52 Results for : mezquita

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    Sprache: Deutsch, Titel: Cordoba A3 quer, Titelzusatz: Andalusisches Juwel am Guadalquivir (Geburtstagskalender, 14 Seiten ), Autor: Ganz Andrea, Größe: DIN A3, Gewicht: 463 gr, Auflage: 5. Édition 2019, Kalenderjahr: 2020, Seiten: 14, Genre: Orte, Hersteller: CALVENDO, Schlagworte: Andalusien // Mezquita // Kathedrale // Innhof // Patio // Altstadt // Córdoba // Spanien // Wandkalender // DIN, Marke: Calvendo, Medium: Kalender, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 29.69 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sprache: Deutsch, Titel: Cordoba A2 quer, Titelzusatz: Andalusisches Juwel am Guadalquivir (Geburtstagskalender, 14 Seiten ), Autor: Ganz Andrea, Größe: DIN A2, Gewicht: 890 gr, Auflage: 5. Édition 2019, Kalenderjahr: 2020, Seiten: 14, Genre: Orte, Hersteller: CALVENDO, Schlagworte: Andalusien // Mezquita // Kathedrale // Innhof // Patio // Altstadt // Córdoba // Spanien // Wandkalender // DIN, Marke: Calvendo, Medium: Kalender, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 45.59 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sprache: Deutsch, Titel: Cordoba A5 quer, Titelzusatz: Andalusisches Juwel am Guadalquivir (Geburtstagskalender, 14 Seiten ), Autor: Ganz Andrea, Größe: DIN A5, Gewicht: 130 gr, Auflage: 5. Édition 2019, Kalenderjahr: 2020, Seiten: 14, Genre: Orte, Hersteller: CALVENDO, Schlagworte: Andalusien // Mezquita // Kathedrale // Innhof // Patio // Altstadt // Córdoba // Spanien // Tischkalender // DIN, Marke: Calvendo, Medium: Kalender, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Calle Cardenal Herrero in Córdoba is an iconic cobbled street impossible to overlook, for it is home to the Andalusian city's spectacular Mosque-Cathedral. Also known as “La Mezquita”, this one-of-a-kind Moorish and Christian place of worship reels in about 1.5 million visitors each year, most of whom find themselves spellbound by its hypnotic architectural features and the riveting history that has transpired and continues to within the beautifully weathered walls of the dual-church. That said, the Mezquita is far more than a mere tourist attraction - in recent years, the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba has become the crux of a complicated religious conflict resurrected by impassioned worshipers and patriotic locals who fear not only for the future of its legacy, but the preservation of its true history. It is easy for those on the outside looking in to make hasty judgments about the ongoing dispute, considering the endless amount of information that is uploaded online by the second. The contentious debates surrounding the Mezquita are often products of outdated prejudices, festering distrust, and whitewashing, all of which make it harder for the Mezquita to remain a nondiscriminatory space serviceable to and appreciated by everyone today. Love, as they often say, is best expressed through meaningful actions, as opposed to syrupy words and hollow promises. To pragmatists, it's the smaller things that make the biggest splash, while hopeless romantics may take it upon themselves to go the extra mile. Apart from showering their better halves with trips abroad to bucket-list destinations and mountains of extravagant gifts, the wealthy might organize benefits and galas and make handsome donations to a cause that deeply resonates with their loved one. Whereas most would deem the tokens of affection exchanged by celebrity power couples to be sweet but inordinately excessive, many of those who pine after storybook romances are especially enamored of ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Fluxman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/128501/bk_acx0_128501_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    “To Córdoba belong all the beauty and ornaments that delight the eye or dazzle the sight. Her long line of Sultans form her crown of glory; her necklace is strung with the pearls which her poets have gathered from the ocean of language; her dress is of the banners of learning, well-knit together by her men of science; and the masters of every art and industry are the hem of her garments...” - Stanley Lane-Poole, The Moors in SpainThe Calle Cardenal Herrero in Córdoba is an iconic cobbled street impossible to overlook, for it is home to the Andalusian city's spectacular Mosque-Cathedral. Also known as “La Mezquita,” this one-of-a-kind Moorish and Christian place of worship reels in about 1.5 million visitors each year, most of whom find themselves spellbound by its hypnotic architectural features and the riveting history that has transpired and continues to within the beautifully weathered walls of the dual-church. That said, the Mezquita is far more than a mere tourist attraction. In recent years, the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba has become the crux of a complicated religious conflict resurrected by impassioned worshipers and patriotic locals who fear not only for the future of its legacy, but the preservation of its true history.It is easy for those on the outside looking in to make hasty judgments about the ongoing dispute, considering the endless amount of information that is uploaded Online by the second. The contentious debates surrounding the Mezquita are often products of outdated prejudices, festering distrust, and whitewashing, all of which make it harder for the Mezquita to remain a non-discriminatory space serviceable to and appreciated by everyone today.  ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Fluxman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/120021/bk_acx0_120021_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    “Bismila [in the name of Allah]. Ahmad ibn Hadidi had this mosque erected using his own money requesting a reward in paradise for it from Allah. It was completed with the aid of Allah under the direction of Musa ibn Alí, architect and Sa'ada, and concluded in Muharraq in 390.” - An inscription on the foundation of the mosqueThe Mosque of Cristo de la Luz is nowhere near the largest monument in Toledo. The grand Toledo Cathedral, for instance, dwarfs this modest, two-level structure with its height of 146 feet. The simple elegance of the mezquita pales in comparison to the city's stupendous landmarks. Toledo is, after all, home to the mighty stone fortification known as the Alcazar of Toledo and the breathtaking masonry showpiece that is the Synagogue of Santa Maria la Blanca. Nevertheless, this multicultural mezquita is often hailed as one of the most precious treasures of Toledo, a place that truly embodies the unique, cross-cultural spirit of the city. The Mosque of Cristo De La Luz: The History and Legacy of the Moors’ Famous Holy Site in Toledo, Spain explores the three major phases of its construction and tenure, as well as the riveting miracles that surround this hidden jewel in Toledo. You will learn about the Mosque of Cristo de la Luz like never before. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dan Gallagher. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/128075/bk_acx0_128075_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Mozarabische Jakobsweg ermöglicht es Pilgern, sich aus dem südlichen Spanien auf den Weg nach Santiago de Compostela zu machen. Der knapp 420 km lange Weg beginnt in Granada und führt über Córdoba nach Mérida, wo er auf die Via de la Plata trifft. Er führt auf überwiegend einsamen Feldwegen und ruhigen Straßen von den Olivenplantagen in Andalusien bis zur weiten Ebene der Extremadura. Die Route bietet nicht nur reichlich Sonne, sondern auch eine unvergessliche Wanderung durch eine Landschaft, in der die vielfältige Geschichte allgegenwärtig ist. Neben denherausragenden maurischen Bauten der Alhambra in Granada und der Mezquita in Córdoba säumen zahlreiche Festungen und Wachtürme aus längst vergangenen Zeiten den Weg, und so mancher Fluss wird auf einer von den Römern errichteten Brücke überquert. Im Gegensatz zur Hauptroute in Nordspanien geht es auf dem Mozarabischen Jakobsweg sehr ruhig zu, denn auf der einsamen Route treffen Sie nur im Ausnahmefall auf andere Pilger. Die knappen Übernachtungsmöglichkeitenmachen eine exakte Planung Ihrer Pilgertour unabdingbar und dieser Führer steht Ihnen dabei hilfreich zur Seite. Er liefert neben der detaillierten Wegbeschreibung alle nötigen praktischen Hinweise zu Unterkunft und Verpflegung und wird durch Hindergrundinformationen zu den kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten am Wegesrand abgerundet.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 13.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Andalusien, Spaniens südlichste und zweitgrößte Region, beeindruckt durch die Spuren ihrer wechselseitigen Geschichte. Die andalusische Kunst ist durch den großen Einfluss der islamischen Kultur geprägt. Im Laufe ihrer rund 800 Jahre langen Herrschaft verleihen die Mauren in der Architektur ihrer Überlegenheit im christlichen Europa einen sichtbaren Ausdruck. Nach der Rückeroberung der iberischen Halbinsel im Zeichen des Christentums verbreiten sich der Renaissance- und später der Barockstil. So erlebt die andalusische Kunstgeschichte zwei glorreiche und nachhaltig prägende Epochen, die an vielen Orten unmittelbar aufeinandertreffen: die Zeit der Mauren und das Barock im Goldenen Zeitalter. So kontrastreich wie die zahlreichen kunsthistorischen Zeugnisse Andalusiens ist auch ihre Landschaft: Strände, Wüste, Sümpfe, verschneite Berggipfel und Tropenfruchtplantagen liegen dicht beieinander. Durch Flamenco, Stierkampf und Semana Santa wurde die Region zudem zum Synonym für spanische Folklore. Detailliert werden die architektonischen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Zentren Andalusiens beschrieben. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Hauptstadt der Region, Sevilla, und den berühmten maurischen Bauwerken, der Mezquita in Córdoba und der Palaststadt Alhambra in Granada. Acht Reiserouten führen den Leser ebenso in die ländlichen Gegenden zu kulturellen Kleinoden, weißen Dörfern und einzigartigen Naturparks. Reichliches Bildmaterial, detaillierte Stadtpläne und Grundrisse ergänzen die Beschreibung der Sehenswürdigkeiten und helfen bei der Orientierung vor Ort. Reiseinformationen im Anhang enthalten praktische Tipps zum Reisen in Andalusien. Aber auch die stilvollen Unterkünfte und die andalusische Küche mit ihren maurischen Gerichten sowie den Klassikern wie Schinken, Sherry und Olivenöl kommen in diesem Reiseführer nicht zu kurz. In jedem Reiseroutenkapitel legt die Autorin Karoline Gimpl dem Leser ihre persönlichen Empfehlungen ans Herz und benennt Hotels und Restaurants mit Tradition und Charme.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 26.70 EUR excl. shipping
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    Andalucía and the Costa del Sol is home to Europe's most beautiful cities, as well as spectacular mountains, beaches and wetlands. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Andalucía and the Costa del Sol with absolute ease. Our regularly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Andalucía and the Costa del Sol into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best villages, nature reserves, bodegas and wineries and of course, beaches. You'll discover: • Seven easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a week • Detailed Top 10 lists of Andalucía and the Costa del Sol's must-sees, including comprehensive descriptions of Moorish Granada: The Alhambra, Generalife and Albaicín, Seville Cathedral and La Giralda, Real Alcázar, Seville, Córdoba and La Mezquita, Cádiz, Ronda, the Costa del Sol, Baeza and Úbeda, Doñana National Park, and the Sierra Nevada • Andalucía and the Costa del Sol's most interesting areas, with the best places for shopping, going out and sightseeing • Inspiration for different things to enjoy during your trip - including family activities, hikes and drives, stunning villages and things to do for free • A laminated pull-out map of Andalucía and the Costa del Sol and its environs, plus five full-colour area maps • Streetsmart advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe • A lightweight format perfect for your pocket or bag when you're on the move DK Eyewitness Top 10s are the UK's favourite pocket guides and have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 2002. Looking for more on Andalucía and the Costa del Sol's culture, history and attractions? Try DK Eyewitness Seville and Andalucía.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Discover Spain with the most incisive and entertaining guidebook on the market. Whether you plan on exploring Andalucia's White Towns, sampling the legendary nightlife of Madrid or hiking in the Picos de Euuropa, this new edition of The Rough Guide to Spain will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink, shop and visit along the way. Inside The Rough Guide to Spain - Independent, trusted reviews written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit. - Full-colour maps throughout - navigate the backstreets of Barcelona or Granada's Albaicín without needing to get online. - Stunning, inspirational images - a rich collection of inspiring colour photography. - Things not to miss - Rough Guides' rundown of Spain's best sights and experiences. - Itineraries - carefully planned routes to help you organize your trip. - Detailed city coverage - whether visiting the big sights or venturing off the tourist trail, this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way. Areas covered include: Madrid, Segovia, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Andalucía, Castilla y León, La Rioja, the País Vasco, Navarra, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, Aragón, Barcelona, Catalunya, Valencia, Murcia, and the Balearics. Attractions include: Museo del Prado, Reina Sofía, El Escorial, Mérida, the Alhambra, La Mezquita, Parque Nacional Coto de Doñana, Univeridad de Salamanca, Burgos Cathedral, Museo Guggenheim, Santiago de Compostela's cathedral,Sagrada Família, Fundació Joan Miró, Teatre-Museu Dalí, La Ciudad de las Artes y Ciencias, and the Palma Cathedral. - Basics - essential pre-departure practical information including getting there, local transport, festivals, culture and etiquette; sports and outdoor activities, tourist information and more - Background information - a Contexts chapter devoted to history, wildlife flamenco and books and with a handy language section covering Castilian (Spanish), Catalan, Basque and Galician. Make the Most of Your Time on Earth with The Rough Guide to Spain About Rough Guides: Escape the everyday with Rough Guides. We are a leading travel publisher known for our "tell it like it is" attitude, up-to-date content and great writing. Since 1982, we've published books covering more than 120 destinations around the globe, with an ever-growing series of ebooks, a range of beautiful, inspirational reference titles, and an award-winning website. We pride ourselves on our accurate, honest and informed travel guides.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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