48 Results for : szymanski

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    Studyguide for Work and Disability ab 39.99 € als Taschenbuch: Contexts Issues and Strategies for Enhancing Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities by Szymanski Edna. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 39.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The grass is always greener on your sister's side of the fence.... Divorce left Harper Szymanski with a name no one can spell, a house she can't afford, and a teenage daughter who's pulling away. With her fledgling virtual-assistant business, she's scrambling to maintain her overbearing mother's ridiculous Susie Homemaker standards and still pay the bills, thanks to clients like Lucas, the annoying playboy cop who claims he hangs around for Harper's fresh-baked cookies. Spending half her life in school hasn't prepared Dr. Stacey Bloom for her most daunting challenge - motherhood. She didn't inherit the nurturing gene like Harper and is in deep denial that a baby is coming. Worse, her mother will be horrified to learn that Stacey's husband plans to be a stay-at-home dad...assuming Stacey can first find the courage to tell Mom she's already six months pregnant. Separately they may be a mess, but together Harper and Stacey can survive anything - their indomitable mother, overwhelming maternity stores, and ex's weddings. Sisters Like Us is a delightful look at sisters, mothers, and daughters in today's fast-paced world, told with Susan Mallery's trademark warmth and humor. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tanya Eby. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/harp/006498/bk_harp_006498_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A biography of sorts, It's All About the Butterflies is a fantastical journey across 60 years in the life of the author who spent decades selflessly helping, mentoring, and teaching young hockey players.  Weaving real events with fanciful characters and places and situations to fit his narrative, the results from a fictive imagination turn a mundane guide into a creative and interesting mentoring story about a youth hockey volunteer for 20 years. Travel back in time to the 70s and 80s when life was simpler. Follow along Jim's many escapades and adventures, meeting the teams and players he affected on his journey and the many mentors who molded his life. See how the present world has changed our young people. Discover how to regain some of that simpler life for them today. It's All About the Butterflies is a collection of short stories. Some are humorous; most have valuable life lessons that provide the first steps for you to become a mentor yourself. Jim shares his passionate belief system, moral values, and many "self-authored" golden rules. Along with a good dose of wisdom, peppered into almost every story, understand how each of us can be transformed from young, curious pupas into bright, beautiful butterflies. Then apply the lessons to your own young charges, and give them a gift that may change their world. Follow along with the printed book to view the photos as you listen to the stories. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jim Szymanski. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/115141/bk_acx0_115141_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Reach your goals sooner while saving tons of money and time with Meal Prep. Don't wait any longer, start your journey to a healthy lifestyle now! Meal Prep is a lifestyle. It is the conscious decision to drastically improve your health, save tons of time and money, and a great starting point to implement self-discipline in your life that will carry over into many other areas. For those looking for a body transformation, there is no better or faster method to achieve your dream physique. It's going to take work, but nothing good comes easy. If it did, everybody would do it! Meal Prep is all about putting a little time and work in at one time, so we can accurately and efficiently track and reach our goals. Not to mention you'll find yourself with more free time and money saved than you've ever known possible. Meal Prep is a commitment. It is going to take work and discipline to be successful and reap the benefits. But those benefits are well worth the effort. Effort that will become second nature. The purpose of this book is to help you get started, without making the mistakes or pitfalls that dissuade so many people from trying or following through with the Meal Prep lifestyle. But hey, I'm here to make this easy and fun, so let's get started on our journey to a healthier, better life. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Szymanski. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/066225/bk_acx0_066225_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Are you feeling tired, stressed, or worthless? Does happiness feel foreign to you? Is fulfillment an option in your life? You may feel alone, unhappy, and depressed. You feel like the only way to treat your pain is with massive amounts of medication or sleep. Well, the truth is depression can be treated naturally with the right strategies and mindset. All it takes is 10 simple steps. In those 10 steps, you will be able to understand the reasons for your pain, the cause of the pain, and ways to solve the problem naturally without the help of any drugs. This book contains proven steps and strategies for how to combat the different challenges that go along with depression, and how one can still manage to enjoy his or her life despite having experienced depression. The first chapter of this book discusses the basic things one should know about depression, including its types, causes, signs, and symptoms. Chapter two begins by introducing to us the first three steps in overcoming depression by identifying the possible reasons one is depressed. Chapter three outlines steps four to eight by providing us with the dos and don'ts when one is depressed. The fourth chapter shares the final steps in overcoming depression. The last chapter warns of the many risks and complications of depression, which we may experience if we do not follow the 10 step guide outlined in this book. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Szymanski. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/067773/bk_acx0_067773_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Deutschland 1958 - Wiederaufbau, Wirtschaftswunder. Johann Radmann (Alexander Fehling) ist seit Kurzem Staatsanwalt und muss sich wie alle Neulinge um Verkehrsdelikte kümmern. Als der Journalist Thomas Gnielka (André Szymanski) im Gerichtsgebäude für Aufruhr sorgt, wird er hellhörig: Ein Freund Gnielkas hat einen Lehrer als ehemaligen Auschwitz-Wärter erkannt, doch niemand will seine Anzeige aufnehmen. Gegen den Willen seiner direkten Vorgesetzten beginnt Radmann sich mit dem Fall zu beschäftigen - und stößt auf ein Geflecht aus Verdrängung, Verleugnung und Verklärung. Von "Auschwitz" haben in diesen Jahren die einen nie gehört, und die anderen wollen es so schnell wie möglich vergessen. Nur Generalstaatsanwalt Fritz Bauer (Gert Voss) unterstützt seine Neugier, er selbst möchte die dort begangenen Verbrechen seit Langem an die Öffentlichkeit bringen, für eine Anklage fehlen ihm jedoch die Beweise. Als Johann Radmann und Thomas Gnielka Unterlagen finden, die zu den Tätern führen, erkennt Bauer sofort deren Brisanz - und beauftragt Radmann offiziell mit der Leitung weiterer Ermittlungen. Der stürzt sich nun vollends in seine neue Aufgabe und setzt alles daran, herauszufinden, was damals wirklich passiert ist. Er befragt Zeugen, durchforstet Akten, sichert Beweise und lässt sich so sehr in den Fall hineinziehen, dass er für alles andere blind wird - selbst für Marlene Wondrak (Friederike Becht), in die er sich gerade erst Hals über Kopf verliebt hat. Johann Radmann überschreitet Kompetenzen, überwirft sich mit Freunden, Kollegen und Verbündeten und gerät auf seiner Suche nach der Wahrheit immer tiefer in ein Labyrinth aus Schuld und Lügen. Doch was er schließlich ans Licht bringt, wird das Land für immer verändern ...
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 9.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mark Padmore (Tenor) - Philippe Honoré (Violine) - Alison Nicholls (Harfe) - Morgan Szymanski (Gitarre) // Inspired by a visit to Vancouver's Chinese garden (in authentic Ming Dynasty style), Roth sketched musical ideas for the four songs, Chinese Gardens. The original version has since been revised for Mark Padmore and Morgan Szymanski who perform for the first time on this recording.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 15.94 EUR excl. shipping
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    VOR DER MORGENRÖTE erzählt episodisch aus dem Leben des österreichischen Schriftstellers Stefan Zweig im Exil. Auf dem Höhepunkt seines weltweiten Ruhms wird er in die Emigration getrieben und verzweifelt angesichts des Wissens um den Untergang Europas, den er schon früh voraussieht. Die Geschichte eines Flüchtlings, die Geschichte vom Verlieren der alten und dem Suchen nach einer neuen Heimat. Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, New York, Petrópolis sind vier Stationen im Exil von Stefan Zweig, die ihn trotz sicherer Zuflucht, gastfreundlicher Aufnahme und überwältigender tropischer Natur keinen Frieden finden lassen und ihm die Heimat nicht ersetzen können. Ein bildgewaltiger historischer Film über einen großen Künstler und dabei ein Film über die Zeit, in der Europa auf der Flucht war. “Josef Hader spielt Stefan Zweig großartig, feinsinnig, sensibel, herzergreifend.“ ZDF ASPEKTE D/FR/Ö 2016 REGIE: Maria Schrader DREHBUCH: Maria Schrader, Jan Schomburg PRODUZENTEN: Stefan Arndt, Uwe Schott, Pierre-Olivier Bardet, Danny Krausz, Kurt Stocker, Denis Poncet KAMERA: Wolfgang Thaler TON: Philippe Garnier SCHNITT: Hansjörg Weissbrich, BFS SZENENBILD: Silke Fischer KOSTÜMBILD: Jürgen Döring MIT: Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa, Aenne Schwarz, Matthias Brandt, Charly Hübner, André Szymanski u.v.m.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 15.58 EUR excl. shipping

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