97 Results for : peligro

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    Su pasado siempre la ha perseguido, ahora su pasado quiere darle caza. UNA VIDA ORDINARIA... Leigh Collier ha trabajado duro para construir una vida aparentemente normal. Es abogada defensora en un prestigioso bufete de abogados en Atlanta, haría cualquier cosa por su hija Maddy de dieciséis años, y está logrando con éxito compartir su crianza, a pesar de la pandemia, después de una separación amistosa de su esposo Walter. OCULTA UN PASADO DEVASTADOR... Pero la vida cotidiana de Leigh enmascara una infancia que nadie debería tener que soportar... una infancia empañada por secretos, rota por la traición y finalmente destruida por un brutal acto de violencia. PERO AHORA EL PASADO HA REGRESADO... Un domingo por la noche, mientras asiste a una obra de teatro de la escuela de su hija, recibe una llamada de uno de los socios de la empresa que quiere que Leigh se sume para defender a un hombre rico acusado de múltiples cargos de violación. Aunque desconfía del caso, resulta evidente que no tiene muchas opciones si quiere conservar su trabajo. Está programado que vayan a juicio en una semana. Cuando se encuentra cara a cara con el acusado, se da cuenta de que no es una coincidencia que le hayan pedido específicamente que ella lo represente. Lo conoce. Y él la conoce a ella. Más concretamente, es posible que sepa lo que sucedió hace más de veinte años... y por qué Leigh ha pasado dos décadas evitando su pasado. Y EL TIEMPO SE ESTÁ ACABANDO. De repente, tiene mucho más que perder que este caso. La única persona que puede ayudarla es su hermana menor, Callie, la última persona a la que Leigh querría arrastrar a esto después de todo lo que han pasado. Pero con una verdad devastadora en peligro de ser revelada, no tiene otra opción ...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 10.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    A lo largo del siglo XX, el comunismo tomó el poder en Europa del Este y rehizo la ciudad a su imagen y semejanza. Destruyendo la planificación urbana del pasado imperial, se propuso transformar la vida cotidiana; sus amplios bulevares, sus épicos rascacielos y sus vastas urbanizaciones fueron una declaración enfática de una idea no capitalista. Ahora, los regímenes que los construyeron están muertos y desaparecidos, pero de Varsovia a Berlín, de Moscú a la Kiev post-revolucionaria, los edificios, su legado más evidente, permanecen, poblados por personas cuyas vidas se dispersaron y pusieron en peligro con el colapso del comunismo y la introducción del capitalismo. 'Paisajes del Comunismo' es un viaje de descubrimiento histórico que nos sumerge en el mundo perdido de la arquitectura socialista. Owen Hatherley, un joven crítico urbano brillante e ingenioso, muestra cómo se ejercía el poder en estas sociedades rastreando los bruscos y repentinos zigzags del estilo arquitectónico oficial comunista: el rococó supersticioso y despótico del alto estalinismo, con sus monumentos conmemorativos patrioteros, sus palacios y sus castillos secretos para policías; la obsesión de Alemania Oriental por los paneles prefabricados de hormigón; y los sistemas de metro de Moscú y Praga, una espectacular reivindicación del espacio público que fue más allá de lo que cualquier vanguardia se atrevió a hacer. Es una historia íntima de la Europa comunista del siglo XX contada a través de sus edificios; es también un libro sobre el poder y lo que el poder hace en las ciudades. Sobre todo, 'Paisajes del Comunismo' es un revelador viaje de descubrimiento que nos sumerge en la vorágine de la arquitectura socialista. A lo largo de sus viajes por el antiguo imperio soviético, Hatherley se pregunta qué es lo que puede recuperarse de las ruinas del comunismo, si es que hay algo que pueda servir de base a nuestras ideas contemporáneas sobre la vida urbana.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    "Quo Vadis" fue escrita por el ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1905, Henryk Sienkiewicz. La obra está ambientada en el año 63 d.C., en tiempos del César Nerón, de la dinastía de los Julio-Claudios, y en ella seremos testigos del gran incendio de Roma. Esta obra ha dado lugar a numerosas adaptaciones cinematográficas; y siendo, a día de hoy, una de las novelas más leídas desde su publicación en 1896. Una magnífica obra de las que no se deben dejar pasar. "Quo Vadis" nos traslada a la Roma imperial subyugada bajo el mandato de Nerón, cuya principal obsesión se ha convertido en perseguir a los cristianos, una religión que está ganando cada vez más adeptos en la ciudad. Nerón, que se encuentra ya sumergido en la locura desatada de sus últimos años de mandato, ve traidores continuamente a su alrededor entre los patricios y sus consejeros; sólo acepta a aquellos que se muestran de acuerdo con todas y cada una de sus opiniones y lo que es peor, sus aires de grandeza no sólo amenazan a la población cristiana, sino que están poniendo en peligro a la propia Roma, la grandiosa Roma, que hasta este momento ha superado todos los obstáculos pero que ahora parece estar a punto de sucumbir a manos de aquel que la domina, del que es el amo del mundo. Al margen de esto, Vinicio, un general de Roma, se tendrá que enfrentar a todo por el amor que ha surgido entre él y Ligia, una rehén que proviene de un pueblo bárbaro, acogida en una familia patricia en la que es tratada como una hija y que además es cristiana; Por esto, Vinicio y Ligia se verán envueltos de lleno en la locura de Nerón y tendrán que luchar con todas sus fuerzas para poder escapar con vida... Muchos críticos y lectores han querido ver en "Quo Vadis" una metáfora política de la Polonia en que vivió su autor, sojuzgada por el imperialismo de Rusia y su Zar (doble histórico del César Nerón), equiparando así a los polacos de entonces, que se habían levantado contra la ocupación rusa, con los primeros cristianos perseguidos por Roma.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 0.45 EUR excl. shipping
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    Si tienes acceso a un supermercado normal, puedes sentirte mejor dentro de 24 horas¿Has pasado años tratando de controlar tu intestino permeable?¿Sufres de problemas de salud inexplicables como ojos secos, problemas de piel y niebla cerebral?¿O acaso la artritis está arruinando tu vida?Lo que puede que te sorprenda es que más y más estudios - incluyendo los estudios del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases) - están demostrando que estos problemas de salud frecuentemente están causados por la dieta.Pero hay una solución Veras, puedes empezar a sentirte mejor dentro de 24 horas…Al solo modificar los alimentos que consumes.De hecho, señaló el destacado doctor e investigador de diabetes chino Dr. Frank Hu, en una charla en la Universidad de Harvard. "Muchos estudios experimentales han demostrado que los componentes de los alimentos o las bebidas pueden tener efectos antiinflamatorios".Los chinos son conocidos por usar los alimentos como prevención para las enfermedades de la salud.Y funciona. Por ejemplo, el porcentaje de estadounidenses con artritis es cuatro veces mayor que en China según un estudio de la Revista de Investigación de Artritis (Journal of Arthritis Research).Además, la investigación del Dr. Hu ha descubierto una serie de avances notables en cómo los alimentos que consumimos pueden afectar nuestro bienestar general.Como la semilla de apio, que se puede encontrar en la mayoría de los supermercados o en línea, por menos de $1 por onza - reduce el colesterol y elimina las toxinas de tu cuerpo.En este libro descubrirás:La gran razón dietética de porque las mujeres en China no sufren de cáncer de mama - Página 31El mejor alimento de todos para la curación del intestino permeable - Página 65Los 5 mejores suplementos antiinflamatorios - Página 38El costo real de comer sano (mucho menos de lo que piensas) - Página 24Como usar esta fruta en particular para mejorar tu memoria y revertir el deterioro mental - Página 37La forma libre de drogas para calmar tu SII - Página 67¡7 alimentos que no creerás que son buenos para ti! - Página 54La vitamina que más le falta a los estadounidenses, y como tú puedes revertirlo por menos de 10 centavos al día - Página 42El alimento que necesitas consumir si tienes una historia familiar de enfermedad cardiaca - Página 53Los mejores alimentos antiinflamatorios para la artritis - Página 67Cómo usar esta popular hierba para evitar que los radicales libres dañen tu sistema inmunológico - Página 38El alimento común que es el primer paso hacia un abdomen plano - Página 60El peligro oculto de cocinar en el microondas - Página 48... más un plan de alimentación antiinflamatorio completo de 1 semana.Haz clic en "agregar al carrito" y recibe tu libro al instante.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 2.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Nominada para el PEN / Jean Stein Award De la pluma de la aclamada autora de Cantorasllega una novela incandescente -política, mística, actual y alentadora- sobre el poder de la memoria y la búsqueda de la justicia. En su casa modesta a las afueras de la ciudad, el expresidente de un país latinoamericano anónimo recibe a una periodista en su famoso jardín, para discutir su legado y las circunstancias funestas que amenazan a la democracia en todo el mundo. A él lo conocían como el Presidente Más Pobre del Mundo, y su reputación es mítica: fue guerrillero y lo encarcelaron por incitar a la revolución antes de convertirse en la imagen de la justicia, los derechos humanos y el altruismo para su país. Ahora, mientras habla con la periodista, se pregunta si debería revelarle el extraño secreto de su encarcelamiento: mientras lo tenían en un confinamiento solitario brutal, sobrevivió, en parte, discutiendo sobre la revolución, la búsqueda de la dignidad y qué significa amar a un país con la única criatura que le contestaba: una rana insolente. Tan cautivadora como innovadora, vívida, conmovedora y llena de ingenio y humor, El presidente y la rana explora la resiliencia de la naturaleza humana y lo que es posible cuando el peligro se cierne sobre nosotros. Mientras nos transporta entre una lúgubre celda y el exuberante jardín del presidente, el relato atraviesa todas las fronteras y nos invita a pensar desde cero qué significa gobernar, atreverse a hacer las cosas y soñar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION PEN/JEAN STEIN BOOK AWARD NOMINEE An incandescent novel-political, mystical, timely, and heartening-about the power of memory, and the pursuit of justice, from the acclaimed author of Cantoras. "A joy to read. Playful and profound, unearthly yet deeply rooted, this sublime and gripping novel is above all about hope: that within the world's messy pain there is still room for transformation and healing."-Madeline Miller, New York Times bestselling author of Circe At his modest home on the edge of town, the former president of an unnamed Latin American country receives a journalist in his famed gardens to discuss his legacy and the dire circumstances that threaten democracy around the globe. Once known as the Poorest President in the World, his reputation is the stuff of myth: a former guerilla who was jailed for inciting revolution before becoming the face of justice, human rights, and selflessness for his nation. Now, as he talks to the journalist, he wonders if he should reveal the strange secret of his imprisonment: while held in brutal solitary confinement, he survived, in part, by discussing revolution, the quest for dignity, and what it means to love a country, with the only creature who ever spoke back-a loud-mouth frog. As engrossing as it is innovative, vivid, moving, and full of wit and humor, The President and the Frog explores the resilience of the human spirit and what is possible when danger looms. Ferrying us between a grim jail cell and the president's lush gardens, the tale reaches beyond all borders and invites us to reimagine what it means to lead, to dare, and to dream.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    God for Lancaster! God for Saint George!” England, 1459. Following her final defeat in The Hundred Years War, England has plunged into the bloody chaos of civil war. King Henry VI, the feeble son of the victor of Agincourt, is unable to prevent the rival houses of Lancaster and York from tearing each other to pieces. Book One of The White Hawk follows the fortunes of a family of Lancastrian loyalists, the Boltons, as they attempt to survive and prosper in this world of brutal warfare and shifting alliances. From the pitiless massacre of Blore Heath to the blood-soaked hell of Towton, they must fight like wild beasts to protect their lands and their king.  The White Hawk, Book 1: Revenge was previously released in two parts, and has now been combined into a single volume. UNKNOWN N N ©2014 David Pilling;(P)2019 David Pilling http://www.audible.de/pd/B07MXS6CGH?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07MXS6CGH?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true El guardaespaldas y el heredero [The Bodyguard and the Heir] (Unabridged) 4.95 AVAILABLE El guardaespaldas y el heredero [The Bodyguard and the Heir] (Unabridged) El guardaespaldas y el heredero [The Bodyguard and the Heir] (Unabridged) CS Luis, C. Bravo - translator Dejar la milicia por un trabajo menos peligroso como guardaespaldas, era todo lo que Nathan Mason buscaba. El duro y a veces arrogante Nathan pronto se dio cuenta de que estaba involucrado en una difícil situación de la que no podría salir.... Cesar Viñales C.S Luis 2019-01-08 00:00:00 39 B07N3433ZM English - Mysteries & Thrillers Spanish 1.00 4.33 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/139885de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/139885/bk_acx0_139885_sample.mp3 en español, en espanol, español, espanol, audiolibros en español, audiolibros en espanol Dejar la milicia por un trabajo menos peligroso como guardaespaldas, era todo lo que Nathan Mason buscaba. El duro y a veces arrogante Nathan pronto se dio cuenta de que estaba involucrado en una difícil situación de la que no podría salir. Contratado por el poderoso Arthur Madison, un gigante de la industria farmacéutica, fue puesto a cargo del mayor bien de Arthur: proteger a su único hijo, Christian, el heredero de la fortuna de Madison.Un ataque en la mansión del heredero pronto pone su vida y la de Christian en peligro. Ahora Nathan debe poner todo su entrenamiento y habilidades a prueba para salvar al heredero. Aun cuando Nathan es capaz y esta preparado, son sus emociones y el afecto que siente por el joven lo que seguramente lo aniquilarán.Debe poner de lado estos sentimientos, si quiere salvar a Christian, que es quien ha robado su corazón.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish. UNKNOWN N N ©2018 Claudia San Luis;(P)2019 Claudia San Luis http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N3433ZM?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N3433ZM?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Buxton Peak: London Bridges (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Buxton Peak: London Bridges (Unabridged) Buxton Peak: London Bridges (Unabridged) Julie L. Spencer Buxton Peak’s bassist, Andy Smith, isn’t sure he can be the man Vanessa needs. When a chance meeting finds them at a cafe in London, Andy is only four months out of rehab and Vanessa is days away from returning to Nashville.... Steve Williams Julie L. Spencer 2019-01-15 00:00:00 151 B07N1XH4ZG English - Romance English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/140655de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/140655/bk_acx0_140655_sample.mp3 When stars fall, there’s only one way back up.Buxton Peak’s bassist, Andy Smith, isn’t sure he can be the man Vanessa needs. When a chance meeting finds them at a cafe in London, Andy is only four months out of rehab and Vanessa is days away from returning to Nashville. A whirlwind romance ends in tragedy and loss. Can they find a way to patch up a relationship that spans across the Atlantic?Andy’s best mate, Gary Owens, finds sobriety more difficult than he’d hoped. Temptations from a flirtatious American tourist don’t help. But Buxton Peak needs their drummer back, and Gary is the only person who can pull himself back to center stage.Can the guys reunite with their rock band? Or will their out-of-control behavior be too much for Buxton Peak to accept?Buxton Peak fans will love this little bridge between Book Two and Book Three of the series. Let’s rock! UNKNOWN N N ©2018 Julie L. Spencer;(P)2019 Julie L. Spencer http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N1XH4ZG?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N1XH4ZG?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) 1.95 AVAILABLE Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Di storie e di segreti (TuttoLibri 51) Elena Masuelli Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso... Bruno Ventavoli, Elena Masuelli La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 21 8833723550 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000881de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000881/bk_lstp_000881_sample.mp3 La Stampa, Podcast, PodLAST Le migliori pubblicazioni della settimana, le classifiche, ma anche i motivi di una scelta o di un'esclusione: ecco come nasce il prestigioso inserto del sabato della Stampa, punto di riferimento per liberi lettori. Un grande classico per il gioco dell'incipit. Avete indovinato di che libro si tratta? La soluzione, come sempre, alla fine del podcast. E poi i consigli di lettura di Elena Masuelli e Bruno Ventavoli, che vanno dalle storie dei quartieri spagnoli di Napoli agli archivi di Torino, che contengono romanzi e segreti.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. 9788833723556 N N ©2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a.;(P)2019 GEDI News Network S.p.a. http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/8833723550?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Calculated Collision: Crossing Forces, Book 3 (Unabridged) 20.95 AVAILABLE Calculated Collision: Crossing Forces, Book 3 (Unabridged) Calculated Collision (Unabridged) C.A. Szarek Dallas County assistant district attorney Nate Crane visits New York and witnesses the brutal murder of a friend. When Special Agent Lee Dawson is assigned to the investigation, her personal and professional lives collide. She can’t avoid the man she ditched six months ago.... Kylie Stewart, Eric Rolon Paper Dragon Publishing 2019-01-15 00:00:00 441 B07N1XNWNT English - Romance English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/140779de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/140779/bk_acx0_140779_sample.mp3 Secrets shape relationships....Special Agent Lee Dawson has secrets. Secrets that forced her from Dallas to New York City in disgrace two years ago.Dallas County assistant district attorney Nate Crane visits New York and witnesses the brutal murder of a friend. When Lee is assigned to the investigation, her personal and professional lives collide. She can’t avoid the man she ditched six months ago. She’s the one Nate can’t stop thinking about. The one he let get away. He’s determined to get her back, no matter what she thinks she wants. Being a witness in her case puts them close - and Nate intends to keep it that way.After Nate’s attacked at a safe house, Lee knows there’s a leak - a dirty FBI agent working with the human trafficker her unit has been hunting for years.Can Lee protect her witness and resist the heat between them, or will she succumb to her desires and throw them both into danger? UNKNOWN N N ©2014 Christine A Szarek;(P)2018 Christine A Szarek http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N1XNWNT?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N1XNWNT?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans: Burn Fat & Lose Weight in 4 Weeks Using These Ketosis Diet Plans That Requires 5 Ingredients Only (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans: Burn Fat & Lose Weight in 4 Weeks Using These Ketosis Diet Plans That Requires 5 Ingredients Only (Unabridged) 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans (Unabridged) Ted Duncan Are you looking for ketogenic meals that uses only five ingredients? The 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans will show you ketogenic meals that use only five ingredients so adopting the ketogenic lifestyle will be easy.... Danny Fakih Bookgrowth Publishing 2019-01-08 00:00:00 129 B07N34QZ81 English - Self-Development English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/139924de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/139924/bk_acx0_139924_sample.mp3 Five Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans, Burn Fat and Lose Weight in Four Weeks Using These Ketosis Diet Plans That Requires Five Ingredients Only Are you looking for ketogenic meals that use only five ingredients?The 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans will show you ketogenic meals that use only five ingredients so adopting the ketogenic lifestyle will be easy. This audiobook also serves as a good keto for beginners guide as it makes the keto diet easy and encourages ketosis for diabetic people, too.The 5 Ingredients Ketosis Diet Plans includes:The A-Z of ketogenic meals diets: The science & benefits of the ketogenic diet and ketosis diet plans will be explained in detail so you know how it helps you burn body fat & lose weight.Eighty-two five-ingredients recipes: This keto beginners guide includes a whole selection of recipes that only require five ingredients, so you never run out of new recipes to try out.Different ingredient recipes: A wide variety of recipes using different ingredients will be included from chicken, beef, pork, fish, to snacks, etc.Organized recipe format: Clear instructions and ingredient lists with nutritional facts will be included so you can listen easily and focus on cooking.Cooking ketogenic meals does not need to require a whole list of ingredients. Grab this audiobook today to make the keto diet easy and start cooking recipes that only requires five ingredients!Simply buy your copy now to get started! UNKNOWN N N ©2018 Ted Duncan;(P)2019 Ted Duncan http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N34QZ81?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N34QZ81?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Norway: Essential Travel Tips: All You Need to Know (Unabridged) 7.95 AVAILABLE Norway: Essential Travel Tips: All You Need to Know (Unabridged) Norway: Essential Travel Tips (Unabridged) Sam's Travel Guide In this Sam's Travel Guide on Norway, you will find all the information you need to know about Norway, including must-visit locations, best beaches, best islands, best souvenirs, and more.... Writing Souls Narrations Writing Souls 2019-01-17 00:00:00 76 B07N6LG32T English - Travel & Adventure English 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/141073de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/141073/bk_acx0_141073_sample.mp3 In this Sam's Travel Guide on Norway, you will find all the information you need to know about:Must-visit locations in NorwayThe best beaches in NorwayBest islands in NorwayBest souvenirs to buy in NorwayThings to avoid in NorwayBest restaurants in NorwayBest hotels in NorwayWhen you download Norway: Essential Travel Tips, you will be well prepared to visit the country of your dreams! Buy this audiobook today!Would you like to start today? If you do, just scroll up and hit the buy button. Enjoy Sam's Travel Guides! UNKNOWN N N ©2019 Sam's Travel Guide;(P)2019 Sam's Travel Guide http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N6LG32T?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N6LG32T?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Temper (Unabridged) 19.95 AVAILABLE Temper (Unabridged) Temper (Unabridged) Layne Fargo After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. But starring in Temper means working with Malcolm Mercer, a mercurial director who’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.... Jayme Mattler, Hillary Huber Simon & Schuster Audio 2019-07-02 07:00:00 597 1508286604 English - Mysteries & Thrillers English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/sans/009314de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/sans/009314/bk_sans_009314_sample.mp3 For fans of the high-stakes tension of the New York Times best sellers Luckiest Girl Alive and The Lying Game, comes “a brilliantly paced thriller that gets under your skin in the best possible way” (Megan Collins, author of The Winter Sister) about female ambition and what happens when fake violence draws real blood. After years of struggling in the Chicago theater scene, ambitious actress Kira Rascher finally lands the role of a lifetime. The catch? The mercurial Malcolm Mercer is the director, and he’s known for pushing his performers past their limits - on stage and off.Kira’s convinced she can handle Malcolm, but the theater’s cofounder, Joanna Cuyler, is another story. Joanna sees Kira as a threat - to her own thwarted artistic ambitions, her twisted relationship with Malcolm, and the shocking secret she’s keeping about the upcoming production. But as opening night draws near, Kira and Joanna both come to the realization that Malcolm’s dangerous extremes are nothing compared to what they're capable of themselves.An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. The final page will leave you gasping” (Amy Gentry, author of Last Woman Standing).  9781508286608 N N ©2019 Layne Fargo;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster;(P)2019 Simon & Schuster Audio http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1508286604?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Energie wie noch nie - Aufwachen ohne Koffein: Motivierende Klangwelten für mehr Power, mentale Stärke und positive Ausstrahlung 7.95 AVAILABLE Energie wie noch nie - Aufwachen ohne Koffein: Motivierende Klangwelten für mehr Power, mentale Stärke und positive Ausstrahlung Energie wie noch nie - Aufwachen ohne Koffein Yella A. Deeken Diese Anwendung ist wie ein Energieschub am Morgen! Ein akustischer Stimmungsaufheller für mehr Ausgeglichenheit und Wohlbefinden... Stephan Müller Lynen Media GmbH 2019-01-20 01:00:00 224 B07N49PK8G Freizeit & Leben German 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lyne/000644de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lyne/000644/bk_lyne_000644_sample.mp3 Diese Anwendung ist wie ein Energieschub am Morgen! Ein akustischer Stimmungsaufheller für mehr Ausgeglichenheit und Wohlbefinden. Ein leicht anwendbares und hoch wirksames Instrument zur Erhöhung Ihres Wohlbefindens.Erleben Sie wundervolle Klangwelten für einen perfekten Start in den Tag, für ein gutes Gefühl, für mehr psychische Balance und mentale Stärke. Bewährt um neue Energie zu tanken, insbesondere in der dunklen Jahreszeit.Wählen Sie einfach nur den passenden Track, der zu Ihrer Stimmung passt - und erleben Sie acht inspirierende Klangwelten - in Kombination mit sanftem Meeresrauschen, friedvollen Waldgeräuschen oder pulsierenden Kristallklangschalen. Alle Stücke mit einer Länge zwischen 20 und 35 Minuten enthalten binaurale Töne - für mehr Power, innere Stärke und ein positives Gefühl.Die bewährte Methode basiert auf der Grundlagenforschung des deutschen Physikers Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Er fand heraus, dass binaurale Töne unser Gehirn durch Audioresonanz in einen bestimmten Zustand versetzen können. Dazu ein einfaches Beispiel: Wenn Sie eine Stimmgabel anschlagen und dann eine weitere daneben stellen, beginnt die zweite Stimmgabel automatisch mit der exakt gleichen Frequenz zu schwingen. Genau das passiert beim BRAIN ENTRAINMENT. Wir stimulieren mit einer bestimmten Grundfrequenz unsere Gehirnwellen. Die Forschung zeigt, dass diese Art der natürlichen Stimulation sehr hilfreich sein kann, um sich am Morgen zuverlässig mit Energie zu versorgen und dann kraftvoll in den Tag zu starten.Hinweis: Laptop-Lautsprecher sind für gewöhnlich zu klein, um die intendierte Wirkung der binauralen Töne zu übertragen. Wir empfehlen daher gute Boxen oder Kopfhörer. UNKNOWN N N ©2019 Lynen Media GmbH;(P)2019 Lynen Media GmbH http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N49PK8G?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N49PK8G?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Clicca e prega (Lessico Papale 52) 1.95 AVAILABLE Clicca e prega (Lessico Papale 52) Clicca e prega (Lessico Papale 52) Domenico Agasso jr Papa Francesco è entrato nel linguaggio pubblico contemporaneo con una forza e un'energia che colpisce non solo i cattolici, ma anche i laici... Domenico Agasso jr La Stampa 2019-01-25 01:00:00 29 8833723534 Audiomagazine Italian 1.00 1.71 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/lstp/000880de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/lstp/000880/bk_lstp_000880_sample.mp3 Podcast, La Stampa, PodLAST Papa Francesco è entrato nel linguaggio pubblico contemporaneo con una forza e un'energia che colpisce non solo i cattolici, ma anche i laici. Alcune parole, con lui, hanno cambiato di senso. La rete può aiutare a fare comunità", ha detto Papa Francesco con un iPad in mano mentre presentava una app che può essere utilizzata da tutti i fedeli. Domenico Agasso Jr ci racconta come funziona e che obiettivi ha.   Questo podcast vi è offerto grazie alla collaborazione esclusiva tra Audible e La Stampa. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ian Kingsley. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/140475/bk_acx0_140475_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    La educación errónea - Niños preescolares en peligro: ab 4.49 €
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    • Price: 4.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Peligro Heredado: ab 2.81 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 2.81 EUR excl. shipping
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    El peligro de creer - Ensayo: ab 5.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping

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