50 Results for : passy

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    In this remarkable culinary biography, Rae Katherine Eighmey presents Benjamin Franklin's experimentation with food throughout his life. At age 16, he began dabbling in vegetarianism. In his early 20s, citing the health benefits of water over alcohol, he convinced his printing press colleagues to abandon their traditional breakfast of beer and bread for "water gruel", a kind of porridge he enjoyed. Franklin is known for his scientific discoveries, including electricity and the lightning rod, and his curiosity and logical mind extended to the kitchen: he even conducted an electrical experiment to try to cook a turkey. Later in life, on his diplomatic missions - he lived 15 years in England and nine in France - Franklin ate like a local. Eighmey discovers the meals served at his London home-away-from-home and analyzes his account books from Passy, France, for tips to his diet there. Yet he also longed for American foods; his wife Deborah sent over some favorites including cranberries, which amazed the London kitchen staff. He saw food as key to the developing culture of the United States, penning two essays presenting maize as the defining grain of America. Eighmey revives and re-creates recipes from each chapter in his life. Stirring the Pot with Benjamin Franklin conveys all of Franklin's culinary adventures, demonstrating how Franklin's love of food shaped not only his life, but also the character of the young nation he helped build. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Pam Ward. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/010788/bk_blak_010788_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    From international press coverage of the French government's attempt to prevent Muslims from wearing headscarves to terrorist attacks in Madrid and the United States, questions of cultural identity and pluralism are at the center of the world's most urgent events and debates. Presenting an unprecedented wealth of empirical research garnered during ten years of a cross-cultural project, Contested Citizenship addresses these fundamental issues by comparing collective actions by migrants, xenophobes, and antiracists in Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Revealing striking cross-national differences in how immigration and diversity are contended by different national governments, these authors find that how citizenship is constructed is the key variable defining the experience of Europe's immigrant populations. Contested Citizenship provides nuanced policy recommendations and challenges the truism that multiculturalism is always good for immigrants. Even in an age of European integration and globalization, the state remains a critical actor in determining what points of view are sensible and realistic-and legitimate-in society. Ruud Koopmans is professor of sociology at Free University, Amsterdam. Paul Statham is reader in political communications at the University of Leeds. Marco Giugni is a researcher and teacher of political science at the University of Geneva. Florence Passy is assistant professor of political science at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 35.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mit religiösem Enthusiasmus und jugendlicher Dynamik strebt Henry Dunant nach einem ebenso wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen wie gottgefälligen Leben, gerät 1859 auf das Schlachtfeld von Solferino und erwirbt sich als Gründer des Roten Kreuzes und - wie schon in jüngeren Jahren - des CVJM unvergängliche Verdienste. Als Protagonist eines christlichen Zionismus setzt er sich auf der Grundlage eines friedlichen Nebeneinander für den Aufbau sowohl eines israelischen als auch eines palästinensischen Staates ein und entwirft Siedlungsprojekte auf dem Boden des Heiligen Landes. Fehlspekulationen und eine Verurteilung wegen vorsätzlichen Betruges stürzen Dunant ins Elend - und er zieht als Vagabund durch Europa. Seinen Gegnern gelingt es beinahe, ihn vergessen zu machen. Von schweren Depressionen und Verfolgungsängsten heimgesucht, bereitet der Totgeglaubte seine Rehabilitierung vor und erhält 1901 zusammen mit Frédéric Passy den Friedensnobelpreis. Als Kritiker des Militarismus und europäischen Kolonialismus sowie des etablierten Christentums tritt der Pazifist erneut an die Öffentlichkeit und erweist sich, indem er vor künftigen Katastrophen warnt, als Visionär von bleibender Aktualität. Während ihn bisherige Darstellungen vorrangig im Licht und Schatten des Roten Kreuzes sehen, gehen Dieter und Gisela Riesenberger in ihrer Biografie bewusst den Widersprüchen in der Person Henry Dunants nach, zeigen seine Höhen und Tiefen, führen sein facettenreiches Denken und Handeln vor Augen und würdigen ihn als "großen Menschen" hinter seinem Werk.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.10 EUR excl. shipping
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    In this remarkable work, Rae Katherine Eighmey presents Franklin's delight and experimentation with food throughout his life. At age sixteen, he began dabbling in vegetarianism. In his early twenties, citing the health benefits of water over alcohol, he convinced his printing-press colleagues to abandon their traditional breakfast of beer and bread for "water gruel," a kind of tasty porridge he enjoyed. Franklin is known for his scientific discoveries, including electricity and the lightning rod, and his curiosity and logical mind extended to the kitchen. He even conducted an electrical experiment to try to cook a turkey and installed a state-of-the-art oven for his beloved wife Deborah. Later in life, on his diplomatic missions--he lived fifteen years in England and nine in France--Franklin ate like a local. Eighmey discovers the meals served at his London home-away-from-home and analyzes his account books from Passy, France, for insights to his farm-to-fork diet there. Yet he also longed for American foods; Deborah, sent over favorites including cranberries, which amazed his London kitchen staff. He saw food as key to understanding the developing culture of the United States, penning essays presenting maize as the defining grain of America. Stirring the Pot with Benjamin Franklin conveys all of Franklin's culinary adventures, demonstrating that Franklin's love of food shaped not only his life but also the character of the young nation he helped build.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Government ministers of Bulgaria ab 18.99 € als Taschenbuch: Finance ministers of Bulgaria Foreign ministers of Bulgaria Prime Ministers of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Solomon Passy Boyko Borisov Rayko Daskalov List of Prime Ministers of Bulgaria Aleksandar Stamboliyski. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Murder in Passy: ab 16.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Auteuil et Passy de l'Annexion a la Grande Guerre: ab 20.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    AUTEUIL ET PASSY - Du Moyen-Aga la Revolution - Du Moyen-Age a la Revolution: ab 18.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Auteuil et passy de la revolution a l'an: ab 27.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 27.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Lorenzo Regazzo (Bas-bariton)Dimitri Romano (Piano)In the fashionable circles of late 19th-century musical Venice, it was a matter of pride that among the small number of scores the great Gioachino Rossini kept at his home in Passy were several canzonettas by Antonio Buzzolla. Buzzolla was known then, as now, primarily as an inspired composer of ariettas in Venetian dialect. Though he produced two early operas, he went on to be maestro di cappella at St Mark's, in which role he wrote part of the collaborative Requiem for Rossini. But his central legacy is seven collections of Venetian ariettas and canzonettas, around 80 works in all. These are the peak of a genre: the dialect song inspired by the barcarolles of the gondoliers of Venice, that enchanted, fantastical place which, by the late Romantic era, was seen as the spectral haunt of lugubrious Lisztian gondolas.In making this album of Venetian songs, most of them never been recorded before, Lorenzo Regazzo seeks to alert a wider audience to this little-known and under-appreciated strand of vocal chamber music and to encourage a revival of Buzzolla's music in general.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 5.91 EUR excl. shipping

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