81 Results for : mancuso

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    In diesem Buch stellt Stefano Mancuso Entdecker vor, die sich den Pflanzen mit Leidenschaft gewidmet haben - eine inspirierende Anthologie, ein Geschenk für jeden Naturliebhaber.Ein neuer Blick für die Natur, leidenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit und Forschergeist können unsere Vorstellung von der Welt verändern. Der Biologe Stefano Mancuso lässt in seinem neuen Buch Botaniker, Genetiker und Philosophen, aber auch Landwirte und schlichte Liebhaber aus fünf Jahrhunderten Revue passieren, denen aus inbrünstiger Beschäftigung mit der Welt der Pflanzen entscheidende Entdeckungen gelangen.Da ist George Washington Carver, der als erster Schwarzer an einer Universität studiert und die Amerikaner von der Essbarkeit der Erdnuss überzeugt. Oder Nikolai Wawilow, der Russland durch eine gigantische Samenbank Nahrungssicherheit schenken will - und selbst in einem Gefängnis Stalins verhungert. Darwin entwickelt eine »Theorie zum Wurzelgehirn«; Leonardo da Vinci studiert, wie Blätter Sonnenlicht einfangen; Goethe ist, auf der Suche nach der Urpflanze, dem einheitlichen Organisationsplan des Lebens auf der Spur.Wahre »Amateure« sind sie alle, die als »liebende Forscher« einen neuen Blick wagten und damit zu Pionieren wurden. Mancusos inspirierende Anthologie der Begeisterung und zugleich selbst ein überzeugendes Plädoyer dafür, die Naturforschung aus den Händen der Molekularbiologen zu erretten.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 22.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    Warum eine neue Esskultur beim Anbau beginnt: Carlo Petrini, Gründer von Slow Food, diskutiert mit Stefano Mancuso, Biologe und Bestsellerautor.Back to the roots: Wer für den guten Geschmack, für neue, intelligente Lebensmittel kämpft, schützt die biologische Vielfalt und kann damit eine Revolution auslösen. Ein neues Bündnis zwischen Köchen und Bauern ist der natürliche Weg zu nachhaltigen Anbaumethoden und damit zu einem sozialen und kulturellen Wandel: Den Geschmack zu kultivieren lehrt uns, besser und intelligenter zu leben.Carlo Petrini, Gründer von Slow Food und des Agrarnetzwerks Terra Madre, diskutiert mit dem Biologen Stefano Mancuso, der uns in Die Intelligenz der Pflanzen einen neuen Blick auf die Pflanzenwelt eröffnet hat. Die zerstörerische industrielle Landwirtschaft ist gescheitert, da sind sich die beiden Gesprächspartner einig. Statt lebensfeindlicher Monokulturen, der immensen Vergeudung von Nahrungsmitteln und den immer neuen Künstlichkeiten der Star-Gastronomie geht es darum, die Grundlagen einer neuen Kultur des Essens zu schaffen. Und dabei buchstäblich auf dem Boden zu bleiben und bei den Pflanzen anzusetzen, die 96 Prozent der Biomasse des Planeten stellen und uns in vielem als Modell dienen können. Ein beispielnahes, wunderbar anregendes und zukunftsweisendes Gesprächsbuch zweier leidenschaftlicher Spezialisten zu einem Thema, das den Kern unseres Lebens berührt.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 10.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Bestsellerautor Stefan Klein im Gespräch mit weltweit führenden Wissenschaftlern. Er diskutiert mit dem Astronomen des Papstes Guy Consolmagno über Gott und den Ursprung des Universums, spricht u.a. mit der Kognitionspsychologin Margret Boden über schöpferische künstliche Intelligenz, mit dem Botaniker Stefano Mancuso über die Intelligenz der Pflanzen - und selbst Sigmund Freud kommt noch einmal zu Wort.Glänzend geführte Unterhaltungen, die uns teilhaben lassen an den persönlichen Erfahrungen, Einsichten und aktuellsten Forschungen der derzeit klügsten Köpfe.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 12.40 EUR excl. shipping
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    Bumping Off Fat Vinny is a lighthearted look at the attempts of authors Margaret Stanton, Danny Garrett, and Maria Mancuso make to do away with a scoundrel who seemingly has more lives than a cat. It confirms the old adage that the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes do, in fact, go astray. The authors were contracted to write the true story of Maria Mancuso, widow of murdered Mob boss Tony "The Nose"; they knew they had produced the ultimate true crime story - one that would receive an avalanche of literary awards and mountains of praise from their publisher, Fat Vinny Vitali. In fact their agent had already pitched the story to a movie studio, and a contract was pending. How could it get any better? Then the bad news. Fat Vinny refused to accept the manuscript as written, instead demanding the authors actually solve the murder of Tony "The Nose". He threatened to hold the project in limbo until they gave into his demands. After several tense meetings with Fat Vinny and consultation with an attorney, the authors realized the only way out of their publishing contract was if Fat Vinny died. The more obnoxious he became in his demands, the more convinced they were they might have to help Vinny's untimely demise. The fun begins when the three writers become murder conspirators in what they believe will be a foolproof effort to save their book and the movie deal. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Lennon. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/041841/bk_acx0_041841_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Be a Better Developer and Deliver Better Code Despite advanced tools and methodologies, software projects continue to fail. Why? Too many organizations still view software development as just another production line. Too many developers feel that way, too-and they behave accordingly. In The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride, Sandro Mancuso offers a better and more fulfilling path. If you want to develop software with pride and professionalism; love what you do and do it with excellence; and build a career with autonomy, mastery, and purpose, it starts with the recognition that you are a craftsman. Once you embrace this powerful mindset, you can achieve unprecedented levels of technical excellence and customer satisfaction. Mancuso helped found the world's largest organization of software craftsmen; now, he shares what he's learned through inspiring examples and pragmatic advice you can use in your company, your projects, and your career. You will learn Why agile processes aren't enough and why craftsmanship is crucial to making them work How craftsmanship helps you build software right and helps clients in ways that go beyond code How and when to say "No" and how to provide creative alternatives when you do Why bad code happens to good developers and how to stop creating and justifying it How to make working with legacy code less painful and more productive How to be pragmatic-not dogmatic-about your practices and tools How to lead software craftsmen and attract them to your organization What to avoid when advertising positions, interviewing candidates, and hiring developers How developers and their managers can create a true culture of learning How to drive true technical change and overcome deep patterns of skepticism Sandro Mancuso has coded for startups, software houses, product companies, international consultancies, and investment banks. In October 2013, he cofounded Codurance, a consultancy based on Software Craftsmanship principles and values. His involvement with Software Craftsmanship began in 2010, when he founded the London Software Craftsmanship Community (LSCC), now the world's largest and most active Software Craftsmanship community, with more than two thousand craftsmen. For the past four years, he has inspired and helped developers to organize Software Craftsmanship communities throughout Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 15.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The New York Times best-selling author of A Dog's Purpose continues his heartwarming series that perfectly captures the unconditional loving relationships between people and their loyal best friends in stories no dog lover can resist. Basis for the major motion picture starring Josh Gad and Dennis Quaid! This program includes an afterword read by W. Bruce Cameron. Soon to be a major motion picture! Audiences are invited along on A Dog’s Journey, the next chapter of the beloved best-selling series by author W. Bruce Cameron. The family film told from the dog’s perspective serves as the much-anticipated follow-up to the soulful story of one devoted dog who finds the meaning of his own existence through the lives of the humans he teaches to laugh and love. After searching for his purpose through several eventful lives, Buddy is sure that he has found and fulfilled it. Yet as he watches curious baby Clarity get into dangerous mischief, he is certain that this little girl is very much in need of a dog of her own. When Buddy is reborn, he realizes that he has a new destiny. He's overjoyed when he is adopted by Clarity, now a vibrant but troubled teenager. When they are suddenly separated, Buddy despairs - who will take care of his girl? Directed by Gail Mancuso (TV’s Modern Family, Roseanne), A Dog's Journey is once again produced by Gavin Polone (A Dog’s Purpose, Zombieland). Mancuso directs from an adapted screenplay by Cameron and Cathryn Michon and Wally Wolodarsky and Maya Forbes, based on the book by Cameron. The film from Amblin Entertainment and Walden Media will be distributed by Universal Pictures. A charming and heartwarming story of hope and unending devotion, A Dog’s Journey is the moving story of unwavering loyalty and a love that crosses all barriers. A Dog's Purpose series:A Dog’s Purpose A D ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: George K. Wilson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/aren/001417/bk_aren_001417_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Erscheinungsdatum: 28.11.2019, Medium: Blu-ray, Inhalt: 1x Blu-ray Disc (25 GB), Titel: Sudden Death, Titelzusatz: Collectors Edition, Darsteller: Jean-Claude Van Damme // Powers Boothe // Raymond J. Barry // Whittni Wright // Ross Malinger // Dorian Harewood // Kate McNeil // Michael Gaston // Audra Lindley // Brian Delate // Steve Aronson // Michael R. Aubele // Karen Elise Baldwin // Jennifer D. Bowser // Pat Brisson // Glenda Morgan Brown // Jophery C. Brown // William Cameron // Bernard Canepari // Jay Caufield // Alan Clement // Bill Clement // Bill Dalzell // Gilbert B. Combs // Jack Erdie // Ed Evanko // David Flick // Glenn Alan Gardner // John Hall // Jeff Habberstad // Mark Hager // John Hateley // Rosine Ace Hatem // Jeff Hochendoner // Brian Hutchison // Jeff Jimerson // Mark Kachowski // Callum Keith-King // Rick Le Fevour // Tommy Lafitte // Raymond Laine // Mike Lange // Butch Luick // Fred Mancuso // Anthony Marino // Larry John Meyers // Ken Milchick // Faith Minton // Paul Mochnick // Brad Moniz // Jean-Pierre Nutini // Daniel R. Pagath // Manny Perry // Allan Pinsker // Douglas Rees // Diane Robin // Thomas Saccio // Vincent Sciullo // Jack Skelly // Brian Smrz // Phil Spano // Paul Steigerwald // John Sterling // Harold Surratt // Rohn Thomas // Milton E. Thompson Jr. // Dixie Tymitz // Fred M. Waugh // Rema D. Webb // Dean E. Wells // Joby Harris // Jeff Howell // Kristen Kress // Bernie Nicholls // Markus Näslund // Dwayne Pintoff // Eric Politowski // Luc Robitaille // Dan Rosenberg // Shawn Watts // David Barckhoff // Angela M. Da Costa // John W. Iwanonkiw // Robert Chase Pallone, Regie: Peter Hyams, Drehbuch: Karen Elise Baldwin // Gene Quintano, Produzent: Howard Baldwin // Karen Elise Baldwin // Jason Clark // Richard M. Cohen // Moshe Diamant // Anders P. Jensen // Deborah Lee // Jack Frost Sanders // Ash R. Shah // Sundip R. Shah // Sunil R. Shah, Musik: John Debney, Kamera: Peter Hyams, Schnitt: Steven Kemper, Tonspur: Deutsch DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio // Englisch DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio, Untertitel: Deutsch, Laufzeit: 110 Minuten, Hersteller: StudioCanal, Regionalcode: B,, Bildformat: 2.35:1, Bildfarbe: Farbe, Bildnorm: HDTV 1080p, Produktionsjahr: 1995, Produktionsland: USA, Rubrik: Action // Thriller, FSK/USK: 16, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 22.09 EUR excl. shipping
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    Stephanie Plum once again takes to the mean streets of Trenton, NJ, armed with attitude (not to mention stun guns, defense sprays, killer flashlights, and her untrustworthy .38) to find Kenny Mancuso, who recently left the army, inadvertently shot his best friend, and is on the run in violation of a bond. Aided by her tough bounty hunter couch and her irrepressible Grandma Mazur, Stephanie once again forms a rocky alliance with fast talking, slow-handed vice cop Joe Morelli for the tumultuous chase through back alleys and Grandma's favorite funeral parlors. Witty, fresh, and full of suprises, Two for the Dough is the Stephanie Plum sequel fans have been waiting for. Language: English. Narrator: Lori Petty. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/000130/bk_sans_000130_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Miss Kay and Phil Robertson introduce listeners to Duck Commander holiday traditions with this quintessential Christmas Field Guide! Savor a genuine feast of memories, mistletoe and misfires that Miss Kay and Phil have experienced over the years - including that Christmas Eve their house almost burned down. Discover: Redneck stocking stuffer ideas Lyrics to a dozen Christmas carols Miss Kay's Raging Cajun recipes The Robertsons' favorite Christmas movies with discussion questions The scripture text of the Christmas story A week of Christmas family devotions ...and so much more! PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Al Robertson, Phil Robertson, Alex Robertson Mancuso, Kay Robertson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/brll/007615/bk_brll_007615_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Book Two Research of Family Names ab 28.49 € als Taschenbuch: Hoffman - Hovatter -Summers - Shahan -Shumate - Smith - Jones - Mancuso - Sutton. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 28.49 EUR excl. shipping

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