even if you only study for half an hour each day, you'll be done in a little less than a week! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hadassah Davids. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/021551/bk_acx0_021551_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn to communicate effectively with your Spanish speaking patients and their families in just five hours! Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but never found the time or the right teacher? Are you having trouble communicating with your Spanish speaking patients? Did you study Spanish in school, including medical school, but find yourself unable to construct even simple sentences in Spanish? This book is for doctors, nurses, emergency medical personnel, and all medical professionals in need of a Spanish beginners or refresher course. Due to our unique method of teaching, you will be amazed at how much Spanish you will learn and retain in just five hours! What makes this Spanish course special? Our breakthrough method allows you to retain most if not all of what you learn and immediately put it to use. The key is interactivity: instead of making you repeat words and sentences, you are encouraged to think and apply what you learned. Using the words and concepts you learn throughout the course, you will build Spanish sentences and translate Spanish sentences into English right from the start. The course also makes use of the many similarities between English and Spanish, so you can associate new Spanish words with English words you already know. You'll learn relevant words and sentences that you can put to use immediately. This will allow you to reinforce what you've learned through real life practice and motivate you to complete the course. This course only takes about five hours to complete. Many people buy expensive Spanish courses and never find the time to complete the course. But you should be able to find five hours. Even if you only study for half an hour each day, you'll be done in a little more than a week! Learning should be fun and rewarding. It is hard to describe the pleasure you experience when you manage to construct complete sentences in Spanish after just half an hour into the course. In ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hadassah Davids. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/008008/bk_acx0_008008_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn to communicate effectively while traveling in just 5 hours! Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but never found the time or the right teacher? Do you want to explore your travel destination on your own but are concerned because you don't know Spanish? Did you study Spanish in school but find yourself unable to construct even simple sentences in Spanish? This book is for travelers in need of a Spanish beginners or refresher course. Due to our unique method of teaching, you will be amazed at how much Spanish you will learn and retain in just five hours. What makes this Spanish course special? Our breakthrough method allows you to retain most if not all of what you learn and immediately put it to use. The key is interactivity: Instead of making you repeat words and sentences, you are encouraged to think and apply what you learn. Using the words and concepts you learn throughout the course, you will build Spanish sentences and translate Spanish sentences into English right from the start. The course also makes use of the many similarities between English and Spanish, so you can associate new Spanish words with English words you already know. You'll learn relevant words and sentences that you can put to use immediately. This will allow you to reinforce what you've learned through real life practice and motivate you to complete the course. This course only takes about five hours to complete. Many people buy expensive Spanish courses and never find the time to complete the course. But you should be able to find five hours. Even if you only study for half an hour each day, you'll be done in a little more than a week! Learning should be fun and rewarding. It is hard to describe the pleasure you experience when you manage to construct complete sentences in Spanish after just half an hour into the course. In addition, the course is peppered with quotes and anecdotes, keeping the learning fun and exciting! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hadassah Davids. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/008199/bk_acx0_008199_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hanf: das erstaunliche Heilpotenzial einer uralten Nutzpflanze Die Verwendung von Hanf als Nutz- und Heilpflanze hat eine lange Tradition. Seit mehr als 12 000 Jahren liefert die Cannabis-Pflanze den Menschen Nahrung, Textilfasern und Arzneien. Kaum eine andere Pflanze wurde so häufig in fast allen Kulturen und zu fast allen Zeiten angebaut. Heutzutage wird Cannabis hauptsächlich als Rauschmittel wahrgenommen. In Vergessenheit geraten ist Hanf als alternatives und wirkungsvolles Heilmittel bei vielen Krankheiten.Als anerkannter Experte auf diesem Gebiet präsentiert Michael Backes in Cannabis als Medizin umfassende Informationen über die Wirkungsweisen und die Verabreichung von medizinischem Cannabis. In seinem umfangreichen und benutzerfreundlichen Ratgeber beschreibt er, wie Cannabis auf das körpereigene System wirkt, wie man es am besten vorbereitet und verabreicht, und wie man die Dosierung modifiziert und kontrolliert. Er stellt 27 der gängigsten Cannabis-Züchtungen vor und nennt die Erkrankungen, bei denen sie effektiv eingesetzt werden. Zudem umreißt er 29 Beschwerdebilder und Krankheiten, bei denen Ärzte medizinisches Marihuana verschreiben, darunter chronische Schmerzen, Übelkeit infolge von Chemotherapien, Migräne, Multiple Sklerose, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgie und Morbus Parkinson.Cannabis als Medizin ist sorgfältig recherchiert und bereitet die Forschungsergebnisse aus Hunderten von modernen Studien in einer auch für den Laien leicht verständlichen Weise auf. Es bietet die übersichtlichsten, umfassendsten und praktischsten Informationen über die Verwendung und den Nutzen von medizinischem Cannabis, die derzeit zur Verfügung stehen.»Eine gründliche, präzise und doch leicht zu lesende Abhandlung darüber, was jeder Arzt und Patient über medizinisches Marihuana, seine Verstoffwechselung und Wirkungsweisen, seine Risiken und positiven Effekte wissen muss.« Prof. Sander Greenland, University of California, Los Angeles »Cannabis ist eine medizinische Schatzkiste, deren Inhalt wir noch gar nicht kennen.« Prof. Raphael Mechoulam, Hadassah-Universitätskrankenhaus Jerusalem »Michael Backes präsentiert viel wertvolles Wissen aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen, vertritt heutige praktische Ansätze, um medizinisches Cannabis effektiv anzuwenden - am wichtigsten: welche Züchtungen bei bestimmten Erkrankungen am effektivsten sind -, und bereitet uns darauf vor, was in der nächsten Zukunft zu erwarten ist. Cannabis als Medizin ist gut geschrieben, informativ und vor allem eine zeitgerechte und faszinierende Lektüre.« Robert C. Clarke, International Hemp Association »Ein hervorragend geschriebener und leicht verständlicher, sachkundiger Leitfaden voll mit praktischem Know-how ... Dies ist zweifellos ein essenzielles, grundlegendes Lehrbuch über den Wert und den Tiefgang der Beziehung zwischen Menschenund Cannabis und darüber, wie man das Beste, was man über medizinisches Cannabis weiß, einsetzen kann, um Gesundheit und Wohlergehen zu fördern.« Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, Experte für medizinisches Cannabis »Unverzichtbare Lektüre für jeden, der sich für Cannabis interessiert, und für die neuen Einsatzbereiche von Cannabis-Präparaten.« Mark Haskell Smith, Autor »Mehr als jemals zuvor brauchen die Menschen heute klare, gut recherchierte, unvoreingenommene, auf Tatsachen beruhende Informationen über die Vor- und Nachteile des Marihuana-Konsums. Dieses Buch bietet diese ... Es wird das Standardwerk zu diesem Thema werden.« Barry Miles, Verfasser von Call Me Burroghs»Inzwischen gibt es zwar sehr viele wissenschaftliche Studien, die die Legalisierung und die Akzeptanz des Konsums von medi
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 23.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hadassah Covenant: ab 9.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hadassah - One Night With the King: ab 10.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 10.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Jewish Traveler - Hadassah Magazine's Guide to the World's Jewish Communities and Sights: ab 70.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 70.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    No description.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 20.41 EUR excl. shipping
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    This recording is dedicated to the Judaeo-Christian legacy of European musical expression and the struggle for life and freedom in the twentieth-century. Petr Eben (1929-2007) was born in Bohemia to a Jewish father in a family that adopted the Catholic faith. His was a life of determination, overcoming suffering, and of great humanity. He was at Buchenwald during the Second World War and after the war refused to join the Communist party, while openly practicing his faith. A true master and hero of twentieth-century art, Eben's talent was recognised already in his early childhood. He was renowned for his mastery of organ improvisation. Windows was composed in 1976. It was inspired by Mark Chagall's twelve stained glass windows at the Abbell Synagogue at the Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. Each window describes a son of Jacob, depicts his character, includes a biblical reference, and details the geographical area where each tribe resided in the land of the Hebrews. Chagall wrote the following dedication: 'This is my modest gift to the Jewish people who have always dreamt of biblical love, friendship and of peace among all peoples. This is my gift to that people which lived here thousands of years ago among the other Semitic people.' Marc Chagall, 6 February 1962 Eben selected four of Chagall's windows, thereby giving the work a four-movement structure. Each movement portrays the character and literal message presented in the window. George Enescu (1881-1955), like Eben, was a child prodigy. He was sent to Paris from Romania at an early age and became a violinist, pianist, conductor and composer. Enescu's stature remains high in Romania today, where he is revered as one of the great cultural figures of the twentieth - century. Composed in 1906, Legend is a short masterpiece for trumpet dedicated to Professor Merri Franquin at the Paris Conservatoire. I chose Legend for this recording as it presents a milestone in the trumpet repertoire. It's dreamy qualities also set it apart from the generally stern and deeply emotional repertoire elsewhere on this album. While utilizing the techniques perfected by the late nineteenth-century cornet masters Jean-Baptiste Arban, Jules Levy and many others, Legend places the trumpet in a context of 'serious' and programmatic music with sounds reminiscent of Massenet and Wagner. The Sonata for Trumpet and Organ opus 200 (1962) is made of three semi-improvised chants. Alan Hovahness (1911-2000) the American composer of Armenian and Scottish descent, brings out the style and deep emotion of slow-moving Armenian chant, played over tone clusters in the organ part. Following his popular trumpet and organ composition Prayer for St Gregory, Hovahness takes the listener further down the path of ambient soundscape filled with expression and lament. Like Windows and the Hindemith sonata, the duality and contrast between the keyboard and the trumpet create tremendous emotional power. The influence of German composer Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) on twentieth- century music is vast. An originator of a tonal system in his own compositions, conductor, violist and a committed pedagogue, Hindemith saw himself as a bearer of German musical tradition. He brought his art and knowledge to as diverse places as Turkey in the 1930's, and America in the 1940's and 50's. The Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1939) is one of the most influencial compositions in the twentieth-century trumpet repertoire. It is part of a body of work, spread over decades, in which Hindemith wrote music for almost all orchestral solo instruments. In 1938 Hindemith left Germany for Switzerland. It was there, in 1939, a year before his move to the United States and while watching the disturbing political developments in his home land, that he composed the Sonata for Trumpet and Piano. The musical language and structure of the composition are intense and unsettling, from the first note, to the last decaying B-flat of the final treatment of J S Bach's chorale Alle Menchen müssen Sterben (All people must die).
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 29.54 EUR excl. shipping

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