72 Results for : hedonist

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    Kerrigan Black is the hard drinking, hard partying, and even harder working frontwoman for the riot grrrl band Sugar and Cyanide. She keeps her relationships simple - she doesn't have them. But she has sex and a lot of it. For Kerrigan, it's not about the orgasm; it's about the power she wields over her partners. Kerrigan doesn't do love. At least, she didn't until her bandmate and best friend - the one woman she can never have. Dia Miller is good at revenge, so when she finds her boyfriend in bed with another woman, she decides to return the favor. She asks Kerrigan to pretend she and Dia are lovers to punish him. The show goes a little too far and feels a little too good. Dia, ever the hedonist, can't resist exploring new sensation. Will fulfilling Kerrigan's secret fantasy and satisfying Dia's curiosity shatter the bond between them or give them something more, like Happily Ever After? This title is an F/F romance. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hollie Jackson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/024190/bk_acx0_024190_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    An anthology selected and edited by Edward J. O’Brien and John Cournos with an introduction by John Cournos and Edward O'Brien.  "Where Was Wych Street" by Stacy Aumonier  "The Looking Glass" by J.D. Beresford "The Olive" by Algernon Blackwood  "Once a Hero" by Harold Brighouse  "The Pensioner" by William Caine  "Broadsheet Ballad" by A.E. Coppard  "Seaton's Aunt" by Walter de la Mare  "The Reaper" by Dorothy Eaton  "The Song" by Mary Edginton  "A Hedonist" by John Galsworthy  "The Bat and Belfry Inn" by Alan Graham  "The Lie" by Holloway Horn  "A Girl in It" by Rowland Kenney  "The Backstairs of the Mind" by Rosamond Langbridge  "The Birth of a Masterpiece" by Lucas Malet  "Genius" by Elinor Mordaunt  "The Devil to Pay" by Max Pemberton  "Empty Arms" by Roland Pertwee  "Lena Wrace" by May Sinclair  "The Dice Thrower" by Sidney Southgate  "The Stranger Woman" by G.B.Stern  "The Woman Who Sat Still" by Parry Truscott  "Major Wilbraham" by Hugh Walpole Narrated by Christianne Lupher, Alan Weyman, Sara Morsey, Sarah Bacaller, and Michelle Marie. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Christianne Lupher, Alan Weyman, Sara Morsey, Sarah Bacaller, Michelle Marie. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/mike/002533/bk_mike_002533_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Meet artist Rosemary Hall and follow her inevitable downfall brought by her lust for the famous Dorian Gray - a tale both familiar and new in this brilliant erotic mash-up of one of the world’s most beloved novels. With a mix of old fashioned Victorian debauchery and erotic 21st-century lust this cleverly sexed-up classic will leave you wanting more! First published to sensational scandal amidst accusations that the novel was hedonist, unclean, and depicted distorted views of morality The Picture of Dorian Gray was a hit back in the day. In 1890 the Daily Chronicle wrote that Wilde's novel “will taint every young mind that comes in contact with it". Well Victorian critics, gird your loins and prepare to meet Audrey Ember’s Fifty Shades of Dorian Gray: hotter, lewder, sexier, steamier, and more morally corrupt than Oscar Wilde’s original story!Rediscover this celebrated novel as it traces the moral degeneration of a beautiful young Londoner seduced by art and beauty into a cruel and reckless pursuer of pleasure. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bruce Mann. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/011333/bk_adbl_011333_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Berliner Journalist Theodor Wolff (1868-1943) schrieb auch Sachbücher, Theaterstücke und Romane. Sein letztes Werk war »Die Schwimmerin« und erschien 1937 bei Oprecht in Zürich - Wolff lebte da schon drei Jahre im südfranzösischen Exil. Der »Roman aus der Gegenwart«, so der Untertitel, erzählt die Geschichte der Liebe eines älteren Mannes zu einer jungen Frau vor der Folie der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Erschütterungen der Epoche. Der Mann ist Bankier, Hedonist und »Mann ohne Eigenschaften« (nicht umsonst heißt er Ulrich), der sich aus allem raushält - also das Gegenteil Wolffs. Sie, Gerda Rohr, ist politisch aktiv, brennt für die linksrevolutionären Bewegungen und hält seine Passivität nicht aus. Man kann in ihr Wolffs ehemalige Sekretärin, Ilse Stöbe (1911-1942), erkennen, eine Widerstandskämpferin und sowjetische Spionin, die von den Nazis hingerichtet wurde. Der Roman ist alles andere als ein Thesenstück, gar eine Sammlung von Leitartikeln: Er ist voller Schwung, ungewöhnlichen Formulierungen und atmosphärisch eine fulminante und genaue Schilderung dessen, was wir aus »Babylon Berlin« kennen - oder zu kennen glauben. Wolffs Roman ist vieles zugleich: Liebesgeschichte, Sozialgeschichte, Porträt Berlins - man kann anhand der geschilderten Topographie die Wege der Protagonisten abgehen -, ein wehmütiger Nachruf auf die Weimarer Republik, Vorahnung des bevorstehenden Untergangs, Beschreibung des Lebens im Exil. Und das alles in einer Sprache, die mittels überraschender Bilder erzählt.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 25.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    Scarlet Briar: The exclusive private community inhabited by actors, sports stars, senators, and high society. The most recent additions being Cherie Boddington and her stripper mother - poor white trash gone to live in the house on the hill with multi-billionaire community owner Drew Briar. With the Cruelest Intentions: Cherie thought since she'd lived in the gutter she knew how dangerous the world was and how to protect herself. She knew how to be hungry, how to do without, and how to scrape and claw for what she wanted. No one ever taught her how to handle excess - or the hedonist heir apparent who has nothing better to do than find her every limit and push her past them. Fearing she'd become like her mother, Cherie's had little sexual experience aside from her mom's pervert boyfriends trying to get into her pants, but while trying to hold her own in Scarlet Briar she's launched on a journey of self-discovery, and the nature of pleasure and pain. With the world at her fingertips while waiting for the glass house to shatter, Cherie embraces every new experience, every taste, and every touch only to learn not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes, it's just beautiful trash, a hot mess and a lot of bitchcraft. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Hollie Jackson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/019915/bk_acx0_019915_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Berliner Journalist Theodor Wolff (1868-1943) schrieb auch Sachbu¿cher, Theaterstu¿cke und Romane. Sein letztes Werk war Die Schwimmerin und erschien 1937 bei Oprecht in Zu¿rich - Wolff lebte da schon drei Jahre im su¿dfranzösischen Exil. Der »Roman aus der Gegenwart«, so der Untertitel, erzählt die Geschichte der Liebe eines älteren Mannes zu einer jungen Frau vor der Folie der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Erschu¿tterungen der Epoche. Der Mann ist Bankier, Hedonist und »Mann ohne Eigenschaften« (nicht umsonst heißt er Ulrich), der sich aus allem raushält - also das Gegenteil Wolffs. Sie, Gerda Rohr, ist politisch aktiv, brennt fu¿r die linksrevolutionären Bewegungen und hält seine Passivität nicht aus. Man kann in ihr Wolffs ehemalige Sekretärin, Ilse Stöbe (1911-1942), erkennen, eine Widerstandskämpferin und sowjetische Spionin, die von den Nazis hingerichtet wurde. Der Roman ist alles andere als ein Thesenstu¿ck, gar eine Sammlung von Leitartikeln: Er ist voller Schwung, ungewöhnlichen Formulierungen und atmosphärisch eine fulminante und genaue Schilderung dessen, was wir aus Babylon Berlin kennen - oder zu kennen glauben. Wolffs Roman ist vieles zugleich: Liebesgeschichte, Sozialgeschichte, Porträt Berlins - man kann anhand der geschilderten Topographie die Wege der Protagonisten abgehen -, ein wehmu¿tiger Nachruf auf die Weimarer Republik, Vorahnung des bevorstehenden Untergangs, Beschreibung des Lebens im Exil. Und das alles in einer Sprache, die mittels u¿berraschender Bilder erzählt.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Slut is a great word. It just sounds perfect - so sharp and clear and beautiful. It's one of those satisfying four letter words, like cunt and f--k. Slut also happens to be an anagram for lust, which is one of those divine coincidences that makes you wonder if God actually exists. We're lucky that slut is such a great word, because it's safe to say that almost every woman will be called a slut at least once in her lifetime. Despite a slowly shifting sexual double standard, it's still taboo to be a woman who's openly sexual - let alone one who sleeps around. Now Vogue columnist Karley Sciortino is on a mission to reclaim the word "slut" to represent a person who seeks out visceral experiences through sex, and who isn't ashamed about it. Sluts are special. Sluts are radical. And sluts are skilled at time management, because they can handle multiple partners on rotation, plus their jobs and their blogs and their beauty routines. Not everyone is qualified for this coveted position. Slutever is a call-to-arms, a confessional memoir, a slut manifesto, as told by a sex-radical hedonist in a pink PVC mini dress. It's a thoughtful, first-person account of a modern woman, navigating sex, love, casual hookups, open relationships,, bisexuality, BDSM, breakups, sex work, sex parties, and the power of sexual agency, as told from the front lines. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Karley Sciortino. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hach/004219/bk_hach_004219_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Known for his meaty seriocomic novels, expansive works that are simultaneously lowbrow and highbrow, Tom Robbins has also published over the years a number of short pieces, predominantly nonfiction. His travel articles, essays, and tributes to actors, musicians, sex kittens, and thinkers have appeared in publications ranging from Esquire to Harper's, from Playboy to The New York Times, High Times, and Life. A generous sampling, collected here for the first time and including works as diverse as scholarly art criticism and some decidedly untypical country music lyrics, Wild Ducks Flying Backward offers a rare sweeping overview of the eclectic sensibility of an American original. Whether he is rocking with the Doors, depoliticizing Picasso's Guernica, lamenting the angst-ridden state of contemporary literature, or drooling over tomato sandwiches and a species of womanhood he calls "the genius waitress," Robbins's briefer writings often exhibit the same five traits that perhaps best characterize his novels: an imaginative wit, a cheerfully brash disregard for convention, a sweetly nasty eroticism, a mystical but keenly observant eye, and an irrepressible love of language. Embedded in this primarily journalistic compilation are a couple of short stories, a sheaf of largely unpublished poems, and an off-beat assessment of our divided nation. And wherever we open Wild Ducks Flying Backward, we're apt to encounter examples of the intently serious playfulness that percolates from the mind of a self-described "romantic Zen hedonist" and "stray dog in the banquet halls of culture." ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Robbins. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/000649/bk_rand_000649_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    "Umwerfend. Peter Buwaldas Genialität ist ganz und gar einmalig." The Times"Mit dem, was Psychiater für ein stattliches Honorar Vatersuche nennen, hat es nichts zu tun" - so beginnt dieser Roman, und tatsächlich: Ludwig Smit, Stiefbruder eines genialen, aber wunderlichen Klavier- und Beethoven-Virtuosen, dessen Vater Otmar auch ihn großgezogen hat, sucht seinen leiblichen Vater nicht. Aber als der junge Shell-Angestellte, zuständig für die umstrittene Vermessung von Erdölfeldern per Dynamit, auf die sibirische Insel Sachalin reist, um dort den Geschäftsführer der Firma Sakhalin Energy zu treffen, kommt ihm der Verdacht, dass dieser Johan Tromp sein Vater ist, der ihn schon im Stich gelassen hat, als er noch gar nicht geboren war. Völlig unverhofft, nämlich in einem Schneesturm, begegnet er in diesem fernen Winkel Russlands einer früheren Mitbewohnerin wieder, der Journalistin Isabelle Orthel, die, wie sich herausstellt, mit Tromp vor Jahren in Nigeria eine Affäre hatte und nun den Plan verfolgt, diverses Dunkle ans Licht zu zerren. Bislang kam Tromp - Hedonist, Alpha-Mann, Kronprinz von Shell - immer einfach so davon.Nach seinem fulminanten Roman "Bonita Avenue", von der "ZEIT" als "große europäische Kunst" gefeiert, schreibt Peter Buwalda nun also weiter an seinem stilistisch meisterhaften literarischen Universum - mit nicht weniger als einer Trilogie, deren erster Teil "Otmars Söhne" ist. Wieder geht es um Familie und die Bruchstücke davon, um abwesende Väter und Stiefväter, um Identität und Verantwortung, um persönliche Versäumnisse, Sexualität und Schuld - das unübersichtlich gewordene Leben in heutiger Zeit.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 24.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    At loose ends after four years in the Royal Navy, young James Harrington stumbles on an advertisement for an ‘Estate Manager’ and eagerly applies for the position. However, the job is not exactly what James expects. Navy Commander Hamilton Sterrett plans to completely refurbish an old estate and former girl’s school, Ironwood, which was left vacant for decades after rumours of its libertine past forced its doors to close. In the spirit of Ironwood’s salacious past, Sterrett intends to create an exclusive gentlemen’s club, a veritable pleasure palace for a select number of rich and influential men. Serving these men in their hedonist pursuits will be beautiful young women who exhibit the necessary sophistication, grace and charm required for their elite job. Women from various walks of life, from exotic dancers, escorts to spoiled rich girls sign the generous six month contract. From there, James takes over, demanding a strict disciplinary regimen and holding a firm line against any show of rebellion. They girls are trained accordingly, learning the rules of house and understanding the price for disobedience. James revels in his new occupation - what red-blooded male wouldn’t when given free reign with such sexually attractive females? While most girls adapt to his demands with the proper persuasion, for the truly rebellious, the Commander has hired Katrina Kemp, a physical education instructor with a commanding presence who’s eager to take on any willful brat. But while the formidable dominatrix gets results, she and James are sure to clash, since only one of them can be in charge at Ironwood. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: William Reid. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/marz/000012/bk_marz_000012_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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