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At overleve undergang - en mosaik af eksistensens stemninger
Romanuddrag fra the Vertiellot Residence, trilogidel III. Passage 1 Jeg overlever og skal nok komme mig og... opmuntrer de. Jeg skal igen blive et promenadeeksemplar af mennesket, eksemplarisk, til boulevarderne, ture i søndagstøj og offentlig fremvisning. Det er sødt af dem. Og. En sammensværgelse. Man holder mig fangen, siger jeg, det er til dit eget bedste, siger de. Som standard. Mine behandlere har forladt mig. Det er angst-provokerende. Dyb indånding og jeg vender mig om igen. Sådan, nu passer sæderyg og mand igen sammen. I et sammenfald af design. Ro. Det er bedst. Jeg gør intet overilet. Jeg kan være farlig. Står der i journalen. Den, jeg er forbudt indsigt i. Passage 2 Døren er for længst stængt. Hun har nøgler. De klirrer på gangen. Selv lyden forvilder sig. Af metal. Gravet i jordens indre. Der, hvor ingen eller kun få kommer. Og grævlinger. Som i nat-dyr. {...} Det er efter sigende svært at finde en dygtig psykiater; jeg tænker, det er endnu sværere at finde en duelig patient. Man ved de eksisterer, altså dygtige psykiatere, man har hørt om dem. - En uforudset dag beskikkes man en, og lettere befippet spørger man sig selv, hvad i alverden stiller jeg op med sådan en? Passage 8 Vicenzo: »Jeg slår ham ihjel. - Som I alle tre har.« Thiebaut: »Jeg har ikke dræbt ham.« Vicenzo: »Slået ihjel, det har I, Thiebaut, Finnley, Ethan, og det folk som I slet ikke kender. Tilfældige, så - « Finnley: » - Så hvad? Stop! Inden du forhaster dig, inden du begynder med, at det personlige mord er bedre eller tilladeligt.« Passage 11 S: »At være sig bevidst, er en svær disciplin. Særligt døden og dødens komme. Og derfor, netop derfor, er épéen et af de fornemmere våben: med præcision, touché, og elegant glider den gennem kroppen og lige så ubesværet ud igen. Således at et menneske står tilbage, vågen; i stase af tid-rum, vidende, at i de næste minutter vil blodet pible, som dråber løber ned ad en regnvejrsrude, man betragter verden gennem, i konturer og kontraster, er portalen åben; i nogle minutter, erkendende, at her og nu render livet ud, af mig; i nogle minutter, er jeg prikket til og døende, i ebbe med udsigt til flod, stiger havet og tager med, ud; i nogle minutter, strømmende, er jeg opmærksom, om dødens bølge og perle, et sikorn, hvælvet af Stillehave og Krystalsfærer - changerende, for den, som er sig bevidst.«- Shop: buecher
- Price: 15.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Expatriates: A Novel , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 797min
Raise a glass: The first great book-club novel of 2016 has arrived.” (USA Today)“A female, funny Henry James in Asia, Janice Y. K. Lee is vividly good on the subject of Americans abroad.” (The New York Times Book Review) “Sex and the City meets Lost in Translation.” (The Skimm)Janice Y. K. Lee’s New York Times best-selling debut, The Piano Teacher, was called “immensely satisfying” by People, “intensely readable” by O, The Oprah Magazine, and “a rare and exquisite story” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Now, in her long-awaited new novel, Lee explores with devastating poignancy the emotions, identities, and relationships of three very different American women living in the same small expat community in Hong Kong. Mercy, a young Korean American and recent Columbia graduate, is adrift, undone by a terrible incident in her recent past. Hilary, a wealthy housewife, is haunted by her struggle to have a child, something she believes could save her foundering marriage. Meanwhile, Margaret, once a happily married mother of three, questions her maternal identity in the wake of a shattering loss. As each woman struggles with her own demons, their lives collide in ways that have irreversible consequences for them all. Atmospheric, moving, and utterly compelling, The Expatriates confirms Lee as an exceptional talent and one of our keenest observers of women's inner lives. 9780698410503 N N ©2016 Janice Y. K. Lee;(P)2016 Penguin Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191ZOP4G?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191ZOP4G?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Zombie Dawn Apocalypse: Zombie Dawn Trilogy, Book 3 (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Zombie Dawn Apocalypse: Zombie Dawn Trilogy, Book 3 (Unabridged) Zombie Dawn Apocalypse (Unabridged) Michael G. Thomas, Nick S. Thomas The final novel in the exciting Zombie Dawn trilogy that follows the outbreak of a deadly worldwide zombie plague. This epic finale concludes the story 10 years on from Zombie Dawn Outbreak.... Mark Diamond Swordworks Books 2015-12-07 15:35:30 450 B01928S1BA English - Science Fiction & Fantasy English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049178de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049178/bk_acx0_049178_sample.mp3 The final novel in the exciting Zombie Dawn trilogy that follows the outbreak of a deadly worldwide zombie plague. This epic finale concludes the story 10 years on from Zombie Dawn Outbreak. Very few communities remain, and those left are the hardiest and most resolute. This book tells of the final bloody fight for survival that will determine the future of mankind. Across the globe the final bastions of humanity hang on by a thread. In Europe the last great fortified town is besieged by the largest zombie horde that has been seen since the outbreak. Every last weapon and round of ammunition is used in a battle of epic proportions that can only end in total defeat for one side. In the United States, after being forced from their homes many years before, the survivors of the town of Babylon lead a nomadic lifestyle and have reached Mexico. With only a small number remaining and little more than their horses and hand weapons, the bedraggled group go in search of water. With little hope or morale left, they fight for every second of life. In the Southern Hemisphere the Flotilla has fought and struggled for 10 years, but it is now time for them to settle down. After making contact with a new community, they decide to risk it all in one last gamble. As the fleet leaves on their final voyage, they receive terrible news. The island, their last best hope for survival, is under a massive attack by the walking dead. Only quick and decisive action can save the day and give them the future they have worked so many years for. UNKNOWN N N ©2010 Michael G. Thomas & Nick S. Thomas;(P)2015 Swordworks Books http://www.audible.de/pd/B01928S1BA?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B01928S1BA?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Partners in Crime: A FFM Royal Heist: Madame's Girls on the Grift, Book 2 (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Partners in Crime: A FFM Royal Heist: Madame's Girls on the Grift, Book 2 (Unabridged) Partners in Crime: A FFM Royal Heist (Unabridged) AJ Tipton The tempestuous Riley and seductive Lulu are beautiful thieves on a mission to save the financially strained academy they once called home.... Risa Pappas AJ Tipton 2015-12-07 15:13:40 72 B0192C4MQE English - Romance English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049183de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049183/bk_acx0_049183_sample.mp3 Sexy thieves come together to prove being bad can feel so good. The tempestuous Riley and seductive Lulu are beautiful thieves on a mission to save the financially strained academy they once called home. Their determination to complete their goal is rivaled only by their passionate love for each other. But when their final heist meets a snag in the form of the striking knight Sir Hawkwood, will everything they've worked for fall apart? Billy Hawkwood is a scoundrel, grifter, and ladies' man working on his biggest score yet. He is prepared to let nothing get between him and his prize. That is, until Lulu and Riley explode into his scheme, and he begins to question whether some things are worth more than gold. Will he risk the job of a lifetime for the impetuous, cunning women he cannot help but adore? This adult romance includes fighting monks, castle heists, and a love so big it fits three. It is a standalone novella, part of the Madame's Girls on the Grift series, which can be heard in any order. There are no cliffhangers, and each short ends as it should: happily ever after. UNKNOWN N N ©2015 AJ Tipton;(P)2015 AJ Tipton http://www.audible.de/pd/B0192C4MQE?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0192C4MQE?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Pale Wolf: Bad Wolf Chronicles, Book 2 (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Pale Wolf: Bad Wolf Chronicles, Book 2 (Unabridged) Pale Wolf (Unabridged) Tim McGregor Three months after his partner mysteriously vanished, detective John Gallagher remains haunted by his encounter with something that should not exist.... Bob Barton Kemah Bay Marketing LLC 2015-12-07 14:57:54 588 B019274HS2 English - Kids & Young Adults English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049163de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049163/bk_acx0_049163_sample.mp3 A cop on a mission. A woman running from her fate. Both on a collision course with evil.... In the pulse-pounding sequel to Bad Wolf, the nightmare that ripped open two lives slips from the darkness to once again stalk the streets of Portland. Three months after his partner mysteriously vanished, detective John Gallagher remains haunted by his encounter with something that should not exist. With no clues as to his partner's disappearance, detective Lara Mendes is presumed dead, but Gallagher refuses to give up the search. Like a man possessed, he pushes himself to the brink to find her. At a downtown firing range, 17-year-old Amy Gallagher is taught how to fire a gun by her father. She goes along for his sake, but Amy is increasingly troubled by her father's instability. His nightmares, paranoia, and obsession with finding his missing partner are clear signs of post-traumatic stress, but her pleas for him to seek help fall on deaf ears. Chafing under his strict rules, Amy struggles to save her dad before he pushes himself over the edge. Two hundred miles away, a woman with a terrible secret hides in the vastness of the Oregon wilderness, desperate to outrun her fate. Banished into self-imposed exile with a worsening condition, ex-detective Lara Mendes has exhausted any hope for a cure to her cursed existence. With no options left, her last chance at peace may be to take her own life. Stalking her through the pines is a primordial nightmare plucked straight from a Grimm's fairytale. It wants Lara Mendes and will stop at nothing to get her. The only question that remains is who will get to her first, and what will Lara do when they come? UNKNOWN N N ©2013 Tim McGregor;(P)2015 Tim McGregor http://www.audible.de/pd/B019274HS2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B019274HS2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Under familieloven: Sværkeslægten 5 16.95 AVAILABLE Under familieloven: Sværkeslægten 5 Under familieloven Helene Strange Da Morten Sværkes ældste søn dør, står den unge Niels pludselig med det store ansvar for sværkeslægtens fremtid... Kjeld Høegh AV Forlaget 2015-12-07 08:03:32 453 B0191RP1N8 Historische Romane Danish 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/avfo/000452de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/avfo/000452/bk_avfo_000452_sample.mp3 Dansk lydbog, Dansk, Danish, Kjeld Hoegh, Svaerkeslaegten, Sværkeslægten Da Morten Sværkes ældste søn dør, står den unge Niels pludselig med det store ansvar for sværkeslægtens fremtid. Han klarer slægten helskindet gennem statsbankerotten i 1813, som ellers var skæbnesvanger for mange af tidens bønder og husmænd. I kærligheden går det imidlertid knap så godt for Niels. Efter Niels' død overtager sønnen Hans ansvaret for slægten, og han fører den gennem gode tider frem mod grundlovgivningen og treårskrigen. Hans splittes mellem to kvinder - den humørsyge Maren og den kønne, energiske Kirsten. Helene Strange kender den falsterske bondekultur indefra. Hendes blik for bondesamfundets hverdag i det 18. og 19. århundrede tilbyder os både indlevelse i de enkelte personers skæbner og en rig indlevelse i landbrugssamfundets mange kulturformer. 9788771622065 N N ©2005 Hovedland / Helene Strange;(P)2014 AV Forlaget http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191RP1N8?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191RP1N8?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true The Vigilante's Lover, Volume 3: A Romantic Suspense Thriller (Unabridged) 16.95 AVAILABLE The Vigilante's Lover, Volume 3: A Romantic Suspense Thriller (Unabridged) The Vigilante's Lover, Volume 3 (Unabridged) Annie Winters, Tony West With a kill order hanging over Jax, he and Mia have to stay one step ahead of the most powerful organization in the world. And they're on their own. Even their trusted friends are off limits.... Gordon Anthony Palagi, Samantha L. Mantin Casey Shay Press 2015-12-07 17:35:42 208 B0192D9BXM English - Romance English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049256de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049256/bk_acx0_049256_sample.mp3 The Vigilantes have obliterated Mia's past, but Jax is her future. After the Vigilantes blow up Mia's house, Jax knows he has to let her stay with him. It's the only way to protect her - if he can keep her safe at all. Mia knows her future belongs to Jax. She has no family, no home, and nothing to return to. If they don't survive the next few days, she'll still have tasted a life she never thought possible. With a kill order hanging over Jax, he and Mia have to stay one step ahead of the most powerful organization in the world. And they're on their own. Even their trusted friends are off limits to avoid putting anyone else in danger. Jax has one shot at getting to the bottom of his ex-lover's treachery, attending an MMA fight in Nashville where he will stage a Vigilante showdown...if he can keep them both alive. UNKNOWN N N ©2015 Deanna Roy;(P)2015 Deanna Roy http://www.audible.de/pd/B0192D9BXM?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0192D9BXM?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Conversations with a Muse (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Conversations with a Muse (Unabridged) Conversations with a Muse (Unabridged) Derek Malpass Written with a light touch in accessible English, this compilation explores a variety of themes that have concerned all of us at one time or another.... Derek Malpass Derek Malpass 2015-12-07 15:00:17 123 B019274A20 English - Drama & Poetry English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049199de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049199/bk_acx0_049199_sample.mp3 Paralyzed by poetry? Clueless about the classics? Mystified by muses? Then this compilation is just the book for you. Written with a light touch in accessible English, it explores a variety of themes that have concerned all of us at one time or another. If you have ever been out of your depth at a conference, lost at a job fair, or wondered why you should keep your powder dry, then you will immediately relate to the verses inside. Encounter Robert Frost in the woods of New England, soar with Shelley's nightingale, embolden Keats' knight, and find out what really happened to the monster Grendel. Meet two of the Muses, members of that classical group that have stirred the artistic endeavors of poets, musicians, and actors for centuries. Immortal they may be, but here they are shown to have very human emotions and enthusiasms. Erato, Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry, simply cannot take no for an answer; her warrior sister, Calliope, is reduced to pleading for another epic to be written. In this audiobook, you will find philosophy, romance, and a love of nature as well as disturbing thoughts regarding the future of our planet. Hopefully most of the poems will raise a smile; some may linger in the mind, and others provide food for further reflection. Enjoy! UNKNOWN N N ©2009 Derek Malpass;(P)2015 Derek Malpass http://www.audible.de/pd/B019274A20?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B019274A20?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Romantic Island Getaway: Billionaires Don't Get Caught, Volume 1 (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE Romantic Island Getaway: Billionaires Don't Get Caught, Volume 1 (Unabridged) Romantic Island Getaway (Unabridged) Shaneeka Porter A business deal with high stakes gets a little more serious when two partners take it to new levels. Their curiosity turns into lust as they go on a long and winding adventure together.... Argena Hall Silk Sheet Books 2015-12-07 15:52:36 40 B01929G21K English - Romance English 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049224de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049224/bk_acx0_049224_sample.mp3 A business deal with high stakes gets a little more serious when two partners take it to new levels. Their curiosity turns into lust as they go on a long and winding adventure together. UNKNOWN N N ©2015 Silk Sheet Books;(P)2015 Silk Sheet Books http://www.audible.de/pd/B01929G21K?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B01929G21K?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true My Soul to Take: The Holy Trinity Book 2 (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE My Soul to Take: The Holy Trinity Book 2 (Unabridged) My Soul to Take (Unabridged) Madeline Sheehan After escaping a worldwide apocalyptic plague that transformed most of humanity into flesh-eating monsters, Trinity found sanctuary with a band of roving gypsies.... Kelsey Osborne Madeline Sheehan 2015-12-07 15:15:20 438 B01927SU1W English - Science Fiction & Fantasy English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049242de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049242/bk_acx0_049242_sample.mp3 The second book in the Holy Trinity Trilogy.... After escaping a worldwide apocalyptic plague that transformed most of humanity into flesh-eating monsters, Trinity found sanctuary with a band of roving gypsies who possessed incredible powers, the likes of which she'd never seen before. After a brutal attack on camp and a life changing transformation she'd never seen coming, the clan abandoned her; left her alone in a world where the only thing certain is death. Her power unstable, her future unknown, Trinity fights to keep breathing, to keep her sanity, and to find her destiny. UNKNOWN N N ©2012 Madeline Sheehan;(P)2015 Madeline Sheehan http://www.audible.de/pd/B01927SU1W?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B01927SU1W?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Essential Oils: The Step-by-Step Guide to Essential Oils from A-Z for Weight Loss, Stress Relief, and Aromatherapy (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Essential Oils: The Step-by-Step Guide to Essential Oils from A-Z for Weight Loss, Stress Relief, and Aromatherapy (Unabridged) Essential Oils (Unabridged) Malik Johnson If you want to totally heal your body, lose weight, fight depression, gain relaxation and focus, without taking a single pill, then this book is for you.... Alan Munro WE CANT BE BEAT LLC 2015-12-07 15:39:56 163 B01928Z4LA English - Self-Development English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049207de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049207/bk_acx0_049207_sample.mp3 If you want to totally heal your body, lose weight, fight depression, gain relaxation and focus, without taking a single pill, then this book is for you! Essential oils are known as nature's pharmacy, because they offer incredible, health-transforming effects that can rejuvenate your mind and body. Did you know that there is an intensely healing, rejuvenating and revitalizing essential oil for almost every single letter of the alphabet and every type of pain, illness or health issue? This easy-to-use guide takes you through the complete A-Z of essential oils, introducing you to the very best health-giving oils in the world, along with their uses and benefits, as well as the powerful aromatherapy techniques that allow you to get the most out of them. UNKNOWN N N ©2015 Malik Johnson;(P)2015 Malik Johnson http://www.audible.de/pd/B01928Z4LA?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B01928Z4LA?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Foxies and the Mysterious Floating Object (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE Foxies and the Mysterious Floating Object (Unabridged) Foxies and the Mysterious Floating Object (Unabridged) B.K. Bradshaw, S.K. Bradshaw Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What is that mysterious object in the sky? With the help of their friend, Grace, the family of foxes venture into the world of humans to solve the mystery.... Brielle West Goldminds Publishing LLC 2015-12-07 16:06:46 7 B01929X4F2 English - Kids & Young Adults English 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049240de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049240/bk_acx0_049240_sample.mp3 Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What is that mysterious object in the sky? With the help of their friend, Grace, the family of foxes venture into the world of humans to solve the mystery. Curious will stop at nothing to figure it out. Catcher wonders if he can catch it. Cutie just wants to hide. A book to promote curiosity, imagination, and problem solving in young children. UNKNOWN N N ©2015 BK Bradshaw and SK Bradshaw;(P)2015 Goldminds Publishing, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/B01929X4F2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B01929X4F2?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Super Everybody: Alphas and Omegas, Book 3 (Unabridged) 22.95 AVAILABLE Super Everybody: Alphas and Omegas, Book 3 (Unabridged) Super Everybody (Unabridged) Brent Meske Life must move on. For residents of Lincolnshire, it moves on painfully, without thousands of the people that helped protect and keep it safe.... Matt Haynes Brent Meske 2015-12-07 10:03:12 556 B0191VLUSO English - Kids & Young Adults English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049130de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049130/bk_acx0_049130_sample.mp3 Life must move on. For residents of Lincolnshire, it moves on painfully, without thousands of the people that helped protect and keep it safe. For the Omega Syndicate, it moves forward by destroying entire cities in a new and terrifying way. For Michael Washignton, Sr., it moves forward without his wife and son. Is the town super enough to handle saving itself - and now the world - without Michael? Super Everybody is book three of the Alphas and Omegas series. Book one, Super Nobody, was selected as required reading for middle school students by a school district in Arizona! It's gotta be good, right? UNKNOWN N N ©2013 Brent Meske;(P)2015 Brent Meske http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191VLUSO?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B0191VLUSO?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Point of View (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Point of View (Unabridged) Point of View (Unabridged) PJ LaRue Five historical short stories with a pinch of parody and conspiracy theory twists.... Gabrielle Baker PJ LaRue, Inc 2015-12-07 14:34:42 104 B01925QMRS English - Fiction English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/049159de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/049159/bk_acx0_049159_sample.mp3 Five historical short stories with a pinch of parody and conspiracy theory twists.... Who is the real" D. B. Cooper? You'll be intrigued by the identity of his parents. Learn the undisclosed reason for the Titanic's loss. Can FBI Agent Susan Kane save the world from a repeat terrorist attack? How are Imelda Marcos, shoes, and a shortage of chocolate responsible for the end of the world? You've heard about the "relationship theories" between presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. Now, explore the "relationship" between John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Sneak peeks of P. J. LaRue's other books are included as a bonus. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ann Marie Lee. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/peng/002727/bk_peng_002727_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
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